The D Files

Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |

1 : The Artful Attorney

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September rolled in with the unexpected presence of a gnawing chill and a smartly dressed lawyer. A lawyer that – up until a week ago – had never existed. The sudden presence of the official-looking outsider added some intrigue to an otherwise normal afternoon, so it was no wonder that they attracted the curious gazes of those that happened to be traipsing around the Ministry's endless labyrinth of hallways. Her slim figure turned more than just a couple of heads as she confidently marched towards her destination.

Papa's attorney was a slight, alluring forty-something, her skin-tight ash grey suit clashing with the darkly dressed Siblings around her. The clack of her heels forced the people in front of her to step out of the way to allow her to pass and her bright red lips curved into a humble smile. Her left arm swung back and forth with purpose, her slender hand tightly clawing around the silver handle of a black briefcase that she clutched by her side. Her jet black hair was short and sleekly combed back into a modest quiff, her sharp blue eyes piercing into the hallway ahead of her.

It seemed like she was looking forward to finally meeting her unholy client given her spry manner of walking, and once she finally spied the frosted glass of a door to her right, she swiftly halted in her tracks. Her blue eyes narrowed in contemplation like she was attempting to read the gold lettering on the glass from the opposite side of the corridor and she eventually smiled victoriously, gracefully cutting across the bustle of Siblings and Clergy to approach the office after successfully reading Papa Emeritus IV from afar.

When she arrived in front of the door, she stilled and assuredly rapped her knuckles against its wooden frame, and then took a step back to ensure that she didn't seem too eager to enter. She waited patiently, for at least ten seconds, before she wore a puzzled frown and cautiously knocked against the door again… and just as she took her hand away, it swung open to reveal a slender, smartly-dressed Ghoul, who bowed his chrome-masked head and swiftly stepped aside, smoothly gesturing an arm towards the interior of the office.

The lawyer obliged him and assuredly strode inside, oblivious to the fact the Ghoul had exited and closed the door to give his superior some privacy. She trailed her blue eyes around the dim, cosy atmosphere of the place, and they were drawn to the spread of flickering candles, and then the golden shelves behind the bureau, which were filled with various leather-bound books and infernal knick-knacks, a wise smile tugging at her red lips when her gaze lingered on a distinctive jar that was filled with a luminous turquoise preservative…

She silently loitered by the door out of politeness and waited for her client to greet her, but he didn’t appear to be aware of her presence at all. His robes distinctly glistened due to the abundance of naked flames around the room, and his shoulders were slumped so that his gloved hands could keep hold of something over his lap. Occasionally, his vestment would shimmer vividly due to him lifting an arm up, and his hand would shove something into his mouth. After a couple of minutes, the lawyer decided that he probably wasn’t going to notice her presence until he’d finished whatever he was doing, so she cleared her throat and took a couple of confident steps until she arrived at the back of the leather arm-chair that was situated in front of him on the opposite side of his desk.

Her actions appeared to get his attention because he wheezed in sharply like he was embarrassed or nervous about his previous actions, and he let whatever had been resting over his lap clatter to the floor… but he couldn’t hide the anxiousness in his mismatched irises as he acknowledged the woman, nor could he hide the mess of icing and cake crumbs that were scattered over the front of his elaborate vestment. He shuffled to sit up straight and awkwardly cleared his throat as he gestured a gloved hand towards the seat opposite him, unaware that a bit of powdery white icing was clutching onto the left side of his moustache...

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything, your Dark Excellency.” she said, her classy English accent giving her an air of authority when she obliged his wishes by carefully setting down her briefcase and sitting over the creaky leather upholstery. He glared at the woman in confusion when she settled her hands over her lap and gazed at him with empty expectation, like his presence didn’t impress her at all.

“You... appear to have something on your top lip.” she bluntly added, raising her dark eyebrows when he tilted his head and slowly nodded.

“Ehhh... yeeees. That would be my moustache, Mrs… Miss… Ms…” he trailed off with squinting eyes, like he was attempting to recall the woman’s name.

“Lucille Brunton.” she informed, stiffly striking her arm across the table, which he reluctantly caught with a leathery palm for a vigorous handshake. “But you may call me Ms. Brunton. I take it that you’re aware why this meeting was necessary? I apologize for this arrangement taking place at such short notice, your Unholy Excellence.”

Copia nodded his head idly when they drew their arms away from one another, his right glove cautiously reaching up to his moustache, like the woman’s previous comment was still bothering him. He wiped the left side of his facial hair and clicked his tongue with annoyance when he peered down at his leather-clad fingertips, which were now covered in a thin coat of chalky icing.

“Son of a bitch…” he muttered to himself, unleashing a heavy sigh when he struck out one of his legs to lightly kick the plastic container he’d slung to the floor.

The boxes of freshly baked treats would arrive every Monday afternoon, delivered by an array of young sisters who were barely past eighteen. He didn’t understand what had caused them to do such a thing, but he wasn’t complaining. The presentation of the bakes was often rushed and messy, but their taste was sin incarnate. As soon as a sister arrived with the delivery of sweet snacks tucked under an arm, he’d order them to leave it on his bureau and he’d excitedly snatch it from the cluttered surface, which would always cause them to wear an amused smile. And once they politely excused themselves to leave him to his own solitude, he would eagerly tuck into whatever sugary treats they’d left him. However, on this particular afternoon, he was slightly ashamed that his lawyer had caught him in the act. She must have thought he was completely unprofessional…

“I’m afraid your accounts are looking rather sorry for themselves these days, your Unholiness. Your accountant informed me that the Clergy’s savings have been dwindling ever since your ascension, and as for your personal funds - ”

“Eh! Ehh! What about my personal funds?!” he cried defensively, lightly slamming the sides of his gloved fists against the desk. “I thought this was a problem with the Clergy account. Why you suddenly going on about my private stuff? How the shit do you even know about this? Shouldn’t my accountant be telling me this? I don’t have to go to court, do I?”

“Your accountant refuses to meet with you.” Ms. Brunton emptily responded, swiping her left arm towards her black briefcase, which she smoothly slid across her lap, her thumbs swiftly flicking its silver clasps to coolly prise the lid open. “So I’m afraid that I’m your only channel of resolution. Now, I’m going to ask you a couple of questions, and I’d appreciate it if you could answer them as truthfully as you can. I’m not here to judge whether your answers are trivial or immoral, so please don’t lie to me.”

Copia swallowed thickly and awkwardly shifted to slump back into his seat, his gloved hands creaking as they stiffly clutched at the arms of his ox-blood arm-chair. He watched her swipe up a stack of important-looking documents from the recesses of her briefcase with wide, apprehensive eyes, the hasty rise and fall of his chest noticeable due to the consistent sparkle of his papal robe. She shuffled the papers and licked the pad of a thumb to flick through them, her eyes narrowing like she was focused on assessing their contents.

“Are you aware that if you keep up your current spending habits, you will end up owing the bank? Both the church account and your personal account are dangerously close to the red, your Dark Excellency.”

“Ehhh… suuuure, suure! But it’s no big deal, heh heh. We got another pornographic record coming out of the Ghost project real soon so… it will pay itself.” he cautiously responded, which caused her to sigh out heavily… it was clear that she wasn’t convinced by his answer at all.

“What was the cause of the expenses?” she questioned, lowering her head to trace her index finger over a recent copy of a bank statement. “From what I’m seeing here, you made some rather brave choices at the start of the year, and then… by spring, a large chunk of savings are missing.”

“Ah yes! That will be the overseas business trip I made earlier this year, heh. Some of the money went to paying a colleague’s wages. I… insisted that they accompanied me so I gave them a little bonus for the trouble.” he explained, trying to refrain from wearing a small smile now that memories of a blood-soaked desert and the soft touch of a maroon-haired alchemist had swiftly come to mind.

“This still fails to explain the enormity of the costs, your Unholiness.”

“Ah shit! I forgot!” he exclaimed, his eyes glaring down at the bureau’s cluttered surface with realisation. “We also grabbed some supplies when we were over there. Then we had everything shipped here and that shit’s not cheap, so… it’s probably that.”

“I see.” she said impartially, her finger tracing further down the list of previous purchases. “And what about the next spike of expenses? It happened recently… the end of August, to be more exact. What was the reason for these costs?”

“We, ehhhhh… we had some trouble.” he admitted in a peaked voice, averting his eyes to the fabric that covered his lap to avoid the lawyer’s intense, preoccupied stare. “A vermin problem. Teensy deeeeeeeeehhh – teensy bats flying about, infesting the roof, you know? They tore up the walls, pulled down the light fittings, that kind of thing. I had to replace many things like… the curtains, the defaced sculptures, even some of the furnishings in the reception lobby… I’m very glad that you didn’t notice when you walked in, it means we’ve done a good job at fixing everything, heh heh.”

The woman hummed thoughtfully and from the sudden presence of quiet scratches, he assumed she must have been noting down his response.

“These things needed to be fixed, Ms. Brunton, I hope you understand. It was all kind of a panic at the time, the problem showed up during one of our annual orgies and… everyone was a little shell-shocked about it all going tits-up, you know? I had to take immediate action just to calm everyone down.” he added, frowning when he realised he was spilling details to the woman without a moment’s consideration.

“The circumstances certainly called for action, your Dark Excellency.” she murmured, her pen scratches persistent now that his responses were more substantial. “However, if these two spikes are discounted, your spending habits are still plentiful. On both accounts.”

There was an expectant pause and he subtly winced at the sound of her abruptly turning over a piece of paper.

“Not once have you considered future planning.” she commented, oblivious to the fact her words caused him to sit up straight and narrow his eyes in annoyance.

“Well... why would I? I need shit all the time, you know? And if I see I got the funds to make shit happen... it happens.” he scolded with a sulk, his gloves creaking again now that he was clawing his fingers into the leather arm-rests.

“Making it rain won't get you a wedding.” the lawyer slyly muttered, a faint smirk on her mouth as she continued to dip her head down and scribble into her briefcase.

“What?! Wedding? What... eh... what do you mean, Ms. Brunton?” Copia questioned, his disappointed expression growing into one of brazen concern.

“My apologies. It’s a colloquial expression from my small town back in England.” she hastily explained, lifting her head to briefly acknowledge his puzzled, painted features.

“Right... right…” he murmured, his eyes following the direction of her gaze. They landed on the desk-space to his right, which was littered with a messy pile of freshly printed business cards, each one backed with glossy black vinyl. There appeared to be three variants: an understated one that advertised the general church, an intriguing, purely black card with silver lettering that displayed the D.D.D’s information, and of course, the third variant was the most vibrant and fascinating, considering it was promoting the Ministry’s captivating Ghost project.

The splay of business cards caused the lawyer to sigh heavily and she shook her head in subdued disapproval.

“There appears to be a prime example of your need for excess right in front of you. Are those cards really necessary, your Dark Excellency?”

“Of course!” he passionately exclaimed. “I got a lot of things to advertise nowadays. I know this place might seem… very strange to you, but I swear, it’s more than just a church… and I have to let people know about it if I’m… out and about, you know? I want to make sure people know what we have to offer, in case… they need our guidance or whatever. So yeah, business cards are pretty fucking necessary.”

“Very well, your Dark Excellency.” she sighed out, her gaze returning to the recesses of her briefcase. “Have you ever considered having a cap on your expenses? Or an overseer? I can always arrange for a system to be in place to ensure you stay away from the red. It would stop a situation like this from happening ever again.”

“Eh… what? What do you mean by this?”

“You could limit the amount you spend each month, or have someone to keep an eye on things to make sure you don’t indulge too much.” she explained, lifting her head to emptily meet his curious gaze. “Say that you didn’t trust yourself with your wallet any more… you could leave it to someone else to check through your finances on a regular basis. But it would be a person of your choosing. Like a trusted cardinal, canoness, a friend or family member that you know you can rely on.”

“Ah, I see.” he murmured, lowering his head to stare down at the desk like something was suddenly weighing on his mind. “I, eh… I may have someone in mind for that kind of thing actually.”

“A man, a woman… a demon?” the lawyer joked with a breathy chuckle, which prompted him to abruptly lift his head and stare at her quizzically… her quip’s timing was rather strange, and the beaming smile she wore was even stranger.

“Ehhh... no. No, they are no demon, Ms. Brunton, heh heh.” he began with cautious eyes and a wary smile. “There’s a... certain lady in my life right now that I’m thinking of. But I guess… I do kinda get the feeling that there is a demon lurking within her sometimes, if you get what I mean, heh heh. At least… I am hoping so.”

Her amused smile lingered and she nodded enthusiastically, eagerly waiting for him to continue.

“You know… this is some important shit we’re talking about, and somehow she is the first person I think of. I trust her with my life, yet… I haven't even been on a date with her... officially, anyways.” he confessed, the white paint that covered his cheeks turning faintly pink. The woman glared at him like he was mad, unaware that the office door had opened behind her, and Copia’s gaze was instantly drawn to the abrupt movement

“What the hell are you waiting for?” she cried. “You’re considering adding this woman to an integral part of your life… and you haven’t been on a date with her? You owe her that, at least. And with your current debt concerns, I think it’d be good for you too. Find something affordable to do together, then we can talk seriously about adding her to your accounts as a co-manager.”

She finally took notice of the expression on Papa’s face, and it was clear he was distracted. The door quietly closed and a towering, asymmetrical Ghoul hunched down, stepping into the centre of the room, a hefty oblong box effortlessly cradled by the crooks of his bent arms. He bowed his head towards Copia, like he was silently apologising for his intrusion, and he continued his task, lowering the wooden box to the floor in front of his immaculately polished shoes.

“Are you listening, your Dark Excellence?” the lawyer eventually piped up again, and Copia cleared his throat, shrugging like he was puzzled by the presence of his masked servant.

“Mm? Oh! Suuuure, sure! I'm listening.” he insisted, snapping his head to face her… which was a pointless action, because after a couple of seconds, his mismatched eyes inevitably trailed back to the large wooden box his Ghoul was now calmly cracking open with his bare hands. Ms. Brunton visibly stiffened and her face went ashen at the sound of its seals breaking, she rasped out a choked wheeze of recognition, slamming the lid of her briefcase shut in one violent motion.

“You’re clearly not in your right mind to listen to me, your Unholy Excellency. We will continue this discussion another day. And next time I shan't bother speaking in person. Expect a call.” she snapped, smoothly swiping her case from her lap before she swiftly stood from her seat. She turned on her heels and sent a seething glance to the Ghoul in the centre of the office, before she hurried towards the exit and curtly threw open the door. She exited before the door had chance to clatter against the wall, and by the time it slammed shut… she was long gone.

Copia blinked in astonishment and stood from his seat, his gloved hands gently dusting the cake crumbs from his person. He wore a deep frown and kept his curious eyes on his obedient, out of proportion Ghoul, whose hands were still scrapping at the last seals of the box.

“Think my attorney’s got a couple of quirks, heh heh…” he muttered as he approached his servant, his eyes widening with excitement when there was a satisfying scratching noise as the item inside the box started to shift away from its packaging. The Ghoul started to firmly wiggle the hefty item and it eventually started to slide out of the box.

“This is... for me?” Copia asked, gesturing a gloved hand towards the blank box. The Ghoul managed to nod a couple of times before he tugged more firmly and a thickly framed mirror fell out from the box and into the crooks of his elbows. Its appearance caused Copia to gasp in amazement and he swiftly stepped closer to inspect the item intently.

The mirror was bordered in thick silver and black resin, and it was intricately carved with anguished faces, like trapped souls were desperately trying to leap from its wide surface. On the top, where the point of the mirror’s arch met, was an ornate horned-skull that was also decorated with splashes of silver, and for Copia, it was the perfect way to finish off an evil-looking mirror.

“Oh yeeeah! That looks really fucking rock and roll! Heh heh!” he exclaimed, rushing over to his Ghoul’s side to grasp the opposite edge of it… even though he knew the demon was capable of supporting its weight, he didn’t trust them to be careful with it. Upon his leather-clad hands clutching around the immaculately sculpted frame, his fingertips brushed against its thin backing, and it released a small square of paper that had been neatly tucked into a slot in the backing. It elegantly tumbled to the ground in front of Copia’s feet, and the Ghoul peered down at it with confusion… but his superior didn’t appear to notice its presence at all.

Copia was too enthralled by the unexpected sight of his own reflection, and it conjured a wide, wily smirk to spread across his skull-painted features… he couldn’t wait to see it hanging from the rosewood wall of his office.

2 : Papa’s Magic Sack

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The day that followed a chilling night of disconcerting extra curricular activities was strangely pleasant for the resident alchemist. Despite her bouts of unexplained light-headedness, she managed to push through her usual apothecary work during the morning, but the rest of her day was anything but usual. It all began when she returned to her workplace after her lunch break, she’d only just set foot in the door when her waistcoat pockets started to tremble and she sighed, leaning her back against the wood of the door just as it closed. Her hands delved into the depths of her pockets until she pulled out her quaking cell phone... it wasn’t a surprise to see Ratty Hornball calling her. If it had been any other day, she would’ve ignored Copia’s cry for attention, but seeing as he’d caught her at a time where her hands weren’t actually occupied, she huffed out in defeat and caved, swiping her thumb over the screen to take his call.

“What do you want?” she snapped before he could get a word in, her back relaxing against the door’s surface when he unleashed a little squeak of hesitation.

“You... busy?” Copia asked, his small voice giving away that he already expected something of her.

“I will be if you don’t get on with.... whatever it is you’re after.”

“Shit! Ok, ok... I was just calling to tell you that... you are dismissed from the rest of your work today. We got a couple matters to attend to, heh.” he casually responded, his voice far more confident and hopeful now that he was sure that she was actually listening to him.

Aemelia lightly frowned and held her phone tighter to her right ear like she was checking that she’d heard him right. Though he hadn’t been his usual cryptic or suggestive self with his reply, she couldn’t help the sudden jolt of concern that surged through her.

“Are you in trouble?” she questioned, trying her best to play down the sharpness of her tone.

“No! No no! I’m good! Reeeeally good. I just... I’ve been thinking lately, about you... me... and eh... figured we could spend the rest of the day together. Kind of like... a date, or whatever.” he explained. His casual words caused her to sigh with relief but her eyes rolled with annoyance. The offer of a spontaneous date had been the last thing she’d expected... and it started to make her slightly suspicious of him.

“What kind of date is it? I'm not dropping work for a crappy drive-in movie.” she scolded, an amused smirk tugging at her grey lips when there was a fairly long pause... it was clear that he was suddenly concerned about continuing with their conversation.

Ehhhh... it’s a hunting ghosties kind of date.”

“There’s an emergency?!” she cried with wide, glaring eyes, already taking a step away from the door like she was fully prepared to flee the apothecary at that very moment. “Why the fuck didn’t you say that in the first pl - ”

“No no! There is no emergency, Aemelia. I didn’t mean ghost hunting for work, I meant hunting for fun, for... pleasure.” he corrected, the hint of flirtation in his voice causing her teeth to sink into her bottom lip.

“Oh, right.” she lightly muttered, her tone somewhat thoughtful. “Naa, I’m alright, thanks. I’d probably kill the mood.”

“Oopsie! It seems I... already got two tickets here. Shit. How unfortunate...” he teased, the over-dramatic crinkling of paper in the background causing her to snort with amusement. “... and I could really use a ride there, you know?”

“Yeah, I know you could do with a ride. But you’d be fuckin’ lucky.” she quipped, unable to suppress a wide, amused smile when his mischievous chuckle rumbled into her ear.

“Listen, Aemelia... I promise you that it will be super cool, ok?” he said, his voice softer and more sincere once his chuckling died down. “It’s at this spooky old hospital, looks really fucking freaky. I would be honoured to have a sexy alchemist at my side, escorting me around the place. It would make the spooks less spooky and... hey, we could maybe freak out the other people who are going, heh heh.”

“That does sound... tempting, but you know I'm overloaded with work as it is.” she said in a grave, empty tone.

“Me too!” he swiftly exclaimed like he was afraid that she would have refused him if he hadn’t rushed out his response. “ And work is boring as shit. If it's pay that’s bothering you, it’s cool, I’ll cover it. I’ll make sure you get your usual wage for the rest of your shifts today, ok?”

“In that case, s’pose it beats the same old routine. Alright, I'll come along.” she sighed out in feigned apathy, raising her left palm up to her face so that she could shield her closed eyes. “Tell me when and where.”

Copia hadn’t shut up since they’d left the Ministry’s parking lot. Aemelia knew his chattering was due to excitement - excitement that was foreign to her - but she could only assume that he was looking forward to having a snoop around an old, haunted building... or he was just desperate to spend some time alone with her. She’d have been willing to put a bet on the latter, it had been a while since they’d accompanied each other without work getting in the way.

Despite his constant, endless chatter, she calmly clutched hold of the steering wheel, her charcoal eyes occasionally flicking between the screen of Copia’s cell phone – which was propped against the music player and glowing amongst the gloom of the sedan’s interior, displaying the directions to their destination – and the creeping shadows that lurked on the horizon. They’d set off during the afternoon, and now it was nearing five, the darkness of dusk was finally overthrowing the fading light of the sun.

Aemelia’s dark eyes trailed to the rear-view mirror and she squinted with curiosity. Copia had slung his overnight bag over the backseats before they’d set off, and she felt a sense of foreboding every time she settled her gaze on it. It was a seemingly unassuming rucksack, with an overwhelming amount of zip-pockets and slots bound into its hardy tan fabric. It may have been immaculate and hard-wearing before, but from the tears in the material, the tiny holes where pin-badges had once been and the odd bit of fraying thread, she could tell he must have had the rucksack for quite some time. Even though it had seen a great number of eras, it was effortlessly handling being packed with stuff. It was crammed compared to her overnight bag – a generic black waterproof backpack – which was laid over the seat beside it. It looked like he’d packed for a week rather than just the one night, but that didn’t really surprise her... Copia always liked being over-prepared.

The sound of crumpled cardboard prompted her to shift her eyes away from the mirror and she focused on the road ahead instead, unaware that the anti-pope beside her was gazing at her intently as he casually sucked on the straw of a coffee carton. She was set on ignoring him for a little while, but her efforts were eventually in vain, considering that he was a consistent, lurking blob of red in her peripheral vision.

Though she admired him in his red tailcoat – and was completely aware that he was only wearing it to impress her – she felt he was over-dressed for the occasion. She’d known that there was no way they’d be able to blend in with the ghost hunting crowd without turning a few heads to begin with, given their penchant for smart attire, and of course, his bold choice of skull-paint... but she knew that he would be a glowing red distraction to a haunted house that was filled with budding supernatural enthusiasts. She only hoped she was being too cynical.

“You want a sip?” he asked when he finally reached the end of his long slurp, his left elbow gently nudging her side. “I got plenty left, you’re welcome to have as much as you want.”

“I’m fine.” she replied in a distant tone, ensuring that she remained focused on driving when he gently settled a gloved hand over her nearest thigh. “How old is that backpack of yours? It looks like a hell hound shat it out.”

His gloves creaked as they tensed around her leg and his drinking carton, and from his subtle coughs, he must have been half-way through slurping up another lot of iced coffee.

“Ehhh! Ehh! C'mon now. Don’t be so harsh on that bag.” he replied with a slightly grating voice, gently kneading her thigh like he was trying to persuade her to turn her head to face him. “It's been a faithful companion to me, Aemelia. It's served me since I was a young priest and has never let me down.”

“Fuckin' hell, no wonder it looks so sad... where’d you get it?”

“Ahhhm... I can't remember exactly.” he replied in a peaked voice, pausing to take a long sip from his straw, his eyes squinting thoughtfully. “I just remember an old guy was giving it away a while back. Huh, kinda weird, even though I can’t remember where, I remember getting it like it was yesterday, heh heh. The guy just handed it to me, like it was... mine, or something. Then as soon as I took it from him... he pointed at me and did this little cackle – this little... keeheehee – as he ran away, heh heh. Funny old guy, he was a real joyful character, you know?”

“Great. Good to know you got this off some discount Rumplestiltskin. Cursed shit was the last thing I wanted to be dealing with tonight. Fuck's sake.” she darkly muttered, gritting her teeth together in annoyance as she continued to sear her eyes into the horizon.

“Noooo! Noo! It’s not cursed, baby. If it was cursed... you think it would’ve survived this long?” he suggested in a reassuring tone, tilting his head inquisitively.

“What... you or the bag?” she teased with a faint smirk, finally turning her head to stare into his mismatched eyes. “It has to be cursed, Copia. If something’s cursed it’ll be around for a long ass time, I guarantee it.”

“You... still talking about the bag or...” he trailed off, his tongue practically hanging out of his mouth when she leaned towards him, his coffee carton loudly cracking as he squeezed it tightly to his chest. He winced with amazement when she closed the space between them for a moment, her lips puckering to rest a soft peck on the painted tip of his nose. As soon as she completed her action, his eyes widened and she shuffled back into her seat, her head centring to focus on the traffic in front of them. He swallowed thickly and took his hand away from her thigh to nervously smooth back his chestnut hair, allowing himself to clumsily slump back into the passenger seat.

“You... eh... feeling ok, Aemelia?” he asked in a wary tone, stunned that she appeared to be strangely content with them heading to their date venue.

“Feeling a bit light-headed, but other than that, fine.” she said, casually glancing down to review the directions that were displayed over his cell phone screen.

He practically leapt out of his seat to hurriedly latch his gloved hand around her thigh again and she immediately turned her head to send him an unimpressed scowl. His mismatched eyes were wide with brazen concern and they searched her face to see if she was truly fine. It was clear that he was suddenly remembering something from the night prior, and though he was now desperate to tell her about it, he decided that it wasn’t the right time, especially when she needed to remain in control of a moving vehicle.

“You sure?! You really sure you’re ok?! We can... stop if you’re feeling sleepy or - ”

“No. No, I’m fine, Copia. Really. And according to your phone, we’re almost there anyway.” she assured, turning her head away from him even though his hand was still firmly latched around her left thigh.

“You’re not looking forward to this, are you?” he softly said, his head lowering like he was suddenly regretting their spontaneous date. “Shit! I’m so fucking stupid. I knew you would feel tired... I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to do this. I just... I... I couldn’t stand being in that fucking church today. I just... wanted out. And I... I wanted an excuse for you to do the same. I guess I should’ve made it clearer to you before we came all this way.”

“Oi, I’m meant to be the miserable one here, not you.” she teased, lowering her right hand from the steering wheel to settle it over the back of his glove, which was still firmly clutching the black fabric of her thigh. “And I know I’m shit at showing it, but I am intrigued about this place. Sorry if it doesn’t seem like I’m interested, I’m just... still kind of in work-mode.”

“You sure? You’re really ok with us going on this date? You’re not too tired?” he questioned, wearing a small smile when her hand firmly squeezed around his.

“I’m fine, honest.” she murmured, subtly turning her head to peer at him from the corners of her eyes. “Stop worrying so much or you’ll ruin your own date if you’re not careful... speaking of, that looks exactly like a spooky hospital to me.”

His head shifted to follow the direction of her gaze and he relaxed into his seat, but ensured that his hand remained firmly in her grasp. The building their eyes rested upon was a grand silhouette towering amongst a tangle of bare branches and paling meadow. From its stocky art-deco architecture, it looked like it would have once housed the reserved and wealthy in previous eras. It was fairly remote for a hospital, considering the nearest town wasn’t for another ten miles, and being surrounded by the grimness of autumn’s leaves gave it an unpleasant, deathly aura.

When the glossy black sedan eventually slowed to smoothly swerve through its open – and noticeably crushed – iron gates, the building seem to soar in height over their heads. Its stonework was discoloured and the gargoyles that sat on top of its gutters and window-sills were so eroded and chipped that they were indistinguishable from one another. The sedan’s engine let out a consistent, deep burble for the entire time it followed the long stretch of gravel track that led the establishment’s dual entrance, which elaborately curved in front of its wide entrance. As the car slowly grew closer, both Copia and Aemelia squinted through the wind-shield, their gazes landing on the large bustle of people gathering by the foot of its doorway. Apparently, they were the last to arrive, and Aemelia got the feeling that it was no coincidence. She knew that Copia had a fashionably late but cool reputation to maintain.

“Huh... it’s waaay more popular than I anticipated.” he quietly admitted, tearing his eyes away from the crowd ahead of them to study her reaction instead. “You don’t think... there’s too many peoples here?”

“Have you seen the size of the place? It’s not like there isn’t room for that amount of people, Copia. Especially if it’s abandoned.” she reasoned, rolling her eyes despite the grateful smile that found itself on her lips.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, heh heh.” he casually replied, poising his free hand over the taut seat-belt that was firmly pressed against his chest now that the vehicle was approaching one side of the swooping entrance. Cars lined the left side of the gravel and once Aemelia spotted the nearest free space, she slowed to a gradual, controlled stop and pulled the handbrake.

Copia immediately threw off his seat-belt and turned to her when she did the same, but to his disappointment, she didn’t pay him a moment’s notice and slung her door open instead, not wishing to waste time dawdling now that her curiosity had peaked. He huffed in disappointment and tossed his empty coffee carton to the blackness beneath the glovebox, then he hurriedly repeated her actions until they stepped out in unison. After closing their doors, they pulled the rear doors open instead, their arms eagerly reaching inside to grab their respective bags.

It didn’t take long for Aemelia to shuffle on her backpack over her black blazer and she adjusted the straps accordingly... unlike Copia. He let out a series of strained grunts as he wrestled his scrawny, over-burdened rucksack out of the confines of the sedan, and when he did eventually yank it out, he only just managed to hook his arms through its straps. It looked like an unpleasant, potato-like tumour in comparison to his slender frame and Aemelia refrained from snorting as she peered at him over the roof of the car.

To her surprise, another loud grunt of effort left him as he leaned down to reach inside the car again and she scowled in confusion, closing the door in front of her before she rounded the back of the vehicle to observe his peculiar actions. Her eyes trailed up the backs of his lanky legs and she shook her head at the bulbous sight of his rucksack... and when he finally took a step back, the distinct swish of a familiar accessory in one of his gloved hands caused her to glare in horror.

“What the fuck is that?” she cried in slight disgust, staring at a mint green fanny pack that he was now set on securing around his hips. “You know, we call them bum bags where I'm from. And for a good fuckin’ reason. They tend to be accurate arsehole indicators.”

Copia ignored her complaint and cleared his throat, giving the door a little push with a leathery palm. Once it closed, Aemelia rushed to the passenger door and fished out her keys to lock the vehicle. He reluctantly turned to face her and her dark eyes were still glued to the mint-green monstrosity around his hips.

“Please take it off. Please.” she murmured, wincing like she was trying to play down her embarrassment. “It really doesn’t go with your suit. I don’t what possessed you to even own one of those. You look a walking fanny with it on.”

“My money is in here, Aemelia. I have to leave it on.” he insisted, throwing up his leather gloves like the situation couldn’t be helped.

“Then... just put it in your bag?” she softly suggested, giving the passenger door handle a firm tug to check that it was locked.

“Ehhhh... yeah, yeeaah, I guess I could do that. Should have a little room left in the old sack, heh heh.”

She breathed a sigh of relief when he unclipped the small bag from his person, and he cleared his throat, his head motioning back towards the crammed rucksack on his back.

“You think you could open it for me? I can’t, eh... reach.”

She hurriedly stepped towards him and reached over his shoulders, unzipping the main compartment, and once she reluctantly opened her right palm in front of him expectantly, she grimaced when he handed her his garish fanny pack and quickly squeezed it into the rucksack as fast as she could, hoping that she would never see it again. She wrestled to close the zip due to the extra bulging existence of Copia’s bum bag, but after persisting with her actions with an irritated scowl, the zip eventually fastened.

Now the two of them were fully prepared for their adventurous night of ghost hunting, they faced the entrance and confidently strode towards it in unison. They walked with purpose, like it was just another investigation out of the many they usually attended together, and their air of authority caused the last few guests that were trickling into the building to turn their heads and scowl with confusion. Copia met their wide, curious eyes with a confident, narrowed gaze and it caused the last of them to stumble inside.

“Why they dressed like they’re going up a mountain?” he whispered, dipping his head towards Aemelia to ensure no one else heard him as they walked. “I don’t get it. We’re going inside a building, dip-shits.”

“Most people aren’t acclimatized to the cold, Copia.” she responded, turning her head to shoot him a faintly amused smile. “We’re used to the haunting chill by n - ”

“Hey, I won’t be letting you get cold, ok, Cipolletta? I have plenty of ways of heating you up, heh heh. So don’t get used to the cold tonight.” he cut in just as they arrived by the tall, open doors of the building’s imposing lobby. Two marshals, who were dressed in plain black baseball caps, lanyards and matching attire that displayed their company logo – which Aemelia thought looked like a squished, inebriated knock-off version of Casper the friendly ghost – stood in front of the open oak doors. Each one held a clipboard and pen to their chests and they studied Copia and Vial with speculation.

Speculation that increased once Copia led the way towards the entrance, striding straight by each of the important-looking attendants like he’d been utterly oblivious to their existence. They eyed the bulging brown rucksack he wore on his back – that was still supported by the fraying straps that were tightly suspended from his shoulders somehow – with concern and Aemelia shot one of them an unimpressed scowl. Suddenly, she wasn’t feeling particularly optimistic about the events of the upcoming night. Given the person’s semi-casual uniform, she got the feeling they were probably the kind of company that wouldn’t think twice about faking a ghost sighting for glowing reviews. She thought humanity’s insistence on tricking people into believing in the existence of the supernatural was a little pathetic, especially when she dealt with the real thing on a day-to-day basis.

Before either of them could advance into the main lobby – which appeared to peak their curiosity, given the overwhelming sheet of dust that seemed to cover the entire interior – one of the clipboard-wielding marshals swiftly side-stepped in front of Copia to prevent the couple from going any further, their head tilting back so that they could thrust their chin up in an arrogant, defensive manner.

“Name, please.” they demanded in an expectant, West Coast accent, angling their clipboard so that they could poise their pen over a list that was pinned to its surface. Copia cleared his throat and reached his arm out, confidently snaking his arm around Aemelia’s without taking his slightly irritated eyes from the slightly taller man in front of him. He leaned forwards, unaware that she was tensing her form now that he’d linked their arms together, his free hand cupping around the side of his painted face.

“Ehhh... name? Ah yes, of course! It should be – ahemElmer...” he quietly murmured before he abruptly cleared his throat again to allow his voice to raise to much louder – and prouder – volume. “... and wife.”

“Fuck me.” Aemelia whispered in apathy, which caused his teeth to sink into his bottom lip to stop a chuckle from bursting out of him. His eyes gleamed with amusement when he watched the attendant let out a heavy sigh, their finger trailing over their long list of names.

“Let's seeee...Elmer... Elmer... oh, here we are, think I found you. Is it Mr Elmer Nor - ”

“Yes yes! That's the one! That’s me! Ehhh... us.” he hurriedly cut in before the young man could finish, fearing that Aemelia would have left then and there if she'd heard the rest of his alias. The attendant smiled and backed away from the entrance, gesturing a hand out towards the lobby’s dusty interior.

“Hope you have a cool night... just so you’re aware, you guys are the last to arrive. The introduction’s already started but you haven’t missed anything important so... hop on inside.” he chirped and Aemelia unleashed an audible sigh as Copia eagerly lugged her through the oak doorway, his red tails swishing behind him as he eagerly started to hurry his strides. He was headed towards a muddled huddle of amateur ghost hunters that were standing beneath a sweeping central staircase, which branched out into two extravagant walkways overhead. Thankfully, their actions didn’t seem to distract the group from a couple of lanyard-wearing hosts who were in the middle of conducting some sort of dramatic speech. Their shoes never seemed to make a sound, because the parquet floor had such a thick layer of grime that it cushioned every step they made.

Copia was so focused on approaching the group due to his intrigue that he didn’t notice that he’d been yanking Aemelia along with him. She was purposely reluctant to oblige his insistent actions because she was more interested in observing their surroundings instead. It was clear that the ample lobby was once a reception and waiting area due to the impressive rows of vintage arm-chairs and couches, abandoned wheel-chairs, stacked dressing carts and an overly long check-in desk that was situated to the right of the stairs. She tipped her head back to peer up at the ceiling, which seemed like it was miles above her head due its strange carved grooves. Large oblong stain-glass lampshades were suspended from it via precariously thin wires and the sight of the odd damaged pane of stain-glass made her wince with slight sadness. It must have been quite a luxurious spectacle before it had become the sad, husk of a place it was at that very moment. When Copia’s strides finally began to slow, Aemelia sniffed a couple of times and lowered her head to face forwards, her dark, inquisitive eyes squinting as she trailed them over the backs in the adventurous crowd.

“I reckon there's a poltergeist in here.” she stated emptily, exhaling sharply when they finally came to a final stop at the rear of the group. Most people were unware of their presence, but a few sent the couple an irritated glance over their shoulders like their presence was unwelcome.

“You can tell this by... sniffing the air?” Copia murmured as he turned his head to face her, his raised eyebrows giving away that he was blatantly impressed by her comment.

“Yeah. It's the metallic undertones in the atmosphere that gives it away.” she simply responded, which prompted another couple of heads to turn their way. “You better have salt in that fanny-pack or we'll have a few problems if it decides to manifest later.”

“Salt? Ohhhhh, yes, don’t worry about it. I have plenty of that if you are in need of it, baby, heh heh.” he brazenly flirted. His impish chuckles must have been a little too loud because most of the group turned to send them annoyed glares, and she playfully nudged his side with her elbow, ignoring the distracted people in front of them to search Copia’s confident expression with smiling eyes.

“Don't ruin it.” she softly warned, her blatant amusement causing her voice to wobble.

“C’maaan, what do you take me for? My salt would never ruin it for you, baby. Just you wait. When I get my hands on you later, my salt will get alllll over y - ”

“When? I think you’d better make that an “if”, Mr Anti-Christ.” she quipped suggestively, which caused him to let out a wheezing gasp, his free hand reaching towards her face so that he could firmly press a leather-clad fingertip to her grey lips to stop her from saying another word.

“Ehhh! Eh! Sh! Shhhhhh! Keep your voice down!” he exclaimed in strained whispers, his mismatched eyes widening when her mouth melted into a crumpled smile to make way for a tiny snort. When she held his stare without making another sound, he reluctantly took his hand away from her and nodded towards the group in front of them like he was silently pointing out that they should be listening at that particular moment. She huffed and turned her head to face the group, which mostly consisted of youthful phone-tapping influencers, intently fascinated tourists and inquisitive, over-confident hikers. The presence of the crowd cushioned whoever was speaking at the foot of the imposing staircase, so all the two of them heard was the muffled drone of their voice. They frowned and turned their heads to face once another in unison.

“I can’t hear a fuckin’ thing.” she muttered, which caused him to nod in reply.

“Me too. Couldn’t they just hand us a little headset and let us walk around?”

“What... like they do at museums?” she asked, her faint smile causing the corners of his mouth to curl upwards. “I mean, it’s not a bad idea actually. It would be fine for us, but then... we know what we’re doing in these places. I bet they’re just going through some shitty health and safety brief anyway. Can’t be anything too important ‘cause no one seems particularly excited to be here at the moment.”

“You mean... they have protocol for ghosties?” he teased with a wise smirk, squeezing the arm linked with hers tightly so that he could pull her close to his left side. “I don’t think something like that would hold up in court, heh heh hehhh – gaooowhhh!”

Copia suddenly squeezed his eyes shut, the wince on his features giving away his discomfort as he subtly jolted forwards like something had firmly jabbed him in the back. He hissed beneath his breath and hunched forwards, sharp exhales leaving his nose like was trying to steady his breathing.

“Bleedin’ hell... you alright?” Aemelia sternly questioned, her free arm draping across his front to gently clutch his right shoulder. Her charcoal eyes frantically searched his irritated features and his wince finally eased when he opened his eyes to meet her worried stare.

“Ahhhm... yeeeeh, I... I'm cool... I – ahhhhowwwww!” he paused to jolt forwards again, and once his strange reflex was over, he clenched his teeth and exhaled deeply, his eyes sincere when he gazed at her again. “ I’m cool, Aemelia, really. A little uncomfy with all this weight on my back, heh... but I’ll get used to it. Don’t worry about me, baby. I’ll be fine.”

“Can you hear crunching?” she suddenly asked, frowning when Copia tilted his head in bewilderment.

“Ehhh... wha - crunching? Like... bone- crunching or... munches?”

“Yeah, munches. I swear I can hear someone eating something right in my fuckin’ ear-hole.” she complained, gritting her teeth now that she couldn’t ignore the quiet, consistent crunch coming from somewhere behind them. “You can hear it too, right?”

“Uh-ohhhhhh.” a tiny, high-pitched voice piped up from Copia’s direction.

“What? What is it?” she hurriedly questioned, the anti-pope’s eyes widening into confused saucers again.

“What? I’m just... looking at you. Is a pope not allowed to look at his... significant other?” he responded, slowly trailing his eyes over her features.

“But... I’m sure I heard you – fuck, you know what, nevermind. I think this place is already playing tricks on me.” she sighed out, the two of them so focused on staring at one another, that they didn’t notice the small smoky residue of two red wisps that seeped through the rugged material of Copia’s brown rucksack. It flowed up towards the ceiling in a thin, transparent ribbon until it finally disintegrated to merge with the dim, gloomy atmosphere of the place...

And then the munching returned, along with bubbling slurps and the odd harsh wheeze of a stifled breath. Both Copia and Aemelia persisted to stare at one another due to the strange noises that were coming from somewhere behind them, but they tried to act like the sounds didn’t exist for the time being, hoping they would simply disappear.

“These must be some veeeery important guidelines, ah?” Copia quietly said, hoping that a conversation would distract them from the irritating munches.

“Apparently. All of this health and safety bit is absolute bullshit. This honestly feels like a drill exercise... why did you insist on us doing this? It's a load of rubbish.” she grumbled, her eyebrows knitting when a loud – and almost amused – wheeze took over from the crunches for a couple of seconds.

“Ah, c’mon, don’t be like that, Aemelia.” he softly defended, his eyebrows knitting together like her comment had hurt him slightly. “This is the only cool thing I could find for us to do at such short notice, ok? I... I thought it would suit us to have our first d - ok... first official date in a haunted house. The idea of catching ghosties and spooking everyone else was too good to pass up, you know?”

“I don't know. It still sounds a lot like work, Copia.”

“Well... it isn't. Tonight is supposed to be fun so let's just try enjoy it... don't take it too seriously, baby.” he lightly responded, dipping his head down to press a chaste kiss to her right temple. When he drew himself away from her, she turned her head to face him and parted her lips to reply to him, but before she could say a word, the main zip of Copia’s rucksack was dragged open so firmly that it unleashed a rippling squeak. The crunching was louder than ever when a bleach-white mohawk popped out of the opening, followed by a familiar, pale grey head.

Nekid’s mouth was surrounded by thick orange chip-dust, his needle-like teeth gritting into an irritated sneer, his round mismatched eyes narrowing to match his overbearing scowl.

“Can you two stop whining?! You’re going ooon and oooon, I can't hear these bitches speak!” Nekid piped up, his strained, shrieking voice causing both the anti-pope and the alchemist to swiftly glance over their shoulders. Aemelia glared into the imp’s peeved eyes and Copia inhaled sharply, hastily reaching his free arm around his side to desperately try and palm his tiny familiar back into the packed confines of his rucksack.

“Owhhfff!!! Heeey, heeey! What you think you’re doing, ratto?! Get your gross handies offa me!” Nekid’s muffled protest came, followed by a series of quiet frustrated grunts when Copia’s leather-clad hand firmly pushed against the top of his oval head.

“You’re not supposed to be here! Get back in there right now! I don't want to be billed for a third ticket!” Copia whispered harshly, persisting to press his familiar further and further into the crammed bag, until finally, the little imp gave out a little huff of defeat and wiggled himself until he found a comfortable position amongst the expensive fabric of Copia’s spare clothes.

“Stay in there and keep your mouth shut, ok?” the anti-pope warned, reluctantly starting to draw his arm out of the bag. Aemelia simply watched their interaction with a deep frown, her dark, unimpressed eyes slowly shifting to settle on Copia’s sneering features.

“I found your dirty condom stash in here, you old porn-stache fuck!” Nekid suddenly rasped, his tiny seven-inch form furiously wriggling from side to side, which caused Copia to hiss and arch his back in protest. “And I will rip them open, ratto. I will bite through them. Maybe even eat them!”

“Don't you fucking dare - I need them for later, you little shit!” Copia forcefully whispered.


The muffled sound of a metallic swipe caused him to gasp aloud and he hastily swung away from the back of the group, rushing away from Aemelia so that she didn’t hear Nekid’s mischievous antics.

“No no no no!” he whined out with a disappointed wince, abruptly sinking to kneel over the grimy parquet floor. With some effort, he managed to lug his worn rucksack around to his front and he growled in frustration when he violently dug his gloved hands inside.

“Ehekhek!” Nekid tittered as his tiny mitts scrambled to fight off Copia’s leather fingers, which were trying to prevent him from rifling through the rest of his date supplies.

“Stay still you little shit! Wha - why are you – gah! Wait a minute... is that... Nekiiiiid, why do I feel something cold and slimy?” Copia questioned in a stern, wary tone, his teeth clenching together when he reluctantly stilled his movements.


“You dare take a glove from my hand?” he snapped, heat rushing to the backs of his eyes when his annoyance swiftly turned to rage. He growled beneath his breath, which was harsh and heavy.

“I only took it off to sheath it for you, ratto. It is much more protected now... ehhhhhehehehehek!” the imp poked, the heat behind Copia’s gaze threatening to spill out through his mismatched irises.

“I swear to Satan... there better be a bathroom around here. I need to wash this shit off my hands.” he grumbled through gritted teeth, grimacing when he felt something damp and rectangular rub against his slimy bare hand.

“Don’t worry, ratto! You still got plenty of wet wipes in here... let me wash it for you, tee-heeeeee!”

Copia’s shoulders tensed when his familiar continued to cackle and hurriedly clean off his digits with a sodden towelette, and before he could open his mouth to scold the tiny imp again, he exhaled in slight relief at the firm feel of a hand clutching hold of him. Aemelia squinted down at his tense, crouched form as she kneaded his left shoulder. He almost looked like a confused hitchhiker, considering his position and the fact his arms appeared to be stuck inside his rucksack.

“He’s not behaving, is he?” she softly said, the ends of her plaits tickling the sides of his face as she stooped down to stare at him.

“Ehhhh... it’s fine! I got this! I-It’s under control now.” he replied nervously, frowning deeply as he fumbled his arms out of the bag with a repulsed expression. Another hand settled on his other shoulder to firmly knead the tension away and he exhaled deeply, closing his eyes now that he felt the heat of his anger cool away from the backs of his irises. After a few seconds of her simply trying to calm him, he opened his eyes and sighed, glancing at his damp bare hand, which Nekid had thankfully cleaned off. The little imp was now happily muttering to himself as he explored the rest of his summoner’s belongings, the odd amused giggle spluttering out of him.

“He can’t keep doing this.” Aemelia said, continuing to massage Copia’s shoulders. “Like you said, this night is supposed be for us. Maybe if you stopped treating him like he doesn’t exist, he wouldn’t ruin our things like this. He just wants your attention and you act like an absolute dickhead.”

“I... I know, Aemelia... I’m... I’m sorry for this. I will try to be better, ok?” he replied in a small, sad voice. “I just... haven’t had to deal with something like him before. I don’t mean to be cruel, I just - ”

“Stop giving yourself excuses.” she softly stated, sliding her hands from his shoulders as she backed away from him. “Just talk to him. Like any other fuckin’ person. That’s all he wants. You don’t even have to like him... but, he’s yours. And he always will be.”

Copia glanced towards the open zip of his bag and winced, his mismatched eyes suddenly gleaming with realisation. He parted his mouth to respond to her, but applause erupted from the group behind them and he turned his head towards the noise. The introduction must have finally ended.

The crowd broke up into small clusters and they flocked towards tables that had been assembled in front of each branch of the staircase. Equipment – such as flash-lights, digital thermometers, portable spirit boxes, incense sticks, Kirlian cameras and crucifixes – lined their surfaces and each small cluster retrieved their selection of items. Copia huffed and slowly stood from the floor, his palms dusting off the red fabric that covered his knees. Aemelia caught hold of his bare hand before he could reach back and zip up his rucksack, but he figured Nekid would appreciate a bit of air and shrugged, allowing her to lead him towards the nearest equipment table.

They were last in line to collect their items, and they simply stood side by side, patiently holding each other’s hand until they finally approached the table. There wasn’t an awful lot left to choose from, and from the looks of it, it wasn’t the best equipment anyway. Aemelia recognised the low-grade branding and realised that the company must have been on a budget, but she scooped up a couple of torches, some incense, a printed floorplan of the building and then handed Copia a guidebook and a thermometer, seeing as they were the only other items left.

They were now alone in the main lobby. Everyone else was eagerly scaling the staircase or wandering towards the wings by the sides of the vast ground floor... and it comforted the two of them, despite their disconcerting surroundings. She slipped the flash-lights and incense into her waistcoat, clutching the floorplans to her chest as she narrowed her eyes at the cover of the guidebook in Copia’s grasp... seeing as he was holding it upside down. For some reason, the sepia photograph on the front looked eerily familiar.

“Of course, there always has to be a fuckin' nun.” Aemelia sighed, rolling her eyes at the image of an innocent looking sister, who looked calm and confident in her black vestment.

“Ooooooooh! Nuuuns? I like nuuuuns, ehek hek!””

At the strained sound of the imp’s muffled voice, Copia hooked the thermometer over the centre of his waistcoat and handed Aemelia the guidebook... and then firmly yanked the straps of his rucksack, a satisfied smile gracing his lips once there was a disgruntled “oof!” from his familiar. Aemelia sighed due to his actions but focused on the picture of the sister, and he eventually peered over her shoulder to do the same, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head with interest.

“Eh... wait a minute, she looks kinda... is that? Shit! Is that my mother?” he cried, his mismatched eyes widening with astonishment. “Shit... that is my mother! Aemelia, what... what do we do?!”

“What do you mean?” she calmly replied, shooting him a quizzical glance.

“Who do we call? The cops? The FBI? The... Ghostbusters?!”

“Are you feeling alright, Copia?”

“I’m fiiiine! What I mean is... could we sue?” he hurriedly asked, the excited enthusiasm in his tone causing her to shake her head with amusement.

“I'm sure the likeness to Sister Enema is coincidental. And come on... this company hasn't got enough money to give you the pay-out you're truly after. It's fairly obvious that they're struggling as it is.”

“Mm. I guess you're right.” he reluctantly sighed out, nodding his head glumly. “I just thought it would be a good way to lower all the crippling de eeeeeeeh – ehhhhhhh... I mean boost the church funds, you know?”

She frowned at him in suspicion but nodded her head, tucking the guidebook beneath an arm as she broke away from him to head east, her curiosity leading her straight towards a dingy opening that was situated to the right of the lopsided reception desk. Copia swallowed thickly and hurriedly bounded after her, and once he’d reached her side, he linked their arms again, the echo of munches a reassuring confirmation that Nekid was contentedly chomping through a bag of tortilla chips again...

They spent their first hour wandering around the east wing, and unlike the rest of the guests – who were presumably perusing the upper floors and the other desolate, unnerving wings on the ground floor – they were enjoying the peaceful silence. Nekid had finally given up on seeking their attention and had inevitably discovered something else inside Copia’s rucksack to occupy his time. They simply tolerated his mutters and titters... it was far more bearable than his rasping yells and spluttering raspberries.

Though the hospice’s corridors were chilly and lined with unpleasant, grubby tiles, Copia and Vial found that their walk was somewhat romantic. They linked arms and strolled about the shadow-infested hallways with small smiles as they held their flash-lights out in front of them to ward off the darkness. However, there was an occasional reprieve from the shadows, for every so often, they’d turn a corner or enter a whole new corridor where bow windows were tactically situated. Moonlight flooded through their crinkled glass and their pale skin was vivid for a few seconds while they passed.

It was unusual for either of them to stay silent, but they were too content with enjoying each other’s company. The setting of an allegedly haunted location was just another circumstance they’d grown accustomed to, and it was a strange comfort to them both.

Miss Vial may have had her doubts about a ghost hunting date, but she was rather enjoying it so far... even though they hadn’t actually come across an apparition yet. She turned her head a fraction and peered at Copia’s glaring red presence from the corners of her eyes... and he turned his head to do the same. Despite the fact they were focused on each other, they continued to casually walk forwards, their torch beam’s cutting through the thick blanket of darkness.

“How long do we have to search this place?” she asked, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip when the corners of his painted mouth twitched.

“Ahhhh... we got all night, so... plenty of time. And apparently we’ve got an allocated place to sleep too. I guess finding it is all part of the fun, heh heh.” he replied, sending her a quick wink.

“Well, they could’ve at least told us. They didn’t have to make it so cryptic. By the looks of it, there’s hundreds of rooms in this place.” she grumbled, frowning in confusion but mirroring Copia’s actions when he slowed his strides. “It could be hours before we find our designated spot.”

Her frown deepened when they came to a gradual halt in the centre of a hallway, the shadows engulfing them as he swivelled on the spot to near her. He didn’t stop until he could dip his head down and nuzzle the tattooed skin of her nape, and her charcoal eyes widened at the abrupt beep that came from the recesses of his tailcoat. The thermometer must have been picking up Copia’s sudden change in temperature because it pulsed in a consistent rhythm and he placed his free, glove-less hand flat against her chest. Before she could question him, he gently but firmly pushed her towards a door on their right, and once her side pressed against its surface, he shuffled himself around her until he was facing her directly, his conflicting irises sharp glints that sliced through the shadows between them.

“What if... I already know where we’re sleeping?” he murmured, the hand on her chest snaking up to gently tug at the black tie that hung beneath her shirt’s collar. “We could go there right now... if you wanted.”

Her eyes briefly closed when his moustache grazed over her lips. His warm breaths appeared to be successfully persuasive for her grey lips parted and he pressed his mouth to them before she changed her mind, a low, relieved groan rumbling out of him. His hand tightened around the knot of her neck-tie as he pressed her into the door but before they could get any further, a deflated “Yeeeeesh!” emerged from the top of Copia’s unfastened rucksack.

“Ughkkkk, have you two actually done it yet... or have I got front row seats to the premiere?” Nekid croaked as he peeked his round eyes over the open zip, his forked tongue jetting out of his wide mouth to display his disgust. “Heeeey! Answer me! I need to know! I fucking hate gross-out comedies, I’m gonna need a sick-bucket handy! Bleugh!”

“Be quiet, Nekid.” Copia softly scolded as he reluctantly backed away from Aemelia, his head turning slightly so that he could sear his eyes into his grimacing familiar. Nekid responded by kicking a spindly leg against the thin back of the tan rucksack and he yelled out in discomfort.

“Gah-haaa! Fucking shit!”

His hissed complaint echoed down the eerily silent ward and Aemelia shook her head in disapproval, angling her torch until the beam settled on the pale grey familiar, who was gleefully grinning over Copia’s right shoulder. As the anti-pope continued to writhe his back in discomfort, her right hand opened up and reached towards the mohawked imp, her warm palm snugly grasping around the soft skin of Nekid’s slightly rotund waist. Her actions made him instantly docile and she hoisted him from the bag to cradle him in her arms like he was a new-born baby.

“Right, listen...” she began in a subdued yet firm tone. “... you know that you shouldn't be here. I don’t care how or why you’re here, but you can’t keep up this mischief tonight. If we’d known about you sooner, we would’ve slung you in the car ages ago, but seeing as you got this far... we'll allow you to stay in the bag if you shut up and stop booting Copia.”

“We... we will?!” Copia gasped, his voice strained and whispery as he rolled his shoulders back with a wince.

“Ohhh-ho! You are very very very very kind to me, Meees Aemelia... ehehhhh...” Nekid replied in a distant, dreamy tone, peering up at her with drunken eyes and an idle forked tongue that poked out of the sides of his mouth. “... I promise I won’t do anything if you keep holding me like this... mmmmmhhhf!”

She grimaced and Copia immediately jolted his worn rucksack off of his back with an irritated growl, then he snatched the aroused familiar from her arms to stuff him back inside.

“Ahhkkk! Heeeey! Heeey! Noooo! Meeeees Viiiii - ”

“You shut your greedy little face, ok? You already ruined this night for me by being here, so don’t try to steal my date away from me as well!” Copia snapped.

“You only saying this ‘cause you want her to suck on you, rattooooo!” Nekid’s quiet, peaking voice sang. “Eeehek! Is she blushing?”

Copia reluctantly shifted his gaze to Aemelia's face and he was met with a stern, deadpan stare that caused him to swallow thickly.

“No... she isn’t blushing at all, Nekid. She actually looks... kinda pissed.” he said, squinting in protest when she turned and abruptly moved her flash-light to illuminate the door handle beside her. “It is no surprise really, you are seriously starting to get on our nerves now. So please, for five minutes, just stay in the bag. You can sleep, toot... play on your game thingy, whatever, I don't care, ok? Do whatever the fuck you want. Just... don’t bother us unless you’re in trouble.”

“But... my console is broken, ratto.” Nekid’s small, sad voice piped up.


“I think some of the protective juice went into the battery... heeeeeeey! It kinda smells smoky... mmmmh, eheheheh!”

“Son of a bitch...” Copia muttered, deciding that he would ignore the imp’s existence before he found out anything else that irritated him. Thankfully, the shriek of the door opening was the perfect distraction.

Miss Vial had opened it up to reveal a distinctive room that was covered in tiles from floor to ceiling. Metal drop-box lockers were embedded into the side walls, and directly in front of them, was a vacant autopsy table that was firmly fixed to the ground. He inhaled sharply at the squeeze of her warm palm as she grasped hold of his bare hand and pulled him inside, the beams of their torches shining over the dim contents of the deserted morgue.

“Surely setting up a tent like that is bad luck. It’s no different than opening an umbrella inside.” she suddenly commented, which prompted him to follow the direction of her torch beam. It was illuminating a black canopy, which shrouded the distinctive shape of a matching tent. It was propped against the wall behind the autopsy table and when her beam shifted to the tiles beside it, there was a large piece of card that had been tacked to its grimy surface.

“Well... I think we’ve found our sleeping spot.” she darkly commented, her black eyes squinting at the name that was displayed in bold black letters on the paper. “Couldn’t you just book this in your real name? Mr E. Normus?! Fuck’s sake, Copia, no wonder the staff gave us funny looks earlier.”

He turned his head to face her and she cocked her head to the side, the shine in her dark irises giving away that she was truly amused by the alias he’d chosen.

“Hey, you look at me like that but... what else was I supposed to do?” he cried, shrugging his shoulders defensively. “I couldn’t tell them I’m Papa, they wouldn’t leave me alone. And I... I wanted to make sure that we had as much alone time as possible tonight.”

“Eheheheh!” Nekid cackled, the muffled volume of his squeaky voice reassuring them he was probably buried under a load of Copia’s clothes. “Alone?! What a senile ratto, he is already losing his memory... I’m here too, you fuck! Eeehhhhekheeeh!”

“Yeah, yeah... unfortunately you are. There’s no need to remind me.” the anti-pope sighed.

Aemelia wandered further into the morgue and swept her flash-light over her surroundings when she headed straight towards the tent. Copia slowly traipsed after her, frowning when the thermometer in his pockets started to beep loudly again.

“Eh... Aemelia? It... it won’t stop beeping.”

She ignored his comment and unzipped the front panel of the tent and once she stepped inside, she nodded her head in approval. A couple of snug sleeping bags were set out over the ground sheet and she stooped down to flick on a couple of electric lanterns that were stood in the far corners of the spacious tent. When Copia eventually reached her side, he grunted as he leaned down and slung off his rucksack, a couple of stray tortilla chips flying out before it landed in the small gap between the sleeping bags. Nekid huffed in annoyance but climbed out with squinting eyes, his tiny, seven-inch form insignificant in the dark blackness of the generous canvas. His eyes gleamed with amazement as he looked up at the tall canopy above him and he let out a deranged titter before he started to patter about the spacious floor.

Copia sighed at the sight of his exploring familiar and eventually tore his eyes away to rest them on Aemelia... and to his surprise, she was searching his face intently. She shuffled closer to him until their noses were touching and lightly frowned like something was suddenly puzzling her. The thermometer continued to beep from his waistcoat’s pockets and she angled her head, poising her smirking grey lips in front his mouth.

“You’re lucky I brought a jar with me.” she emptily said, trying to hide the mirth in her eyes when he glared at her with astonished excitement.

“Y-You... brought a... jar?! For... me?”

“For the ghost, not you, you fuck-wit.” she snapped, tipping her head back so that their noses brushed again. “That shitty thermometer’s going mental so it can’t be too far away. We best make a move now before it decides to fuck off somewhere else.”

Copia sighed with disappointment. He really didn’t want to spend the rest of their night running after some angry apparition, especially now that they’d found their sleeping spot. But once he noticed the affectionate glint of curiosity in her charcoal eyes... he found that disagreeing with her wasn’t an option.

3 : Potency Over Enormity

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Since the end of summer, the D.D.D regularly visited the remote high school they’d come across a few months prior. Despite the fact September brought about the absence of inept cultists and the lively, obnoxious presence of hyped-up teenagers, the site still had its fair share of paranormal activity, which was an unfortunate but manageable consequence of the sect’s last demon summoning. It was a thriving hot-spot for invasive spirits and dark energy, which was too much of a perilous liability to ignore, especially when it was present in a building that was filled with oblivious school kids.

Every fortnight or so, the black sedan would miraculously and stealthily – despite the heavy rock music that was pulsing from its interior – roll to a smooth stop outside the school gates, its glossy black frame shining beneath autumn’s afternoon sun. It would always park adjacent to thick, tapered hedging that boxed the entrance to the grounds, and it probably seemed like some kind of ominous omen to anyone that happened to notice its intriguing presence.

The department's task of cleansing the place had always been a rather pleasant and casual affair during previous visits, given the school's abandoned state during the summer. But with September now reigning with full force, the corridors were sure to be full of boisterous teenagers and disgruntled teachers... which neither Copia or Vial were particularly looking forward to.

Nevertheless, Aemelia shut off the engine and the two of them exited the car with purpose. She paused when Copia closed the passenger door, a faint smile manifesting over her grey lips when Pontius excitedly squawked and flapped his wings hurriedly, his obsidian feathers rustling as he hopped from the car's murky interior. The bird bobbed his head once he soared upwards to perch on the vehicle's roof and she tilted her head with amusement, holding out her left arm expectantly... and Pontius obediently swooped towards her, his dainty feet resting over the black fabric of her left shoulder.

Copia adorned one of his sleek black tailcoats, which added a bit of practical flair to his focused strides as he rounded the rear of the car. Then he peered over his shoulder to glance over the sedan’s roof to affectionately acknowledge his maroon-haired colleague while he waited for her by the chrome bumper.

Even though Aemelia could feel his intense gaze on her, she took her time after closing her door, his mismatched eyes trailing over her blazer-less form with unbridled enthusiasm. She knew he was studying her intently and she purposely slowed her actions, her head lowering so that she could focus on the movements of her hands as they rolled up the opal sleeves of her shirt to her elbows.

Copia tried his best to conceal a love-sick sigh and coolly leaned against the right side of the bumper, but he ensured that he never took his eyes from her when she gradually wandered the length of the sedan. She was aware that he enjoyed their occasional high school visits, it meant that he could discard his papal post for the rest of the day – much to the obliviousness of the bustling Ministry – and spend more time with the alchemist he plainly adored. The visits offered a pleasant break in their routines, and tending to department work during the day was a rare opportunity for him to observe her without the help of a blazing flash-light. He was grateful that he could always rely on these visits to witness her work without the intrusion of darkness. Thankfully, their visits always took place during the day, considering the location’s potent, occult atmosphere after dusk.

Copia shook his head to push away his thoughts and blinked a couple of times when he realised that Miss Vial had arrived in front of him. Her left side was facing him and her crow companion cocked its head when she sprung open the trunk, her tattooed forearms reaching into its jumbled depths to feel for the equipment they required. He cautiously took a step forwards to assist her but he stiffened when his chest began to rumble, the ear-prickling sound of eight-bit Abba causing him to awkwardly stumble back to his previous position. Aemelia briefly glanced towards him, her burgundy plaits framing the sides of her pale face when a faint smirk emerged on her grey lips. He hurriedly shoved a gloved hand inside his jacket and accepted the call with a confident swipe of his thumb, his nervousness evident after he'd failed to check who was calling him.

“Eh... hello?” he warily said, slowly turning his back to Aemelia when he pressed the phone to his right ear. “Ohhh... heeey! Heey! It’s you guys! What... what, ehhh, what is the problem?”

There was a long pause and she rolled her eyes, turning her attention to the cluttered confines of the trunk before she had to listen to Copia’s inevitable reply.

“Ahhh, I see, I see... no no, that shouldn’t be a problem. If you guys get any more... eh... trouble, just give us a call, ok? Oh. Ohhh I see, you liked the trouble? Shit... then... don't hesitate to call if you require any more trouble, ah? We got plenty more ghosties available if you need a little more punch next time, heh heh.” he eagerly responded, turning his head to send a cautious glance over his shoulder... when he saw that Miss Vial appeared to be focused on her actions, he let out a relieved sigh and smiled. “But of course, the spirit won't be on the house. These things don't come cheap, they’re real suckers to catch, you know? Right... right... ohhh, you already paid up-front? Okie dokie, that’s settled then. Your rental should be with you in like... two to five business days, that will give it plenty of time to get used to your place. If you got any other inquiries, take it up with our management, ciaaooo!”

“Who was that?” Aemelia asked when he finally hung up with a smug smile, her maroon plaits swaying as she tilted her head to stare at him quizzically. “Sounded fairly profitable.”

“Oh... it was just that shitty ghost hunting place. I dropped them a business card before we left the other day.” he casually explained, coolly leaning his back against the side of the glossy black tailgate. “They want to hire a couple spirits for an event on Friday. Apparently business is booming since that little fiasco we had to sort out last week. I guess they want to keep the hype going, heh heh.”

“Mm, strange how everything’s turned out to be fortunate for them after our visit.” she murmured, taking a step back from the trunk so that she could hunch forwards and delve into its dim, muddled contents more successfully. “At least they're wanting their audience to experience the real deal after what happened with us.”

Yeees, yes...” he muttered, sliding his cell phone into the recesses of his black tailcoat. He wore a small smile as he stepped away from the vehicle to round its rear and reach her side. Once he arrive there, he cautiously side-stepped behind her instead, and when she frowned and leaned back out of the confines of the trunk, the back of her form firmly brushed against his front and she let out a quiet gasp of surprise.

She winced when his arms draped around her, his leathery hands smoothly stroking the sides of her waist. He exhaled loudly when her body relaxed against him and he lowered his head to rest his chin over one of her shoulders, his mismatched eyes scouring the mess of items that were strewn about the trunk. He hugged her gently, even when her arms reached forwards again. His heart was racing so fiercely that he was sure she must have felt it thumping against her back, but she was successful at hiding it and focused on latching her hands onto a couple of items to toss them aside.

He continued to hold her and a wise, amused smile wriggled its way over his painted lips when her pallid hands latched around a hefty stone tablet. She attempted to push it out of the way, but it wouldn’t budge. It was blank and unassuming, and wasn’t much bigger than a sheet of drawing paper, but it seemed to weigh a ton. She reached further forwards and gritted her teeth, balancing on her very tip-toes as she tried to move the strange, hefty bit of grey rock... but even with her extra efforts, it wouldn’t move a muscle.

“What the fuck is this?” she asked, leaning back into the warmth of Copia’s chest, huffing out a couple of tired breaths.

“Oh... the rock? Ahhh... it’s nothing too interesting. It’s just something I slung in the back a while ago. I figured it might come in useful some time. Don't worry about it, baby.” he reassured, tilting his head to press a kiss to her right cheek.

“But I can’t fuckin’ shift it.” she complained, the crow on her left shoulder flapping his wings in protest when she leaned forwards to attempt to move the stone tablet again.

“Heey, heey... chill out, ok? I’ll move it for you.” he murmured, pressing another kiss to her pallid face before he took his arms away from her. She rolled her eyes and reluctantly backed away, allowing him to step in front of her. Her charcoal eyes narrowed in speculation when he stooped down and reached his gloved hands towards the hefty oblong rock. Her apathetic expression became puzzled and ever so slightly impressed when he effortlessly lifted the grey slab like it was simply made of Styrofoam... but she knew that it couldn’t have been, because the sedan’s suspension noticeably jolted when he carefully placed it in a vacant bit of trunk-space that was out of the way of the rest of the clutter.

“You looking for the diffuser?” he asked, casually peering at her over his shoulder like he was oblivious to the fact his actions had made her completely speechless. His head turned before she could reply and his sleeved forearms hooked under a thin rectangular tank of translucent, pale pink liquid. It had thick leather straps attached to the longest edges, a long hose-like nozzle that was fixed to its middle and a hinged lid that sealed its top. Clutching the unusual contraption to his chest, he spun around on his heels and stretched out the leather straps in an inviting manner.

“You wearing it this time? Or do you want me to - ”

“I’ll wear it.” she snapped, already turning around and stretching her arms behind her. Pontius cawed and instinctively fled to Copia’s right shoulder, who was smirking broadly due to Aemelia’s stubborn reaction and he slipped each strap over her shoulders with ease, his actions under the strict scrutiny of the crow’s glossy black eyes. He adjusted their length until the incense-tank was comfortably tight to her back and then secured their buckles until she nodded. She spun around to face him, her charcoal irises gleaming with amusement when Pontius bowed his beaked head like he was displaying his approval.

“He’s more of a gentleman than you are...” she murmured, her mouth wiggling into a crumpled smile when Copia gawped at her like she’d deeply insulted him.

“Eh! Excuuuuuse me, Aemelia?!” he scolded her in feigned annoyance. “Don’t let those shiny feathers fool you, this little guy’s butt-naked! So I think you’ll find that I’m the true gentleman here. I’m not out here wiggling my dick around like he is. I even made the effort to wear a suit, ok?”

“It doesn’t count if you wear one all the time, you fuck-wit.” she quipped, biting into a smile when he raised his brows and folded his arms in front of his chest in feigned offense. “Fuck’s sake, Copia... don’t – hehhh – don’t look at me like that. Just grab the thermometer so we can get on, will you? You’re only making this task longer by doing this, and the longer you’re away from the Ministry, the more time the Clergy have to notice that you’re missing...”

By the time the two investigators stepped into the gloomy threshold of the school, the splitting sound of a bell echoed throughout its empty hallways, and it appeared to be the cue for a rush of chaos to commence. The grating sound prompted classroom doors to burst open, and swarms of chattering kids squeezed through the corridors, the edges of their backpacks scratching the work displays on the walls. They were unaware of the shiny black crow that intently surveyed them from the tiled ceilings, and they simply went about their usual business, loudly chattering amongst themselves as it persisted to scout the layout of the place.

Most hasty teenagers rushed towards their next lesson, but their playful voices were swiftly replaced with silence upon them noticing the two official-looking adults that were also striding through the wide, bustling hallways. Their gazes were drawn to Copia first, his neatly painted face and shimmering Grucifix that was embroidered over the breast of his tailcoat causing them to nervously slow their strides.

His presence noticeably unsettled them despite the fact he was focused on his task. He was holding a clinical-looking metal thermometer out in front of him, and contentedly conversing with Aemelia, who closely walked by his side, her right hand confidently angling the end of the incense diffuser's nozzle to the thin ceiling tiles above them. Their unusual actions, dark clothes, strange equipment – and presumably, the fact Miss Vial was often mistaken for an off-duty undertaker – caused the groups of kids to split up and cling to the walls to give the couple a wide birth as they passed. Both of them noticed their wary actions and paused their conversation to shake their heads and smile with amusement. They knew they stuck out like sore thumbs and simply accepted the caution. However, their acceptance quickly grew thin when a couple of older kids pointed and giggled uncontrollably from the opposite side of the corridor, like Copia's appearance was entertaining them and he sighed deeply, the arm he stretched in front of him lowering to swing by his side in a deflated manner.

The amusement of the few caused him to feel ancient among the youthful sea of teenagers, he couldn’t understand why his unholy presence was so amusing and he blamed the fact he must have been out of touch. Aemelia instantly noticed his dissatisfaction due to his silence, and once her dark eyes settled on his painted, weathered face, she realised he was wearing a glum wince as he stared down at the tips of his winkle-pickers. Although she knew that something was suddenly troubling him, she didn't say a word and reached her left hand towards him instead. Her fingertips grazed the fabric of his elbow, and he succumbed to her touch, eagerly raising his arm from his side so that she could link their arms together. When she did so firmly, he lifted his head and his mismatched eyes gleamed with gratitude when their stares met.

He may have felt like a disconnected geriatric for the first time in his existence, but the sincerity in Miss Vial's charcoal eyes reassured him that his presence wasn't amusing, frightening or even intriguing to her. She gazed at him knowing what and who he truly was, without a flicker of doubt in her eyes, and it caused him to wear a faint, thankful smile. His appreciation may have been subtle but she noticed it immediately and she huffed out in amusement, her head dipping down so that she could lean her face closer to his.

“Oi, cheer up. You're not allowed to be miserable around here, leave that to the kids.” she said, her eyebrows raising expectantly when the childish laughter and bickering finally faded away now that the highly amused group had passed. “And you’re not just going to let some fifteen-year-olds get away with laughing at you, are you?”

“Ehh... they can do whatever. They’re free to giggle all they want.” he murmured while they continued to walk, his glinting eyes eagerly exploring her pallid features now that they were much closer to him. “But they will pay for their amusement with their nightmares, mark my words. Their dreams will be haunted with tours of infernal torture. Think of it as a teeensy, trivial bit of punishment for ridiculing the Anti-Christ... heh heh heh.”

She snorted and backed her head away from him, the mirth in her dark eyes causing a smirk to linger on his painted lips. Unfortunately, their pleasant exchange of gazes abruptly ended once they came to the end of the corridor and rounded the corner, where they were met with high-pitched squeaks, scuffs and incoherent murmurs. It was clear that some kind of altercation was going on and their heads snapped towards the source of the noise, a small cluster of students gathering around a set of metal lockers that clutched to the left wall ahead of them. Their gazes narrowed in suspicion, and seeing as there was a notable absence of staff around, they hurried towards the scene, their paces increasing when they witnessed the group of students pouncing on a boy in the middle of their cluster. They shoved him about until his jaw smashed into the line of lockers, and a couple of them shouted worriedly when they peered over their shoulders and spotted the dark, haunting presence of Copia and Vial...

The altercation ceased immediately and the group took off, pushing their way through the sea of students before the two adults could catch up to them. Instead of chasing them, they continued to head towards the lockers, and once they arrived there, the skinny boy the group had heckled was crouched down, his tanned hands scrambling about the floor to reach for his skewed – and slightly squished – pair of spectacles. The couple simply paused and watched him struggle for a moment, then after exchanging their concerned glances, Copia huffed and slipped the thermometer – which was now quietly beeping – into the recesses of his jacket.

He stooped down with a strained grunt and confidently swiped the sad-looking glasses from the floor with a gloved hand, then casually held them in front of the boy’s squinting eyes. The kid visibly stiffened when he took notice of the inverted cross on the back of Copia’s leather glove but he eventually found the confidence to yank hold of his spectacles, scrambling up from the floor to awkwardly slide them up his nose. Before the boy could rise from the floor to stand on the battered soles of his converse, Copia’s hand momentarily disappeared from view and he cleared his throat like he was silently asking for the boy’s patience. Aemelia simply stood by his side and frowned at him quizzically when he reached inside his pockets, but sighed heavily once he revealed a shiny black business card.

The boy visibly shook with apprehension, glaring into Copia’s calm mismatched eyes when the anti-pope smoothly stooped down to proudly offer the boy his calling card. He didn’t seem remotely concerned by the teenager’s nervousness and wore a small smile, patiently waiting for his card to be taken.

“Se hai bisogno di aiuto per spaventare i bulli... o vendetta, chiamaci, sì?” he softly murmured, hoping that his words would offer the boy some comfort.

Thankfully, it appeared to, for he snatched hold of the card and shuffled up to his feet. He continued to flick his eyes between the couple like he was trying to make sense of them as he hurriedly adjusted a crooked backpack over his left shoulder, a fist crushing Copia’s calling card to the faded front of his Iron Maiden t-shirt. Then after a couple of seconds of bewilderment, he nodded frantically like he was silently thanking them, then swiftly scurried into the rush behind them like their interaction had never occurred, his shoe-soles squeaking as he went.

“You think he’ll be ok?” Copia murmured, shuffling backwards to link his arm with Aemelia’s again.

“Yeah, ‘course. He might feel outnumbered here, but he’s got our number now. Just... don’t start renting out my stock of apparitions to kids, alright? I won’t tolerate that line being crossed.” she muttered, sternly returning his mismatched stare, which was suspiciously innocuous.

“Whaaaaa – ohhhh noooo, nooo... I would never do that, Aemelia... that would be waaaay too risky. Plus, we have plenty of other ways we could help, heh he – ackk!” he choked when she swiftly turned away from the lockers to roughly tug him along the rest of the corridor. Her insistent actions stopped when his legs eventually started to oblige her and their linked arms slackened, a couple of coughs escaping him when a spontaneous cloud of incense jetted up out of the nozzle in her other hand’s grip. The build up of cool mist scattered over them and he smirked when he eventually stopped coughing, the amusement in her eyes plain to him even though she was intently focused on the hallway ahead of them.

They simply tread through the corridors in silence until the rush finally died down, and Aemelia distracted herself by occasionally gazing up to study the subtle presence of Pontius, who was still scouring the contents of the corridor ahead of them. Copia occupied himself by reaching out his free gloved hand to any severe-looking tutors they happened to pass, hoping to get rid of some more of his business cards. But most of them ignored him and wore a concerned expression like they were silently questioning whether they should pull out their cell phone to call the authorities...

However, he did eventually manage to get rid of a couple when the bustle finally started to subside. A handful of middle-aged women – who were most definitely teachers given the stacks of textbooks they were clutching beneath their arms – had practically snatched the cards from his grasp. Each one of them had confidently returned his attention, their brief flickers of excitement plain to him as they unleashed flattered giggles and scuttled off to whatever lesson they were supposed to be teaching. He glanced at them over his shoulder as they went and wore a smug smirk, proud that he’d finally come across someone who appreciated his unholy presence.

“Heh, still got it.” he murmured to himself before he turned his head away and rested his boastful eyes on the woman beside him, who was still gripping the nozzle of her diffuser tank and slowly swaying it side to side to disperse the calming incense into the air.

“Got what?” she muttered, her black eyes admiring the shiny flooring in front of them now that the corridors were completely vacant of anyone.

“Oh... ehhh... you know, the whole... sexual charisma thing. If I looked at those chicks too quickly, they’d probably drop their panties for me in a heartbeat, heh heh.” he subtly gloated, smirking broadly when she bluntly tilted her head to scowl at him.

“Right. As opposed to me?” she snapped, tipping her chin towards him like she was a little insulted by his comments. He glared at her worriedly and a breathy hesitation escaped him, the indifferent, expectant expression she wore as she patiently awaited his reply causing him to audibly swallow.

“Ah shit! I didn't mean it like that, Aemelia. I just mean they are... ehhh... easy.” he reassured, his eyebrows knitting when the arm she was linking with his abruptly squeezed around him.

“Oh, so you’re saying I'm hardcore? Or... nightmare mode?” she questioned, slowing her strides so that she could close the space between their faces and press the ends of their noses together to closely scold him with her mirthful black eyes.

Whaaa...nightmare?! No no no! No way are you a nightmare, you are... you are like a dream come true for me, Cipolletta.” he insisted, his mismatched eyes frantically searching her subtly amused irises.

“Well that's disappointing. I was hoping that could be another one of your names for me.” she teased, the corners of her grey lips turning upwards.

“Eh... what? What you mean by that? What... “names” are these?” he asked, inhaling sharply when she moved her head a fraction and gently nuzzled her nose against his.

“Like Chipo-what's-it, or... the other one.”

“Ohhhhh, I see. So you’re saying... y ou would like me calling you Nightmare?” he suggested with brazen flirtation, his eyes straying from her gaze to settle on the tempting opportunity of her parted mouth.

“Oi, Nightmare Mode, please. I’ll take nothing less than that.” she replied with feigned irritation, her amusement lingering when he suddenly angled his head like he was struggling to resist the lure of kissing her.

“Fine, fine... what about me? Do I get a new... label?” he asked in a low murmur, exhaling deeply when he felt their entwined arms pleasantly tense. She’d managed to wriggle her pallid hand free and her fingertips tickled the right side of his neck.

"I’ve already got plenty of names for you. I just don't always say them.” she confessed.

“Oooh, you do? You know... you can’t leave it there, Aemelia. You have to tell me now that you have said this.”

“I don’t have to tell you anything, Copia.”

“Ahhh, right, right... then maybe we should have a little get-together in a confessional once we get back home, ah? You won’t be able to resist telling me these names behind a curtain, in the dark, with a wall between us. You know what, you think... you could whisper these names to me? Or maybe... slip into my side and let me hold you against the wall so I can - ”

“I’m not saying shit. But if you do end up finding out about these names somehow... I’m sorry that they’re not mean enough.” she quipped, before she confidently turned her head away to start walking forwards, which prompted him to clumsily stumble along with her. His amusement swiftly dropped when he realised that they were finally nearing the glass-clad corridors that surrounded the courtyard's stone summoning platform, and he winced like something was suddenly troubling him. He kept up with her strides and remained by her side when she angled the nozzle of the diffuser over her right shoulder, spraying the cool scent into the empty corridor they'd left behind them.

“You... eh... ever think about what we saw in that sector thingy?” Copia suddenly asked, his cautious tone giving away that he’d probably regretted voicing his thoughts to her so casually.

“All the time.” she softly responded, her pale features scrunching into a glum wince. “With all those creatures that managed to escape, I thought we'd be a lot busier with callouts and such nowadays. But I s'pose they wouldn't have survived long being out in the middle of a highway like that.”

He could tell from her solemn expression that she was still blaming herself for what they'd discovered that summer night, and he squeezed their entwined arms together tightly, hoping that it would provide her with some comfort.

“What about that other thing? The thing inside that was still kicking. You think that's still... wandering around somewhere?” he murmured, his eyebrows knitting together when her head lowered so that she could sadly stare down at the tops of her black oxfords.

“Hopefully not.” she quietly replied, the melancholy in her voice clear to him. “I don't know what the fuck that was. Must've been something stubborn to outlive everything else in there. I...”

She trailed off to momentarily close her eyes and sigh, but she composed herself and reluctantly cracked open her eyelids, stray strands of burgundy hair falling forwards to loosely hang in front of her nose.

“I still have the odd nightmare about it to be honest.” she eventually managed to continue, swallowing thickly like her throat had suddenly become uncomfortably dry. “The way it moved... ugh, I remember it so clearly. It gives me the fuckin’ creeps.”

He reached his left arm towards her and gently settled his hand around her right wrist to stop her from moving the diffuser’s nozzle, and his actions caused them both to pause in unison, her head briefly lifting so that their gazes could meet.

“You want to have a rest from this? I can have a go, it will ease the weight on your back.” he softly offered, his leather-clad thumb lightly stroking her tender wrist back and forth.

“I appreciate you trying to change the subject, Copia... but I'm fine with doing this for now. I need to keep my hands occupied.”

“Okie dokie, but if it ever starts to feel too heavy... you hand it over to me, ok?” he insisted, giving her wrist a little squeeze before he took his hand away from her.

“Yeah, I'll make sure I let you know.” she responded, refraining from wearing a grateful smile when she raised her head some more to send a casual glance to a row of lockers and occasional alcoves that hugged the wall to their left. “Does this corridor seem familiar to you? Compared to the others, I mean.”

“Ahhhh, yes, yeees, it’s very familiar, isn’t it? You really don't remember?” he asked with brazen curiosity as they continued to stroll down its length in unison. “I'm pretty sure this is where you pinned me against the wall, heh heh heh...”

She remained silent but he plainly noticed her wearing a faint smirk when she nodded to respond to him instead and another couple of breathy chuckles escaped him.

“You know... seeing as all the kiddos are in class now... we could always find a dark corner and smooch a li - ”

“Fuck off with that, will you?” she complained, an over-dramatic wince manifesting over her features as she snapped her head to frown at him... but she couldn’t quite disguise the amusement that swam in her dark eyes. “I'm not in the mood and I'd like to remind you that we're working right now, Copia. We've got to calm these hallways before I consume all that energy from courtyard again, or there’ll be the arse-end of Hell to pay.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, but... you thought nothing of making out last time we were here.” he eagerly replied, his eyes frantically searching her stare. “And it still amazes me. I get that the whole mask-wearing thing was a real turn-on but... the way you held me that night, the way you moved, the way you kissed me... shit, how can I get that confidence from you again?”

“Confidence? Is that really what you're calling it?” she teased, allowing her amusement to take over, a small smile clutching at the corners of her mouth. “It was dominance and you damn well know it.”

“Mmmmhmm... I certainly did, heh heh...” he proudly murmured, averting his gaze to the floor to hide his silly crumpled smile.

“The confidence is never guaranteed, I'm afraid. Just depends how I'm feeling on the day. Bit disappointing really.”

“Ehhh! You kidding me?!” he cried, propping his head up to abruptly gawp at her with amused disbelief. “This means you can never be predictable, baby. I’d say that’s real far from disappointing.”

When she didn’t reply, their discussion dried up and they turned their attention to their upcoming surroundings, their small smiles lingering over their lips. Now that they’d entered the corridors that surrounded the courtyard, the glass panels that had once made up the internal walls of the hallways were now boarded up with plywood sheets after being blown out after the events that took place a few months prior. But Copia and Vial had grown used to the depressing sight and headed straight for their usual way inside, which consisted of a couple of open panels that had been taped over with caution tape. Copia simply pushed it aside and gestured his glove for Miss Vial to enter first, and she obliged him, ducking down so that her head missed the boarded up panes overhead. When she disappeared from view, he repeated her actions and his eyes glinted when he caught sight of her again. His mismatched irises trailed over the tank that was strapped to her back - which was now half emptied - until they inevitably trailed to the generous curve of her backside...

Even after stepping into the heart of the school, he admired her rear, tilting his head inquisitively to study the subtle swing of her hips as she walked towards the vast stone summoning platform. He knew he should've been focusing on their task, but he couldn't miss the opportunity of studying the sturdy majesty of her upper leg muscles. The weak September sun rained down over their heads and they squinted in protest as they wandered towards the stone structure in the centre, and once they’d arrived at its weathered edges, Aemelia halted to pull at the leather straps on her shoulders.

When Copia arrived next to her, he reached over to gently push her hands away, and once she obliged him by relaxing her arms by her sides, his gloved hands slackened the leather until she could pull her arms out. She sighed with relief when she shook her arms free and he grunted loudly when the diffuser tank fell away from her back, his arms tightly wrapping around it in clumsy reflex. His grunts of effort continued as he sunk down to set it over the stone surface below and she spun on her heels and headed straight for the circular centre, which was set-down from the rest of the stone platform. To her surprise, her crow companion was already waiting for their presence and happily pattering about the wide, circular surface.

When the tank was firmly lying over the ground, Copia hurried after her in a spry manner, his eyes glinting wisely with wisdom when she dropped into the central summoning circle, where the stone was still scorched from a demon’s fierce barrier of flames. He panted out harshly when she’d already managed to reach the very centre and she sunk to lie down, a subtle wince on her features as her back met the uncomfortable stone surface. She relaxed her arms by her sides and turned them so that her pallid fingertips were in contact with ground, and her head slowly relaxed so that the back of her skull touched the floor too, her eyes closing as she tried her best to clear her mind.

By the time Copia hopped into the summoning circle, shimmering obsidian particles had already started to manifest in the atmosphere and they darted towards her, their graceful wisps seeping into her relaxed form. He observed her patient, lying frame with admiration, heavy huffs wheezing out of him when he arrived by her side and abruptly lowered himself to coolly sit beside her, his slender legs sprawling out by his side. After a couple of seconds, her body was outlined with a lively aura of thick shadows and Copia smiled proudly, still silently fascinated that she was completely at ease despite the large ribbons of dark energy that were pouring into her.

“Listen, Aemelia... eh... seeing as this takes a little while, there’s something I... I’ve been wanting to tell you for a little while now.” he began, unleashing a nervous sigh when her eyes cracked open intently, which appeared to be her only way of responding to him, considering that she couldn’t move out of her current position to sit up and face him. “I know that you are fully capable of doing all of this on your own, but... these visits, I look forward to them, just because of the time we spend together, you know? I know I pestered your ass off about coming today, but... I needed to make sure you were safe.”

“Don’t worry so much, Copia. You know that I know exactly what I’m doing here. We’ve been here plenty of times now, why would this time be any different?” she reassured, closing her eyes again when another substantial ribbon of black energy seeped into her.

“I-I know, but... I didn’t mean that. I just meant... shit. I’m just going to tell you, ok?” he said in a frustrated manner, composing himself with a sharp sigh before he continued. “The night before we went on our little date, I... found you in the Ministry’s catacombs. There was a pointless ritual thing going on, a handful of Siblings have taken their beliefs to the next level... and they’ve been sneaking in there on a regular basis by the looks of everything – believe me, the place was a fucking mess when I got there. I was working late so I didn’t leave the office until like... eleven, maybe twelve, you know yourself, the corridors are usually empty. So when I saw a couple of sisters walking a little ways ahead of me... I knew something fishy was going on so I followed them. I tailed them all the way to the undercroft, and then from there, they took the stairs to the catacombs underneath, where... all of this shit went down.”

He paused to unleash another heavy sigh and she patiently waited for him to continue, lying motionless as a concerned wince etched into her pallid features.

“I’m... still kinda shocked to be honest. Members of my fucking church, drugging their own people to use them as blood bags. They thought they would appease Satan and get some extra brownie points by spilling blood on a weekly basis. I lost my shit when I caught them in the act. And I saw a little more than red when I saw they’d knocked you out and dragged you down there. I wanted to torch their asses for what they did to you.”

“What the fuck?!” she cried, her voice grating as her glaring black irises blotted outwards to fill the whites of her eyes. “Why are you telling me this now?! Why didn’t you say something sooner? Wha – what did they do to me?!”

“They were going to cut into you, just like the others I’d seen them cut before. But I... couldn’t let them harm you, Aemelia. I had to gather my balls and intervene to stop them, but of course... when I did this, they thought that my presence was some kind of unholy sign that proved their ritual was having some benefit. So I just... played along with their shitty game and they listened to me. And thankfully, I managed to stop them from hurting you. But they still said they required the last teensy bit of blood to make Satan happy or some shit. So I... offered them my blood in place of yours.”

He pulled off his right glove and opened his palm, reaching it out to hold it above her wide, vacuous eyes. She could see a distinct line of scarring that curved around the bottom of his hand’s creased skin and she knitted her eyebrows and suddenly squeezed her eyes shut like she couldn’t bear looking at his scar any longer.

“Why the fuck did you do that? If you knew it was all bullshit, why play along?” she murmured, downplaying her astonishment to stop herself from losing control of the energy that was accumulating inside of her.

“Because spilling my blood will never please my father.” he said, taking his arm away from her to stoop down and stare at her closely instead, a wily, amused smirk stretching across his painted face. “It will make him suspicious, maybe even angry towards those that dare spill the blood of his kin so... carelessly, heh heh. It’s kinda funny, the bunch of extremists who were abusing Satan’s church to try and get Satan’s attention... end up getting his attention, but instead of paying in blood, they pay with their lives, heh heh heh... ah well, they’ll be out of our hair soon enough. Their punishment is due very soon, but before they meet their... imminent doom heh heh – I have a couple things in store for them back at the Ministry, I will be making their lives very difficult for them. I really want to squeeze out the suffering before my old man decides to revoke their existence, you know?”

“So... in other words, you’re just informing me about this, because you’ve already sorted it?” Aemelia questioned, wrinkling her nose in confusion. He leaned down some more until his nose brushed against hers, his mismatched eyes shining with fascination when he smiled and studied the subtle, ever-changing patterns of the darkness that filled her eye-sockets. His gloved hands gently rested over her shoulders like he was ensuring she remained calmly in place beneath him, and then he finally nodded, oblivious to the fact his presence caused the slithers of black particles to whip into thick snakes to shift around him and seep into her.

“Yeeeah, it’s all taken care of, so you can relax, baby. I just felt that you needed to know. It’s been kinda weighing on my mind, I’m just glad I was there to - ”

“Thanks for saving me.” she interrupted, her grey lips curving into a sincere, grateful smile. “You get extra points for dropping those dickheads in it too. Eye for eye and all that.”

“Ah c’maaaaan, don’t thank me for this, Aemelia... you think I was just going to let them do that to you?” he asked, his smile broadening when she let out an amused huff. “Those fucking peoples... they really weren’t the brightest, you know? So there is no need to thank me, ok? I barely had to do anything, they did it themselves. As soon as I turned up, they were so excited that they just threw their off their hoods, they wanted to own up to what they’d done, like they were proud of themselves... heh heh. It’s unfortunate for them, I am very good at remembering faces, ah?”

She let out a breathy laugh and he impishly chuckled, his gaze still captivated by the dancing, mirthful blackness in her glossy black eyes.

“Ehhh... I know this is... a little off-topic but... there is no... ideal moment to really talk about this. But... we are definitely alone now, so I figured that now would be a good time to - ”

“Just spit it out, Copia.” she complained with feigned exasperation. It was obvious that she was trying to refrain from smiling any further due to the dimples in her cheeks and it filled his mismatched eyes with undiluted adoration.

“That thing you sent me last night, I was... not expecting that. At all.” he admitted, his tongue subtly rolling over his bottom lip when her smile shrunk to a bold smirk.

“You thought I was just going to sit for an hour and text you dirty things, didn't you?” she emptily stated, confidently staring into his wishful eyes.

“Of course! That’s how sexting works, no?”

“Well, I’m sorry that you didn’t enjoy my sexting. I just thought that sticking to dirty talk was a bit... tame.” she snapped, trying her best to conceal a snort when he let out a quiet giggle, his smile crumpling when he nuzzled her nose affectionately.

“Ehhh! Ehhh! I never said that. I just... didn't think it would be so fucking... good.” he eventually replied through his high-pitched chuckles.

“Oh, well thank fuck for that. One slip up on your pronunciation and you'd have been fucked... and not in the way you were hoping.” she said with a relieved sigh, which caused his laughter to cease. He paused his nuzzles when his head was angled so that his mouth poised directly in front of hers.

“Shit. Then it’s good that you sent me the... phono... phonics? Phonograph? I mean to say... thank you for spelling everything out for me, so I didn't fuck it up, heh heh.”

“Phonetics.” she corrected, her dark, lively eyes swirling more vigorously now that she could feel his warm breath puffing onto her features. “And I was only pulling your leg, there wasn't any real risk. But I'm glad my words managed to help you out.”

“What, eh... what language was it? Ancient demonic? Theban? It sounded really fucking familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.” he muttered, his distant tone giving away that he was mesmerized by the graceful dance playing out in her eye-sockets.

“Just a bit of Ancient Cyrillic, apparently Lucifer was quite fond of using it when it was popular in the old days.”

“Ahhhh, I seeee...” he murmured in a low, suggestive tone, the gloved hands on her shoulders gently starting to knead. “... this explains the... potency of what I experienced, heh heh. I never thought you’d be so knowledgeable about forgotten languages, Aemelia.”

“Well, I’m not exactly fluent, but I’ve picked up the odd thing here and there, and its enough to get by.” she explained, a small smile lingering over her grey lips.

“Ehhh, c’maaan, you know enough to summon hands from thin air. I think you’re being a little too modest, baby.” he playfully taunted, sending her an overly long wink which caused her to snort with amusement.

“Thin air my arse. Why'd you think I stopped replying to your texts?” she questioned, raising one of her eyebrows when his smug smile dropped so that he could glare at her in confusion.

“Ehhh... what? What you talking about? I figured you were busy or some shit.”

“Yeah, ‘cause my hands were full.”

His eyes widened even more now that realisation hit him and his mouth fell open, his horrified expression causing her to smile and bite her tongue to stop herself from laughing.

“Fuck. You... you felt everything, didn’t you?”


“Shit! I wanted my junk to be a fucking surprise! Damn it!” he passionately complained, his hands clenching around her shoulders when another breathy laugh left her.

“It's hardly a surprise. You practically have it on display with your tight choice of legwear.” she poked, his eyebrows knitting together with concern.

“It wasn’t... disappointing for you, right? It’s wasn't... too small? Too - ”

“Shut it, will you? I might’ve felt it but I didn't manage to note down it's fucking dimensions. It's not like I had a tape measure with me.” she cut in, her eye roll shrouded by the darkness that had invaded her eye-sockets.

”So... my junk is still a mystery to you?” he asked in a small, hopeful voice.

“Yeah, it’s still a mystery. I could only feel your... warm skin, to be honest. So I don't know its fucking blueprint. And before you say anything else, I don't care what it looks like, or how fuckin’ tiny or huge it is either, so you can chill the fuck out, alright?” she firmly reassured.

Her mouth parted in astonishment when he responded by growling through a heavy, relieved breath and she winced when he firmly pressed his mouth into hers. His hands kneaded her shoulders and she reacted to his kiss instantly, her eyes closing as the energy inside her started to simmer due to the steep increase of her heartbeat. They quietly whimpered into each other’s mouths, unaware that their intense kiss was affecting the potency of the energy within her.

It was a good job that the courtyard’s windows were already boarded up, because there was no way their energy-removal session was going to end calmly...

4 : The Impartial Assistance of an Anti-Christ

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It was another busy night shift for Miss Vial at the D.D.D's office. She’d been answering calls non-stop since she'd switched on the rotary phone that night. Autumn had brought a large abundance of supernatural activity, so she wasn't surprised that the phone rang again as soon as each call ended. Seeing as the season had brought in such a large surge of inquiries, Copia had hooked up an old answering machine to the office's plug-sockets, which only added to the precarious mess of black wires that were already there. The device sat over the left side of the bureau, in front of the ugly desk-fan, and though she thought that the equipment was outdated, she knew that it was reliable, so the chance of missing a voice-mail was rather slim. While the line was busy, she would always hear the inevitable whir of its mechanism beside her as another couple of messages were recorded onto its cassette tapes, which audibly reassured her that she wasn’t going to miss anything important.

Despite the spike in callers that night, the problems they approached her with were fairly trivial. Most people faced hauntings due to the approach of Fall. Spirits tended to get restless and over-excited during the couple of months before Halloween, so Aemelia would simply try to calm the callers and tell them to cleanse the atmosphere with incense sticks, or leave small dishes filled with scented oils in the most haunted parts of their homes to calm the apparitions. Other common problems that came up involved the pesky presence of the undead, who also started to awaken during September’s cooling off period. One caller claimed that he refused to enter his kitchen after witnessing a living corpse climbing into his fridge, another claimed four or five were lurking in their cellar and making a mess of their garden supplies... but the most ridiculous caller out of the lot had simply phoned to complain that the bodies they’d nicked from their local cemetery had started to reanimate, and to their dismay, their moans and groans were so loud that they’d started to attract the attention of unimpressed neighbours…

Miss Vial couldn’t believe that so many people were reluctant to try and solve their undead problems on their own, but she always obliged their calls and helped them as best as she could, no matter how ridiculous the circumstances. As much as she loved Romero movies, she blamed them for the general public’s reluctance and fear of the dead. The amount of times she had to explain that flesh-eating zombies were a huge misconception caused her head to ache with annoyance, but she always persisted to inform them until she told them to simply dismember the resurrected corpses and burn the leftovers.

She breathed a heavy sigh of relief when there was a sudden lull around eleven. She made the most of the break by unhooking the phone from its base - to ensure that any incoming calls would be sent directly to the answering machine - and she slouched back into her arm-chair, sliding a hand into the recesses of her waistcoat. She grasped hold of a stray cigarette and her trusty matchbox, before she tipped her head back and slotted the cigarette between her grey lips. As she slid the matchbox open, it quietly rattled and seemed to cause something to patter across the floor. She paused her actions and sat up straight, squinting in contemplation as she peered at the murky shadows by the office door.

“Meeees Viiiiial!” Nekid loudly rasped, prompting her to peer down at the floor to the left of her chair. “Give me some of those sweeeeet, sweeeeet matches… please, hek.”

His mismatched eyes were wide with hope, and a cheesy grin spread across his oval face. His tiny hands clutched at his rotund pot belly in an innocent manner and she rolled her eyes, unleashing a defeated huff. He giggled excitedly and poked out his forked-tongue to lick his lips when she swiped up some matches and carefully lowered her slack handful towards him. As soon as her palm started to open, he snatched them up and broke them in half to stuff them into his mouth. She sat back in her seat when he winced and crunched down his smoky snack, averting her attention to the matchbox in her hand as she took one more from it. It surged into life when she struck the strip on the side of the box and she carefully brought the flame to the end of her cigarette.

Once she breathed out, the air released its first cloud of opal smoke and she swiftly shook out the match, tossing its blackened remnants to the floor. She tipped her head back after taking her first long drag and raised a brow when she heard Nekid’s feet slapping over the ground again. He was still greedily chomping on his matches but desperately gathering the burnt remains of the one she’d discarded, its potent smoky scent causing his small nostrils to flare.

“You’re normally snoozing by now.” Aemelia softly said, her voice hoarse due to the smoke. “What’s keeping you up tonight?”

She heard him gulp loudly and he wheezed like it had been an ordeal to do so, hugging the sooty remainders of the match to his chest. He peered up at her with over-dramatic ignorance and she simply tilted her head to return his stare, her long maroon plaits framing the sides of her dark, impassive eyes.

“I was hoping you could make me my biiiiiiiig, huuuuuge, massiiiiive size again!” he exclaimed, his needle-like teeth meeting in a hopeful grin.

“No.” she sternly responded, narrowing her eyes at him as she sharply inhaled another lot of smoke.

“Ohhhhhh pliiiiiiiiiiiiis, Meees Vial!” he whined, his feet slapping as he hopped up and down on the spot.

“Fuck no. You just want to impress some sister or other. And that’s a bullshit reason for me to make that potion for you again. Also, the weight-gain last time was an unpleasant side-effect for you. Why do you want to risk that happening again when you’ve just managed to get back to your usual self?”

“Ohhhhpliiis-ohpliiis-ohpliiiiiiiis, Meees Vial! I will owe you!” he cried, throwing down his collected cinders to wrap his spindly arms around the nearest leg of her arm-chair.

“Owe me what?” she coldly questioned.

“A favour! I… I will… ahhhhm… I will stop ratto from spying on you when you shower!”

“He does that?” she asked, tilting her head some more to display her curiosity as she exhaled another tumbling cloud of smoke.

“Ohhhhh yiiiis. He is veeeery into watching. The dirty, seniiiiiile ratto!” the familiar passionately yelled, narrowing his eyes at her like he disapproved of his summoner’s actions immensely.

“Well… I s’pose you would know.” she muttered.

“Is good enough favour for you?” Nekid hurriedly asked in a much lighter tone. It was clear from his innocent expression and wide, hopeful eyes that he was trying his best to look cute for her.

“Copia can look all he wants, I'm afraid. If I actually believed what you just said, of course.”

“What?!” he bellowed, lowering his arms from the chair leg to ball his hands into fists by his sides as he gawped at her. “You don't believe me?! Me, Nekid, the very, veeery honest cum-ball?!”

“I can believe that Copia’s into voyeurism, I just don't believe he watches me shower. It’s impossible. It's too dark in that fuckin’ attic. No way could he peep through the keyhole and rub one out. It's too dark to see shit.” she reasoned with a casual shrug.

“Grhhaah! Well, he does!” he growled through gritted teeth, wearing a defiant pout as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

“He definitely doesn't.” she insisted with a wise smirk. “He gets excited over me loosening my tie... he'd have a fuckin' heart attack if I took any more clothes off.”

“Gak! You’re no fun, Meees Vial!” he snapped, squeezing his eyes shut to blow a loud, obnoxious raspberry at her. With that, he swiftly spun around and headed towards his drawer-bed, swinging his hips side to side, hoping that it would wobble his ass cheeks enough to disgust her.

She continued to smoke and watched with indifference when he grunted and growled as he pulled out the bottom drawer of the bureau to clumsily clamber inside. There was a dull thud when he landed in its messy confines, his white mohawk obvious as he peeped over the top of it so that he could blow one last raspberry at her.

“Fakk you!” he yelled, narrowing his eyes again before his feet slapped against the wood of the drawer, which caused it to abruptly shuffle closed. She could plainly hear his disgruntled mutters and sighs and she shook her head in amusement. The familiar never seemed to learn that the world didn’t revolve around him… then again, she supposed the world did revolve around his summoner to some degree, so she thought the imp’s ego was somewhat understandable.

Allowing her lit cigarette to roll to the right side of her mouth, she sighed and reached over to the phone. She placed it on its glossy black base then slouched back in her seat, closing her eyes with a wince like she was dreading the inevitable arrival of the next call. Unfortunately, after a long, suspenseful ten seconds, the first ring sounded and she jumped awake, swiping up the phone to press it to her right ear.

“You’ve reached the D.D.D. How may we be of service?” she emptily greeted, her deflated manner swiftly vanishing as soon as she heard the desperation in the voice on the other end of the line. “All of you? What do mean by affecting all of you?”

The person was so distraught that she had to close her eyes and really concentrate on their words. Every so often other voices would chime in, like the other people that were present were trying to offer some more information but they were making it much harder for her to make out the main caller.

“This sounds like it could be something out of our control, but it still falls within our interests. So we could come take a look tonight, if that would reassure you?” she offered, her left hand reaching up to swipe her cigarette from her mouth. She exhaled heavily as the array of voices in the background piped up like they disapproved of something, then there were some loud scrambling noises like the caller’s phone was being moved around a lot, until finally, the original caller’s voice returned. She listened intently and poised her smouldering cigarette in front of her mouth, lightly frowning in suspicion.

“This only happens at night, right?” she suddenly asked, which caused the other end of the line to quieten into an eerie silence. “And you said that this has been happening for months now? Why didn’t you call us sooner?”

She huffed when the caller desperately tried to explain themselves and she reached out for her small stack of orange post-it notes, swiping up a ball-point pen from her stationary pot before she placed them over the bureau in front of her. She hummed in agreement and started to note down useful details they mentioned, making sure that she scrawled down their whereabouts seeing as they were rambling in a panicked manner.

“Alright, make sure everyone’s inside and keep them calm. We should be there in less than an hour, so we should get to you before it really ramps up. In the meantime, my colleague and I would appreciate it if you could send any documented evidence of this, like photos, videos, drawings to our email addre – ”

Aemelia’s words cut off and she lowered the phone from her ear, which she glared at in horror. The caller had seemingly hung up on her before she could finish, but she quickly realised that it was due to something else interfering. The entire ground had started to shake so much that some of the ceiling shifted and sprays of loose stone-dust crumbled onto the floor. She gasped and clutched the side of the desk, which was vibrating fiercely, just like the rest of the furniture in the place.

“Yeeeesh! Is ratto snoring again?!” Nekid’s shrill, irritated voice piped up from the desk's bottom drawer as she continued to try and keep it still. She gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut when the unmistakable sound of engines rumbled overhead, and it only seemed to encourage the quaking ground. The aircraft must have been travelling far too close to the Ministry's spires to cause so much commotion, and she inhaled sharply, hoping that it changed direction soon...

Thankfully, it did. It lingered for what seemed like minutes – when in reality it was only a handful of seconds – then it jetted off, splitting through the clouds above like it had never been there. With its departure, the earthquake instantly ceased and all the vibrating furniture stilled, which caused Aemelia to be thrown back into her seat... which left Copia to abruptly tumble into the office from the corridor outside. She glared at his sudden presence as she caught her breath, his sharp red suit plain to her even in the dim light of the room. He gazed around the place like he was searching for the cause of the violent earthquake, his mismatched eyes wide with confusion as he threw his gloved hands up in exasperation.

W-Wha... the shit is going on?!” he exclaimed, stumbling away from the door, which he neglected to close behind himself. It slammed shut behind him and he jumped out of his skin, a loud, anxious breath huffing out of him when he approached the bureau to hold himself steady by gripping his hands around the edge of it. His gaze eventually settled on Aemelia, who was still slouched in her seat and gaining her breath back.

“We need to stop a storm from reaching here. I'm guessing it's already on its way, considering its fucking with air traffic.” she replied through sharp breaths, trailing her charcoal eyes down the front of his pristine red tailcoat.

“Ehhh... scusi, what?! How are we supposed to stop the weather?!” he cried, his eyes widening even more when he realised she was being deadly serious.

“I don’t know... by influencing it? You should know that more than anyone. It's literally your fucking job.” she snapped, already sitting up to reach forwards and delve into the first few desk-drawers in front of her.

“Alright, alright... cool it, ok? There is no need to bite my head off.” he quietly murmured with a hurt wince, unleashing a heavy sigh when she lifted her hefty alchemist’s belt from one of the drawers.

“Any reason you've decided to drop by? Not that I’m complaining, it’s fairly lucky that you did.” she softly said, standing from the arm-chair to thread the belt through the loops of her black suit pants. She narrowed her eyes at him as she waited for an answer, already suspicious of him given his lack of papal clothes.

“I... eh... I was hoping to spend some time with you.” he eventually confessed, intently watching her adjust the belt’s buckle.

“Well, now that we've had a call out, we have an excuse to make a date out of it.” she teased, poising her hands over her hips in an assured manner.

“A call out? Now?”

“Yeah, now. What did you think that earthquake was? The longer we leave it, the more likely that this freak storm will reach here, and fuck knows what'll happen then.”

“Shit! Then what are we waiting for?! Let's wipe the floor with this thing.”

It took them forty minutes to arrive at a modern suburb, where all the buildings were spacious and well maintained. Everything would have seemed normal, were it not for the noticeable lack of vehicles cluttering the gutters, burnt-out street lamps occasionally sizzling with sparks and the disconcerting presence of a calm breeze. The supposed storm they'd come to investigate hadn't arrived yet, but it was clear that the residents were already prepared, seeing as nothing valuable was left outside their dwellings. Every home was suspiciously shrouded in darkness, apart from the address they were heading towards.

The black sedan steadily rumbled across the desolate tarmac, its headlights slicing through the shadows with ease. Its destination was the only place illuminated with a golden glow, and given its position on the street, it was clear why. Unlike the modern houses that lined each side of the road, the church was made up of thick stone bricks and surrounded by meadow that had been filled with wide towers of junk, which were presumably make-shift wind-breakers. The holy place must have been where all of the residents had flocked for the night, for strength in numbers and for the holy protection the church could offer. Copia frowned when the sedan rolled to a gentle stop by the pavement outside, peering through the passenger side window with unimpressed skepticism.

“Ehhh...  this is the address? You sure?” he asked, painted features grazing the cold glass.

“Yep.” Aemelia simply replied, confidently pulling the handbrake. When she shut off the engine and clicked off her seat-belt, he shuffled around in his seat to face her with a nervous wince, the red glow of the dashboard slowly dying out now that she’d removed the car keys to shove them into the recesses of her waistcoat. She pulled down her black blazer from the back of her seat and shoved it on as quickly as she could.

“Shit. In this case... I’m afraid I won’t be much help this time, Aemelia. I can’t en - ”

“I’ve already thought of that, so don’t worry.” she interrupted, reaching towards her door to calmly open it and step out of the vehicle. She was blatantly avoiding his stare and he shrugged in defeat, clicking his tongue as he wrestled off his seat-belt and prised open his door, hurriedly scrambling from the vehicle to follow her lead. When each of the doors slammed shut, the breeze started to gain a bit more strength and Copia’s arms wrapped around him for comfort, his strides cautious as he wandered towards the rear of the sedan, where Aemelia was already propping up the tail-gate.

“You're cool with leaving this car out in a storm?” he questioned in a raised voice, wincing and squinting his eyes as a strong gust of wind threw up a cloud of dust from the road behind them. She paused and tilted her head when he arrived at her side, her dark eyes wise but mirthful due to the fact his chestnut hair was now slightly skewed from the abrupt blast of wind.

“This isn't a normal car, Copia.” she stated, which caused him to dip his head down towards her like he was making sure he’d heard her correctly.

“Eh, yes... yes, I understand, it's very rare but - ”

“It's not just rare or classic. It'll survive any storm, trust me.” she muttered, spinning away from him to lean down and reach into the cluttered trunk. “Give me a minute.”

She rummaged around the precarious mountain of equipment for a couple of minutes and he simply waited by her side. He was silent because he was set on studying the sedan’s glossy black frame like he was looking for a reason for her confidence in the car’s endurance, but of course, he couldn’t spot anything at all. After a little while, a gasp of realisation left her and his attention shifted back to her, his mismatched eyes narrowing in approval of her appearance. As she balanced on her tip-toes to reach for whatever she’d found, the back of her white shirt started to ride up from the tight confines of her ridged belt and he licked his bottom lip, unable to tear his eyes away from the generous snippet of pallid skin that appeared by the hem of her blazer.

He swallowed thickly when she finally swiped the items into her hands, and his gaze lingered on her hips, even when she swivelled around to face him. When she acknowledged him, she wore a knowing smirk when she realised he was brazenly checking her out and she shook her head in amusement, thrusting the pair of items she held firmly into his chest. He let out a winded “Oof!” and glared his eyes, which he immediately averted to whatever she’d dumped against his front. When she drew her hands away, his arms hurriedly raised to keep hold of the footwear and his puzzled expression only seemed to amuse her further. She’d given him a pair of red converse and he was confused how they were supposed to help their current situation.

“Go on, bob them on.” she encouraged, folding her arms in front of her chest when his head swiftly lifted so that he could glance at her in bewilderment. “Sorry they’re not designer, high-end brands don’t do this sort of thing. Once you put them on, they should cut out all the side-effects of the holy ground, so you’re free to walk in that church flame-free. Oh, and just a warning... the soles might get a bit cosy from time to time, they have a heat absorption feature. Just be careful.”

“Eh... I... I’m not sure these will fit my feeties.” he said in a small voice, glaring at her in astonishment.

“They're your size. I even checked so don't put off wearing them. I got them specifically for you.” she snapped, squinting her eyes at him when he lowered his head to inspect their red canvas and slack white laces.

“Ah, there was no need to, really. Churches and holy grounds are often a gamble for me. Some places are more hostile than others. So sometimes - ”

“Fuck’s sake, just put them on, will you? I want to get this over with as fast as possible.” she complained with an irritated huff, stepping away from the trunk to reluctantly gesture towards a vacant patch of space by the bumper.

“Alright, alright! I'll put your rubber boots on, ok?” he surrendered, perching his behind over the fuzzy floor of the trunk. The vehicle subtly bounced due to the addition of his weight and she smirked as he placed the bright red shoes beside him to reach his gloved hands down to his feet.

“At least they go with your outfit.” she quietly commented, her smirk lingering when he dramatically grunted as he slipped off each of his shiny chelsea boots. He carefully set them down over the fuzzy confines of the cluttered trunk behind him, then swiped up the red converse, wrinkling his nose like he was suddenly dissatisfied with their appearance.

“Anyways, back to what I was saying before...” he began, adjusting their laces slightly before he leaned forwards to shove them onto his feet. “... it’s not always a guarantee that I will start combusting. If some churches are cool and a little more open-minded, I might not feel a thing. But, eh.... say we took a day trip to Rome. Sure, we’d be able to get mind-blowing gelato, but if I stepped too close to St. Peter's, I’d be a walking fireball, heh heh.”

“Fuckin’ hell. I’ll make a note of that if we ever need to head there then.” she muttered, her impassive expression giving away that her mind was somewhere else.

“Ahhh, hopefully we won’t. But at least I got these now, ah? Heh heh. Where’d you get them?” he asked, firmly adjusting the canvas tongues now that each one was snugly clutching around his feet.

“I had a friend send them over a while ago.” she said, intently observing him tying his laces in a swift, dexterous manner.

“Cool, cool... a friend, ah? What, eh... what friend is this?” he questioned, briefly lifting his head from his actions to gaze at her expectantly.

“No one you need to worry about. And no, I know what you're thinking. We haven't dated nor will I ever find him attractive in any way, shape or form.” she emptily responded.

“Wha – I didn’t mean... ok, there is no need for the defence, Aemelia. I was just curious, you know?”

“He's a vampire.” she added in a deadpan tone, her completely sincere features causing him to glare in horror. His gaze shifted down to the converse he’d snugly secured to his feet so that he could stare at them in disgust and she snorted, stooping down to confidently cup a hand around his left cheek. He instantly closed his eyes and winced at the warmth of her fingertips as they gently grazed the fluff of a sideburn.

“See? Told you I’d never find him attractive.” she murmured, lowering down a little more so that she could press a kiss to the tip of his nose. She gently brushed the place she’d kissed with a thumb to blend the smudged paint, then she drew away from him, reaching up to latch her hands around the bottom of the tail-gate. He cleared his throat and flashed his eyes open, standing now that the shoes were bound to his feet. Now he was out of the way, she pulled down the tail-gate and smirked when she caught him bouncing up and down on his heels in her peripheral vision.

“Shiiiiit. They’re so fucking comfy, Cipolletta! It’s like... I am walking the earth with my bare feet, but without all the nastiness, heh heh!” he exclaimed, peering down at the pristine shoes to nod his head in approval. She rolled her eyes and after locking the sedan, she stepped over the curb and onto the pavement that led towards the church. Copia hastily trailed after her with a small smile, enjoying the cushioned feel of his new shoes. He raised his pace until he reached her side, quiet breaths huffing out of him once they arrived at the church’s entrance. It was a large arched door that was shaded by a stone awning and from the looks of it, it was firmly shut to outsiders.

The couple exchanged glances and Copia nodded, confidently reaching forwards to lift a heavy rusted door-knocker. He rapped it against the wooden surface and it thudded ominously. Deciding that it wasn’t quite urgent enough, he repeated the action another couple of times and then clumsily let go to casually glance over his shoulder at Aemelia, who turned her head to scold him with her black eyes when the heavy knocker administered several persistent strikes before it eventually stilled against the door.

They patiently waited for a response, and soon, a few dull clunks and subdued scrapes came from the opposite side of the door, which slowly began to creak open. As it opened wider and wider, the presence of panicked whispers became more apparent and a man’s neck craned around the edge of it, his bloodshot brown eyes piercing with desperation. Despite his white clerical collar and black attire, the priest was far from smart. His shoulder-length hair was scraggly and coffee coloured, his cheeks were coated in spiky stubble and from the grey shadows around his eyes, it was clear he’d been restless for quite some time. Close disgruntled murmurs and clutching arms seemed to prevent him from opening the door any further and he glared at the two investigators with reluctance. Copia’s presence seemed to unsettle the man and a wheeze flew out of him as he went to step back and shut the door... but Aemelia took a confident step forwards and shoved a foot in the doorway to prevent him from closing it.

“Volevi il nostro aiuto. You know we’re not here to hurt you, Father.” Copia softly stated, refraining from sighing with disappointment. The priest scrambled the door back open and Aemelia withdrew her shoe with unimpressed eyes that seared into the nervous, quivering man.

“P-Per favore! Vieni dentro!” he insisted, fighting against the people behind him who were trying to protest his actions. He managed to back away from the open door and Aemelia was the first to barge her way inside, her face emotionless as she stared at the groups of people who fearfully scuttled from the doorway, their feet shuffling loudly over the stone floor. Copia smoothly followed her inside and politely closed the door after himself, frowning down at his feet in amazement... he couldn’t feel any heat coming from them at all, so the shoes were definitely working properly.

The priest pushed through the crowd of panicked people and hurriedly instructed them to keep away from the doors so that the couple could enter. They reluctantly obliged the clergyman and backed away, retreating to the cold corners of the building to ensure they were far away from the investigators. They eyed the couple speculatively, intently watching them as they followed the dishevelled priest towards the centre of the place, where a carpeted aisle made way for neat rows of stone pews. The two of them kept quiet because they could feel the wary eyes of the townspeople upon them, they felt if they spoke another word they’d make them more fearful and that was the last thing they wanted. From the looks of it, the sheltering crowd was made up of an array of people. Young couples embraced one another for comfort, large families scolded the two of them with disapproving eyes, old miserly-looking types clutched their purses to their chests and a couple of nuns were oblivious to the department’s presence, for they were too focused on kneeling at the very end of the aisle of pews, muttering incoherently by the alter like they were attempting to persuade their God to end His insufferable silence.

Both Copia and Aemelia could feel their shared sense of panic and they averted their eyes to the floor, unsure what role they were to play in the situation they’d just freely wandered into. They didn’t have much longer to find out, for the priest spun on his heels to face them with a worried wince, his hands tightening into fists which he pressed to his chest.

“The storm will be here soon.” he murmured, timidly pausing to acknowledge the two of them. “We’ve tried many other services before but no one could help us. I never thought you would assist us, we are a Church of God, after all.”

“We don’t pick the people we help, Father.” Copia quietly corrected, coming to a cool, casual stop beside Miss Vial. “If you got a problem, we’ll try our best to help. And there’s nothing more to it.”

“Si... si, I understand.” he said apologetically, lowering his head in an attempt to hide the heat that had flooded to his cheeks. “I only hope that you can help us this time. These storms, they are always the same. They arrive every weekend and get longer and bigger every time. And they come with a great cost. Once the storm blows over, we realise that it has taken from our community, stolen souls that it had no right to take. This is why we spend our nights in this place, to make sure no one else goes missing.”

The priest sighed heavily, raised his head and gazed at the couple in front of him with weary, sad eyes, but instantly frowned when he realised that only one of the two were present. Regardless of Copia’s absence, Miss Vial nodded to encourage the man to continue his tale, hoping that he wouldn’t look around at the rest of his church, or he’d notice that Copia had wandered off to off-load some of his business cards to the priest’s apprehensive congregation.

While Aemelia patiently listened to the rest of the stressed priest’s story, Copia explored the modest church, simply enjoying the fact he could walk around comfortably without bursting into flames. One of the first things he’d noticed was that all the furniture had been tethered back or bolted down, and after the short – yet potent – earthquake that had occurred at the Ministry earlier that night, he could understand why. It was clear why the townsfolk took shelter in such a place when he raised his head to study the thick stone walls. He peered up at the impressive stain-glass pieces that were slotted into the rock, amazed that they were surprisingly intact for a place that was often battered by storms. Whispery conversations always died down whenever he happened to pass anyone during his casual stroll, and he’d always blindly stick out his arm with the offer of a shiny black business card, but of course, they never took one from him, nor did they ever look his way again.

It didn’t take him long to traipse the whole area of the place and he ended up looping back towards the peaceful rows of pews, nonchalantly striding down the carpeted aisle that separated them. Aemelia was still intently listening to the priest and Copia rolled his eyes like he was suddenly bored now that he’d completed the tour of the building. He slowed down so that he didn’t reach the two of them yet and slowly glanced at the pews that surrounded him. He was surprised that most of them were empty for a place that was packed with people. However, the few that did occupy the stone benches appeared to be content in their own solitude. Most of them had their eyes closed or heads bowed in prayer, but one of them – a young boy that was no older than ten – had his head tucked into the pages of a thick hardback Bible. He was surprised that the child could hold such a heavy book with ease and he smirked, shaking his head in amusement.

When Copia eventually turned his head to finish approaching the rambling priest, he cleared his throat, gesturing his gloved hand towards the boy that was happily distracted by his Bible. The priest immediately ceased his story and swivelled around to glare at the anti-pope, but he immediately followed the direction of his pointed leather-clad finger. Aemelia did the same, but she squinted in suspicion due to the faint smirk on Copia’s black lips.

“At least he’s got something to keep him entertained, ah?” he joked, the breathy chuckles that followed causing the priest to swallow nervously.

“Y-Yes.” the apprehensive man responded, his bloodshot eyes glinting as they flicked up to the tall vaulted ceiling above their heads. “Jonas takes great comfort in his Bible. It always sees him through the storm. I think it will be here soon. I can feel it.”

“Cool! In this case, I guess we’ll just take a pew while we wait for it, heh heh!” Copia chuckled out, confidently stepping forwards to offer Aemelia his forearm. She rolled her eyes but obliged him, allowing him to escort her towards one row of pews that was quite a way away from the priest. The man looked lost and even more broken now that he couldn’t vent his frustration, but Miss Vial thought that leaving him be was probably for the best, she’d gotten more than enough information out of him without having to utter a word.

Copia slipped onto the stone pew with a grimace due to its cold surface but patted the spot next to him with a hopeful smile. Aemelia obliged him by sitting beside him and they slouched in unison, tipping their heads back to peer up at the vaulted ceiling, which was decorated in exquisite stone figures and peppered with gold-leaf.

“Are the shoes alright?” she murmured, turning her head slightly to watch him from the corners of her eyes.

“Oh... yes. Yes yes yes.” he quietly replied, wearing a thankful smile before he shifted his head to stare at her. “You really think we can do something about this storm, Aemelia?”

“Of course we can.” she whispered, wincing slightly when his eyes rested on her grey lips. “Storms are meant keep moving. But this one comes back every weekend, which really isn’t normal, is it? People end up missing even though everyone locks themselves away in their houses... or they shelter in here. That has to mean that those who end up missing get drawn outside for some reason.”

He parted his mouth to answer her but a sudden howl of wind caused them both to turn their heads and glance up at the ceiling above them. The sheltering people began to cry out as the church roof rattled and quivered, which was the obnoxious cue that the storm was finally commencing. Though the investigators couldn’t see through the thick stone, from the whistling sound of the wind and the erratic shadows that fell over the large stain-glass windows from the thrashing tree branches outside, it was clear that it had some power in its gusts.

They simply listened for a while but Aemelia’s head lowered once she felt something warm and leathery snatch hold of her hand. Copia’s glove tightly clasped around her palm and she squeezed it in response, hoping that it would offer him some reassurance. Their hands tensed in unison when the wind seemed to gain more momentum, and a jolt of lightning followed, its stark white presence flooding through every crevice to invade the dim safety of the church. When a clap of delayed thunder arrived, the townspeople started to cower together in the building’s dark corners, leaving those in the pews to simply endure the vivid spectacle.

A rustic, metallic scent emerged with the next flash of lightning, which appeared to be an unnatural shade of pale magenta. Its waves of blinding light swept through the church with ease and it conjured muttered prayers from every corner of the building, the dark canvas of night sky bleeding out into a strange shade of indigo. More blinding strikes jolted into existence and Copia and Vial squeezed their eyes shut in protest, but their actions were futile, because the light still passed through the thin skin of their eyelids.

“We have to get out there.” Aemelia said, squeezing his gloved hand tightly. Without opening his eyes, he shuffled forwards in response and they managed to flee the pews in unison. They quickly traipsed down the carpeted aisle, keeping their heads down to crack their eyes open and keep their destination in sight. They could hear the priest’s voice grating over another loud smack of thunder, but his pleas were incoherent and pointless, because the couple had already reached the exit. To their surprise, the heavy door wasn’t locked at all and they simply threw it open to slip out into the strange atmosphere outside.

When the door clattered shut behind them, they released the hold on each other’s hands and managed to open their eyes a little more to witness the surreal spectacle of the storm. Imposing indigo clouds tainted the sky overhead, wisps of electrical charges manifested in the air like a gentle static breeze, saw-like shreds and whirs descended from above and strange figures stalked the tarmac in a stiff, programmed manner. The humanoid things had bodies that were covered in off-white fabric, which flowed out behind them in a split, trench-coat-like sprawl. Their heads were round and stuttered from side to side, their faces warped, twisted and ever-changing like they were constantly assessing or adapting to their surroundings. They nonchalantly skulked over the empty road like they owned it, and every time they passed a residence, they paused expectantly like they were expecting some form of life to show itself, but of course, it never did.

“What the shit are they?” Copia frantically whispered, too alarmed by the presence of the strange beings to look away. Another flash of lightning flickered and it caused the white figures to seem blinding, and the couple’s eyes squinted in pained protest.

“I reckon they’re human. To some degree anyway. Not many creatures opt to wear clothes. It’s a fairly human thing to do.” Aemelia murmured, blinking a couple of times before her eyes returned to the strange scene in front of them.

“You seeing a weird symbol thingy in your eyes?” Copia asked, keeping his eyes shut to prevent himself from being dazzled again.

“Symbol? No. Why? What can you see?”

“Kinda looks like that famous drawing... eh... the one with the butt-ass naked dude with the many limbs and schlongs.” he vaguely described, wincing as he persisted to keep his eyes shut.

“The Vetruvian Man?”

“Yeah that’s the one! It’s kinda like that but its missing a lot of the details and... I don’t know. It looks wrong somehow.” he confessed, reluctantly opening his eyes to stare at her quizzically. Her face was suddenly ashen like whatever she was staring at deeply upset her and he linked an arm around hers with a worried wince, his eyes following the direction of her hard, scolding eyes.

The street was subtly quaking but the black sedan remained fixed to its position. Its presence appeared to annoy whatever the storm was driven by, for the gusts of wind started to batter it from every angle, clouds of stray dust spewing up into the air. The car’s headlights flickered on and off, as did the vivid red glow of the interior lights, like it was protesting the forceful wind and Aemelia growled through gritted teeth. She forcefully tore away from Copia but he held onto her and clumsily stumbled after her as she marched towards her vehicle, her entity’s inky black presence already shading over her eyes.

As the two of them confidently approached the car – despite the potent gusts of wind that tried to deter them from their actions – the strange opal figures turned in unison to make the sedan their new destination. Their sunken, warped skulls audibly crunched as the strange saw-like noises grew loud and persistent from the clouds above...

By the time Copia and Vial arrived by the passenger side, the group of strange, otherworldly beings congregated by the opposite side of the vehicle. While her hollow black eye sockets seared into them, she realised that they reminded her of a sketch from the scratchy way their limbs ended and she reached her arms forwards, slamming her flat, pallid palms onto the glossy black roof of her car like she was physically pointing out that the vehicle wasn’t theirs to take. Copia could barely keep his eyes open due to the glaring presence of the beings, but he continued to grasp hold of Aemelia tightly, unsure what approach she had in mind.

“Don’t you dare touch this fuckin’ car.” she quietly warned.

The strange, twitching beings didn’t seem to hear her, for they continued stumbling forwards in unison, their long, knuckled hands slapping against the sedan’s glossy paintwork, its cold frame causing them to wheeze out with gratification. Black particles seeped from Aemelia’s form and her hands curled into fists...

And then she vanished into a swarm of dark matter.

Copia gasped as his arms loosely fell by his sides due to her absence, his eyes flashing open to see what had taken her from his grasp. To his surprise, Aemelia hadn’t vanished at all, she’d simply fused with the darkness she contained to be a thick, flowing ribbon of shimmering black particles. She was sleek and silent as she filtered into the opal, fabric-like creatures, and one by one, they let out a high-pitched whistle as she dragged them up into the air via their unpleasant insides, levitating them higher and higher to ensure they were far away from her precious black sedan. Copia gawped as he watched her force escort them closer to the indigo clouds, until finally, her glimmering, ribbon-like form violently swiped through their middles, confiscating their black matter as she went. She elegantly floated down as the blackness was stripped from the creatures, until their bodies consistently erupted with sprays of dark energy. Naturally, the particles were drawn to her presence, and she drained the creatures dry, even when she drifted down to manifest beside the anti-pope, who was stood still and astonished by her actions.

As soon as he saw the vague outline of her burgundy plaits and pallid face fading into existence, he took a step forwards and threw his arms around her, trapping her in a tight, grounding hug. Her round chin grazed his shoulder and warm, irritated breaths huffed out of her as she tried to calm herself down. It was clear that her temper had alerted the entity that dwelled within her, but it was the first time that Copia had ever witnessed her being somewhat coherent during its takeover. He had a feeling that she had executed everything he’d just witnessed, and her friend had gladly sat back to enjoy the outcome.

His firm embrace lasted a while, but it came to a swift end when loud thumps and slaps came from the sedan behind them. The bodies of the beings had finally dropped from the sky... most had slackly splatted over the tarmac, but a few had firmly landed over the sedan’s roof and bonnet. The couple frowned in unison, his mismatched eyes wide with concern, her dark, vacuous hollows narrowed in annoyance.

“Fuck’s sake.” she grumbled, relieved that Copia’s arms were still gently wrapped around her because his presence seemed to be preventing her blood from boiling again. “Their bodies should’ve disintegrated by now. S’pose their souls must’ve been the only thing natural about them. So they must’ve been manufactured or summoned, somehow. I swear, if they’ve dented any of my paintwork, I’ll be fuckin’ livid.”

“Ehhh... so you are saying that someone's been performing some kind of ritual? Or you think they’ve been reading from some kind of...” Copia trailed off, his mouth parting in realisation as he swiftly backed away from her. She turned her head sharply due to his actions and they gazed at one another in a silent, shared epiphany.

“Spellbook.” they murmured in unison.

He lowered his arms from her, but only so that he could swipe hold of her right hand, and then yanked her from the scene, desperate to reach the church before the irritating, opal creatures started to reanimate... Aemelia knew that such a thing was rather unlikely now that she’d stolen all of their essence, but she went along with his actions, sliding a hand into her blazer’s pockets to fish out her pair of black sunglasses. She slipped them on with ease as they bolted towards the church, their round black lenses hiding the impossible blackness of her eye sockets. Now that she was brimming with energy, she was certain that they had a thin explanation for the whereabouts of the missing people. Given the energy’s potency, the creatures must have drained every last drop of their victim’s existence. She could feel their fear running through her veins and she clenched her teeth, lowering her head to stare at the ground when Copia forced his way into the building.

He confidently dragged her through the church, oblivious to the fact she was distressed by the energy she was holding onto. She winced as they passed the sheltering people, who were all whispering and glaring at the two of them... they were amazed that the couple had returned in one piece, but it made them no less fearful, and Aemelia could practically taste their fear on the end of her tongue. It was spicy but metallic and she gritted her teeth, ignoring the strangely tempting urge to snatch it out of them. As they neared the centre of the place, the priest swiftly raised from the back row of pews with wide, teary eyes and a hopeful smile, but Copia raised his free arm to point at the man confidently.

“Ah ah ah! You sit your ass down, Father. We need a couple more minutes, ok? Yeesh. So fucking impatient.” he muttered, swiftly strolling down the central aisle, his mismatched eyes narrowing as he scoured the sparsely occupied pews. His gloved hand tightly squeezed around Aemelia’s as they passed the nervous and bewildered priest, and his leathery thumb gently caressed the skin of her wrist when they arrived at their destination. They paused in unison and he briefly glanced at her, tilting his head to inspect the side of her face, where he could plainly see her blacked-out eyes behind the thick lenses of her sunglasses.

“You want to sit down for a moment?” he softly asked, wincing slightly when she frantically nodded and unleashed a heavy exhale. “Okie dokie, you just sit here and I’ll go take care of this, ok?”

He shuffled into the gap in front of the pew and gently tugged her with him until he could reach his hands up and grasp her shoulders firmly. He carefully pushed against them and she obliged his insistent actions, slumping down over the stone seat, her head lowering to the carpet beneath her feet. He raised his hands from her and cupped his gloves around her face, gently tipping her head back so that he could peer into the round black lenses that obscured her charcoal eyes from him.

“This will only take a moment. I promise.” he whispered, messy strands of chestnut hair falling down to clutch at his temples when he dipped his head down to press a sincere kiss to her forehead. He hoped that his actions took her mind off whatever she was experiencing, but he didn’t linger to find out... he had a storm to end, after all. He reluctantly let go of her and her head idly dropped to its previous position, her maroon plaits swinging to-and-fro as he hurriedly side-stepped down the rest of the row, headed towards the boy that still had his head buried in the pages of his thick Bible...

The boy was perched on the very end pew and Copia came to a quiet stop, deciding that he would take a seat on the one closest to it. He casually sat down and dusted his thighs down with his hands, before loudly clearing his throat, his gloved hand creaking as he confidently reached out to pinch the very corner of the holy book.

“Hey, what testament you on?” he whispered inquisitively, his voice grating over his breath. “As much as your book is... very big, I don’t believe it has you hooked, heh heh.”

The boy frowned but ignored him, continuing to trail his eyes from left to right.

“The rest of these dickwads might not have the balls to speak so much, Jonas, but I bet you do, ah?”

The boy lowered his book to his lap and gazed at the anti-pope in confusion. His bronze eyes were cautious but fearless when he met the man’s intense but wise mismatched eyes, and he casually reached a hand up to his fair hair to bashfully push it out of his face. Copia wasn’t sure whether the boy had understood him, but he shrugged and persisted, regardless of the silence.

“You been hiding something in your book?” he questioned, his mouth faintly smirking when the boy emptily nodded. “Can I see?”

Jonas lifted the Bible from his lap and tilted it just enough so that Copia could see a snippet of a much smaller book that was tucked into its gutter. It was thin and black, and from the strange symbols, sketches and scrawls that lined its pages, it certainly wasn’t something that should have been possessed by a child. He couldn’t make out anything in detail without his reading glasses so he clicked his tongue and playfully poked the boy’s shoulder.

“You know, it’s very bad to mess with people like this, Jonas. People have lost their lives because of you and your book. You’ll be cast out by your church. And you’ll get sent to Hell for everything you’ve done.” he playfully teased.

“I hope so.” he said in a small voice, lowering his head like he was suddenly ashamed of himself. “Odio questo posto.”

Copia’s flippant demeanour stayed but his smirk faded and he hummed thoughtfully, a gloved hand slipping into the pockets of his red tailcoat. He pulled out a shiny black business card and trapped it between two fingers, coolly extending out his hand to offer it to the boy.

“Even if this place and its peoples are crappy, there is no need to torture these people. I know it may seem like you are trapped here right now, but you aren’t. You always have the option of leaving them, even if you feel like you don’t have that choice. If you are sure that you want to be truly free of this place... give us a call, ok? And if you’re parents aren’t willing to let you come visit our church or study with us in a couple years, you will have to wait it out until you’re old enough to join us yourself, ok?”

“Come fai a sapere questo?”

“Because you have no problem talking with me, Jonas. And you have no problem summoning shit to get rid of the peoples you don’t like. You’d have no trouble fitting in at the Ministry, trust me, heh.” Copia insisted, his smirk returning when the boy sighed and swiftly snatched hold of his shiny calling card. He reached further down and patted one of the open pages of the Bible expectantly, and the boy’s bronze eyes widened in confusion.

“In exchange for your sins, you will give me this... little book of yours.” he softly said. He could see the defiance in the boy’s eyes but he opened his palms and flipped over his hands expectantly.

“Non voglio - ”

“Datemi il libro, Jonas.” Copia insisted in a much colder tone, the wisdom in his mismatched eyes freezing over as they drilled into the small black spellbook that was sitting in the crook of the Bible. “This has to stop now. These people may be assholes but... assholes always get what’s coming to them, you know?”

Jonas shifted his bronze eyes away from him and he took the opportunity to confidently reach over and swipe the spellbook from him. The boy winced but Copia raised a gloved hand to silence him. The storm ceased as soon as he snapped the book closed and there was an eerie stillness in its place when he nodded his head at the boy to express his gratitude. He shuffled onto his feet and made his way back to Miss Vial, leaving Jonas to peer down at the open pages of his Bible with a glum yet puzzled expression, like he was trying to understand why he’d surrendered the book to the anti-pope without any objection.

By the time Copia perched beside Aemelia, the people that had cowered in the church’s corners were now peering up at the ceiling in confusion and they murmured to one another, questioning whether the storm had finally ceased its ruthless onslaught. He flicked open the book’s front cover with interest and rested a hand on Aemelia’s shoulder, tilting his head to study the side of her pallid face.

“You feeling ok?” he softly asked, her head lifting slightly so that she could peer over the tops of her sunglasses at the petite spellbook in his left hand.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” she calmly said, her eyebrows knitting when she glanced at the book’s open pages, noticing the familiar presence of a dismembered moth’s outline, which marked the inside of the front cover in thick red ink. “How the fuck did a kid get their hands on that? Mind you, Crescent Industries have let all sorts loose these days, not that any of it was their intention.”

Copia frowned at her response and reluctantly lowered his gaze to the stamp pressing she’d spotted and he slowly nodded in understanding, draping his arm around her shoulders to pull her in close to his side.

“You think this is why the storm and those thingies... they didn’t seem to fit together? Like you said, they seemed manufactured.” he murmured, exhaling deeply when she sighed in defeat and leaned towards him, her head resting against his right shoulder.

“Oh yeah, they’re up to their necks in it. No idea how they’ve managed to mess with the outcomes of a spellbook, but here we are...” she muttered, frowning when she briefly lifted her head to gaze at him. He stared back at her affectionately and his small smile caused her to feel slightly suspicious.

“You're rather proud of yourself  after stopping this storm, aren’t you?” she teased, the corners of her grey lips turning upwards when he gently closed the spellbook to casually slide it into the pockets of his jacket. “Or are you just plotting how you’re going to use that book now you’ve got it?”

“Noooo! Nooo! I would never do that, baby, heh heh. You think I tucked this away for my own benefit?” he whispered, unable to hide the amusement in his eyes when her glossy, opaque eye sockets gleamed at him over the frames of her sunglasses.


“Well... you are both correct and incorrect.” he murmured, closing the space between them by lowering his head so that he could whisper directly into her ear. “Sure, I will be keeping hold of it for my own benefit, but I do not desire to use it. At least I can be sure that it's out of harm's way if I possess it.”


Though his voice had been sincere, she was still highly suspicious of him.

“Hey, if this thing is something to do with a famous sketch, it would sell for some serious mula, right?” he asked, gasping aloud when she backed away to sharply turn her head and stare him dead in the eyes.

“Fuck off.”

“Eh! Don’t look at me like that, baby. I’m not going to sell it, I swear! I was just kidding with you... heh heh heh...”

5 : The Impostrous Sister

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Papa's lateness was now regular routine. It was close to quarter-past two in the afternoon and the Clergy impatiently awaited his unholy presence in the assembly room, their shoulders slumped, their brows furrowed. The chairs around the long rosewood table were packed with the usual brooding lot of chaplains and emotionless sisters... apart from one seat that was located beside Papa's unhallowed throne... which appeared to be missing its resident alchemist.

Due to Copia's insistence, young, inexperienced Siblings had been invited to this particular meeting and they were lined behind each row of chairs. The turn out was so surprisingly plentiful that some of them ended up hugging the wall tapestries, which was certain to impress Copia when he arrived. Their presence dismayed the Clergy, who had vehemently loathed the idea - considering it took away their ambiguity and ominous silence - but he'd ignored their opinions and thought it would give the more youthful followers an insight into their church that they hadn't seen before.

Though the Siblings were curious, they kept their heads low out of respect for their superiors, but some eagerly observed every move that came from the table like they were keen on spotting something untoward that they could gossip about later. It was clear that most of the Clergy were uncomfortable with their presence because they were unusually silent. Even Imperator, who filled her usual spot at the end of the table, was reluctant to say a word... but it was clear from her stern expression and folded arms that she was desperate to complain about Papa's tardiness.

The odd cough or heavy sigh filled the room's expectant silence, until finally, the assembly room's doors flew open to make way for Copia's glittering robes and stark rat paint. He strode gracefully with precise purpose, following the nearest row of chairs, which marked the journey to his throne. He embodied authority in that moment which was probably a side-effect of wearing such a tall mitre on his head. A couple of disgruntled mutters manifested as he rustled past a couple of unimpressed chaplains, and the large clusters of Siblings that were standing close to their chairs bowed their heads and took a step back to allow Papa to reach his seat easily.

His painted face was unreadable but cold when he smoothly arrived by his throne. His intense, mismatched eyes simply trailed over the blank faces of his subordinates as he calmly sat down and once his gaze strayed to the empty chair to his left... his head swiftly snapped forwards, his nose wrinkling like he was refraining from sneering.

“Where is... the alchemist?” he questioned, gesturing a gloved hand towards her usual spot, his voice was strangely soft but it effortlessly cut through the room's icy atmosphere. “I specifically remember stating that I wanted this room to be filled, with no exceptions. Yet... Miss Vial isn't present. Where is she?”

“The alchemist had another commitment to attend to, your Unholy Excellence.” Sister Imperator eagerly chimed in with a regretful smile... though it was clear that her regret was feigned due to the hardness of her eyes. Copia’s irises blazed with brazen irritation when he sent her a suspicious glance and his gloves creaked when they clawed around the cushioned arm-rests of his seat.

“Well... tough shit. I've got a very important announcement to make today, and if some of the staff are missing... it makes things problematic, Sister. Everyone has a right to know, Miss Vial included.” he confidently remarked, tearing his eyes away from the old woman before he let her get under his skin. “And, eh... I'm sure one of these kiddies would be cool with fetching her from the apothecary, no?”

He pointed towards the nearest brother, who was pristinely dressed in smart black attire and situated to his left. He nodded his head expectantly and the young man instantly took a step forwards to stoop into a half-bow.

“Go find Miss Vial and bring her here, ok?” he lightly instructed, a wide smile beaming across his face when the young man nodded and turned to obediently push his way through the group of Siblings to head for the door. Copia relaxed back into his throne and sharply turned his head to rest his gaze on Sister Imperator again, her unimpressed expression causing his smile to grow wider. The Clergy was still painfully silent, and given the surreal sight of Papa’s grin, it was no wonder that it was lingering.

“So... while we wait for the alchemist to arrive, anyone got anything they wanna talk about?” he casually asked, his eyes trailing over every face with disinterest. “You’re all... very quiet. C’mon! There’s gotta be something you want to moan about. These youngsters around us don’t bite, so there’s no need for the shyness. Just act like they’re not here, heh heh.”

“Well... actually, there is something we wish to raise with you today, your Dark Excellency.” Sister Livia spoke up from the opposite end of the table, the unusual tremble in her voice giving away that Copia’s unnerving expression was troubling her. It seemed that Miss Vial’s absence was bringing the distrust in his Clergy to the surface of his stern, skull-painted mask.

“We feel that your frequent absence in recent days is affecting the efficacy of the Ministry. And your lack of punctuality is a shameful display. You are clearly not taking your role seriously, Papa.” Imperator butted in before Sister Livia could continue, which prompted a series of intrigued gasps and whispers to fill the disconcerting vacuum in the room. Unlike his subordinates, Copia didn’t appear to react at all. He simply continued to coldly study the faces of his whispering church, his caustic smile fading slightly though it lingered like he was fairly amused by Imperator’s interruption. It was obvious that the old woman was revelling in the fact there was no one to argue against her... thanks to Miss Vial’s no-show.

“I was on confidential business, Sister.” he calmly replied, though he raised his voice loud enough to be heard over the gossiping whispers and murmurs. “And I don’t have to explain my actions to any of you. My absence may seem strange but I assure you... I’m getting plenty of things done. I was chosen to be Papa for a reason, and after the mess Nihil left, I have a looot of messes to clear up. So there is far more going on than meets the eye... so who gives a shit that I’m a couple minutes late? I’m sorry that me working my ass off means you gotta wait like... ten minutes. Wow. I know you’re getting a little long in the tooth, Sister, but... shit, I didn’t realise that every teensy second has really started to matter this much to you. You had a scary tarot reading recently or something?”

Imperator scoffed and refrained from responding when another lot of gasps emerged from her colleagues, only this time, there were a fair few chuckles and snorts coming from the Siblings that surrounded the table too.

While Copia waited for her to respond, he casually lounged back into the comfortable upholstery of his throne and simply enjoyed the sound of his chattering subordinates. His sardonic smile spread into a wily smirk like he was pleased that he’d managed to put an end to the reign of silence, but his amusement swiftly dropped when the hurried movements of a brother pushing his way through the crowd of chattering Siblings caught his attention. The young man was huffing and wheezing by the time he arrived to the left of Copia’s seat, and from the distinctive pale grey creature that was grasping hold of his sleeve, it was clear he was cradling Nekid in his arms. His pale blue eyes filled with guilt when he nervously met his superior’s mismatched stare.

I-I'm sorry, your Dark Excellency! I couldn't find Miss Vial anywhere! But your familiar was present at the apothecary so I thought I’d - ”

“Ah, I see... don’t worry.” Copia softly said, trying to downplay the disappointment in his voice, his arms reaching out to the young man with open palms. “Give the little guy here and... hopefully Miss Vial will turn up soon, ah? Thanks for trying to find her.”

He was thoroughly concerned by her prolonged absence now and given the nervous, erratic beat of his heart, his caution was suddenly a lot harder to disguise. Nekid cooed and tittered when the young brother carefully dropped him in Copia’s leathery palms, and he beamed a toothy grin when the young man backed away so that his summoner could set him down over the table’s surface. He peered up at his regal ratto with narrowed eyes and stuck out his forked tongue, hoping it would attract the anti-pope’s attention. But his actions were futile.

Copia lowered his head and slid his hands into the inside pockets of his robe, and once he latched onto his cell phone, he withdrew it to rest it over his lap. When he flicked it on, the Clergy continued to whisper amongst themselves like they were still buzzing from Copia’s bold response to Imperator, and he huffed out sorrowfully when he was greeted with a blank home-screen. He’d hoped that Miss Vial would’ve texted or called him to explain why she wasn’t there... but there was no sign of any contact from her at all, so he decided to tap out a quick message just to see if he would get a reply.

He frowned deeply as he concentrated on his typing and gritted his teeth when he heard the distinctive slap of Nekid’s feet as his familiar approached him, round glossy eyes peering up at his glistening mitre with fascination.

“Has my gift arriiiiiiived yet, ratto?!” the tiny imp rasped with an excited smile, studying the sparkles of the anti-pope’s mitre as he shook his head in response.

“No. It’s due to be delivered tomorrow.” Copia emptily muttered. “I’m just checking that Miss Vial’s ok.”

“Whaaaaaa – she isn’t here?!” Nekid cried, purposely sliding his feet against the polished surface of the table until he slipped onto his backside. “She told me she was coming here like... half an hour ago! Maybe she got lost? Eheeek!”

Copia huffed with annoyance and reluctantly returned his phone to its rightful pocket. Then he shuffled to sit up straight, his gaze settling on the small familiar in front of him. Nekid was strewn out on his side, a spindly arm propping his chin up, his skinny legs sprawled out to his left. The rotund, naked demon flashed Copia another wide grin and he tittered wisely, one of his tiny grey thumbs casually thrusting back over one of his shoulders. Though he persisted to cackle, he didn’t explain his consistent thumb-points so Copia’s gaze simply followed the direction of his gesture... and his glinting, mismatched eyes rested on the opposite end of the rosewood table.

He ended up gazing past the last two chairs around the table – which were occupied by the sour-faced Sister Imperator and unsettled Sister Livia – where another cluster of inexperienced Siblings were congregating. Most of them were engaged in gossiping like everyone else, but one particular sister was stood motionless. Unlike the rest, her head was bowed like she was set on staring at her feet, but eventually she turned her head like she was suddenly studying someone in the corner of her vision, and it revealed a snippet of her impossibly dark eyes and pallid complexion. He knew that face like the back of his hand... and his concern suddenly turned to subdued surprise.

Nekid’s giggling became breathy when he stopped pointing to clutch his tummy, his summoner’s look of realisation amusing him immensely. Copia’s mouth fell open into a subtle gawp and his eyes widened as he cocked his head in confusion.

Now that he was certain that he’d spotted Miss Vial’s presence, he couldn’t stop looking. He couldn’t understand why she was dressed in a full black habit to match the other Sisters of Sin... and for a few moments, he began to doubt whether it was her at all, it could’ve merely been a coincidence, considering the heavy head-dress that shrouded the woman’s hair from view. His mind was so overloaded with all sorts of questions or possible reasons for the alchemist to be dressed as a nun that when he persisted to stare at the sister in fascination, attempting to piece some explanation together, he almost missed the confirmation he’d been hoping for. Aemelia lifted her head just enough to send him a confident stare, and she subtly raised a pallid hand to her chest to swiftly flip her middle finger, her glossy black fingernails shining vividly amongst the thick black material that covered her torso.

He swiftly lowered his head and a crumpled smile spread across his face, a quiet snort of amusement escaping him. Nekid’s distinctive, mischievous cackles returned and Copia had to gently bite his bottom lip to stop himself from bursting out laughing. His gloved hands creaked as they firmly clutched around the arms of his throne like he was trying to physically stop himself from laughing. He didn’t know why Aemelia’s disguise tickled him so much, because he thought she suited the outfit rather well. But he supposed it was a surreal sight he’d never thought he’d see... and the fact she’d effortlessly blended in with Siblings without the Clergy batting an eye proved how truly oblivious they were.

Gathering himself together, he cleared his throat and sat up properly, his eyes reluctantly trailing away from the impostrous sister to instead address his gossiping subordinates. Nekid recognised the intent in Copia’s amused eyes and he choked back a chuckle, hastily rolling over so that he could stare at the rest of the table with a sly grin, confident with his body as he persisted to lounge on his side in a provocative manner.

Copia cleared his throat and most of the whispering immediately died down, and once he was certain that he had everyone’s attention, he plastered on the most serious expression he could manage and arrogantly raised his chin into the air.

“It has been many moons since a woman has been promoted into the Clergy.” he spoke, the corners of his black lips curling upwards when his words seemed to cause the youthful Siblings to break out into excited murmurs. “Which seems... very outdated, nowadays. I could count the influential women in our church on just the one hand and... this is not what I want. I want this place to be fair, not some... senile sausage-fest.”

“Heeey! He finally admitted it – heeeeeeeeh!” Nekid wheezed out through a high-pitched cackle, tossing his head back so violently that his back smacked against the table. Most of Copia’s audience ignored the amused creature and chattered amongst themselves instead, and a large number of the sisters were noticeably hopeful, like they all felt that they were deserving of a big break...

“But sadly...” their Papa eventually continued, the excitable discussion drying up instantly like they were suddenly enthralled by every syllable he spoke. “... the woman who has earned this promotion is not here at this very moment so - ”

“No! No, absolutely not. I refuse to believe it!” Imperator sharply cut in, bolting upwards to stand out of her seat, an accusing finger pointing at him in disbelief. Mutters of disappointment and confusion flew around the room and Copia motioned his gloves towards Imperator with a stern frown, silently insisting that she sat back in her place.

“Let me finish.” he coldly said, lowering his arms to the arm-rests of his chair when she reluctantly obliged his wishes. “Miss Vial may not be here with us today, but her promotion has been long overdue. I know that a lot of you, eh... disapprove of her unorthodox practices, and I know many of you will be angry that she does not worship Satan as we do. So this might make you feel... cheated. And you might start thinking: Why would I allow someone who doesn’t share our beliefs to be a part of our Clergy? Well... because she’s doing the work of five – maybe six – cardinals. She gets definite results with her work and has the selfless passion to actually help those in need, without expecting anything in return. Whether you realize it, or not... Miss Vial has changed this church for the better and I hope that a place on this Clergy will be able to offer a new perspective on - ”

“Oh this is nonsense! I’m not listening to any more of this garbage!” Imperator cried, shaking her head in disbelief when she shot out of her seat, her high-heels clacking over the floor as she raced towards the exit.

Everyone’s attention shifted to the old woman and Copia scowled in bewilderment when they seemed to take her departure as the cue to end the meeting. The Clergy followed Imperator’s lead and stood from their seats, but they bowed their heads towards Copia before they rudely shuffled out from the table, ensuring they kept their heads low to avoid his intense stare. Now that the table was emptying, the younger Siblings began to follow suit and shrugged their shoulders as they trailed towards the exit, the hems of their vestments swishing as they went.

For once, Nekid was speechless. He sat in front of his puzzled summoner with his spindly legs splayed in front of him, his tiny jaw falling open as his wide, mismatched eyes glared at the Siblings’ departure. It wasn’t often that he empathised with Copia, but he could certainly feel the anti-pope’s hurt now that his followers were content with abandoning him just because he’d wanted to try something new. As Copia watched on in disheartened, simmering annoyance, his familiar scrambled to his feet and pattered over the rosewood surface, his slender middle fingers extended as he ran towards the opposite end of the table with his arms outstretched. He blew raspberries when the last few Siblings left the vicinity of the table to follow the mob of people heading towards the open doors.

While Nekid continued to scold and pester the evacuating followers from afar, Copia slouched down in his throne and sighed deeply, momentarily closing his eyes to lift his heavy mitre from his head. He set it down in front of him and before he could sink into a disappointed depression, his mismatched eyes caught sight of movement to his right. One sister had remained in his presence, and she was slowly approaching the side of his throne. His eyes glinted wisely and he motioned a glove towards her like he was insisting that she hurried up.

It didn’t take her long to arrive beside him and she bowed stiffly like she was uncomfortable with the action. He held out his gloved hands towards her expectantly and once she cautiously reached an arm out to rest a pallid hand over his leather-clad palms, he swiftly turned his head to assess whether they were alone. To his dismay, there were still a couple of Siblings trailing towards the exit and he exhaled loudly, slowly returning his attention to the impostrous sister.

“I am very pleased with the work you’ve done recently.” he carefully said, ensuring he kept his tone imperious to keep up the pretence of Miss Vial’s disguise while there were others present. “With this kind of attitude, you will get very far in this church, sister. There is much potential in you. I would hate to see it wasted.”

“Mm, so I’ve heard.” Aemelia darkly muttered, keeping her voice as quiet as possible.

There was an overwhelming pause when his hands gently squeezed around her hand and his mismatched eyes searched her mirthful black irises, and then trailed over the white material that concealed her distinctive maroon hair from view. He winced at the echoing clatter of the assembly room doors, and unleashed a heavy sigh, his head falling back against the throne’s head-rest now that the two of them were finally alone... other than Nekid, who was occupied with taking out his frustration on some empty candelabras.

“What’s with the outfit?” Copia quietly asked in a soft voice as he shuffled in his seat to stare at her plainly. She raised her head a fraction and pulled back the black and white cloth that shrouded her head, her pallid face and burgundy plaits a welcome sight to his tired eyes when she dumped the fabric over her shoulder.

“Imperator tried barring me from this meeting. She was fairly successful too, until I put this ugly thing on. Surprised she didn't notice me to be honest, given her fuckin’ radar eyes.” she grumbled, faintly smiling when his gloves squeezed around her wrist to pull her closer to him.

“You kidding me? This disguise is a solid ten out of ten.” Copia passionately remarked, sending one last cautious glance to the doors – thankfully they were firmly closed and vacant of any prying eyes – before he tilted his head and pulled her downwards so that she was staring down at him closely. “ You fooled me for a little while. But as soon as I realized it was you... shiiiit. That's what really made it a solid ten out of ten for me, heh heh.”

She snorted and he closed his eyes when she brushed her nose against his, a heavy, appreciative exhale escaping him. The stray strands of burgundy hair that hung by sides of her face tickled his painted cheeks and he quietly whimpered like her presence was already comforting him.

“I don’t know why this makes you horny, I'm not naked under here.” she quipped, one of her eyebrows raising when his eyes flashed open in astonishment. “I've just added more layers to what I usually wear... so can’t be that exciting.”

“Ohhh, it absolutely is, baby. It is like... another layer of gift-wrap to me, heh heh. But of course, I will not peek until you permit me to... open my present.” he teased, tipping his head back so that their noses nuzzled again.

“Don’t think I haven’t noticed that you're avoiding the subject of my promotion.” she emptily said, the amusement on his face swiftly morphing into a pained wince.

“Yeah, I... I’m sorry for stalling you, Aemelia. I’m just kinda disappointed about... well, everything.” he confessed, his gloved hands pressing her fingertips to his chest. “Everything went tits-up. I shat a brick when I realized you weren’t here and... shit, this was supposed to be a real fucking event, you know? I wanted everyone to see your reaction, what a promotion really meant to someone who works their ass off. And I wanted you to feel proud when everyone else realised how... insignificant they are, in comparison to you and your important work. But... nevermind. Everyone ruined my plans... and then on top of that, they have the nerve to walk out on me like I’m a fucking nobody.”

Aemelia sunk down lower and draped her free arm around his shoulders, his face resting against the black fabric that covered her chest. He groaned out like he was disappointed with himself and her embrace tightened.

“You are... ok with the promotion, right? I’m not expecting too much of you? Because no matter what the Clergy thinks... you are still being promoted.” he quietly spoke, his voice muffled due to his face being pressed into her front.

“Are you joking? I’m more than fine with it. I could use the extra cash. And seeing as it also pisses everyone off, including Sister Imper-Enema... I'm in.” she eagerly replied, her round chin resting over the slicked hair on top of his head.

“Heh heh heh! Cool, cool! In this case, eh... we will discuss it more tomorrow, at my office. There’s a couple things I need to officiate just so you know what's what, you know?” he excitedly responded, backing his head away from her to warily gaze up at her instead.

“Yeah, ‘course.”

“Kinda wish I specified that you had to wear that... fucking habit in your new job description but... ah well.” he murmured, his gleaming eyes trailing over the front of her shapeless black vestment.

“Well, you never know, I might do something like this again sometime. If you're lucky.”

“What?! When? Where? When you planning this for? We going to be... alone or – ”

“Not quite.”

6 : Crimson Coats and Cappuccinos

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Naturally, after the shambles of a staff meeting the day prior, Miss Vial was summoned to Papa’s office the next morning. She wasn’t surprised that Copia had arranged their meeting to fill his first appointment slot of the day, despite knowing that he loathed starting his papal duties so early. He hadn’t wanted to prolong her suspense over her mysterious promotion any longer than necessary. However, there was a rather unpleasant downside to meeting at nine in the morning.

Bustling crowds of chattering Siblings, Clergy and Ghouls squeezed through the marble-clad corridors, and their overwhelming presence meant that Aemelia had no choice but to tolerate the close proximity of others. Sisters that adorned black vestments barged past her, the black fabric of her blazer’s sleeves quietly scratching as their thick habits forcefully pushed by her. When the cluster of sisters eventually passed, she gritted her teeth and continued to stride with the flow of the crowd around her, her hands clutching at the lapels of her jacket like it was a subtle way of comforting herself. She tried her best to focus on her destination – even though it was still quite a few corridors away – to distract herself from the annoying rush going on around her, but soon, a couple of stone-faced cardinals made it impossible for her to get lost in her own head.

They were approaching her directly and she frowned in confusion, their black cassocks swishing as they marched with purpose. Their expressions were blank and once they finally began to near her, they stared straight through her and refused to move out of the way to allow her to pass. She came to a dead stop in front of them and they simply mirrored her actions, a cluster of cassock-wearing mountains amongst a sea of Siblings that craned their necks to gaze at the scene in suspicion.

Aemelia scowled at the chaplains whilst people continued to surge by their shoulders in either direction, most of them eager to attend their scripture classes or desperate to reach the library before all the desks became occupied. Her charcoal eyes seared into each clergyman and after almost a minute of their persistent, pathetic behaviour, she rolled her eyes and side-stepped around them, elbowing against the current of hasty Siblings. The irritating actions of the sneering cardinals caused her to clench her teeth together but she didn’t say a word and persisted to slip through the crowd... she would make sure that she mentioned that early morning meetings were a terrible idea once she met with Copia. There was no way she was going to fight her way around the Ministry on a regular basis.

Nevertheless, she continued to grit her teeth and endure the large amount of people, and soon, after a fair amount of internalised frustration, she managed to make it through the next few hallways until she reached the long corridor where Copia’s office was situated. Unlike the previous hallways, which had stretched by the highly frequented locations of the Ministry – such as the library, the cathedral, the refectory and the many spacious teaching rooms – it was free of the unpleasant accumulation of people and she broke away from the bustle to step into its vast space, unleashing a heavy sigh of relief. A few Siblings trickled about its slab-stone floor, but they didn’t acknowledge her, they were too focused on heading towards the hectic rush she’d just escaped, hugging their books and journals to their chests.

She let out another huff and proceeded to traipse the spacious hallway, a faint wince on her pallid features as she hugged her arms around herself, her charcoal irises trailing to the frosted glass panel of Copia’s office door, which was embedded into the right wall ahead of her, its golden letters glistening. She was used to seeing a line of ungodly people leaning against the walls outside, but seeing as it was so early, the walls were vacant of loiterers and she breathed out another relieved sigh

She focused on the door for a little while as she continued to walk towards it, and when she was only a couple of metres away from it, she reluctantly shifted her head to glance at the opposite end of the corridor... and her gaze immediately settled on an elaborate, deep blue robe that was vividly shimmering as it swished back and forth. Copia was hastily approaching the very same door, one glove clutching a steaming cup of coffee to his chest, the other gripping a thick wad of crinkled envelopes as his arm coolly swung to-and-fro with every smooth stride he took. Even without his mitre, he looked quite the unholy spectacle. Aemelia felt like she’d been abruptly greeted by the early morning sun... his presence was so blinding due to the stark rays of sunlight that flooded in through the occasional stain-glass windows, that it lit him up like a reflective disco ball and she had to physically pause to squeeze her eyes shut. However, her reaction was only brief for she cracked her eyes back open when the rustle of his robes grew louder, the scuff of his shoes only just audible over the stone floor as he neared her.

She advanced a few more steps until she could awkwardly lean her right side against the wall beside the door to his office, and her casual action caused Copia’s gaze to eagerly shift towards her. His confident, dominant strides quickly started to stutter and even from afar, she spotted his painted mouth parting like a sharp, involuntary wheeze had been squeezed out of him. The rest of his walk there was rather clumsy, and now that he’d set eyes on Miss Vial, he couldn’t hide the affection that plainly swam in his mismatched irises. Though he revelled in the emotions she was stirring within him, he was completely aware that his strange expression – and his even stranger walk towards his office – had attracted a couple of curious stares from his passing subordinates and he cleared his throat, his glove creaking as he clutched his hot cup of coffee to his front even tighter. He reluctantly lowered his head to the floor in front of him and plastered over his affectionate expression with a mask of stern annoyance, hoping that no one had noticed the gaze he’d sent her.

But seeing as he’d already brazenly shown a crack in his pretence of mean and all-powerful Papa, he decided that he would overwrite any suspicions it may have caused in the subordinates around him by causing a dramatic scene. And though Miss Vial was unaware of his intentions, he was certain that she would be willing to play along with him while they had an infrequent audience of eavesdroppers. He continued his clumsy, stuttering strides until he arrived at the opposite side of the door to her and he abruptly lifted his head to face her, his emotionless features and visibly tensing shoulders a noticeable cue for her to expect some sort of act from him. He cleared his throat and nodded his head towards the marble wall beside her, narrowing his eyes in feigned irritation.

“Do not slouch against the wall like that, Miss Vial. It’s unprofessional. You stand up straight when you are in my presence.” he snapped in a raised voice, ensuring that everyone who was passing heard his stern complaint.

“Alright, keep your hat on. I was just a bit bored. I got here on time and I’ve been stood here ages. So it’s not my fault I’m not standing straight. You’re the one that’s late.” she casually quipped, the mirth that plainly swam in her charcoal eyes almost causing him to burst into chuckles, but his teeth bit into the corners of his bottom lip to ensure that he held his cold, unimpressed expression.

“No... no, you were early.” he coldly disagreed, shaking his head in mock disapproval, noticing a couple of heads turning to face them both in his peripheral vision when another lot of Siblings traipsed by. “A Papa is always punctual, he never misses an appointment. You have no right to criticize me, Miss Vial, especially when I have some very good news for you today. Do not ruin it.”

Aemelia lowered her head, her maroon plaits swishing back and forth as they obscured her pallid face from him. He heard the tiniest snort of muffled amusement that she hadn’t managed to hide and his mouth started to waver into a smile. Before he could allow his amusement to spread across his face, he loudly cleared his throat and sharply gestured his gloved hand – which still gripped around a thick stack of mail – towards his office.

“C’mon, let’s get inside before I let my guard down and make a shitty mistake.” he quietly murmured with wide eyes, her head immediately lifting as a consequence. “I swear, I’m seconds from laughter, Aemelia.”

His arm continued to drape out towards the door and the blank mask he wore caused her to roll her eyes and click her tongue. She huffed as she grudgingly pushed herself away from the wall like he’d just quietly scolded her, keeping her movements stiff and stubborn when she turned away from him to snatch hold of the door-handle. As soon as she shoved it, it swiftly opened with a high-pitched shriek and she backed away, dramatically scolding him with her dark eyes when she glanced at him over her shoulder.

“After you, your Dark Excellency.” she emptily said, trying her best to keep a serious expression when he set his jaw like her actions had annoyed him and swiftly strode in without sending her another glance. She sighed heavily and reluctantly trailed in after his rustling robes, acting the part of the irritated resident alchemist until she gently closed the door behind herself. When she took her first few steps inside, Copia unleashed an eerily hearty chuckle as he placed the items in his gloves over the chaotic surface of his bureau.

“You think it was convincing enough?” Aemelia softly asked, calmly advancing towards the pair of arm-chairs in front of his desk when he raised a glove to his face to shield his eyes, the end of his laugh turning into a prolonged moan of amused disbelief.

“Ehhhh... somehow, I think it was, yes.” he said with a crumpled smile, lowering his hand from his face before he rounded the side of his desk to take a seat on his comfortably worn ox-blood arm-chair. “You like the new decor?”

“The what?” she questioned as she stepped in front of the chair opposite him to calmly sit down, her sudden frown giving away that she was confused by the abrupt shift of topic.

“Ahh, so you haven’t noticed yet?” he teased with mischievous, gleaming eyes, his smile softening into a surprised smirk when he swiped up his golden reading glasses and leaned forwards to dust the lenses against the front of his robe. “It’s cool if you haven’t, we only just got here, but I thought you might’ve already noticed because you are so, eh... observant. Ah well, I’m sure you will notice eventually, heh heh.”

He paused to open out the arms of his reading spectacles and she tilted her head inquisitively, her plaits subtly swaying as he slid them onto his nose. He cleared his throat when he met her stare and blindly reached a gloved hand down to slide it around his steaming cappuccino.

“Anyways, it doesn’t look like my Ghoul has made it here yet... so I guess we have some time for a little catch up before we start talking about the whole promotion thing. I’m kinda annoyed about this though, I asked them to bring something and it’s kinda important but... guess we’ll just have to wait. You want a drink or a little snack or something while we wait?” he asked, lifting the rim of the coffee cup to his black lips to take a long, satisfying slurp.

“Naa, I grabbed something to eat at the cafeteria.” she said, relaxing into the leather cushioning behind her, her charcoal eyes subtly trailing over the deep lines that were lurking beneath his thick rat paint. “You’re unusually energetic for a morning, what’s got you feeling so chipper?”

“You, of course. Mornings are usually crazy for me, but having an excuse to see you first thing is... definitely something I could get used to, heh heh.” he confessed, momentarily closing his eyes when he took another sip of his thick cappuccino. “With your new position, I could always arrange a weekly appointment. I’d love for this to be a regular thing.”

“Absolutely not. I almost didn’t make it here.” she grumbled, folding her arms in front of her chest when she averted her gaze to her lap to avoid the inevitable concern in his mismatched eyes. “There’s too many people about at this time. I fucking hate it.”

“Shit... I... I didn’t consider this, Aemelia. I’m sorry for - ”

“It’s fine. I managed.” she lightly interrupted, closing her eyes with a pained wince like she hadn’t wanted to hear his apology. “And I’m fine with us having a regular meeting like this, so long as it’s at a quieter time. If not, all the constant commotion will alert my friend at some point. And I know that’s the last thing either of us want.”

“Of course, Aemelia. Whatever’s best for you, ok?” he softly insisted with a sigh, gently setting his cup of coffee over the desk-space beside his pot of quills. “Speaking of your... friend... ehhhh... how is... he? She? It?”

“It’s been alright, I s’pose.” she simply said, shuffling back in her seat to trail her eyes over her surroundings like she was suddenly uncomfortable with their conversation. “No catastrophes lately, so that’s an alright in my book.”

“Good, good... I was just kinda... concerned for you. It’s shown up quite a lot recently... so I thought it might be taking its toll on you, this is all.” he explained, his eyes briefly leaving her to observe his prized serpent-handled letter opener, which he smoothly slid out from his left sleeve. The sound of paper crinkling caused her to frown deeply and she raised her head to stare at him, and to her surprise, he returned her gaze immediately, swiftly using his small blade to slice open the first sealed letter he’d happened to select from the thick wad of mail.

“I’m getting used to its presence nowadays. And I s’pose that’s what scares me.” she admitted, turning her head to trail her eyes over her surroundings again when he eventually drew out the letter from the open envelope. “I’m sort of... comfortable with it now I’ve accepted it’s just there.”

“Yeah... I think you’ve dealt with it in the best way possible, Aemelia. And the fact you’ve managed to stay sane throughout everything you’ve been through... it is more than admirable.” he quietly praised with a small smile, which quickly disappeared as soon as he unfolded the letter he was holding between his gloved hands, his mismatched eyes glaring with concern. She continued to quietly scour the room, oblivious to the heavy, irritated sigh that wheezed out of him, turning her head so that she could study the rosewood panelling that was directly to her left.

“Tette di Satana...” he bitterly muttered, slamming his leathery hands against the document until it was lying flat over the desk, his mismatched eyes vividly shining with unpleasant understanding behind the glass of his reading spectacles. “... listen, I... eh... I didn’t want to bother you with this before but... fuck it. You will be promoted soon and that gives you waaaay more reason to know about this.”

Aemelia’s black eyes finally settled on a strangely familiar statement-piece mirror that was hung level with the arm-chair she was sitting on. Realisation – and a hint of affection – swept over her features as she studied its thick resin frame but she nodded her head to silently encourage Copia to continue speaking, silently amazed and thankful that her gift for him had finally arrived.

“A lawyer visited me a while back. My lawyer. I didn’t even know I had a fucking lawyer.” he began, unaware that she was wearing a warm smile as her gaze followed the shape of the enchanted mirror’s carved resin frame. “Anyways... she stopped by and said if I keep up my spending habits, I would be in the red real soon. Turns out the tax-free Clergy account... isn’t so tax-free after all. Nihil fucked up with the paperwork years ago, and he’s left the Ministry with a shit ton of debt because of it. And from what I’m reading here... most of this shit is unpaid confectionery bills?! Somehow that old fuck is still throwing me curve-balls, even from the grave! How the shit did he miss the charity and religious organisation tick-box?! I guess he wanted to be an awkward little bitch, so he chose other instead. And spending that much on candy? Are you fucking kidding me?!”

Another heavy sigh left him and he dramatically swiped off his reading glasses, a gloved hand lifting to his face to shield his disappointed eyes from her... but she was still glued to the mirror’s ominous presence, her charcoal eyes wide with horror now that she was gazing at her own reflection. Her shoulders tensed and her arms abruptly fell from her waistcoat so that her glossy black fingernails could claw into the leather arm-rests, her grey lips parting to make way for a quiet gasp.

“And, eh... to be very truthful with you, Aemelia... I kinda fucked up too.” Copia confessed in a softer tone, knitting his eyebrows together when he averted his eyes to the small pile of unopened letters over the desk in front of him. “My personal funds are not looking so generous these days, so I gotta keep a good lid on splashing out. Until the next album drops anways. Then, all being well... I should be in the clear.”

He paused when she didn’t reply and reluctantly lifted his head to warily gaze at her, and when he did, she swiftly snapped her head away from the reflection to glare down at the tips of her shoes. Though she was trying to pretend that her actions were natural, her wide eyes gave away that she was deeply unsettled by whatever she’d seen. Copia cleared his throat and leaned forwards until his elbows were gently resting over the surface of his desk.

“Is... everything ok, Aemelia?” he softly asked, the concern evident in his quiet voice. “I know all of this is a lot to take in... so sorry if this feels overwhelming. I’m loading you with this bullshit and I haven’t even got to what I wanted to talk about yet. If you need me to slow down or... even shut up, just tell me, ok? The last thing I want is you feeling overloaded, you know?”

“It’s fine.” she muttered in a distant tone, her brows meeting in a troubled frown, her dark eyes still noticeably wide due to shock.

“You sure? You look... very pale.” he quietly responded, his mismatched eyes trailing down each of her burgundy braids. To his surprise, his comment caused her head to jolt upwards, her dark eyes instantly searing into him.

“I'm always fuckin’ pale.”

“Shit... I-I mean to say... paler than usual. You look... sickly pale.” he quickly corrected, his eyes nervously shifting between each of her black irises like he was internally debating which one looked more fearsome. After a few seconds she let out a defeated sigh and the annoyance in her eyes softened when he persisted to study her gaze with brazen worry.

“That mirror... I... thought I saw something in the reflection, that's all.” she explained in an empty grumble, wincing now that she was holding his stare.

“Ah yes... it fits the decor very well, heh heh. And of course you saw something, Cipolletta... you saw your beautiful self, no?” he replied in an optimistic tone, the worry in his eyes melting away when a warm smile manifested over his painted lips.

“Not really, no.”

“Ahhh c’maaan, even your true form is beautiful, Aemelia.” he continued, the adoration in his eyes obvious to her as he began to slowly trail them over the lines of her face. “Do not lie to yourself or let what you saw freak you out, ok? I admit, at first I had a little scare too, but it will be a good thing for us to get used to what we truly are. And, ehhh... I figured it would come in real useful for any vampire-y types, you never know what those suckers are up to. I thought they could try getting me while I’m in here, you know? So I had that mirror placed right beside the chair you are sat on, just so I can have a little peek if I do not trust who is sat there. I need to make sure they have a substantial reflection, heh heh.”

“Well, either way, you’ll see who they truly are.” she calmly murmured, her brow furrowing when he smoothly reached down to scoop up his coffee cup. “That’ll definitely come in handy.”

“Suuure, suuuure, of course it will, baby. And hey, though it may have a shitload of uses, I have to say, I fell in love with it as soon as it arrived. It suits me and the office well, no? It just... makes me curious who sent this. It arrived out of the blue all cool and mysterious, heh heh. Maybe one of the Clergy is trying to be a kiss-ass or... maybe it’s compensation for the whole Nekid exchange thing going tits up?”

Aemelia’s eyes swam with wisdom but she kept her lips sealed when he closed his eyes and took a loud sip of his cappuccino. He was oblivious to the brazen hope in her gaze and continued chattering, unaware that she was a little disappointed.

“Whoever it was, they definitely got me sussed, heh. A shame they didn’t leave a note but... it’s cool. Their gift is up, so that’s all that matters... ah, shit! I just realised that I will have to stay clear of it during my appointments. I don’t want anyone keeling over because of my true form’s ripped bod, you know?”

“It was manufactured in Hell.” she simply replied, his eyes flashing open to stare at her as his lips poised over the rim of his drink.

“Yes, heh... I can tell this from the style, baby.”

“Every device from Hell can be deactivated.” she went on, resting her forearms over her thighs in a much more relaxed fashion. “If you don’t want the enchantment to be active for a particular appointment, you can just turn it off. There’s usually a little red button hidden somewhere on their products. Just have to press it in and hold for a couple of seconds.”


There was an expectant pause and they simply exchanged gazes, her features unmoving, his brows raising with interest.

“You... think you could show me where this little button is?” he eventually asked, the sound of him setting down his coffee already secretly revealing that he was completely confident that she wouldn’t refuse him.

“Yeah, ‘course.” she emptily responded as the two of them stood from their respective arm-chairs, their footsteps quiet as they swiftly headed towards the strange mirror.

“You don't mind me seeing your... form?” he questioned when he sped up so that he caught up with her to walk by her side the rest of the way.

“You're going to end up seeing it at some point anyway, so I don't see why not.” she said as they came to an abrupt, synchronized halt when they reached their destination.

They simply loitered in front of their reflections, staring into their true selves with wide, intrigued eyes. After a few seconds, their irises inevitably trailed to the other’s reflection instead, and they were utterly mesmerized by their forms, their gazes shining with blatant curiosity.

“L-Lift it up, I need to see the back.” Aemelia eventually stuttered out, her charcoal eyes glued to Copia’s demonic form. Though she could only see from his head to his shoulders, amazement still washed over her and she couldn’t find her usual mask of indifference to hide it.

“It is... scaring you, isn't it?!” he cried worriedly, wincing when he noticed the subtle sound of her heavy breaths... he suddenly feared that the visceral sight of his infernal form had her struggling for air.

“No, no... fuck no... I... uh... I'm just a bit...” she trailed off as a rush of pink tinged her pallid cheeks to reply to him instead and he swiftly turned his head to face her, his smug smirk plain to her even amongst the thick skull paint.

“Ohhh, so you like what you see, ah? Weeell, I did warn you, heh heh. I wasn’t kidding with you when I said I was ripped as fuck, Cipolletta.” he teased, biting into his bottom lip when she turned her head just to roll her eyes at him.

“Just shut up and... lift it, will you?” she snapped, nodding her head towards the enchanted mirror in front of them. He immediately reached his arms towards the left side of the frame and she did the same for the right and they gently lifted it away from the rosewood wall. She grunted as she leaned forwards and tilted her head until she could see behind the thick backing of the mirror, her eyes squinting as she searched its slate surface. She studied every little crevice for the universal red button and she eventually took a hand away from the frame to slide it towards the top left corner.

“You want it off for now?” she asked.


There was a high-pitched click and she held the button in place for at least six seconds until her arm retreated and she nodded towards Copia. They gently lowered it until it was hanging flush with the rosewood panelling and Copia smiled at their usual reflections.

“Ehhh... these reflections look really fucking weird now.” he joked, despite the brazen desire that flickered in his eyes when he rested them on the refection of her soft face. “You... eh... you want to - ?”

The office door shrieked open and its frosted glass clattered as it hit one of the rosewood walls, revealing an extremely tall and out of proportion chrome-masked Ghoul that was stooping down until he managed to squeeze himself through the open door. Considering that his hands were occupied, each one grappling the underside of a long grey box that he held horizontally to his chest, he didn’t catch hold of the door when he finally stepped into the room and it violently slammed shut, every wall quaking in protest as a consequence. He gracefully and confidently strode towards the bureau and carefully lowered the wide grey box onto the most vacant side of the desk, oblivious to Copia and Vial’s presence. They turned in unison and observed him with puzzled frowns when he swiftly turned on his heels and hurriedly bounded towards the door again, hunching down low as he threw it open to leave like he already had his next task firmly in mind.

Upon the door slamming shut again, Copia firmly wrapped a gloved hand around Aemelia’s closest sleeve and tugged her away from the mirror. She obliged his actions and he guided them back towards his desk, his wise, mismatched eyes settling on the long grey box that was awaiting them over its cluttered surface. He gently let go of her once he perched his behind on the edge of the bureau and casually gestured a leather glove towards the arm-chair she’d previously occupied.

“You may want to sit down for this, Aemelia.” he stated, his eyes glinting with excitement when she rolled her eyes at his dramatic tone, but she obliged his wishes by shuffling herself onto the seat.

“Again... sorry about the wait, I guess my Ghouls have been kinda busy this morning... they always have shit tons to do when everyone is finally out and about, you know?” he continued as he carefully reached his arms back to lift the unassuming grey box from his desk, his eyes unmoving as he returned her unimpressed, empty stare. She didn’t respond and instead, sat in silence as he cautiously passed the box around himself to settle it over his lap. One of his gloves creaked as he held the box in place to ensure that it didn’t slip from the shiny robe-fabric that covered his thighs, and the other gently lifted the lid. He must have known what it contained, for even when the top was finally fully removed as he discarded it to the left of him, his eyes never left her face.

He tilted the box slightly so that she could see what was inside its shallow contents and her black eyes lit up with amazement. He studied her expression with fascination, taking note of her wincing eyebrows and the slightest hint of a smile that graced her grey lips. She eagerly leaned forwards and her pallid hands scooped up the deep crimson fabric. She practically collapsed back in her seat when she finally rested the long piece of clothing over her lap, her irises shining with wonder as she studied it intently. The velvet overcoat was long and soft to the touch, and though it appeared to be stylish and cosy, its sharp cut and black hemming caused it to have an air of intimidation and authority, which naturally caused a smirk to curl across her lips. Copia couldn’t resist smiling at her as he clutched the box to his lap and he eventually cleared his throat when she let out a gasp as she ran her hands over the inside lining, which was fashioned out of the softest black silk.

“Fuckin’ hell, Copia... how are you surprised that you and the Clergy are going broke?!” she cried, gazing down at the luxurious garment with undiluted astonishment.

“Ahhh, don’t worry about the cost, ok?” he calmly insisted, which caused her to briefly raise her head to gawp at him... it only made his smile grow wider. “Every other member of the Clergy gets a shitty outfit - or whatever - when they join, so... now you are official, I thought you would need your own little something. I figured... something that complemented your hair would be very se – ehhhh... cool! Cool.”

“Yeah, I’m... surprised how you’ve managed to get a shade that actually goes with it. You have a real eye for this kind of shit, Copia.” she muttered, lowering her head to admire the subtle shine of the deep red material .

“Ahhh, it’s nothing, Aemelia, really... but... I guess I do have an eye for fashion, heh heh.”

“You really shouldn’t have made this so nice, you know how messy my work is.” she continued in a soft murmur, regardless of his flattered response. “There’s no way I’d ever be able to wear this in the apothecary, I’d be afraid of messing it up or... setting it on fire. Accidentally, obviously.”

He slid the box from his lap and lifted it over his left shoulder to drop it onto the desk behind him. Then he leaned forwards, gently settling his gloved hands over his lap as his mismatched eyes intently searched her impressed features.

“I figured you could hang it up while you work and wear it other times. Like... when you’re walking about this fucking place, or... when we are out on a case, heh. Every investigator needs a cool overcoat, no?” he excitedly explained, his smile crumpling with amusement when she raised her head again to shake it in mock disapproval. The mirth in her eyes was obvious to him and he tilted his head inquisitively when she returned his stare.

“Mmmm... I always imagined you wearing this kind of thing in my dreams, but... eh... that was all you were wearing so – ahem – this is... this is why those dreams were so... memorable for me, I guess.” he confessed, before clearing his throat again. “You going to try it on?”

Aemelia sighed in defeat and nodded. The arm-chair’s legs quietly squeaked over the floor as she stood from her seat and she adjusted the crimson coat in her hands until she could carefully slide each of her arms into its smooth sleeves. She tugged at the shoulders to ensure it hung properly, and it clung to her form perfectly. It was sleekly shaped to her figure and the shimmering velvet material finished just above her ankles... there was no doubt her in mind that Copia had a large hand in designing it, given the long flowing style of it, it was incredibly reminiscent of one of his beloved capes.

“Oof!” Copia dramatically wheezed out, a gloved hand swiping up from his lap to clutch at the glistening fabric that covered his chest. “You take my breath away, Cipolletta... the cut, the style, the... colour... shit! It is perfect for you.”

“Yeah... it is.” she softly said with a small smile, holding each side of the coat as she peered down to observe the swish of the fabric, her form subtly swaying side to side. “I’m shocked it’s so snug. How did you manage to have it tailored so well? I don't remember telling you my measurements.”

Copia chuckled impishly and coolly leaned back as he settled his gloves over his lap again.

“Ah... I... have ways, Aemelia, heh heh. And, eh... I am also pretty good with guessing too, so... that helped. But you could say that I was very hands on with the guessing this time round, heh heh heh.”

Her head snapped upwards until she could narrow her eyes at him in suspicion, but she decided not to question him any further and sat back in her seat, wearing a thoughtful frown.

“So... now that you have your coat, we are fully prepared to talk about your promotion in a little more depth... if you're down, of course, heh.” he added, swallowing thickly when she nodded and draped her arms over the leather arm-rests, the immaculate, crimson sleeves that covered them causing him to exhale sharply.

“Cool, cool! So you may or... may not be aware that I can't just give you a position in the Clergy. If it were down to me alone, I would just have you put this coat on and let you get on with your new role but... sadly, this isn't the way shit works around here. To finally accept this promotion, you must publicly accept it and display your new title as soon as it's given to you.”

“Right... which is?” she asked, running her palms over the velvet material that hung close to the sides of her chest.

“Hm?” he responded in a high-pitched squeak, utterly distracted by the movements of her hands.

“My title. You haven't even said what it is yet.”

“Ah shit! I haven't?! I knew I was forgetting something! I need more caffeine!” he passionately exclaimed before reaching a hand backwards to swiftly swipe up his coffee cup.

“Are you stalling me?” she teased with an amused smirk, watching him intently when he loudly slurped down a generous lot of cappuccino. After swallowing it down, he unleashed a satisfied gasp and heavily set down the cup over a bit of desk-space beside him.

“Nooo, nooo! I’m not stalling you, baby, I swear!” he cried, wincing when he gestured his gloves towards his chest in a passionate manner. “I’m just... excited about this. I can't believe I found a loophole to get you really in with me, you know?”

“Yeah, you and me both.” she quipped, shaking her head in amusement.

“Heh heh... anyways, your new title will allow you to do... a little more, if you need to.” he finally continued, his mismatched irises trailing down the impeccable garment that hung by her sides. “Your position of resident alchemist will still stand, of course, but you will have the badass addition of “Ministry Overseer”... ooooh, just saying it gives me all the warm tingles!”

“And what would this new... role allow me to do?” she huffed out with a subtle smirk, unable to suppress her amusement.

“Ehhh... it means... you are the Ministry’s protector and the most official consultant on the occult. In other words... you hold the most trustworthy position in this fucking place.” he said proudly, pointing a leather-clad finger at her. “You’ve already solved a loooot of problems around here, and I thought that by giving you the sway of a title, it will give you a lot more of a kick when it comes to investigating or... interrogating, especially around here. There will be less backlash if it's a part of your job description, you know?”

“Right... I see.” she murmured, her distant tone giving away that his words had caused her imagination to wander. “Don’t you think this will make people a bit suspicious of us?”

“You mean... they will assume we're banging? But... everyone believes we hate each other now, baby. They are eating up our little performances, no? There is no way they will assume we’re... ehhhh... a thing. Don't worry yourself over that, ok? They’ve got no fucking clue about us.” he hastily assured, raising a gloved hand to the top of his head to bashfully smooth back his mousy brown hair. “Now, eh... about you publicly accepting this promotion, it... needs to be very soon, so if you got anything planned, let me know now and we can work around it.”

“You know that I never have plans.” she emotionlessly replied, folding her arms in front of her chest.

“Cool, cool... in that case, you up for it tomorrow?” he questioned, his expression suddenly unusually innocent as he gazed at her hopefully.

“Up for what?”

“The initiation ceremony.”

“That’s the most cult-like thing you’ve ever fuckin’ said.” she cut in, scowling at him in confusion despite the brazen amusement in her charcoal eyes. “I don’t have to cut anything off or offer you a human sacrifice, do I?”

“No no! Of course not, Aemelia.” he insisted, unleashing a heavy, defeated sigh. “I know you do not believe or worship Satan like I and the rest of the Clergy do, so... your ceremony will be a little different. I already thought of this waaay back, so... eh... shit. You know what, why don’t I just demonstrate? You cool with a demonstration, just so you know what to expect?”

“So long as you talk me through it, I’m not watching you try and mime it to me.”

“Heh heh, ok, ok... then first, we need to stand up.” he said with a sincere expression, smoothly sliding away from the edge of his bureau. She stood from her seat and the legs of the chair shrieked when she pushed it with the heel of one of her shoes.

“By the time me and you... interact, you will have been escorted through the cathedral to some spooky music and everyone will be watching so... we will have to act very professional once you arrive at my... feet.”

“That sounds like a you problem, Copia. I’m fine with acting like I’m not remotely interested in you.” she snapped, tilting her head when a smirk manifested over her mouth again.

“Ok, ok... there is no need to... rub it in, Cipolletta.” he muttered, reaching his right hand back towards the desk to clumsily feel for an item that was situated somewhere over its messy surface. “This will require a little bit of imagination, I don’t have the actual props here so... bear with me.”

His gloved hands latched onto his half-full coffee cup, which he held to his chest like it was some kind of unholy goblet.

“When you arrive in front of me, there’ll be a chalice around somewhere. So... think of this cup as a chalice and the coffee as, eh... blood.” he said with a casual shrug, hoping that she would stop narrowing her dark eyes at him. “It won’t be human blood, don’t worry. And, eh... shit... where was I?”

“I arrived in front of you.” Aemelia grumbled.

“Ah yes! Then I will... ask you to kneel down before me and I’ll be following my script – which you don’t need to worry about - then I will dip my fingers into the cu – ehchalice like this... ” he trailed off and acted out his own instructions, and once his fingers were slightly doused in cappuccino, he reached his hand towards her and cleared his throat. “... you are supposed to be kneeling, Aemelia.”

“Fuck’s sake.” she muttered, sinking down to her knees in front of him as quickly as she could. “I thought you were doing the demonstration.”

A smirk found its way over his mouth and he chuckled lightly when she reluctantly tipped her head back to scowl at him, her charcoal eyes blazing, her crimson coat pooling around her crouched form. His doused fingers reached down until he could lightly graze his leathery fingertips against her forehead. She closed her eyes at the contact and frowned when he seemed to draw an invisible symbol over her pallid skin... he did it so swiftly that it was impossible for her to work out what it was. She heard the sound of him setting his coffee cup back onto the desk and her eyes flashed open, and assuming the demonstration was finished, she started to rise from her kneeling position.

“Ah ah ah! We’re not done yet!” he playfully scolded, clamping a gloved hand over one of her shoulders. She squinted at him and huffed out loudly, sinking down to her previous position, though she was determined to hold his stare this time. He stooped low to stare at her intensely and he lifted his hand from her so that each of his gloves could linger before her face.

“Take off my gloves.” he softly suggested, his sincere expression causing her to roll her eyes in defeat. He continued to drape his hands in front of her as she cautiously raised her hands towards the hems of one of his gloves. She carefully pulled it off and placed it over the floor beside her, ensuring that she never took her eyes away from his.

“Once you are done, you... kiss my hands. I’ll be wearing super powerful rings on the actual day, you know?” he quietly explained, his breaths becoming increasingly deep and audible.

When she simply responded by gently pulling at his second glove, he let out a harsh, shuddered breath and her black eyes faltered as it slid off his hand with ease. The hem of the glove had hardly left his fingertips before his arm darted forwards, the cool skin of his bare palm firmly grasping hold of her chin. He tilted her face back so that she peered up at him at a sharper angle and he licked the black paint over his bottom lip. Then, when he parted his mouth to instruct her further, she managed to wiggle her face to loosen his grip, her hand clamping around his sleeve to keep his arm in place. And then, as she kept her black irises upon his startled mismatched gaze, she lifted his hand upwards, leaving lingering kisses over each of his knuckles.

“How the shit am I going to keep professional when you do this for real?” he murmured, exhaling deeply as she paused her actions, her parted lips gently grazing the back of his hand. “This robe will be a fucking tent once you are finished.”

“Like I said before... this sounds like a you problem.” she quipped, the feel of her smirking lips causing him to close his eyes and wince with appreciation. “Having said that, you’ll be fine. Those robes are layered well, so it’ll take a while before anything like that shows.”

“Thanks for... the reassurance, Aemelia, but... it seems like the tent is already being assembled as we speak.” he squeaked out, tensing each of his hands into fists when he sensed her standing from her crouched position. “There is... a little more to the ceremony but... I will let you know in good time. Most of the other parts are very similar and I-I... don’t want to keep you from your work.”

“Alright.” she simply said, her dark irises searing into him once he flashed his eyes open to meet her stare. “I take it you want to keep hold of this until the ceremony?”

“Sadly, yes...” he replied, attempting to steady his breathing as she began to carefully shrug off her new overcoat. “... but once the ceremony is over with, it’s all yours.”

He swallowed thickly as she stepped forwards to close the space between them, and he huffed out a surprised wheeze when she firmly slung the bundle of crimson fabric into his chest.

“Anything else you wanted to mention before I fuck off?” she questioned, faintly amused when his arms clumsily scrambled to catch hold of the fabric bundle.

“Yeah... it’s just something that’s been on my mind lately.” he admitted in a sincere tone, which caused her amusement to vanish instantly. “I’ve always remembered that theory you had... that there are more of those strange sectors lurking around and... I figured the only way we would find out, is if we snoop around a little more. So I set up a cool secret investigation room for us.”

“An investigation room? What does that mean?” she questioned, her black eyes scouring his painted features.

“Kind of like... a place where we can store any records we find, somewhere to plot our movements, or ideas, that sort of thing.” he said, his smile turning smug when she tilted her head with interest.

“Sounds more like a fuckin' war room if you ask me.”

“Heh heh... yeaaah, yeah, I guess so... you free tonight? I could give you a tour.” he offered, unable to stop himself from shooting her a flirtatious wink.

“Yeah, ‘course.” she reluctantly agreed, despite having the strange feeling that there was far more to this spontaneous tour than Copia was revealing. “Just say when, I’ll be there.”

7 : The Unhallowed Archives

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Aemelia met the anti-pope in the undercroft at eight that very evening. Curiosity had weighed on her mind so much that day that she'd ended her shift at the apothecary early to ensure that she arrived dead on time. Firmly tugging the lapels of her black blazer to make sure it was snug and creaseless, she hurriedly descended the sloped stairs and once she eventually reached the bottom, she marched towards the rusted iron doors that made up the entrance to the undercroft. Elbowing her way inside, she confidently entered the gloom of its entrance hall, its sides lined with imposing statues of prominent Satanic figures. She paused now that she was inside and squinted to protest the lack of light, just managing to spot the indistinct outline of the towering sculptures ahead of her. Despite the fact she’d been in such a place countless times before, she never got used to their imposing presence...

She frowned, cracking her eyes open as she went to take a step forwards but hands latched out and firmly clamped around her waist. Hands that creaked and kneaded. She gasped quietly but rolled her eyes at herself when she heard the distinct sound of robes rustling behind her.

Copia embraced her tightly and groaned with appreciation when he rested his chin over one of her shoulders. His chestnut hair grazed against her pale skin and she refrained from sighing gratefully in response.

“Bet you're wondering why we’re meeting down here, ah?” he quietly asked, unleashing a heavy, relieved breath.

“Unless you've got this room hidden in a wall somewhere, no idea. Did it really have be down here?” she responded, simply allowing him to cuddle her from behind.

“Mm-hmmm, of course, baby.” he calmly said, tilting his head to nuzzle the loose hair that hung by the side of her face. “People find this place spooky so they tend to avoid it... mostly. I can assure you that this vaul – ehhhhroom is in the most secret place, ok?”

“Alright...” she grumbled, though he could plainly hear suspicion in her tone. “... are you going to let me go or are you planning on this hug lasting the whole night?”

“Sorry. I just... I missed you.” he muttered with a pained wince, his arms squeezing around her firmly.

“You only saw me a couple of hours ago.” she complained.

“Yeah, but I didn’t get to hold you like this, Cipolletta.”

“Well, as much as this hug's lovely, this war room – or investigation room or whatever the fuck it is – is a much more pressing matter. So could you let me go now? We can hug once we get there, alright?” she firmly requested, which prompted him to sigh with disappointment. His arms fell away from her reluctantly but she frowned when she felt the warmth of his face nearing the skin of hers. He tilted himself around her until he could press a firm, casual kiss to her pallid cheek and then he unleashed a breathy chuckle as he drew away from her.

“Okie dokie, we'll head to the closest entrance.” he explained as he took a confident step forwards, his left arm extending behind him like he was expecting her to take it. “There is... quite a few. So in future, it will be very easy for us to meet here if we need to. No one will suspect anything if we are coming from different directions, you know?”

“How many entrances are there?" she questioned, shuffling towards him to hook her arm around his.

“Four, that I know of. There’s probably a couple more. I haven't had much time to check around for others these days.”

“Four? Bleedin’ hell, wonder you were so jumpy last time we were here.” she muttered, frowning with interest when they started to nonchalantly stroll into the darkness.

“Eh... what?”

“Last time. When that sister got slapped.” she bluntly added.

“Ohhhhh! Shit. Yeeeah, yeeah. I remember that vividly, heh heh!” he exclaimed with a crumpled smile. “ Nekid’s schlong is the last thing that sister should be worried about nowadays. After all, there’s no way I’d forget that face in a hurry, heh heh heh.”

Aemelia shook her head in amusement and looked towards the hall that stretched ahead of them. Her eyes searched the darkness for a secret door or something similar that he may have been guiding them towards, but there didn’t seem to be anything obvious. The only things she could distinctly see in the distance were the faint flickers of tealights and the glisten of lavish offerings, which had been left beneath the flattering portrait of the late Papa III at the end of the hallway. She squinted at the mysterious shrine as they continued to walk towards it, and as they grew closer, she realised that the wall beside the painting – along with slab-stone floor beneath it – was scattered with hand-drawn illustrations, scribbled letters and various tokens of yearning and heartbreak. From the large accumulation of items, it was clear many Siblings were still pouring their hearts into commemorating the late anti-pope.

“Any particular reason he's got a shrine, but the other Papas haven't?” Aemelia asked, subtly tilting her head to assess Copia’s reaction. He faced the end of the hall – assuming that she was referring to III’s glittering shrine – and lifted his chin up into the air like he was deeply considering something. Then his eyes narrowed and trailed towards her so that he could confidently return her stare with a faint smile.

“Ah yes, it seems a little strange, no? I guess it must do, you only met the guy after he died, so it won't make a lot of sense to you, heh heh.” he chuckled out, tightening his arm to pull her in closer to his side.

“Just seems a bit unfair, that's all. Especially when its hidden down here like some dirty secret.” she reasoned, biting into her bottom lip to stop herself from smiling.

“Well, I can safely say he is the most missed out of my brothers.” he said with a wise smirk, his sleek sleeves cushioning the gap between their arms now that their sides were pressed together as they casually strolled through the shadows. “He excited everyone. Women wanted him, men wanted him. He was a prince of pleasure, so I guess it was only natural that he was universally adored. Nowadays, people want to come down here and remember him quietly. And believe me, there is a loooot of people that guy did when he was alive so... the shrine is in the perfect place here, we don’t want the peoples blocking the corridors, you know?”

“I fail to believe he's done more people than you have.” she quipped, allowing a smirk to manifest over her grey lips.

“Heh heh, ohhh, Aemelia... I'm very flattered you said this, but he definitely has the bigger high-score between us. He was handsome, charming, kind with his ways... a real romantic, you know?”

“Unlike you, you mean? You saying you're cruel?” she teased, her eyebrows rising in surprise when he abruptly halted to tilt his head at her inquisitively. His mismatched eyes gleamed with mischief and she refrained from rolling her eyes.

“Ehhh... not necessarily. But... I can be if you want me to be.”

“You’re not cruel really, you’re just careless.” she whispered with an amused smirk, confidently leaning towards him to leave a soft kiss on his right cheek. “But what made you think he was so kind? Last I saw him, he came across as a right persistent arsehole.“

“Ehh... yeah, he could be. But his intentions were always kind. Not many papas had the time or nerve to sift through other people’s problems, but he made time, especially if he knew that his actions pleased others. He used to be the Ministry’s marriage counsellor for a good reason, you know? Anyways… forget that guy, we’ve arrived at our destination.”

She wore a puzzled frown due to his dismissal of the subject and parted her mouth to question him, but he turned his head and gently tugged her to the right of the hall, headed towards a statue that was situated there. Unlike the rest of the towering sculptures, it depicted the Egyptian deity Amon and it didn’t quite fit in with the rest of the intimidating ones. Nevertheless, she was intrigued when he guided them towards the back of its pedestal, his arm gently draping away from her so that he could press his leathery palms to its sleek stone surface. He glanced over his shoulders to ensure that no one else was there and pushed against it, and to her astonishment, thin cracks appeared in the stone, marking an oblong panel that he pushed in and shoved aside with a strained grunt.

Now that the secluded passage was uncovered, Copia gracefully gestured towards the dubious darkness in front of him and Aemelia obliged him, cautiously stepping around him to head into the blackness. He eagerly stepped in after her, but turned around to drag the stone panel back to its rightful place. When he spun back around, she was still patiently waiting for him and he wore a grateful smile, confidently hooking his arm around hers again.

“Stay close, Aemelia.” he softly said, their shoes loudly scuffing as they started to shuffle through the small shadowy passage in unison. “The floor gets really slippy these days, so I will keep hold of you until I get to the light switch, ok?”

“For my sake? Or yours? I’m not the clumsy one.” she murmured, which conjured another impish chuckle out of him.

His arm gently squeezed around hers as they continued to cautiously advance through the short, sloped passageway. Confidence was second nature to them as they fearlessly delved into the shadows, but both of them were relieved when Copia lifted his left arm towards thick stone blocks beside him, his leather-clad palm patting its surface to feel for the light switch. After a few blunderous misses, he eventually managed to find it and he flicked it on immediately, their eyes squeezing shut now that bright light flooded their vision.

“Gah! Shit! Sorry for blinding you, Cipolletta! I should've invested in mood lighting for this place but it's too late now, I already had these lights fitted instead. There are only two settings, you know?” he apologetically exclaimed, letting go of her arm once they rounded the right corner of the short entrance hall.

“On and off?” she emptily guessed.

“Heh heh, yeeeah.” he said, opening his eyes as he eagerly turned around to face her now that there appeared to be more space. “Kinda regret that I didn't chip in more mula for something better these days. I've put up with it for years. But now I got a guest with me, I don't think I'll be able to put up with it for much longer, you know?”

“You're talking around things again. You could’ve just said that you're feeling more considerate now that I'm here.” she said with an amused smirk, her nose wrinkling in protest when her eyes flashed open.

The small room they were present in only appeared to be an extension of the entrance hall. The walls were made up of grey stone blocks and the stark light flooded down from thin strip-lights that were embedded into the low ceiling. It was unassuming, ugly and empty, aside from a small rosewood dresser that was flush with the right wall, which supported a blood red rotary phone that didn’t appear to be plugged into anything at all...

“What's that doing in here?” Aemelia questioned, already suspicious of Copia when she sharply turned her head to narrow her eyes at him.

“Ehh... that is the most reliable phone... ever.” he announced, casually gesturing at it with a leather-clad thumb. “ If you're taking a super important call and you're feeling a little paranoid that someone is recording the line or eavesdropping by your door... feel free to come down here and use this instead, ok? But don't call, eh... don't put in 6-6-6, that's the direct line to my old man so... it's probably best to avoid doing that, heh heh. If you need reassurance that it works, I always use it when I’m talking to any important contacts.”

“Right. Sounds useful. Looks snazzy too.” she commented, turning her head away from him to look at the phone thoughtfully.

“Ahhh yes, the red wasn't my choice but I guess it adds to its infernal majesty, heh heh.” he replied, offering her his hand by draping an arm out in front of him. “You wanna see the rest of this place?”

“So long as the rest of this place isn’t so depressing.” she grumbled, reaching out her hand so that he could gently take hold of it. He tugged her to the left of the small space with a wise, arrogant smirk and refrained from replying to her, guiding them forwards until they crossed a threshold into a vastly different area.

The proportion of this space was hard to comprehend, given that they hadn't descended far from the first floor of the undercroft. It was taller than it was wide, but it was still spacious enough for... whatever Copia used it for. Nevertheless, it was still a spectacle. The mosaic floor was made up of thousands of black and white tiles, and the ceiling was carved into limestone which was arched and rounded to cover the entire floorplan of the place. Unlike the drab entrance, the walls were covered in rosewood panels, electric sconces and a mixture of intricate tapestries and deep red curtains. It was luxurious but modest, and it led Aemelia to believe that it wasn’t just a place for their private investigations... it had some other important purpose.

Copia eagerly peered across his shoulder to witness her reaction when they wandered into the large room’s central lobby, which was circular and free of any furniture, like it was designed to be a spot to view the rest of the space. Realisation swept over Miss Vial’s pallid features when she gazed to their right, where a large library of winding aisles followed the curve of the wooden panelling. Tall ancient bookshelves, pristine glass cases and stacks of metal boxes – that were noticeably lined in lead, bound in steel chains or welded shut – cluttered the area, and she immediately knew that this place must have been some kind of vault that kept certain things hidden from the curious hands of mankind.

Despite her curiosity, she frowned and swiftly turned her head to peer at the left side of the vault instead. It was much smaller than the adjacent archives of books and items, but no less practical. A flip white-board stood against the curving wall, filled with a map, photo prints, important-looking documents, and pins and ribbons linking various things together. There was a generous gap in front of it before a large table occupied the mosaic floor, and it was cluttered with all sorts of official-looking documents, abandoned note-pads, scatterings of pens, empty ash-trays and forgotten coffee mugs. Despite the size of the table and the accumulation of mess, there were only two arm-chairs present. They were close together and angled inwards in front of the evidence table and Copia suddenly tugged her arm, his free hand casually gesturing towards the two weathered arm-chairs.

“Come, let’s sit and rest our leggies for a moment.” he said, already pulling her along with him. “I take it you’ve noticed that this isn’t just a little investigation room by now?”

“No shit.” she snapped, though she allowed him to tug her away from the centre of the room to continue glaring at the endless archive of books, cases, shelves and boxes to their right. “What the fuck’s over there? And don’t say it’s just a load of old books, ‘cause I know it isn’t.”

“Let’s sit first, ok?” he insisted, her head turning once his yanking ceased and their strides slowed to a natural stop. He let go of her and nodded his head to the nearest seat and she instantly obliged him, eager to continue their conversation. Once she was shuffling to get comfortable over the worn leather cushions, he wandered around the back of her and occupied the arm-chair beside her, his amused smirk giving away that he was completely aware that her gaze was fixed to him.

“Only half of what you see is my pornographic record collection, Cipolletta.” he began in a teasing tone, his smirk lingering when he calmly draped his arms over the arm-rests and tilted his head to meet her curious black eyes. “But seriously, everything over there is, ehh... what you might call... dangerous as shit, in one way or another. This vault doesn’t hide things that discredit my church or faith... nor do these things offend me personally. If something’s in here... it’s for a good fucking reason. In here, it’s locked away from the world, out of harm’s way. This is why I was so concerned about people taking weekly trips to the undercroft, if they found this on accident - ”

“We’d be fucked.”

“Exactly!” he passionately replied, his eyebrows meeting in a troubled wince. “I had to double check everything was still here, especially after... that ritual incident with the problem peoples. Luckily everything was and is accounted for. So I’m confident this place is still very secret. Well... a little less secret now you know, of course, heh.”

She slowly nodded her head and his eyes faltered when she casually reached her arm over to gently rest her fingers over the back of his nearest gloved hand.

“So... what sort of dangerous stuff’s in here, then? Anything useful we could use to help with our investigations?” she asked, her maroon plaits subtly swishing side to side when she tilted her head in curiosity.

“Naaa, probably not. Most of the stuff is nothing to do with me. I’m just.... minding it all and making sure it doesn’t get out, like I said.” he responded in his usual flippant manner, wearing a defiant pout when the hand on his glove shifted so that her soft fingers could push under the sleeve of his robe. A little gasp escaped him and his mismatched eyes settled on her bottom lip, which caused her to return the faint smirk.

“So you don't know what's on them bookshelves? Or what’s trapped inside them glass cases?” she murmured, her hard, charcoal eyes brazenly displaying her skepticism.

“Ohhhh, no no no, I know the contents of every single one. It may take me a little while to recall them in detail but... I remember.” he confessed, slouching into his seat with a relieved sigh now that the warm pad of her thumb was rubbing the tender skin of his wrist. “Most of the shelves are summoning books, original witch journals from waaay back and, eh... dirt. Serious dirt that could be useful in a blackmail-y sort of way, heh heh. Shit, I... never intended to reveal this place to anyone else, Aemelia. I feel guilty as shit for showing you this, so I’d appreciate it if you kept everything you’ve seen tonight between - ”

“I won't say a word. Promise.” she whispered before he could finish, her hand tightly wrapping around his wrist to show that she was being utterly sincere. Their amused smirks became small grateful smiles and he huffed out a relieved breath.

“This wasn’t what you were expecting, was it?” he softly said, trailing his eyes over the strands of hair that framed the sides of her pallid face. “I hope it hasn’t upset you.”

“Upset me? Fuck no. I’m just... a bit overwhelmed by everything, that's all. You’ve got an archive of fuck-knows-what, and you’re taking our Sector-related investigation far more seriously than I expected.” she assured, tipping her head back to nod towards the investigation area behind them.

“When so many lives have been lost already, human or not, we have to approach this seriously, no?” he suggested in a grave tone, which prompted her to centre her head and wince in response.

“Yeah, ‘course. I’m just stunned that you've managed to organise all this in such a short space of time. You've pinned so much shit to that board already without any help from me... you've obsessed over this, haven't you?”

“Eh, I guess so. If there is a conspiracy... I can never get it off my mind.” he agreed, his eyes glinting as they dropped from her face to follow the curve of her upper body.

“You sure you haven't organised an operation like this before? Just... seems like you really know what you're doing.” she murmured, lifting her free arm from the seat’s arm-rest to casually obscure the front of her chest. He swiftly cleared his throat and shook his head like he was chastising himself for blatantly checking her out, then gazed at her apologetically despite the fact her eyebrows were raised in brazen amusement.

“Well... yes, actually. I have done this many times before, I – ahem – I used to... fight crime on occasion.”

Aemelia’s entire form tensed and she threw her head back to let out a loud wheeze that echoed around the vacant vault. Copia glared at her, astonished by the sound of her hearty laughter and was rendered speechless when her brief burst of amusement swiftly vanished like it had never existed once she lowered her head to face him with a crumpled smile.

“Sorry for laughing, the thought of you wearing spandex just came to me and I couldn't get the image out of my mind. Then again, you're not far off that with your preferred choice of legwear.” she simply said, mirth still swimming in her eyes when he leaned towards her with a mischievous expression.

“Well... whatever accentuates my package, no?” he teased, only pausing his movements when the tips of their noses brushed.

“You know you don't need to do that.” she whispered, narrowing her eyes in suspicion when he swiftly backed away with a wily smirk.

“Naaa, naaa, I was just kidding with you, baby. I didn’t fight crime at all, I was actually a successful hitman for a while, heh heh heh.” he playfully added, tossing up his free arm like he was physically dismissing his previous joke by making another one. She sighed heavily and shook her head, unable to hide the amused smile that was lingering over her mouth.

“Of course you were.”

8 : Spontaneous and Secret

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The following afternoon, at the amiable time of one, the resident alchemist promptly arrived at the cathedral to publicly accept her promotion. She rarely felt apprehensive but the simple fact she was going to be under relentless scrutiny from the packed pews made her more than uneasy. She was clad in her usual black blazer and matching attire and loitered by the carved archway, reluctant to pass beneath it. She nervously peered down at the polished tips of her black oxfords and sighed deeply to try and compose herself.

“It'll be over in a heartbeat.” she whispered to herself, the pale hands by her sides suddenly tensing into fists.

She lifted her head sharply and exhaled deeply, then confidently strolled inside, keeping her face as emotionless as she could. Her arms swung back and forth with purpose and her dark eyes emptily stared down the central aisle in front of her. She refrained from staring at the pews either side of her, and focused on the spotless scarlet carpet that mapped the way to the bottom of the pulpit instead. She recalled Copia saying that some sort of music would be playing, but there was a notable absence of noise.

Even the soles of her feet hardly made a sound as she travelled the length of the cathedral, and now that she was nearing the make-shift platform that had been set up for this particular event, she couldn't miss Copia’s glimmering presence. Though his preferred throne had been placed over the raised surface, he was stood arrogantly in front of it with narrowed eyes, like Miss Vial’s presence troubled him for some reason.

She immediately realised he was putting on another cold, callous act due the fact they had an audience and she squared her shoulders like she was fully prepared for whatever he was about to throw at her. When she finally arrived at the foot of the platform, she was momentarily surprised by how tall he looked – she was sure he was just compensating, considering the towering mitre on his head – but calmly raised her arm up to rest her left palm on her chest and bowed her head before there was time for their gazes to meet. She found herself unable to continue her actions and lifted her head to acknowledge him after hearing the soft swish of his robes... she knew he must have stepped closer.

“Do you trust this church?” she heard him faintly whisper, which caused her to freeze and scowl, but she refrained from raising her head. “Answer me.”

“No.” she whispered back as quietly as she could, deciding that it was pointless hiding her honesty.

“Yeeeah, same here.” he replied a little louder, his robes rustling when he approached the very edge of the platform to peer down at her. “Which is why I’m not mad about this place being so... empty.”

Aemelia snapped her head up in astonishment and gazed at one of his gloved hands, which was held directly in front of her but gesturing to the rest of the church behind her.

“I announced this was happening a couple days ago, but no one’s here. I guess their absence is their way of protesting.” he said, his voice humming over his hushed whispers. “Which has left me in a very awkward position, but... don’t worry, I already got a way around it. So long as we continue the ceremony in here, we still have a witness... we’re in the eye of the beholder, our Father who art in Hell – and so on, and so forth – heh heh.”

He lowered his arm gracefully and stooped down so that he could inspect her confused expression intently, his twinkling mismatched eyes swimming with the familiar glints of mischievous desire.

“Sadly, we still have to go through with the... ceremonial bullshit. And I still have to act like I dislike you... in case anyone happens to stumble in, you know?”

“Alright.” she muttered, though his explanation didn't seem to clear up her confusion. “You're dying to kiss me, aren't you?”

“Mmf, you fucking know it, baby.” he passionately replied in a string of strained whispers. “Kissing is the minimum I would do to you right now. Shit... I don't know if these robes are going survive this ordeal, you know? I'm already half mast and you're not even on your fucking knees yet.”

“I can always stay standing if – ”

“No! No! You gotta be on your knees. Shit... you know what, let's just get this over with before I do something I'd never regret.”

She rolled her eyes and he firmly settled a gloved hand over her left shoulder, gazing into her dark irises openly.

“On your knees, alchemist.” he confidently demanded in a raised voice that somehow filled the vast, empty space of the cathedral, his grip on her shoulder tightening. She began to sink to her knees and she heard him swallow thickly when he took his hand from her and briefly glanced over her head like he was cautiously checking whether anyone else was present. Thankfully, the place was still as empty as it had been when Aemelia had arrived so he quickly settled his eyes on her again.

He took a step back and slid off his left glove, carelessly discarding it to the floor by the hem of his robes. He reached his bare hand – which was unusually clad in an assortment of fiendish-looking rings – back towards the right arm-rest of his throne, where a ribbed golden chalice was elegantly poised over its cushioned surface. Instead of swiping it up, he lowered his fingers inside and doused his bare fingertips in dubious, vermilion liquid. Once it felt like there was a generous helping coating his fingers, he drew his arm away, his eyes still fixed to the charcoal irises that were patiently peering up at him. He had to swallow back a quiet whimper... the sight of Aemelia gazing up at him expectantly as she kneeled by his feet in compliance was plainly arousing him.

He only just managed to compose himself and trailed his eyes upwards to focus on his actions. His bloodied fingers gently pushed some stray strands of maroon hair away from her forehead, and then they began to smear the substance at a purposely slow pace. He neatly marked out an inverted cross on her forehead and couldn’t resist caressing the soft skin of her cheek, his soiled fingertips grazing the line of her jaw before his hand left her altogether. His bare, bloodied hand still lingered before her pallid features and he draped his other arm out expectantly, his gloved hand creaking when he flexed his leather-clad fingers. She lightly frowned for she could see the hint of a smirk on his black lips.

“My glove.” he prompted in a soft whisper, which caused her to carefully stretch up her right hand. Her fingers firmly eased the leather glove from his right wrist and she discarded it to the floor where the other one was situated. She gently pulled his arm down and tipped her head back so that her grey lips could press a practical, emotionless kiss to each of the rings on his digits, before she dropped hold of his arm to repeat her actions with the other. He took pleasure in her reluctance when she warily studied the blood that stained the fingers of his opposite hand, and he couldn’t quite stifle a satisfied groan when each of her kisses lingered a little longer with every ring she came across.

Eventually, she completed her task and gently let go of him, his limp arm draping by his side as he tried to quieten his harsh, inflamed breaths. His gaze settled on her blood-stained mouth and he wore a blatant wince, his tongue subtly rolling over his bottom lip.

“Stand.” he managed to instruct, his voice subdued due to his heavy breaths.

She obeyed his order and he gracefully turned before their gazes could meet again, reaching for the final measure that would conclude the ceremony... the crimson overcoat, which had apparently been draped across the seat of his throne for the entire event. He carefully supported its pristine, velvet material with his sleeved forearms and once he turned back around to face her, he sent another cautious glance behind her... before he raised the coat up to his nose to inhale its pleasant scent as quietly as he could.

“Mmm. You're only going to make this smell sweeter.” he whispered, before he lowered it to focus on returning her gaze. She raised a brow due to his actions and he clenched his teeth to stop a smile from slipping through his mask of indifference. He drew out the coat and displayed its insides to her and she obediently spun around, outstretching her arms behind her. He slid on each sleeve with ease and once he adjusted the angle of the back of her collar, his bare hands lightly pressed into the small of her back. She exhaled sharply when he leaned forwards and hovered his head over her shoulder, his warm breaths puffing out into her ear.

“I bestow you the cutting-edge title of the Ministry Overseer. The most principled role going in this unholy, undignified pit of sin.” he whispered proudly. “As part of my Clergy, you will find that you now have the power and means to act in Satan's name... if you wanted to. And along with this, the fear you spark into strangers – and most definitely your enemies – will be far more... potent than before, heh heh. Think of this like... a little bonus or... a belated welcome home present.”

There was a heavy pause where the opulent fabric of her coat subtly squeaked as he brazenly stroked his hands around her back to link his arms around her waist. Her body tensed and she frowned in bewilderment upon the sleek layers of his vestment pressing against the back of her, but she was reassured by the cathedral’s empty pews and vacant sprawl of chequered flooring in front of her, so she simply relaxed and allowed him to embrace her.

“I don’t remember you demonstrating this part of the ceremony.” she murmured, her eyebrows knitting together when the side of his mitre brushed against the loose hair that was draped by the left side of her face. A quiet chuckle rumbled out of him and he tilted his head a little more so that his painted lips could press a bold, lingering kiss to her left cheek. She softly smiled when his mouth left her, but she could still feel the tickle of his moustache.

“This is because I like to keep some things... spontaneous.” he whispered, his arms squeezing her tightly to his front when an involuntary exhale sharply puffed out from his nose. “And other things... secret.”

9 : Strife and a Serpent

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Miss Vial's first task as the newly appointed overseer wasn't such a simple one. Under strict orders from Papa, she was tasked with collecting two young Siblings to escort them back to the Ministry. He'd briefly informed her about who and where, but had noticeably avoided disclosing the reason for such an official escort. Having come to know Copia intimately, Aemelia assumed the reason would probably be something trivial, for the sake of preserving the church's positive image or adding to their mystique. After all, her turning up in her souped-up sedan and flowing crimson coat was sure to turn plenty of heads, but unfortunately... things weren't that simple.

When she arrived at the first address to collect a boy named Marco, she was pleasantly surprised by the grandeur of the building she came across. She frowned with suspicion when the black sedan rolled to a gentle stop by the curb outside its gate, cranking the handbrake while her narrowed gaze studied her surroundings through the wind-shield. She shut off the engine and felt slightly confused by how normal everything seemed compared to the large house she’d arrived at. It was a standard Italian suburb, with a sloped cobblestone street and modest high-rise apartments. Laundry swayed in the gentle breeze as it hung from balconies and dubious power lines weaved the width of the gap between buildings. Once she pulled the car keys from the ignition to slide them into her waistcoat’s pockets, she clicked off her seat-belt and tilted her head to observe the peculiar building through the driver’s side window.

The house didn’t fit in with the rest of the street at all. Its walls were dark, tall and jagged, and its front door was matte black to match the window sills and porch steps. But for such a gloomy, ominous house, it was strangely spotless. Aemelia couldn’t spot a single mark or patch of dirt on its structure, even the wrought iron gates outside were rustless and glossy black. When her eyes trailed towards the porch steps, the telling presence of a Grucifix was glaring to her. It was nailed to the wall beside the front door like it was a charm to ward off misfortune or unpleasant spirits, and she smirked wisely, knowing that the Ministry must have had more to do with the place than she realised.

With a faint smirk and a confident huff, she exited the car. As soon as she was on her feet, her long crimson coat elegantly flowed behind her and she shut the door, ensuring it was locked before she turned on her heels and confidently strode towards the black gate at the foot of the garden. Once she unlatched it, it smoothly swung open and she stepped through, ensuring that she carefully closed it behind herself before she started to wander up the path to the residence’s gloomy porch. After completing her action, she began to cautiously trail towards her destination, glancing either side of her to study the front garden. It was a humble patch of grass and plants but it was thriving so it was clearly well cared for. The plants were mainly a practical selection of herbs rather than pretty flowers, which she found intriguing because the rest of the street was fairly colourful and crammed with flowerpots in any place they would fit. She thought it was a nice change to see a fairly useful selection of plants instead.

Before she could contemplate any further, she arrived at the short stack of porch steps and casually ascended them, briefly frowning when she suddenly felt the warm rays of sun sinking through her overcoat, which then seeped into the backs of her shoulders. The sunlight was fairly fierce for late September, but she decided to ignore that fact when she arrived beneath the shade of the front porch.

As she leaned forwards, her burgundy plaits swishing back and forth, she extended out her right arm and confidently pressed the doorbell, her charcoal eyes swimming with mirth when she acknowledged the wooden Grucifix that was nailed to the wall beside it. When the dull chime sounded, she took a step back and tilted her head with curiosity, surprised how polished the religious symbol appeared to be. While she waited for a response, she tipped back slightly so that her gaze could trail up to study the second story, which had tall walls and large bay windows. She could see a faint silhouette in the window panes above her and she frowned with interest, but before she could take a step back to inspect the shadow further, the matte black door shrieked open and swiftly caught her attention. She stood up straight and faced forwards, her pallid hands clutching at the edges of her loose overcoat.

“Buonasera?” an inquisitive woman’s voice came from the open doorway. Aemelia parted her mouth and silently wondered what she was going to say in response, given that she didn’t know an awful lot of Italian. She settled for crossing her arms in a serious manner and looked at the woman emptily. The woman appeared to be some sort of matron due to her official-looking black garment and large iron Grucifix that she proudly wore around her neck. Her hair was jet black but greying at the roots, and was pulled back into a neat bun. Despite her drab appearance, she beamed a grateful smile as she held the door open, her green eyes shining expectantly.

“Um... ciao. I’m here to pick up... Marco Silvus?” Aemelia eventually said in an uncertain tone, trying to refrain from frowning when the matron’s smile seemed to grow wider.

“Si! Siii! Certo! Certo, signora! Un momento, per favore!” the older woman exclaimed enthusiastically, briefly nodding her head towards the door before she hastily turned around to toddle into the dim interior. The fading echo of her heavy, consistent footsteps showed that the woman was nimble for her age and Aemelia glared, hurrying towards the door to stop it from slamming shut. She thrust out her palms and pushed it back to hold it open. Now that she was closer to stepping inside, she could hear the matron from her new position. The woman’s loud voice echoed through the place like she was scolding or fussing over the boy that was about to leave and Aemelia rolled her eyes. Though she found the sound of the sister’s over-dramatic farewells grating, it reassured her that the boy had been cared for during his time away from the Ministry.

Stepping back with an arm draped in front of her to hold the door aside, she patiently waited for the boy’s arrival, and soon, she spotted movement coming from the end of the dim entrance hall. The matron led the way, chattering away in her native language as she carried a pair of tattered suitcases in each of her hands. Her head sharply glanced over her shoulder like her chatter was aimed at someone behind her, and once she approached the threshold of the door, Aemelia backed away. She took a few cautious strides back towards the porch steps and displayed her open palms like she was silently offering to take the luggage from the woman. The matron obliged her and shuffled out to thrust each of the suitcases into her hands, and Aemelia barely set eyes on the boy - who had apparently been behind the older woman - before he hastily skirted around the two women to head towards the gate. The sister’s babbling stopped and she finally acknowledged Miss Vial again with a warm smile.

“Per favore... send Papa my regards, Signora Vial. He is a breath of fresh air to our cause. And so are you.” she said, placing her palms together as she bowed her head respectfully. The fact the woman knew her name caused Aemelia to scowl but she simply nodded, assuming that the sister must have been aware of who had been sent to collect the young boy.

“Don't... bow. There's no need for that. I'll make sure to let Papa know you said hello.” she emptily replied with a slight wince. The matron’s smile saddened slightly and she stepped back to lean against the door-frame when Aemelia spun around to descend the porch steps. The deep red of her coat glistened in the Autumn sun as she confidently strode the length of the garden path, her eyes narrowing in interest when they settled on the back of the young boy in front of her.

She should’ve been annoyed that he hadn’t at least greeted her, but she wasn’t because she could already tell he was the reserved sort. She could tell from his cautious way of walking and the tension in his shoulders. His attire was creaseless and black, and it clung to his slender body. His slate asymmetrical hair hung by the sides of his head and from the looks of it, he had a stark turquoise scarf loosely draped around his shirt’s collar.

The matron continued to call out to the boy – she was presumably persisting to say her farewells – as he opened the gate, but he never once smiled or turned his head to acknowledge her. He simply kept on walking until he reached the street’s curb. He stiffly stopped by the side of the glossy black sedan, which he stared at vacantly, like he was expecting the doors to automatically open for him. Miss Vial’s scowl returned but she continued to keep her mouth shut, trying her best to ignore the frantic waves of the sister as she passed through the gate. She gently tapped the heel of her shoe against its pristine black frame, and once it smoothly closed, she headed straight towards the boot of her car.

The old woman’s cries persisted, even when Aemelia propped the trunk to load the boy’s luggage. She didn’t have to move much to make room for the two tattered cases, so she carefully stacked them to the right of her muddled pile of equipment before she firmly pulled down the tail-gate. She rounded the car and headed for the driver’s side door, oblivious to the boy that was emptily staring at her from the other side of the vehicle. He gazed at her over the glossy black roof, his brown eyes unmoving when she threw the door open to bundle herself inside. There was a subtle clunk that signified that the rest of the car was unlocked and he grasped hold of the nearest door-handle, carefully opening the door to stiffly stoop down and lower himself onto one of the backseats.

His brown eyes widened and a little gasp escaped him when Miss Vial abruptly slammed her door shut and tugged on her seat-belt, but after a few seconds, he frowned and repeated her actions in a much more quiet fashion. His eyebrows faintly winced when the engine burbled into life and his arms relaxed by his sides... though his fingers clenched into the leather upholstery either side of him. He peered down at the aquamarine scarf that was draped around his neck like he was seeking some sort of comfort from it and he unleashed a heavy breath of relief once Miss Vial freed the handbrake. He was seemingly reassured by the movement of the sedan as it rolled away from the curb.

Aemelia huffed and squinted in annoyance when she noticed the frantic wave of the matron’s arms in the rear-view mirror. As the car steadily followed the sloped cobbles, the imposing, shadowy house began to fade away, but the woman’s frantic waves were still plain as day. She’d wandered out to the gate to wave them off and Aemelia clicked her tongue, lifting her right hand from the steering wheel to adjust the rear-view mirror’s position. She faintly smiled now that the woman was no longer in the reflection... but her amusement was cleanly wiped from her face when her wide charcoal eyes happened to rest on the reflection of the boy in the backseat instead.

She tried her best to focus on operating the vehicle, but she couldn’t take her eyes away from him. He was eerily familiar. His slate grey hair was asymmetrical like she’d noticed before, the right of it hung in a long swooping fringe that ended just above his shoulder, but the left side was choppy, like it had been seared or stunted to remain short by his temple. His skin was worryingly pale and the sore red rings around his light brown eyes weren’t quite so angry as the last time she recalled seeing him.

However, her epiphany about Marco Silvus wasn’t what was unsettling her. For the apparent turquoise scarf around his neck... was no scarf at all. It was petite but stunning, its long belly a paler shade of aquamarine. Its eyes were bronze and its head was small and unassuming compared to the rest of its lean, relaxed form.

From the snake’s bright colour, Aemelia knew that it must have been venomous and she audibly gasped, quickly averting her eyes to the dashboard as she abruptly leaned forwards in her seat.

“You like music?!” she blurted out in a panicked tone as she frantically switched on her cassette player, hoping that the presence of her preferred music would ease her panic and fill the insufferable silence between the two of them. She adjusted the volume dial so that the tunes were subtle but noticeable and leaned back in her seat with a worried wince, her eyes flicking between the road and the reflection of the vivid blue snake in the rear-view mirror.

“Papa didn’t mention the snake.” she stated, eyeing the mirror with concern when the boy nonchalantly blinked and raised his left hand to stroke the lustrous scales of the docile reptile that was perfectly content lying over his shoulders.

“You are frightened?” Marco lightly asked, swiftly dipping his head down to acknowledge his pet with a furrowed brow. She was surprised to hear his muddled Italian accent but she kept calm and decided to take full opportunity of the discussion.

“I’m fine with snakes.” she responded, glaring in astonishment when the boy gently caressed the top of the creature’s head. “But your church won’t be, there’s no way they’ll let you keep that in your dorm. You really shouldn’t be carrying that one around anyway, it’s bright blue for a reason. If it decides to turn on you and give you a little nip... you’re fucked. And if it decides to go on an adventure around the Ministry, or someone startles it the wrong way... you’re double fucked.”

“She would never harm anyone, Miss Vial.” he quietly said, his tone somewhat distant. “She is a faithful friend, a friend I could not part with. She helped me through my rehabilitation, more than any of the nurses or exorcists they sent to help me. I am free of my demons because of her. She is my saviour, Miss Vial. Please don’t take her away from me.”

Miss Vial frowned deeply and averted her eyes to the street ahead of them.

“I won’t.” she sincerely replied, her hands tightening around the steering wheel. “But I can’t speak for the rest of the Ministry.”

After leaving the cobbles of the Ministry’s gloomy hospice house, it was a steady half-an-hour drive before the sedan reached the outskirts of its next destination, and the occasional bursts of conversation between Aemelia and Marco died out due to their unsettling surroundings. The urban sprawl turned to vast farmland and isolated villages, and the previously pleasant rays of autumn sun were now murky clouds and low blankets of fog. Marco had perked up due to the eerie weather and pressed his nose to the window beside him, his snake quietly hissing as it stretched up to perch its head on his shoulder to mirror his actions.

Aemelia ensured the car remained at a steady, consistent speed and kept her dark eyes on the thick ethereal fog in front of them. It shrouded the path ahead until they advanced closer, and she sighed in annoyance every time there was another sudden dip in the road. Thankfully, the fog surrendered its trickery after ten minutes or so, and it parted to reveal their destination.

As soon as the black sedan entered the threshold of a small, remote town, Miss Vial dropped a few gears to slow down to a respectful speed and narrowed her eyes in suspicion. By the looks of things, its community was only made up of a handful of lanes that trickled from the main road. Despite its small size, the roadsides were bustling with people. People that were plain, stiff-backed and softly smiling. Most were going about their daily business with confident strides and newspapers tucked under their arms. Their clothes were smart and freshly pressed, their leashed dogs were obediently strutting by their ankles and they would wave or broadly smile at the other residents they came across...

But once the black sedan smoothly slowed to turn down one particular lane that was neatly tucked into the left-side of the high-street, everyone halted and turned their heads to glare at the vehicle with realisation and contempt. Miss Vial didn’t appear to notice the community’s reaction, for she continued to carefully manoeuvre the vehicle through the narrow dirt track, but Marco and his fellow snake certainly did. He twisted around to crane his neck over the back of his seat, his brown eyes wide with concern as he peered at the large group of people gathering at the end of the street.

“M-Miss Vial?” he timidly began, inhaling through a choke when the sedan jolted to an abrupt halt. “There are people behind u - ”

“I’ll deal with them.” she simply said, confidently pulling the handbrake before she snapped off her seat-belt and turned around to peer at him between the gap in the front seats. “Stay here. I’m leaving the engine running for a quick getaway, alright?”

Marco gasped and spun around to gawp at her. His snake noticeably tightened around him due to the tension in his shoulders and his eyes widened even more now that Miss Vial’s intense charcoal eyes seared into him with assured sincerity.

“Si, I-I understand.” he whispered, nodding his head frantically.

Her stare didn’t linger. She swiftly reached to open the door and swivelled in her seat to step out of the car. She left the door open and the quiet rock music followed her, flowing out into the misty, indistinct atmosphere around her. She paused by the rear door opposite Marco, her gaze resting on a modest stone farmhouse that was situated on the other side of the dirt track. It was surrounded by clusters of trees, abandoned farm equipment and open land, and it was fairly serene and picturesque... until the front door was thrown open by two forceful feet.

The girl’s screams grated Aemelia’s ears but she remained emotionless and reached down to gently prise open the door. She simply watched as the girl thrashed her way out of her home, fighting against the insistent, defiant arms of her parents. Her long brown hair was matting as it swayed back and forth and she desperately tried her best to step out of the house. The voices of her parents were present but inaudible due her persistent screeches... it was clear they didn’t approve of her leaving to join Satan’s church.

Miss Vial was incredibly concerned by the altercation, but saw no reason to intervene because the girl’s determined efforts swiftly paid off. She broke free from the harsh clutches of her parents and sprinted across the grass, the skirt of her pale blue dress – which was soiled by endless grubby handprints – swishing as she went. Her nimble strides became desperate when her hopeful blue eyes rested on the imposing presence of Miss Vial and the black sedan, and she inhaled through breathy chuckles like she couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing.

The alchemist backed away from the open door and simply waited behind it expectantly, a troubled wince managing to etch across her brow while she continued to watch the young girl pitifully escape her family. Her parents were trying to catch up with her, but she was far much faster than they were. Miss Vial found it slightly amusing when the girl’s mother fell to her knees and clutched at the sides of her head like she was attempting to hide herself from the shame of her daughter leaving to live a devoutly sinful life... but she certainly couldn’t hide the muddy stains that had tainted the white fabric of her thin petticoat. The father persisted his pursuit but he was already red-faced and huffing, so there was no chance he would ever catch up to his daughter.

The girl’s wails ceased once she crossed the dirt track in her scuffed buckle shoes and she panted out with amazement, like she was relieved that she would finally be free of her family’s rule. She briefly glanced towards the end of the one-way track and winced due to the large group of townspeople that were blocking the width of the road, but she tore her eyes away and rounded the front of the car, keeping her head low as she approached the door that Miss Vial was holding open. She scrambled inside and sniffled to try and distract herself from the warm tears that were trickling down her cheeks, motionless when she eventually occupied the seat beside Marco. The boy instinctively hooked his arms beneath his snake and ensured he was holding it away from her, but he knitted his eyebrows and stared at her sadly when Miss Vial finally shut the door beside her.

Mud stained the fuzzy floor beneath her black shoes and her brown hair draped in front of her face, which acted as a convenient curtain that shrouded her tears. The ash-haired boy beside her timidly reached out his left hand towards the seat-belt that was embedded into the roof beside her head, and she growled, throwing her arms up like his sudden movement had caused her to flinch. Her hair fell back and she glared at him with a sneer... but her eyes were swiftly drawn to the turquoise snake around his neck.

The car’s suspension momentarily bounced when Aemelia finally took her seat by the steering wheel, and just as she was about to reach out and pull the door closed, she happened to glance at her rear-view mirror and she clicked her tongue.

“Fuck’s sake.” she darkly muttered, huffing out loudly as she prised herself back out of the vehicle. She hurriedly approached the sedan’s trunk and threw it open. Her pale hands rummaged through her messy selection of equipment until eventually, her palms confidently latched around something that was sure to clear the line of disgruntled townspeople that were blocking the way of her vehicle...

“Non morde?”  the girl quietly asked, her blue eyes still fixed to the supernal-looking reptile around Marco’s shoulders. He continued his previous action and pulled the seat-belt until it draped around her and clicked into place. He could tell that she must have been around his age, but he thought the style of her clothes made her seem like a overgrown toddler.

“Your snake, does it bite?” she warily questioned again, her voice a little louder this time.

“No, she is - ”

She quickly reached out her right hand like she was eager to feel its scales but he thrust up his elbow defensively.

“You must tell me your name first.” the pale boy insisted, crossing his arms over his chest to shield his precious snake from her curious hand. “Mi chiamo Marco, and you?”

“Cirice.” she reluctantly whispered, wrinkling her nose like she wasn’t particularly happy about disclosing such a thing to him. “I can pet your snake now?”

He cautiously nodded and relaxed his arms and the vivid blue snake nonchalantly moved to the warmth of his left shoulder so that the girl could gently stroke her fingertips down its shiny back. She was mesmerized by its unreal hue, and focusing on its existence seemed to dry her tears for the moment. She was blissfully unaware how deadly such a beautiful creature could be, bewitched by the elegant shape of its body and the glisten of its scales. The peaceful moment didn’t last long, but she persisted to stroke the creature for comfort, even when violent, grating revs emerged from the dirt track behind them.

Miss Vial had no intention of harming anyone, but angry mobs of meddlesome townsfolk were definitely one of her top pet peeves, so she certainly wasn’t going to put up with them obstructing her path. She lugged her hefty chainsaw with confidence, her right hand wrapped around its handle to hold it in front of her waist, her left tugging the motor into consistent life. She approached the line of people in a slow, disconcerting manner, her face emotionless, her crimson overcoat flapping when the chainsaw finally let out a final menacing rev that signified it was charged and ready to go. She walked towards them casually, eyeing each stern, stubborn face that blocked her path... and given that she was persistent and set on nearing them with an obnoxious power tool... the human barricade shifted pretty quickly.

She paused in her tracks but continued to rev the chainsaw, a wise, wily smirk reaching her grey lips as her dark eyes persistently pierced into their silent, horrified expressions as they swiftly backed away. People were always persuaded to move once they heard the nice, polite chug of a power tool...

10 : The Cost of Distasteful Sin

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It was no surprise that Miss Vial was summoned to Copia’s office the next day. For once, she was thankful that he wanted to see her, because after the events of the day prior, she had plenty of concerns to raise with him. Though he’d specified her to drop by his office at three that afternoon, she confidently strode through the Ministry’s corridors as soon as she’d finished her lunch at the refectory. The crimson fabric of her long overcoat flowed behind her in an authoritative manner so she had no trouble navigating her way towards Papa’s office because most people steered clear of her. When she eventually arrived by the door, she elbowed her way inside, oblivious to the curious glances that came from a few Siblings that happened to be passing.

After bluntly bursting into the room, she swiftly closed the door behind herself and spun around to scour the pleasantly dim atmosphere. To her relief, Copia was present, but it was clear that he hadn’t noticed her intrusion. She took a couple of subtle steps into the office and narrowed her charcoal eyes, studying the distinctive flash of metal that came from his bureau. It was a while since she’d seen his serpent-handled letter opener. He casually tossed it between his leathery palms, his head lowered like he was deep in thought. The blade’s glistening presence was vivid in comparison to his glittering robes and she simply observed him a moment, impressed but unnerved that he wielded such a powerful, enchanted object like it was a harmless stress ball.

“I was worried that you’d be grabbing lunch.” she eventually announced, unable to stand the silence. He clumsily caught hold of his blade to still its movements and cleared his throat as he carefully lowered it to the paper-clad surface of his bureau.

“Ah! Aemelia! I didn’t hear you come in. I, eh... I’d appreciate if you could... at least knock. I could've been in the middle of anything here, heh heh heh...” he said with an amused smile, reaching a hand up to bashfully smooth back his chestnut hair. “... I thought we arranged to meet later on? Or is it that time alrea - ”

“I couldn't give a fuck.” she snapped, abruptly rounding the arm-chair opposite him to slump down into its leathery seat. “We need to talk about those two kids I picked up yesterday. Right now. Whatever you wanted to talk about can wait.”

“Ah yes. Yes, Marco and Cirice - ”

“I think Marco’s still got some lingering effects from his possession.” she interrupted, her dark eyes searing into his soft mismatched irises. “I don't know if you're aware, but he’s - ”

“He has a snake, yes.” he finished, his gaze studying the lines of her impassive face as he leaned into a more relaxed position so that he could slouch in his seat. “I was made aware of it about – ehhh – about ten minutes after you arrived here yesterday. That kind of news travels very fast. Snakes spread a lot of heebie-jeebies around this place, which is kinda funny, considering our teachings about serpents and their... dexterous tongues, heh heh.”

“It's a fuckin' pit viper, Copia. One of the most venomous snakes in existence. So their concern's only natural.“ she reasoned, calmly draping her arms over the arm-rests of her chair. His eyes were instantly attracted to her movements and he trailed his eyes over her deep red sleeves.

“Hmmm... reeeeally?” he questioned in a distant tone, like he was deeply considering her words. He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully as his gaze continued to trail over her front and he casually lifted his right hand from the surface of his desk to gesture towards a plastic container to his left, which appeared to contain of a dwindling selection of freshly baked treats.

“You want a cupcake? Or a cookie?” he asked, subtly rolling his tongue over his bottom lip when his eyes rested on the grey paint of her lips.

“You're not concerned about it then?” she questioned, faintly frowning when he dipped his gloved hand into the box of treats, regardless of her ignoring his request.

“Naa, why should I be concerned?”

“Because a rat would be a fuckin’ good feast to that snake.” she said, narrowing her eyes further when he scooped up a misshapen chocolate chip cookie from the plastic container to greedily shove it into his mouth. He waved his free hand at her like he was dismissing her comment and he shook his head in response.

“If wiw bwe...” he began before munching a couple of times to swallow the small snack down. “... it will be fine , Aemelia. I'm not fond him having this reptile either, but he has that thing with him at all times . I think he’s incapable of parting with it, he wears it like a fucking necklace. If the creature is no threat to him, it's unlikely to be harmful to others. As for my rattos, they will be fine. My Ghouls are going to inform me about where the boy mostly spends his time after this first week. Then after this, I will make sure my rats avoid these places. But I promise you, I will have a discussion with him about it very soon anyways. Just to make sure my gut feeling is accurate, you know?”

“Alright.” she reluctantly agreed with a sigh. “What about Cirice? Is she doing ok? I haven't seen her since she got out of the car yesterday. She seemed fairly desperate to get inside this place to be honest.”

“Yes, she is... finding things a little difficult. This was something I expected, of course. All the drama of leaving her hometown has finally caught up to her. She’s kept to her room mostly. I keep sending sisters to check in on her, and they keep me informed on how she's doing. Another couple days and I'm sure she'll appreciate her new freedom.” he paused to sigh heavily, his gloved hands gently brushing cookie crumbs from the front of his robes. “She was always attracted to our church, she wrote to us ever since she was a young teenager. Escaping to here was just a dream to her for many years, but now, that dream is fulfilled. That shit's bound to hit her really fucking hard, you know?”

“Yeah, 'course.” Aemelia agreed with a wince, her dark irises softening when he stared at her with undiluted affection.

“And I... eh, I am very thankful that you were there to deal with the unfortunate obstacles yesterday. Cirice seems to feel the same way, it’s the one thing she can’t stop talking about whenever she does, you know?”

“Yeah, luckily I had half a tank of fuel left in that saw. Her neighbours shifted pretty quick when they heard it. So they weren't too much bother really.” she softly responded, which caused him to smirk broadly and lean forwards, his arms reaching out so that he could rest his elbows over the bureau in front of him. His mismatched eyes gleamed with amusement and she tilted her head inquisitively when he wiggled his leather-clad fingers expectantly.

“You got any other concerns, or... you good?” he murmured, briefly closing his eyes when she huffed in defeat and shuffled forwards to settle her hands over the edge of the bureau. His eager fingertips sought her warm skin and they gently caressed the backs of her hand before they firmly threaded between her fingers.

“No, nothing springs to mind. I thought we’d be still sorting out the snake situation to be honest.” she confessed.

“Ah, the snake is really no big deal, Aemelia.” he flippantly dismissed, firmly kneading her palms with the cushioned pads of his thumbs. “We have a much more sticky situation to deal with and... truthfully, this is why I wanted to talk with you today. But before we get on to that, I just want to say... the fucking coat, Cipolletta. It really... oooof! It really suits you, you know?”

“I'm still warming to it. I've tripped a few times to be honest, I'm still not used to the length yet.” she replied with a small smile, lowering her gaze to observe the movements of his gloved hands. He quietly chuckled in response and she winced thoughtfully when he kneaded her a little more firmly.

“You seem different today. You annoyed that I’ve barged in on you earlier than we agreed?” she teased, her pallid face tipping back so that she could meet his curious stare with her dark, mirthful eyes.

“Naaa, it’s nothing to do with that. I was kinda bored so I’m glad you dropped by early. And yeah... I guess I am a little out of sorts, but it’s nothing to do with us and our thing, ok?” he assured with a sincere smile, hoping that his response would wipe away her troubled expression. “Me and you... we are going really fucking good. At least... I think so.”

She subtly nodded in silent agreement and he wore a brief smile of relief before it swiftly faded away. His gloved hands continued to knead and stroke her palms and fingers and she exhaled deeply, sensing that their conversation was about to get serious again due to the unwavering honesty in his eyes.

“Good, good...” he murmured. “... I , eh... I’m not supposed to talk about what I’m about to tell you, but... I’m kinda stuck in a rut and... shit, as Papa I have quite a lot of say when it comes to... punishing peoples and it’s hard to know what’s too much, you know?”

“Too much? In what sense?” she softly asked.

“Obviously this church does not punish sin, that would be kinda stupid, heh heh. We actively encourage it, but certain... things are still very off-limits.” he explained, his fingers gently sliding beneath the sleeves of her coat and the white shirt she wore underneath to gently stroke the skin of her wrists. “So you can probably guess that it’s something really fucking bad if I had to sign their excommunication papers this morning. I didn’t have to question my actions, I just... figured kicking them out wasn’t enough, which means I have a very, veeery difficult decision to make.”

“Is there sound evidence for whatever it is they’ve done?” Aemelia asked, briefly closing her eyes when his leather-clad fingertips skimmed the tender, tattooed brands that tainted the insides of her forearms.

“Oh yes, yes, of course... there is plenty of the proof.” he insisted, wincing with hope when she opened her eyes to gaze at him directly. ”His guilt is plain as day to me. I just... really want to make this guy suffer. And, eh... this is why I called you here. I want you to make something that will plague this guy. Something that will drive him mad, so that when his ass is finally kicked from the church, he won’t be believed. And what little life he does end up having would amount to nothing.”

“Fuckin' hell, alright... you sure you’re not going a bit too far?” she questioned, surprised by the passion that had driven his words. His expression darkened and his hands paused to gently squeeze around her wrists, which caused her mouth to part so that she could huff out an involuntary gasp of surprise.

“If you saw the things he was going to do, you would feel the same, Aemelia.” he whispered, the disapproval in his eyes overshadowing his affection for her.

“Feel free to vent if you think it would help.” she calmly offered. The sound of her voice caused him to sigh deeply and his hands relaxed to stroke her forearms again.

“No... no, I don't want to burden you with it. I just want your assistance. I want this guy to be haunted for the rest of his days, this is all I ask.” he murmured, the wise glint in her charcoal eyes causing him to swallow thickly.

“I might have something in mind that would do the trick... luckily. It’s one thing to be haunted, but another thing to live in constant fear. But with what I’ve got in mind, he’ll be a walking ghost-trap until he breathes his last breath.” she darkly explained, the corners of her grey lips turning upwards when his eyebrows raised in interest. “He certainly won’t be lonely, and he certainly won’t be in control of himself once the spirits get hold of him.”

“This sounds perfect.” he said with a relieved smile, closing his eyes and bowing his head to her. “I knew I could count on you, Aemelia.”

“It’s not your average poison so it won’t be ready for a little while.”

“It’s fine, baby... there’s no rush. This priest has got zero clue that his papers have been marked so... we can afford to leave him to the bliss of ignorance for a little while longer, heh heh.”

“Alright...” she sighed, shifting her hands away from the edge of the bureau like she was already thinking about leaving the office now that she’d accepted his request.

“You’re not thinking of leaving, are you?” he asked in a small voice, his hopeful, gleaming eyes causing her hands to return to their previous positions. “I get that the work talk is over but... I got a free afternoon now. There’s a couple hours before my next appointment. Which leaves plenty of time for us to... spend a little time together, if you wanted.”

“Oh, right. I just thought you'd want me to get on and make the stuff.” she bluntly admitted, her bewildered frown causing a smirk to pleasantly disrupt his painted features.

“C’maaaan, there is no need to rush, baby. Sure, the guy needs his punishment, but prolonging his inevitable downfall is all part of what I do. And right now, I have a couple hours to spare and I would very much like it if you could... come sit on me...”

“I bet you fucking would.” she snapped, her eyes widening in surprise when he abruptly drew his hands away from her. He growled in slight frustration and dug his heels into the floor so that he could scrape his arm-chair backwards. His actions caused a generous gap to emerge between him and the bureau and he patted his lap expectantly, desire plainly swimming in his eyes as he gazed at her.

“Please, Cipolletta.” he softly said, leaning into the chair to tip his head back like he was determined to get his own way this time. “ I just want to sit and hold you a little while, and... you know me, I’m getting on these days. I just want to rest my knees and feel you for a while , you know?”

“Manipulative bastard.” she grumbled in amusement, already bolting up from her seat to round the side of his desk. At the dense sound of her footsteps, he allowed his head to fall back and he groaned, his robes quietly rustling as he parted his legs patiently. He closed his eyes and unleashed a deep breath when he felt her warm palms firmly press against his chest and he hummed in approval when he felt the weight of her behind settle over his lap.

“All that talk of punishment and evil’s really got to you, hasn’t it?” she whispered, leaning forwards to press a kiss to the right side of his jaw. He winced and quietly whimpered when she began to leave a trail of pecks across one of his cheeks.

“Y-Yes. But it’s satisfying to know he will end up at your mercy in the – ehhh – end.”

“My mercy?” she murmured in confusion, tilting her head to press kisses to the slack skin beneath his jaw.

“I-I just meant in general, but... sure. I guess I will always be at your mercy, ah?”

“Really? Well, that’s useful to know.” she muttered, firmly wrapping her arms around his shoulders to keep herself level with him while she tipped her head to the side to nuzzle the fluffy sides of his face. “You’re not wearing that old cape for Halloween again, are you?”

“Wha – eh... yeah, I will be... I think.” he stuttered out, slightly confused due to the change of subject and incredibly distracted due to her affectionate actions. “Why? You think I should wear something else this time?”

“Yeah. Throw on some shades and a trench coat and you'd be able to pull off a fairly convincing Albert Wesker without too much effort.”

“Ehhh... what? Whisk? Whisker? Who the fuck is this?” he murmured, groaning in disappointment when she backed away from him to stare at him in astonishment.

“You’ve heard of Resident Evil, right?” she cried, gawping at him in disbelief.

“Ehhh… wha – is this a new nickname for me?” he questioned, flashing his eyes open to display his confusion to her.

“I mean... I s'pose it could be.” she said with a crumpled smile, cupping a hand around his jaw to playfully squeeze his cheeks together with her fingers. “You must’ve been doing other things when that came out then?”

“Yes, I’m not big on my Evils... apparently.”

11 : Strangely Suspicious

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Disorder arrived with the first day of October, along with a lurking chill that sunk its cool claws into the autumnal breeze. Excitement swept through the Ministry's bustling corridors, for Halloween was only a few weeks away and the upcoming celebrations were something spectacular to look forward to. Most Siblings traipsed the halls with faint smiles on their faces, however, the optimism didn’t reach everyone.

The young, righteous sister Manon was one of the few that didn't share the festive spirit. She raced through the halls, the skirts of her creased black habit swishing back and forth. Her ginger, shoulder-length hair was tangled and tucked behind her ears, her freckled face blemished with a coat of sweat and grey shadows that circled her eyes. Her tired, hazel eyes frantically searched the hallway in front of her, her arms tensing to tightly hold her bundle of study binders and stationary to her chest. The more mature Siblings that she passed narrowed their eyes or shook their heads in disapproval of her lack of headdress and the fact she was running through the corridors. But she didn’t care, she didn't think rules applied when the circumstance was so dire, so she carried on bolting through the hallways, even when a few sisters loudly scolded her as she passed.

Her heart pounded nervously, but it wasn't just due to her rebellious actions, it was because of concerns that had been plaguing her for the last fortnight. An unpleasant inkling had led to realisation, and she was suddenly in a situation where she desperately needed guidance from someone she could trust.

After dashing through countless hallways, she eventually spotted someone that she was somewhat comfortable with. Miss Vial’s presence was plain among the darkly clothed congregation ahead, her crimson overcoat a beacon of hope to Manon in that moment. The girl gasped quietly as she hurried her pace to catch up to the woman, snatching the opportunity while she could. Though she was desperately seeking advice from the alchemist, she was still nervous about approaching the woman. Manon could only just see her elbowing her way through the marble-clad corridor ahead... she must have been in some sort of rush.

The young girl did her best to follow the woman and slipped through the crowds of Siblings with ease given her slight form. She occasionally stood on her tip-toes to ensure she could see the deep red fabric of Miss Vial’s coat in front of her, and thankfully, she spotted it every time, which reassured her that she was keeping up.

As soon as Miss Vial left the packed corridors to cross into the old complex, Manon’s sprinting slowed. There were far less obstacles for the girl to steer around, seeing as the hallways were vacant of anyone. Nevertheless, she was unsettled. She'd underestimated how dark it would be, for the darkness was thick and unrelenting and she winced, hugging her arms around herself for comfort. She hadn't wandered through the eerie, candle lit corridors of the old building before. It made her hair stand on end but she persisted to journey through the shadows, reminding herself that she had to reach Miss Vial to speak with her.

The girl followed the echo of the alchemist’s black oxfords and the gentle swish of her flowing overcoat, which dominated the shadows ahead. She found the sounds reassuring and gasped with realisation when they eventually ended with a prolonged creak, and an abrupt, clattering slam. Manon realised that Miss Vial must have darted into the apothecary and hurried her pace, braving the rest of the gloomy corridor now that she could be sure of her destination.

On her inevitable arrival at the heavily varnished apothecary door, she winced with apprehension and elbowed the door-handle to barge her way inside, a couple of stray papers slipping out from one of her ring binders. She hastily dashed inside and jumped to a halt when the door slammed shut behind her, the loud noise bouncing between the stone walls of the small room. Her hazel eyes widened with nervousness when they rested on Miss Vial, who was stood by the nearest side of the alchemy station and facing the stain-glass window on the opposite side of it, her shoulders tensed due to Manon’s loud, unexpected intrusion.

When she swiftly swivelled around to see who had barged into her workplace, Manon could see that she was clutching a black journal, a small notepad and an indistinct reference book to her front, her charcoal eyes searing into the young girl with suspicion as her brows lowered to frame them with a disconcerting, unimpressed scowl. Manon simply continued to stare, heavy breaths escaping her as she clumsily fell backwards to rest her back against the door. Although the alchemist’s expression unsettled her, curiosity overshadowed her fear and her hazel eyes shifted to explore the rest of her surroundings.

Shelves were cluttered with all sorts of jars and bottles, the surface of the alchemy station was filled with trays of finished concoctions and behind it, standing in front of the untidy window sill, were the two mysterious, blonde-haired twins. Manon frowned in confusion as they emptily stared at her from the other side of the room in unison, their arms stiffly draped by the sides of their dishevelled ties and blazers. Though the two ominous children were emotionless, they peered at Manon in a strangely expectant manner and her wince deepened, her hazel eyes shining with reluctance when she settled her gaze on Miss Vial again. The alchemist rolled her eyes at Manon’s silence and turned away to acknowledge the twins instead, presumably continuing with whatever she’d intended to say prior to the young girl’s intrusion.

“And remember, if any old person comes in here demanding their potions or lotions - or whatever - don't give them anything.” she continued, her voice confident and firm like she was giving the children strict instructions. “This is an apothecary, not a drop-in pharmacy. I've left a list on the window sill behind you and everyone who has something to collect is named and described. If someone who isn’t on that list tries arguing with you, you know what to do.”

The twins nodded enthusiastically, but refrained from tearing their vacant stares from the young sister, their blank expressions causing Miss Vial to sigh and slowly turn to face the girl they were gazing at. Manon’s chest heaved as panicked breaths huffed out of her and Aemelia’s dark eyes softened.

“How can I help, Manon?” she asked, taking a step away from the alchemy station like she was anticipating the low volume of the girl’s timid voice. “I'm afraid I’m a bit short on time right now, so if you’re after something, just tell me. I'm already running behind as it is.”

“What? W-Where are you going?” Manon cried, her shoes scuffing loudly as she stumbled a few inches away from the door to stand up straight and glare at the woman in bewilderment.

“I'm responding to a call-out. An important one.”

“Oh. You are leaving now? And you are going on your own?” she questioned, tilting her head like she was trying to piece things together from Miss Vial’s vague explanation.

Yeah, 'course.” Aemelia effortlessly lied, her dark eyes studying the lesson equipment that Manon held in arms with interest. “Now, come on, what's the problem? If it’s something you need physical help with, it’ll have to wait. But if you just wanted to talk about something, I can squeeze in two minutes before I have to leave.”

“M-Merci... I...” the girl trailed off and lowered her head to avert her eyes to the hem of her habit. “... I can’t focus on my lessons anymore, Miss Vial. I worry too much and classes feel... insignifiante. It’s like I’m dreaming when I’m awake sometimes. And when I wake up from sleep, it feels like I never fell asleep at all, like my energy is all gone. I am slow getting out of bed most days. I feel I am becoming paresseuse... lazy.”

Aemelia winced and her arms tightened around the items she hugged to her chest, her black eyes shining with understanding.

“I'm sorry to hear that, Manon.” she sincerely replied, her maroon braids swaying slightly when she tilted her head inquisitively. “I don't know if there's much I can do to help. But I'll try to figure something out for you as soon as I get back here, alright? And no matter what the sisters think or say about you, if you don't want to go to your lessons... don't. But I suggest you make the lesson time you miss worthwhile somehow, so you feel like you’re doing something productive with your time. Maybe study in the library, or you could always have a walk around the gardens to clear your head. They’re always pretty quiet, especially this time of year.”

“Oh. I-I was hoping that a potion could help me.” the girl confessed with a puzzled frown, slowly lifting her head to meet Miss Vial’s intense irises.

“There is one. But you're far too young to have it, Manon. Ask me again when you're over eighteen, then I might consider it.” she softly replied, disappointment present in her black eyes when Manon sighed and reluctantly nodded her head. “There’s something else, isn’t there?”

Manon momentarily shifted her hazel eyes to the twins behind the alchemy desk – who were still glaring at her like they were hypnotised by her presence – and Miss Vial sent them a glance over her shoulder too while she started to advance forwards to step around the young girl and reach out to open the door.

“I-I think I’m the Anti-Christ!” Manon blurted out as she swiftly spun around to face Miss Vial with wide, worried eyes. Naturally her words caused the alchemist to stiffly halt, her pallid hand poised over the door handle as she turned her head to sharply glance at the girl over her shoulder. Her black eyes were hard with certainty – and perhaps the slightest glimmer of amusement – as she shook her head in response.

“You aren't.” she simply replied, confidently returning the girl’s wavering stare before she turned her head and twisted the door handle.

“Wait! Please, Miss Vial! Please listen to me!” Manon insisted, her ring binders creaking in protest now that her arms were squeezing them so fiercely.

“I have. And I’m confident that you're not the Anti-Christ, alright? Calm down. Go for a walk. Clear your head.” Aemelia firmly responded, frowning when the girl’s confusion only seemed to grow.

“You do not think I should visit the library?”

“Not until you’ve cleared your head. Unless the library relaxes you, of course.”

“Not really. It is always so busy and I always end up reading the demonology books - I-I know I’m not supposed to read them, they are only meant for the adults. But I like them.” the young girl confessed, her freckled cheeks glowing pink now that she reminded herself that three sets of eyes were staring at her.

“Then all those books have probably gone to your head, Manon.” Miss Vial reasoned, a faintly amused smile tugging at the sides of her grey lips. “You're starting to merge reality with whatever you weren’t supposed to read. No wonder you’re getting these funny ideas. You're not the Anti-Christ, so don’t get down about things, alright? I'm sorry that I can't help you right now, but I’m certain that you're definitely just an ordinary, silly old human being.”

Manon parted her mouth to reply but Miss Vial turned her head and hurriedly opened the door. She slid out into the gap in the door-frame as soon as it was large enough, leaving Manon to face the heavily varnished wood as it clattered shut behind her. The young girl was still incredibly puzzled by the woman’s response, but she definitely felt that she was a little more reassured that she wasn’t some idle spawn of Satan now.

Seeing as she’d caught Miss Vial at an inconvenient time, she decided that she would approach Papa with her troubles instead, he was always willing to listen to her whenever she’d had issues in the past. But of course, as soon as she arrived at his office a short while later, the place was completely empty. Which suddenly left Manon feeling bewildered and extremely suspicious.

12 : A Fiend, a Friend and a Feline

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There were few things more disturbing than a black sedan crawling through the tight streets of Rome in broad daylight. To the bystanders that clung to the walls, the classic car with thick tinted windows was intriguing and they watched with fascination as it rolled passed them, its engine rumbling as it gained speed to trail up a steep slope paved in cobblestone.

Though most heads turned to witness the sedan, the presence of the anti-pope and his loyal companion went unnoticed. The couple weren't used to responding to incidents during the day, so the attention the car was receiving was slightly distracting for them. Rome was the last place either of them wanted to be, they were just thankful the address they were heading to was far away from the holy aura of the Vatican. A faint, unnatural, chalky white fog lingered over the ground, like it was the world’s subtle response to Copia's unholy presence, and he smirked with satisfaction, coolly draping his arm over the built-in shelf in the passenger door.

He was pleased that he had an excuse to drop his mundane papal routine, and considering his attire, he certainly wasn't hiding that fact. He sported his pristine white suit like he was hoping to make a punchy first impression with their clients, the lines of his rat paint were crisp and immaculate, and the final touch of his black wide-brim fedora – which was coolly angled to shield his mismatched eyes – completed his shady exorcist look... which was rather fitting for their task that day.

Aemelia was dressed just as immaculately. Her burgundy braids were neatly perched over her shoulders and the loose strands by the sides of her pale face weren't quite as unruly as they could be. The black wings that lined her dark eyes were sharp and spotless for once, and it caused her to look severe without the need of a scowl. Her usual attire was securely in place and snug to her form, and her crimson overcoat hung over the back of her seat, its splayed sleeves giving away that she'd already worn it so often that it had started to hold the ghostly shape of her arms.

Needless to say, the D.D.D took exorcisms deadly serious, and unlike the approach of other organisations that carried out such procedures, they insisted on dressing their best. After all, if the clients didn't take the two of them seriously, there was no chance that a crazed demon would give them the time of day.

The sloped streets started to flatten slightly as the car persisted to trundle along, the buildings started to become a lot more oblong shaped and their tall height seemed to make up for their narrow width. The slender apartments stretched the length of the straight slope, each one snugly joined to the next. Unlike the capital's central hotspots, the residential area was rundown and untidy, which would have tainted the city's picturesque image if had been any closer to the centre. The walls were faded sepia, and crumbling and peeling from erosion and neglect. Tangled sprawls of ivy clutched to their surfaces, though it had been violently chopped back wherever there were arched entrances cut into the murky stone. Balconies and window sills overflowed with all kinds of lively, overgrown plants, and it only added to the green mess the ivy had created. Although the district was worse for wear, it gave the place a strange charm that felt real compared to the city's pretentious centre. Its streets may have been narrow, but the black sedan cut through the light, care-free atmosphere of the suburb with ease as soon as it rumbled its way over its cobblestone track.

Doors flung open, necks craned around door-frames, faces appeared at windows, hands grasped the iron railings of balconies... everyone in the street was drawn to the modest growl of the black sedan, and everyone was desperate to know what had brought it into their neighbourhood.

Aemelia eased her foot off the gas to squint her eyes at the numbers of the addresses they passed, which had been crudely painted over the worn walls beside each arched entrance. She had to slow the car down to a snail’s pace to read some of them because the paint was so faded. Her actions caused a line of traffic to accumulate behind her car, but she didn’t care, even when a couple of irritated locals blared their horns to display their frustration. Copia leaned his head towards the passenger side window when fierce yells piped up from the vehicles behind them, and his smirk lingered as he simply watched them grow redder and redder with rage in the small reflection in the side mirror. He thought it was funny that one person's patience caused another person's impatience.

After another few minutes of intermittent stops in the middle of the narrow road – and a whole lot of yelled curses from the small cars behind them – Miss Vial finally found the address they'd been looking for. It had a faintly painted thirty-three next to its arched porch and she swerved close to the building, parking the sedan as close to the wall as possible. When she pulled the handbrake, Copia turned his head to peer through the glass of his window, and the disgruntled drivers revved their engines in annoyance, even their passengers seemed to be joining in with the obnoxious complaining and crude gesturing... but they soon quietened down when they slowed down to pass the black sedan and narrow their eyes at whoever was peering out of the passenger window.

Tires screeched in unison as the first few drivers slammed on their brakes, presumably out of shock. Apparently, Copia's presence had startled them for some reason. Perhaps it was down to his unique set of gleaming irises, his thick papal paint, the mysterious shade of his fedora or the sly smirk he wore on his black lips. Naturally, he liked to think they'd simply been struck by how devilishly handsome he was. After their initial panic, it didn’t take long for the traffic to move along. The line of cars swiftly sped up and shot off into the distance in a nervous frenzy, and it caused Copia’s smirk to broaden.

“What's that smirk for?” Aemelia asked, throwing off her seat-belt to reach over and brush the heel of a palm over his left shoulder. He immediately shuffled around in his seat to face her and his smirk softened into an amused smile.

“Ah, it's nothing, baby. Just checking everyone's blood pressure, heh heh. They drive like they got a bug up their ass around here.” he commented, lowering his gaze to acknowledge the hand she’d left over his shoulder.

“I’ve found it’s fairly typical in this country. I bet you drive like that.” she quipped, tilting her head like she was already waiting to hear his offended response.

“Eh! I’m much more courteous, ok?” he playfully argued, feigning an irritated wince. “I always ensure that you get a little excitement when I'm behind the wheel, heh heh.”

“Fuckin' hell, no wonder you're banned from driving.” she muttered beneath her breath. “Anyway… from that lot spamming their horns, I think we can safely say that our presence isn’t sitting well with the locals.”

“Ahh, where's the change?” he murmured with a small smile, leaning out of his seat to reach his arms forwards so that his gloved hands could confidently cup around her pallid face. She wrinkled her nose in protest but amusement was plainly swimming in her charcoal eyes, and the hand that grasped his shoulder subtly tightened.

“I love it when we get to do something serious like this, Aemelia.” he confessed, studying her features intently. “It feels... really fucking good.”

“Why? Because there's more thrill to it?” she questioned, the corners of her lips curling upwards.

“Eh... in a way... yes. It reminds me that we are the ones in control here.” he passionately explained, the pride in his conflicting irises plain to her. “Not these peoples with the problem, not these crazy fucking locals... not even the demons themselves. Us. Me... you. And we damn well have a right to show it. This is why we dress to impress, no?”

“Is it? I just thought we always made this much effort for the whole first impressions thing. Don't want this demon to get the wrong end of the stick if we turned up in a pair of cassocks.” she said with a puzzled frown, her charcoal eyes admiring the neatness of his face paint.

“Yeeeah, I guess you got a point there, heh heh…” he said, glaring his eyes in astonishment when her hand dropped from his shoulder so that she could reach both warm hands towards his lap. “... ehhhh, ahhhm... Aemelia?! What are you - ”

“Fuck’s sake, don’t get all excited. I'm only taking your bleedin’ seat-belt off. I'm parked too close to wall to open my door so I'll have to get out your side.” she emptily explained, oblivious to his wincing features as her palms brushed the side of his left thigh. It was clear that he was heating up from the slightest brush of her fingertips and she rolled her eyes. Eventually, she managed to release his harness and it snaked away from him to loudly retract into a plastic compartment that was embedded into the fuzzy roof above him.

“You look divine today, Cipolletta.” he purred as she backed away from him, his proud, mismatched eyes glinting as they trailed over the front of her pristine attire. “I will have a hard time focusing on our task today, you know that?”

“You're saying that like it's something new. You always seem to get hard whenever we're - ”

“Ohhhh! Sh! Shhh! Don't say any more, baby.” he insisted in a series of harsh, strained whispers. “If you load me up with ammunition now... there will be no hiding this weapon. These pants don’t leave much room for the imagination, you know?”

“At least the white would cover up any unfortunate accidents.” she teased, which caused him to unleash an involuntary whimper that made him glare in embarrassment and made her shake her head in amusement. “Go on, get out before you spunk yourself.”

“Are you sure you don't want to - ”

“Just get out, will you? I can't move until you do, so I'd really appreciate it if you could shift your arse.”

“Ok, ok!” he exclaimed, idly raising his gloved hands in surrender before he swivelled around to face the door. “I’m going! See? I am... doing it.”

He obediently opened his door in a hurried manner and shuffled around to step out of the vehicle. Once he was out, he held the door back and draped an arm in front of him like he was politely encouraging her to repeat his actions. She clicked her tongue and yanked her crimson coat from the back of her seat, and forcefully struggled to shove it on as she awkwardly shifted over the gear lever to reach the passenger side. When she was successful, she smoothly stepped out of the car and shrugged the rest of her coat over her arms, its hems hanging close to the backs of her ankles. Copia bowed his head like he was silently showing her that he approved of her appearance and carefully closed the door, frowning with intrigue when she ignored his actions to confidently stroll towards the nearest rear door.

He scurried after her and slowed when he arrived by the back of the vehicle, a gloved hand tightly clutching the brim of his hat to ensure that his eyes were well and truly shaded from the overcast daylight. She threw open the door and scooped up her small pile of useful belongings from the sedan's backseats. She tucked her notepad into her waistcoat, and clutched her black journal and reference books to her chest, then elbowed the door shut to assuredly make her way towards the house that was simply known as thirty-three. He opened his mouth to remind her that she'd forgotten to lock the car... but from her cautious, curious manner, he realised that she must have noticed something that he hadn't. He quickly trailed after her, not wishing to question her actions, because it was clear that she was already focused on their task.

When they reached the arched entrance – which was the only bit of stone that was untouched by the grime of the sepia brickwork – their heads turned to face each other in unison and they shared a concerned frown. Now that they were standing on the doorstep, they could hear persistent thumping coming from inside. And as they patiently listened, it was swiftly followed by something shattering and scrambling about. However, their patience soon disappeared once an ear-splitting scream joined the frenzy of noise, and both Copia and Vial glared at one another in realisation.

“That's probable cause.” she quietly reasoned with a shrug, which caused him to nod in agreement. They both extended a leg in front of them and kicked forwards until the door pitifully burst open with an exhausted creak. Its wooden surface clattered against the wall beside its hinges and the couple hurried inside, following the source of the loud commotion.

They ignored their new surroundings and bolted through the open-plan living area, which seemed to be where the sounds were coming from. And their suspicions appeared to be correct once they arrived there, for a family of four were arguing and bounding through the obstacle course of their apartment. The two kids were using the weathered sofas as barricades and they had shiny stainless steel hammers in their right hands. The parents were red with anger and frustration, and they gestured wildly, presumably trying to convince their children to put down their weapons. As the squabble went on, it seemed like the only rational being in the place was the family cat, who was sprawled out into an exhausted pancake over a cluttered counter-top to simply spectate the ordeal. It was a surprisingly spacious kitchen and living area for such a small apartment.

As much as the situation was alarming, the two investigators knew it couldn’t be allowed to continue. Aemelia’s arms tightened around her selection of books when Copia confidently cleared his throat and placed a patient, gloved hand to his chest, the Grucifix emblem on his jacket gleaming amongst the dim atmosphere. As he leaned forwards into a bow, the commotion stopped and the family slowly turned their heads to face him in unison, their anger replaced with wary realisation.

“Please... sit down. Calm yourselves.” he softly said, keeping his head low like he was avoiding acknowledging any of them. The family didn’t see any reason to disobey him and idly trailed towards the closest seat. The parents slumped into a couple of stray sitting chairs that were angled to face the middle of the room, and the kids hopped onto one of the couches which also faced the middle of the room. The children still held onto their hammers and the parents occasionally sent disapproving scowls their way when they weren’t staring at Copia’s glaring presence.

“This kind of behaviour will only feed your demon problem. I get that it tricks you, and makes you all feel a little crazy, but this is because you close your minds to its existence.” he sternly said, completing his bow by lowering his arm to his side and lifting his head to trail his eyes around the room. “You may think we are… inconsiderate for intruding like this. We don’t know your situation, we don’t even know your names. In truth, we don’t really care. We’re here because you need our help. So we’d appreciate it if you could chill the fuck out, so you can gather your thoughts to help us get rid of your problem, ok? No killing each other when our backs are turned.”

The family nodded in glum understanding and Copia nodded in approval.

“Good, good… now, you think you can manage to stay calm if we take a seat and ask you a couple questions?”

“Go ahead.” the father reluctantly piped up, his voice hoarse and shot from all the shouting from before. From his dark expression and the scowl that hooded his eyes, it was clear that he wasn’t happy about the couple’s presence. It didn’t really surprise Aemelia, she was sure it had been a woman that had left a desperate voice-mail on their answering machine in the small hours of the morning. Her charcoal eyes shifted, and sure enough, the mother – who was sat beside him – was peering down at the floor beneath her feet, like she was too terrified to acknowledge their presence. She clearly hadn’t expected the D.D.D to respond to her cry for help.

The investigators calmly sat down on the empty sofa that was parallel to the kids on the opposite couch, and Aemelia lowered her small pile of books to her lap, her hand sliding into her waistcoat’s pockets to feel for her notepad and pen. Copia sent her a brief glance to ensure that she was comfortable, and when he was sure she was at ease, he leaned back into a comfortable slouch and draped his arm over the top of the couch cushions behind her, his expression sly and expectant.

“How long has this been going on?” Aemelia asked in an empty tone as she flicked to a clear page in her notepad, her charcoal eyes staring at the surface like she was completely focused on her task.

“Seven months.” the mother timidly replied, lifting her head to acknowledge the couple. Her eyes wavered with nervousness when she trailed them to Copia, apparently she hadn’t expected him to be listening to her so intently. She swallowed but couldn’t tear away from his mismatched stare. Though she was unnerved by his presence, she couldn’t help feeling a little intrigued by his stylish choice of outfit and his immaculate face paint.

“We contacted everyone who has expertise with demons. Even the Vatican has had clearance to help. But everything they tried only seemed to make things worse.” the woman confessed, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip when Copia inhaled sharply like he was deeply considering her words until a small amused smirk tugged at his black lips.

“Ah, so we are your last hope. Well, it’s good that you saved the best for last, heh heh…”

The mother wore a puzzled frown but he could see that curiosity swam in her dark eyes, and her intrigue only seemed to amuse him further. They continued to stare at each other as Miss Vial started to scribble notes onto her notepad, and she huffed out like she was already bored of their interview routine.

“I remember you saying that the demon’s possessed the house, rather than any of you. If that’s so, where do you encounter it? These things usually have a favourite spot to hang out.” Aemelia continued to question, unaware that Copia was shooting the mother a playful wink that caused the woman to quietly gasp and flutter her eyelashes.

“The cellar.” the father sternly cut in, his tone empty and ominous as he lifted his head to stare at Miss Vial openly. “It makes the most noise down there. It tries to tempt us into opening the door so it can roam our home at night.”

Aemelia narrowed her eyes in contemplation and when she lifted her head a fraction as she scribbled down a few more notes, the mother’s actions caused her to faintly frown. The woman was leaning back and sprawling out her arms behind her in a relaxed, flattered manner and it caused Aemelia’s frown to deepen into an irritated scowl.

“Then we’ll head there.” she impassively responded, her hard, charcoal eyes drawing the attention of the kids on the sofa across from her. “Anything else you’ve had trouble with? Electronic interference? Random burning sensations?”

“Fidas always chases it if it manages to get out.” one of the children piped up. Despite the overt presence of Copia, they were drawn to Miss Vial’s presence for some reason and she narrowed her eyes at their mother, suspicious now that the woman was subtly smiling as she bit into her bottom lip.

“Who’s Fidas?” Aemelia asked through gritted teeth, deciding that she would hold her tongue and tolerate the woman’s flirtatious actions for the sake of the children.

“Il nostro gatto.” the other kid chimed in.

Copia shuffled a little closer to her, and when their legs were side by side, he shifted a foot to gently brush the tip of his shoe against the fabric that covered one of her calves. He dipped his head down so that he could angle it to position his mouth beside her ear.

“Fidas is their cat.” he whispered, his hot breath distracting her from her notes. As she huffed out and slid her pen into the pockets of her waistcoat, his shoe began to nudge and rub the side of her leg like it was his silent way of reassuring her that he didn’t care for the mother’s strange flirtation, then again, it could’ve simply been his way of politely reminding her that he was still desiring her, even then, when they were sitting together in a stranger’s apartment.

“I will try to make contact with your problem.” he confidently said as he reluctantly turned his head away from her to face the glum family. Aemelia winced and turned her head to face him, her features expressionless despite the fact she was warmed by the soothing nuzzles her leg was receiving from his shoe.

“Then if we get that far, we will try to exorcise it as best as we can.” he continued, his eyes trailing around the room to ensure each of his clients were listening. “Unfortunately, these things can be, ehh… kinda antsy, so unless you want to lose your vital organs, please stay in this room. Miss Vial will keep you company to make sure you stay out of harm’s way. She will keep you safe while I’m gone, ok?”

The family reluctantly nodded in silent reply and Copia unleashed a relieved sigh, smoothly swiping off his hat to set it down over the books that were resting over Miss Vial’s lap.

“Cool! Now, eh… where’s this fucking cellar?”

Miss Vial had politely sat with the family for forty minutes while Copia had his conversation with the unruly demon that dwelled in the cellar. His voice seemed like a distant murmur due the percussive clangs, bangs and scrapes that rumbled through the floor beneath her feet, and when there was one particularly violent crash, the mother leapt to her feet like she was desperate to go and help the anti-pope, but Aemelia simply lifted her head and seared her black eyes into the woman. Naturally, the mother couldn’t ignore the alchemist’s stubborn gaze and reluctantly returned to her seat.

Aemelia unleashed a grateful huff and continued to casually flip through her modest notepad. She was glad she brought it along, because she’d already skimmed through her thick reference books twice and they weren’t successfully distracting her. She glanced towards the couple of kids, who were busy mashing the buttons of their handheld consoles, and she suddenly wished she had something obnoxious to occupy herself. She supposed she had it better than the parents, who were just vacantly staring at the floor like they were in an unpleasant waiting room.

As the scrapes and screeches of shifting furniture continued, Copia’s grunts became more obvious, and so did a low, threatening drone noise that swiftly shot in all kinds of directions. Aemelia was just grateful they had a thick floor to muffle the sound, and her attention simply returned to the pages of her small notepad. As she nonchalantly flicked through, she realised she hadn’t used it for a few months when she arrived at one particular intriguing page.

The illustration was messy, but the pencil marks were confident and jagged, like whoever had drawn it had been compelled to get the picture down onto its smooth cartridge paper. It depicted a wide landscape scene. A church on a hill, with shadowy, lopsided houses at the foot of it, where a trail of small paw-prints split the picture in two. A large, spiked gate fenced it in the foreground, and a small, faintly sketched baby was present to the very left of it, which appeared to be tightly wrapped in the snug safety of a coiled serpent…

Aemelia scowled in contemplation and tried to make sense of what she was seeing. She knew that it must have been something the twins had drawn months ago, because she couldn’t think of any other time that her notepad had been in anyone else’s hands… and given the imaginative style of the drawing, she could tell it was definitely a child’s picture. The more she studied it, the more she grew to like the sketch, but something about its symbolism intrigued her, and it led her to believe that there was more to the mysterious, smartly dressed twins than she realised.

She continued to ponder the twin’s captivating image for another ten minutes before Copia emerged from his unsuccessful negotiation. The stairs to the cellar were located to the left of the room just before it opened out into the kitchen, and the telling clatter of the cellar door told her everything she needed to know. She flipped her notepad closed and casually peered towards the top of the narrow staircase, raising a brow at the loud, exhausted breaths that huffed out of him. An hour of demonic conversation had left him feeling rather spent, considering the scuffs of his heavy feet when he eventually ascended into view. His clothes weren’t quite so pristine any more. His suit was dishevelled, his rat paint was smudged due to a thin coat of perspiration that clung to his weathered features, and his chestnut hair was completely skewed out of place.

He wandered towards the living area with a tired wince and his gloved hands clutched at the back of the sofa where the kids were situated, who were content being oblivious as they focused on the flashing screens of their portable consoles. Now that he was finally catching his breath, he gazed at Aemelia with a pleading expression in his mismatched irises, and she knew that he was desperate for her help. His presence unsettled the father, who was still drilling his eyes into the floor, but the mother gazed at him with hope, until she realised that Miss Vial was the focus of his attention.

“I may be, eh... in need of your assistance, Miss Vial.” he softly said, swallowing hard when she simply nodded her head, slipped her notepad into her waistcoat and shifted the items on her lap to the sofa cushions beside her, ensuring that his fedora was safely perched at the very top. Then she stood up and strode towards him, which prompted him to wander towards the apartment’s open entrance. When she caught up to him, they crossed the threshold and squinted in protest of the stark daylight that flooded the street and Copia swiftly reached back to catch hold of one of her hands.

“We will need the rope for this one I think... as long as you feel up to it?” he asked, his voice hoarse and sincere. When he glanced over his shoulder to look at her, she nodded and her expression became empty and focused.

They retrieved the equipment they needed from the sedan’s trunk in a contemplative silence. She gathered up a thick coil of rope and slung it over her shoulder, and he effortlessly lifted the strange grey-stone tablet – which he’d aptly named the sepulchre tablet – from the rest of the trunk’s muddled mess. By this point, the stone’s presence was integral to their exorcisms. Though Miss Vial didn’t understand what it was exactly, it was incredibly useful for communicating with unhappy demons. When Copia wielded it in his leather-clad hands, he could practically read all their peeves and ailments over its bumpy surface… which would serve well this time round, seeing as this demon had been too reluctant and angry to listen to Copia’s previous polite attempt at conversation.

Once they returned to the apartment, they ignored the inquisitive questions that came from the family in the living area and Copia led the way back down to the cellar. The descent was already unnervingly dark and he cautiously glanced behind him to check she was closely following him, and when her charcoal eyes met his stare, he wore a thankful smile and turned his head away to focus on elbowing his way back into the cellar.

Before her eyes had time to adjust to their dark surroundings, he wandered off into the gloom ahead of her and from the audible graze of stone that followed, he must have set down his sepulchre tablet. She cautiously traipsed after him, and once she found him amongst the clutter of spare furniture and empty wine racks, he spun around and reached his arms out towards her expectantly. She frowned in confusion but snagged hold of the rope that was draped over her shoulder and tossed it at him. He effortlessly caught it in one swift movement and carried it by the bent crook of his left elbow. His right hand gestured towards the darkness behind him and she obliged him, striding into the gloom so that he could closely trail behind her.

She didn’t know why she felt so apprehensive. In the last few months they’d attended plenty of exorcisms, and she certainly had faith in Copia’s capabilities… she assumed it must have been the stuffy atmosphere now that they were below ground level and finally came to a stop when she reached the basement’s back wall. It was the same grimy sepia stone that they’d come across outside and she grimaced, trailing her eyes down to a heavy oak table that was stood in front of it.

“The table should be sturdy enough to keep you from moving too much.” Copia softly explained, coming to a stop behind her. His front brushed against her and she winced when he reached around her to give her a tight hug.

“It’s lucky this cellar is so tall. And look…” he murmured, leaning his head against the side of her face as he peered up at the wooden beams above their heads. “… it’s already got little hooks in place. So we should have no problem doing this in here at all, heh.”

She let out an unsure “Mm” and he squeezed her firmly, tilting his head so that he could press a confident kiss to her cheek.

“You are feeling nervous, no?” he whispered, his mismatched eyes softening when she turned her head to meet his stare. She nodded and her dark eyes wavered, like she was fighting off the threat of fear. He closed the space between their faces until their noses brushed and he sighed heavily, his arms firmly squeezing around her to remind her that he was there with her.

“I won’t let anything happen to you, ok? If we do the same as we did last time, we won’t have any trouble. And I promise, I will keep you safe, Aemelia.” he murmured.

With that, their embrace ended but he continued to stare at her sincerely, his mismatched eyes vivid, even in the murky blackness. She removed her crimson overcoat in a nonchalant manner while he tied the first knot in the rope, and once he was done, he clumsily clambered onto the table in front of them. He grunted with effort as he knelt over its surface, and he reached up towards the thick beams above their heads, his eyes squinting as he searched for the glint of the metal hook that he’d spotted earlier. His grunting stopped when he finally found it and he secured the rope in place.

Now that the rope was securely attached to the ceiling, Aemelia watched him with a blank expression as he beckoned her with a gloved hand and she confidently scaled the table to kneel beside him. He gazed at her openly and latched a gloved hand around her right shoulder.

“You sure you feel up to this?” he whispered.

“Yeah, I think this family has suffered enough. So let’s just get on with it.” she softly responded, displaying her confidence by rolling up the sleeves of her shirt. The hand on her shoulder lowered to delicately caress the skin of her branded forearm and she winced, fluttering her lashes as his gloved thumb grazed over the Grucifix marking to stroke the sensitive skin of her wrist. Then he dipped his head down, raising her inner wrist to his mouth so that he could leave a firm, lingering kiss there. Then he carefully backed away, and reached up to the rope that was suspended above their heads. She shuffled back to extend her legs out in front of her and once she was pressing them together, he looped the rope around her shins. She was always curious why he was always so adept with knots and ropes, but she was always too apprehensive to ask him about it… and far more reluctant since his recent joke about being a professional hitman.

He carefully bound the rope around her shins until he was content with its tautness, and then he gazed into her dark eyes one last time to ensure that she was ready to go. She nodded again and he hopped to his feet, hunching down to ensure that his head didn’t bump the ceiling beams. He firmly tugged the middle of the rope and with a strained grunt, he started to hoist her upwards.

Though Miss Vial was a slight woman, she still weighed a fair amount, so it took him quite a while to pull her into position. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around her chest to tuck herself in tight, ignoring the wave of blood that was rushing to her head now that she was hanging upside down. She knew it wasn’t necessary that she had to be inverted, but it did tend to draw demons out of their hiding places.

As soon as Copia was happy with her position, he effortlessly held the tension of the rope until he could tie it off around the hook to ensure that Miss Vial remained suspended in place. After double-checking that his ties were secure, he hopped down from the table and bolted back into the darkness to fetch his sepulchre tablet.

And it was lucky that he did, because the demon’s droning presence grated from one of the corners closest to the door. It ripped through the air beside him and he muttered a curse beneath his breath, spinning around to head back towards Aemelia, perching his stone tome beneath his arm. When he reached her, the demon had already started to pour its dark, indistinct existence into the orifices of her face. The arms around her chest tightened and her eyes flashed open, the hollow, inky blots that spread out to fill her eye-sockets causing a relieved breath to wheeze out of him. He’d never felt so reassured by her friend’s presence before.

And by looks and sounds of it, her friend disapproved of the demon’s actions because her whole body started to quiver. She rocked from side to side like a suspended pendulum and Copia’s eyes widened in alarm. He held out his stone tablet in front of him and desperately hoped that something would manifest over its cold, grey surface soon. Thankfully, it did. Luminous, fog-like symbols started to etch into its blank stone and he began to read them out loud as soon as his eyes rested on them. From his short, block-like pronunciation, it was some kind of demonic language, and Aemelia’s mouth parted so that she could unleash a harsh, guttural growl.

His eyes widened even more because he knew that Aemelia was no longer in control of her body. Wrath corrupted her veins due to his spiteful words, and involuntary hisses and snarls escaped her as she persisted to gently swing from side to side. Her hands tensed as her nails sunk into her sleeved shoulders, and her legs writhed to try and loosen her restraints. Her plaits eventually tumbled from her shoulders and swung in tandem with the rope that held her in place. From the shiny glint in her wide, empty eyes, it was clear that the demon wasn’t just protesting the rope, for Miss Vial was the perfect bait for an unruly demon. It was trapped within her form and had to deal with the strange entity that was now an integral part of her, and from its wheezes and whimpers, it was clear that it wasn’t very powerful.

As the entity defended against the demon’s intrusion, while Copia bombarded it with demonic verses and occasional amiable ad-libs in its native tongue, the two opposing energies coursed through Aemelia’s form as the pair fought for control of her. There were intermittent moments of silence, where her friend had presumably snatched hold of her, and then other moments where she was back to thrashing around, shrieking or snarling.

After fifteen minutes of constant conflict and Copia’s desperate tablet readings, the softest, most confused meow came from the floor behind him. Copia was so puzzled by the noise that he frowned and immediately stopped talking to sharply glance over a shoulder and acknowledge the source of the quiet sound. The noise had been so out of the blue that even the demon quietened to display its confusion, and Aemelia's eyes narrowed in protest, her form persisting to subtly swing from side to side.

The family's tortoiseshell cat was contentedly purring as it prowled between Copia's legs, rubbing its shiny, patchy fur against the sleek white fabric of his suit pants. His hands tightly latched around his sepulchre tablet to ensure he kept it snugly resting against his chest, and he glared down at the cat in confusion.

“Eh! Shoo! Get out of here kitty! This is very dangerous grounds for you!” he exclaimed in fierce whispers. The cat persisted to rub against his legs and he sighed in frustration, but when he focused on the feline's movements, he quickly realised that there was more to the cat than he realised.

It started to babble high pitched nonsense like it was attempting to verbally respond to him and Copia's frown deepened when a choked wheeze came from Aemelia's direction. He scowled and his concern forced him to lift his head to acknowledge her presence. To his horror, her head had tipped back into an uncomfortable looking position, and the hollows of her eye-sockets seemed to grow wider and wider as her mouth started to slowly open with a throaty gasp. From the wheezes and chokes that emerged from her, it was clear that the demon was struggling to find a way out of her, and Copia's mismatched eyes widened with understanding.

“No no no… you’re leaving? What? You fucking kidding me?! All this time I spent trying to talk with you and now you want to leave? What's the matter with you? You got a dislike for kitties or what?!”

 Copia cried defensively, like the demon's actions had genuinely offended him.

The cat stilled as it majestically sat before the tips of Copia’s polished winkle-pickers and its eyes flashed a consistent shade of emerald that subtly bled into a luminous surge of green light that filled the atmosphere in front of its position. The demon gargled in response and the cat's eyes remained wide and alert, but it raised its right paw so that it could gently lick it in a nonchalant manner. Aemelia breathed out a dark, pulsating, vein-like shadow, which travelled through the air intermittently, like it was struggling to move through the cellar’s cramped atmosphere. It emitted a low drone as it stuttered towards the cat by Copia's feet, unaware that his eyes were wide with annoyance and concern. The demon’s strange mist form seeped into the cat with ease, and once its whole shadowy mass was gone, the strange emerald sheet of light disappeared, leaving the place in its previous thick blanket of darkness. Then the cat closed its eyes and rolled onto its back, like it expected Copia to give it tummy rubs as some kind of reward.

“What the...?” he murmured, trailing off as he worriedly raised his head to face Aemelia when she coughed and spluttered back into consciousness, loose strands of burgundy hair sticking to her clammy face. Black trails of eyeliner had started to run down her forehead and she clenched her eyes closed, protesting the sting of her dry eyes. The sepulchre tablet slipped from his hands and the cat leapt out of the way before it sunk into the ground beside his feet, the floor audibly cracking around it. He tended to her immediately and scrambled himself onto the table so that he could cradle her head in his hands. He stroked her wincing, makeup-stained features and pressed his lips to her forehead.

“It’s ok, baby. I got you, you’re coming down now, ok?” he softly murmured, leaving a hand on her head to thread his fingers through her hair. His other hand reached up to the rope above to loosen it and while he carefully untied her, they could hear the strange cat’s happy whimpers as it playfully rolled over the floor like it was enjoying bathing in non-existent sun rays.

Copia tightly grasped hold of the back of Aemelia’s shoulders when the rope finally slackened, and she dropped down to the table below, her fall cushioned by his lap, which comfortably supported the backs of her shoulders. She closed her eyes like she was trying to settle her dizziness and he pressed another kiss to her forehead.

“You did very well, Cipolletta. Very well.” he murmured, wincing when he studied her exhausted features as her arms loosely draped by her sides. He gently reached towards her legs to loosen the last of the rope that was binding them together, and once they were free, they shifted to idly drape over the side of the table.

“You are ok? You are not hurt?” he whispered, nuzzling his wincing features into her messy plaited hair.

“I’m fine.” she croaked, swallowing thickly when his arms firmly embraced her again.

“You sure? I know I was a little harsh with the words back there.”

“I’m fine, honestly. Just... fuckin’ exhausted.” she insisted, lacking her usual stubborn energy. “Let’s just... get the fuck out of here.”

It was another ten minutes before pair of dishevelled investigators emerged from the cellar. Copia tightly trapped his stone tablet beneath his left arm-pit and Aemelia looked incredibly worse for wear, aside from her pristine crimson overcoat. When they wandered towards the living area to collect the last of their belongings, the family glared at them in astonishment. The parents clawed their hands around the arm-rests of their chairs and the children shut off their handheld consoles, presumably eager to know the outcome of the D.D.D’s exorcism.

“All done.” Copia simply said with a relieved sigh as he swiped up his black fedora to perch it at a jaunty angle on top of his head. Aemelia snatched up her pile of books and swiftly turned to head for the front door. She stumbled every couple of steps but she recovered with ease, leaving Copia to deal with the detached family. He spun around and stepped into the very centre of the room, wearing a proud smile now that he held the attention of the small audience.

“Your apartment is now demon-free. We did most of the work, but your kitty chipped in to help so… we may arrive on your doorstep some other time if we require his assistance again.” he casually told them. “He has sent your demon… ehh… somewhere other than here. So it is very unlikely that your demon will return, but if it does…”

He trailed off and shoved a hand into the pockets of his jacket. And once he grasped hold of a shiny black business card, he turned and confidently stretched out his arm, offering it to the puzzled children that were gawping at him from one of the sofas.

“… buy one of our pornographic records. The music will soothe any other demons you might come across the future. And if there is a next time, remember to give us a call as soon as you can, ok?”

When one of the kids reluctantly took hold of his card, he turned and started to stroll towards the exit with a pleased smile, waving them goodbye as he went.

“You’ll be billed later this week. But of course, we’ll give you a little discount, thanks to your… pet. Take good care of your kitty, ok? And enjoy your demon-free house!”

13 : Copiously Voracious

bkbutton nextbutton

By the time dusk's dark clouds took over, the black sedan rumbled over the tarmac at a steady speed, headed back towards the Ministry. Copia's hands casually cupped the back of his head as he lounged back in his seat with a smug smile lingering over his lips. His fedora was perched over his lap and his mismatched eyes were fixed to the woman in the seat beside him.

He adored how dishevelled the two of them were. They were making a hasty, secretive return to the church looking the complete opposite of how they'd left, and the idea of possibly getting caught in such disarray caused a spark of nervous excitement to flicker within him. Aemelia was still drained of energy but she focused on driving as much as she could. Rome was now a pleasant, fading image in the rear-view mirror, and she caught a glimpse of her own reflection when she shifted her eyes away. Thankfully the hollow, shadowy presence of the entity had vanished from her eye sockets, but the smudged streaks of black makeup that stained the clammy skin of her cheeks and forehead gave away that she’d been through a recent ordeal.

“Fuckin' hell... I look a right state.” she muttered, which conjured a quiet chuckle out of Copia. “You could've at least told me that my liner's run.”

“Yeeeah… I didn't mention it because I knew you would want to clean your face as soon as you saw it. And I don't want you to do that. I like a little dirt on you.” he confessed, lowering a hand from his head to reach over and settle his leathery palm over her closest quivering thigh. “Shit… you are trembling, Cipolletta. You sure you don't need a break?”

“I'm pulling in at the next food place we come across. I'm starving.” she emptily told him, tensing her shoulders like his actions unsettled her.

“Of course, of course... whatever you like. But you let me get the food for you, ok?” he softly said, the fingertips he had on her leg subtly starting to knead into the black fabric that covered them, which caused her to sharply turn her head and stubbornly narrow her eyes.

“You say that like you can afford it.”

“Ah, c'maaan, baby. My accounts might be a little worse for wear, but I can afford a meal for each of us, ah?” he reassured in an optimistic tone with a small smile.

“I’ll need to order a whole fuckin' menu.” she grumbled, turning her head away to scold the faint glow of rural civilization on the horizon.


“That demon really took it out of me. I need to replenish my energy somehow, and I don't think one dish will cut it this time.” she reasoned with a worried wince.

“I see, eh… we will find somewhere soon, ok? Just take it easy.”

“I'm trying to but... your fuckin' hand - ”

His kneading fingertips immediately stilled over her leg and he winced apologetically when he swiftly took his hand away from her.

“Sorry, baby. It feels like second nature to me now. Sorry about this.” he murmured, gazing at her openly when she briefly turned her head to acknowledge his apologetic features.

“It's fine. It’s just a bit distracting when I’m driving.”

“Eh, you don't have to explain anything to me. All that matters is... you don't like me doing it, ok?” he insisted, shifting his eyes to face the wind-shield after she nodded in reply. “Looks like there’s a food place coming up anyways, so you won’t have to wait much longer.”

“Thank fuck for that.”

It took the car less than a minute to approach the fast food restaurant. It was a glaring, neon beacon among the thick, cloudy canvas of magenta sky and billowing black clouds, and once the car rolled to a gentle stop in a parking bay that was adjacent to the double-doors of the restaurant’s entrance, its rumbling presence caused the heads of many customers – who were busily munching away on their fried chicken and crumbling burgers – to turn and peer through the pristine glass walls that overlooked the quiet parking lot. Their curiosity grew when the two dishevelled investigators hastily exited the vehicle in a confident, departmental manner, and once the entrance doors eventually burst open, the pleasant chatter dried up to a wary, expectant silence.

The couple’s unusual, formal attire – along with their messy state of dress – seemed to intrigue and unnerve most of the clientele, but Miss Vial was oblivious for once due to how hungry she was. She bolted forwards, headed towards the central queue space in front of the busy serving counter, but Copia paused and clutched hold of the back of her crimson overcoat. He gently tugged her backwards and she huffed out in annoyance but obliged him by spinning around to face him with an irritated scowl.

“I’ll take care of this, ok? You go find a comfy seat, I’ll bring everything over.” he muttered, unable to refrain from wearing an amused smile.

“Alright.” she reluctantly accepted, pulling the material of her overcoat away from his gloved hands. “But don’t go overboard with the desserts like last time.”

“Relaaax, baby. I got this.” he sincerely said, though his lingering smile really didn’t reassure her when he carefully stepped around her to head for the crowd that was loitering by the main counter. She shrugged and trailed towards the restaurant’s seating area. Most of the stools were occupied so she wandered towards the vacant rows of booths instead. Unfortunately, most of the upholstery was covered in crumbs or deep tears and she rolled her eyes, opting for one that was closest to the front of the establishment so that she could peer through the windows to keep an eye on her beloved black sedan.

By the time Copia reached the chattering congregation that obstructed his path to the ordering counter, his strides awkwardly slowed when he realised they were literally a congregation. The gathering of nuns were speaking his native language so fast that he struggled to understand what any of them were saying and from the looks of their matching grey skirt suits and headdresses, they must have been on their way home from a religious road trip to Rome. He patiently waited at the back of the group and swiped off his fedora to politely clutch it to his chest, and naturally, his white suit and complementary rat paint soon attracted the attention of a few of the gossiping women. When he happened to catch a few of their gazes, his lips subtly curled into a small smile and he bowed his head, a couple of unruly strands of his unkempt, chestnut hair tumbling down to clutch at his forehead.

After a little while, the knowledge of his existence seemed to pass through the group of the righteous sisters, for they started to shuffle aside to allow him to pass. Copia lowered his head in thanks and persisted to hold his hat to his front as he confidently strolled to the counter, and once he arrived there, he suddenly realised that he had no idea how much the entire menu would cost…

Aemelia slouched against the cracked upholstery and fought to keep her eyes open, unaware that most of the restaurant’s gazes were flicking between her and Copia. She felt drained and drowsy now that she was sitting down again but she managed to keep her eyes cracked open, admiring the shine of her sedan’s paintwork now that the street lights were bouncing off of its immaculate glossy surface. She faintly smiled and shuffled slightly to peer over the back of her seat. Her charcoal eyes easily found Copia among the cluster of concerned-looking nuns. He had his back to the tills like he’d already ordered and coolly slouched against the counter. She narrowed her eyes in contemplation when she realised he was gesturing in a passionate manner, which usually manifested whenever he was talking. She was shocked that the godly sisters actually seemed to be listening to him… but then she knew there was always something captivating about him whenever he spoke to a crowd, so it wasn’t too surprising.

Though the nuns wore wary winces and repelled scowls, he continued to converse with them for a while, until he inevitably reached into his jacket pockets for a generous helping of shiny black business cards. Aemelia rolled her eyes when he extended his arm in front of him and offered them to the women in one persuasive, sweeping movement, but of course… they shook their heads and turned their backs on him, too unnerved by his mismatched eyes and his soft, playful tone of voice.

Aemelia’s eyes fell shut before she could witness his reaction, and she was grateful that she missed it, because she knew she would have probably felt second-hand embarrassment if she’d stayed awake any longer. She lightly groaned when her head hit the back of her seat and her arms idly draped by her sides. The chatter of the nuns returned and she was thankful that it filled the lurking silence. Her breaths were consistent as she took the opportunity of Copia’s absence to snooze in solitude, and she slept soundly for fifteen minutes.

On the approach to twenty minutes, the close scent of food caused her nostrils to flare and she reluctantly opened her eyes with a frown of protest. Copia set down two large trays of food – which filled the table completely – and she studied him in confusion like she was surprised that he’d managed to carry said trays without dropping them.

“There is more on the way.” he said, smoothly sliding onto the seat opposite her with a proud smile. “This is only about… eh, a quarter of their menu. So I’ll go grab the rest once it’s ready, ok?”

Aemelia idly nodded and forced herself to sit up straight, her hands eagerly darting forwards to snatch up the closest food, which happened to be a chicken burger that was wrapped in smooth grease-proof paper. Copia raised a brow when she eventually unwrapped it to desperately shove its contents into her mouth like she hadn’t eaten for weeks, and calmly flipped the lid of his box meal to check that all his piping hot nuggets were accounted for.

“You know… it was kinda funny. The ladies over there seemed to know exactly who I am.” he casually began, pincering a wad of fries between his leather-clad fingers. “But they really weren’t interested in my business cards... ah well. I'll off-load the rest of them eventually, heh. Guess they weren’t up for switching seats today.”

“They’re nuns.” she tiredly replied after swallowing her first lot of burger down. “They won’t be easily persuaded by you like your Siblings of Sin. And let’s be honest, you're not exactly subtle.”

“Hm? What you mean?” he asked in a small voice, slowly chewing through his first couple of crispy fries.

“I don't think they know who you are. They just don’t like the look of that cross... or your face paint.” she explained, nodding her head towards the shimmering Grucifix that was proudly displayed on the breast of his white tailcoat.

“Oh riiiiight… that. Eh... you're probably right, yeah. Or they might recognise me from my previous work, you know?” he went on, casually throwing a fry into his mouth every so often while she persisted to chomp her way through her chicken burger as fast as she could to move onto her next meal. “A couple of them seemed kinda... familiar. I guess they could've worked for the Ministry’s church-run cable network, back in the glory-hole days of SpawnoStation. Ahh, it would not surprise me if those ladies turned to God after the shit they used to deal with on that channel, heh heh heh…”

“SpawnoStation? What the fuck are you on about?” she grumbled through munches, her exhausted, charcoal eyes searing into him.

“Ah yes, of course. You will not be familiar with this.” he proudly said with a smug smile that caused her intrigue to become brazen suspicion. “The channel mostly aired to a local audience through the mid-nineties and early two-thousands. But we used to get many callers who used to tune in from the states too, you know?”

“Right. So you used to work for a wanking channel, got it.” she emptily replied, scrunching up her empty burger wrapper to toss it aside and grab the nearest unopened box meal. “Did you run everything? Or were you just the guy that had to mop the sticky floors during the ad-breaks?”

“Heh heh… noo, nooo… the Ghouls were very good at keeping everything clean.” he chuckled out with a crumpled smile when he watched her raise an amused eyebrow as she lifted a hot breaded chicken fillet into her mouth. “But sure, I helped run things there for a couple years, I just… didn’t really call the shots. It was a joint enterprise, Papa II and his younger brother had full control of the show, and they needed help when they were busy with their pope things, so I used to work weekends to earn a little more spending money. Weekends, eh... they were the busiest times for the channel. I used to read out all the messages to our... models, heh. Now I think back, it was kind of a decent earner. A shame we couldn't put that shit back on air nowadays... the rights to the channel died with my brothers. Kinda shitty.”

“Kind of a relief, more like.” she muttered in a teasing tone as she took another bite out of her food. “You were always doing the jobs nobody wanted to do, weren't you?”

“Ehhh... yeah, I was. For a long ass time. But I knew every bit of effort was worth it. Even if I was suffering, I could safely say it was worth it because I really wanted this fucking job. I knew I could out-do all the Papas that came before me.” he confidently confessed, swiping up another couple of fries from his box meal. “For the longest time, I wanted power more than anything else. Then... you came along and – shit. Sorry, I don’t mean to get all sentimental, but… you have replaced that hunger for power, Aemelia. I guess I strive to hold a little more than a papal title or a huuuge unholy sceptre nowadays, heh heh.”

“Mm.” she responded as she swallowed her food down. “You mean like that old hunk of stone you lug around in the back of my car?”

“Ehh… no. No, I was meaning your generous ass-cheeks, but I can tell you are still curious about that tablet, no?” he teased with a playful wink as he took a confident, swiping bite out of the tops of his fries.

“I am. And I should be more curious about the fact a cat solved everything for us today. But I’m not.” she murmured in a distant tone.

“Ah, it’s not so surprising if you think about it a little more. After all, the Ancient Egyptians believed that kitties were gateways to the afterlife or some shit, right?” he reasoned with a thoughtful shrug.

“Mm. S'pose you’ve got a point there, yeah.” she agreed as she scooped up another chicken strip. “But back to this… stone tablet of yours. How come I can’t shift it? Are you the only one that can use it?”

“No no… you are fully able to use the sepulchre tablet, Cipolletta. But whenever you wanna use it, you will have to come find me, ah? It cannot move without my... magic touch, heh heh.”

“Fuck's sake.”

14 : Papa’s Papoose

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The preparations for the upcoming Halloween celebrations started a week early for Aemelia... at half-nine at night to be exact. She'd slung her diffuser tank over her dishevelled shirt, tie and waistcoat – after topping it up with incense – and secured the leather straps around her shoulders before she confidently left her attic room to traipse the dark, empty hallways of the Ministry. She wouldn’t normally carry out such a task during the night, but considering the bustling corridors during the day, it was the only time she could walk around without any interference. She angled the tank’s hose up to the ceiling as she walked, the gentle flow of mist puffing out into the shadowy atmosphere behind her. She hadn't thought of cleansing the place last year, but after Nihil's recent passing – and the overwhelming number of disgruntled complaints the D.D.D were receiving about noisy poltergeists from perturbed Siblings – she thought it was a good idea to calm the Ministry's spirits before the big day.

She didn't mind navigating the church’s ominous gloom now that she'd come to know the layout so well, and simply enjoyed the peace and quiet when she eventually crossed into the modern complex. She revelled in the empty marble-clad halls, and took her time wandering, her charcoal eyes glinting with curiosity as they trailed towards the moon-lit stain-glass windows that intermittently appeared over the cloister's stone walls every so often. The ethereal, silvery rays brought life to each vivid pane of glass and she paused in her tracks when she arrived at one particular window, which depicted a goat-headed man proudly facing the spectator, his toned arms reaching out to two shrouded followers, who were kneeling by his feet in subservience, in awe of his presence. She'd never taken the time to notice its beauty before, and now she was closely staring at it, she was fascinated by its intricate details and eye-catching colours.

She loitered there a moment, incense drizzling down from a large cloud that shot out from the tank’s nozzle, its white, dust-like particles gracefully shimmering as they descended into the blackness. She realised she’d taken the Ministry’s charm for granted ever since she’d returned that year, and it saddened her slightly, considering it had become a steady, faithful home to her. She took a step closer and her eyebrows met in a faint wince when the pallid canvas of her face was painted with the vivid, kaleidoscopic reflection of the stain-glass window... and before she could study the elaborate piece any further, the distinct scuff of approaching footsteps caused her to snap her head to the darkness in front of her.

The vacant shadows unsettled her but she tore away from the window immediately, fearlessly striding towards the source of the shuffling footsteps. She wasn’t expecting anything untoward – she’d often come across brothers or sisters that were sneaking into other dormitories during the evening – but double-checking was innate to her, she couldn’t rule out the possibility of an intruder or otherworldly threat. Her charcoal eyes hardened and she gritted her teeth when the footsteps grew closer, her strides slowing due to her caution. She persisted to hold the tank’s hose over her shoulder despite her concern, her irises frantically searching the shadows ahead of her.

A puzzled scowl etched across her brow when she advanced towards the sounds, and she tilted her head with curiosity when hasty, muffled crunches overlapped the scuff of shoes. When she neared the source of the noises, she heard it emit a heavy, exhausted sigh and she instinctively dropped hold of the tank’s hose to reach for the flash-light holster on the side of her ridged belt. She drew it out and flicked it on like the torch’s stark beam was a weapon, and when the white light flooded into a face that was coated in black and white paint, her mouth parted in realisation.

Copia draped an arm across his face to shield his eyes from the blinding light, his strides coming to an abrupt stop in front of her. Other than the fact he was strolling around the corridors late at night, his presence was unusual due to his lack of papal robes. He adorned a pair of his slim black suit pants and a dishevelled button-up shirt that matched, its slack clerical collar revealing an extra snippet of his neck’s loose skin. His appearance didn’t make a lot of sense to her and she reluctantly lowered the flash-light to trail the beam down his person... and sure enough, she found the explanation for his state of dress.

Hanging from his shoulders was a pastel pink baby carrier, and when she rested the beam on the top hem of the accessory, she swore she could see the tiny spikes of an opal mohawk sticking out from the carrier’s insides. The crunching sound suddenly made an awful lot of sense to her but she still gawped at the sight of the garish baby sling. The anti-pope slowly lowered his sleeved arm from his face to glare at her in confusion, and his gloved hands clutched around the rotund bulge of the pink carrier when an offended pout graced his painted features.

“What the fuck is that?!” Aemelia sternly questioned, her voice bouncing between the marble-clad walls behind them, her charcoal eyes glued to the accessory he had strapped to his front. Copia was reluctant to answer her and he frantically kept his eyes moving to ensure they avoided her intense, accusing stare.

“Ahhm... it's... a papoose.” he eventually managed to reply in a soft, whispery voice, swallowing nervously when another lot of crunches came from the recesses of the carrier.

“A what?!” she cried, taking one step closer to narrow her eyes and closely study him with suspicion. She wrinkled her nose in slight repulsion now that the strong scent of cheese powder was evident and the quiet munching sounds caused her to open her mouth with understanding, her eyes widening in horror.

“Is that really - ?”

“Nekid? I'm afraid so, yes.” he confirmed, his black lips curling into a small proud smile.

“Ehhhhhekekekek!” the mischievous familiar’s croaky cackle came now that he’d received his introduction from his summoner. It was then followed by a series of greedy, gratified grunts as he grabbed fistfuls of tortilla chips from a pile of snacks that filled the contents of the papoose beneath him.

“Christ alive, he fuckin’ reeks, Copia. I can smell the cheese from here.” she complained with a wince and a light cough, switching off her torch to slip it into its holster when she took a smooth step back from him.

“Whaaaa – cheeeeese?! You sure that’s not formaldehyde, Meees Vial?! He iiiis a senile ratto, after all! He’s knows he’s an old fuck, he’s bathing in preservative already... he’s prepared for dropping dead any second! Ehhhhheeeehekekekekek!” Nekid’s squeaky voice piped up, which was followed by a series of crass, satisfied crunches.

“I meant you, but... nevermind.” she darkly muttered beneath her breath, her eyes squinting to protest the potent, lingering scent of cheese dust. She raised her hand to the middle of her face and firmly clutched her palm around her nose to prevent herself from breathing in any more of the sour stench.

“What, eh... what you doing out here so late? If... I’m allowed to know, of course.” Copia quietly inquired, his mismatched eyes distinct amongst the shadows now that he was gazing at her with affectionate hope.

“Noise complaint.” she simply stated, her voice nasal due to the hand that covered her nose. She raised her free arm up to gesture a thumb towards the diffuser tank that was strapped to her back and Copia beamed a knowing smile and nodded his head in understanding.

“Ahhhh, I seee...” he said, taking a hand away from the papoose to shake a wise leather-clad finger at her. “... the spirits will be very grateful for you doing this... and hopefully, the effects will last the week so they’ll still be baked as shit for Halloween. Don’t want them meddling with the party, you know? Heh heh.”

He continued to chuckle impishly and she dropped her hand from her nose, deciding that she would tolerate the stink of cheese instead. She wore a subtle grimace and sighed heavily, her maroon plaits swishing when she cocked her head like she was still trying to make sense of the scene in front of her.

“So... any particular reason you’re wandering about tonight? You look shady as fuck, especially with that pink monstrosity you’re lugging around.” she emptily commented, which seemed to cut his amusement short. “And speaking of monsters... why are you suddenly carting Nekid around in one of these? Has something happened? Should I be worried?”

“Nooo, nooo, everything’s cool, baby. Nekid couldn’t sleep and I couldn’t either, so we thought a little walk would help.” he flippantly explained, the smugness of his smile causing her suspicion to linger. “After our date a while back, you kinda got me thinking... and it only really started to dawn on me during our recent call-outs, that I have so much shit others will never have. And it made me realize, I need to embrace what I've been given in this world, so... this is what I've decided to do here. After all, Nekid is my son.”

The mohawked familiar took one last loud bite of his tortilla chip and inhaled so sharply due to Copia’s comment that he sucked up the rest of the snack. He choked and wheezed, his round mismatched eyes stinging due to the threat of tears. Copia clicked his tongue and winced warmly, a gloved hand lightly patting the flat back of the carrier like he was attempting to burp the tiny imp.

“Ehhh, there, there, little guy. Take it easy. You gotta slow down your eating, ok? Papa doesn't want you choking like this again.” he gently comforted, persisting to lightly tap the fabric of the papoose, which eventually caused the demon to cough out the last mulch-like remains of the offending tortilla chip, which slid into the dubious shadows of the carrier’s contents.

“Gak! You are no Papa of mine, ratto!” the imp spluttered, his forked tongue snaking out to lick the remainder of chip dust from his face... which was futile, considering it was spread across the width of his oval head.

“No wonder he stinks, he spits out more than he chews.” Aemelia grumbled, her nose wrinkling when Copia’s eyes cautiously met her intensely unimpressed stare.

“Ahhh, it's fiiiiine. I’ll wipe his little face off once we’re back at my place. You’ll be a clean boy, won’t you, my tiny, evil, leg-humping Anti-Christ?” he playfully cooed, wearing a crumpled smile when he reached a leather-clad hand into the carrier to gently tickle Nekid’s chin with his fingertips.

Gaaaak! Fuck youuuuueh!” the familiar rasped with disgust, shifting his head away from his summoner’s gentle fingers with a snarling grimace.

“Ehhh, c’mon now, little man... cool it, ok? Less of the loud curses. People are sleeping down this hall, you know?” he softly reminded, unaware that Aemelia was watching their exchange with a wide-eyed expression.

“Suck my ass, rrrrratto! I will curse all I fucking want! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Ass! Titty fart! Cum bucket! Baldy McBallsack!” Nekid spitefully rambled, hopping up and down on his tiny feet to defiantly fling his small, spindly, orange-stained arms into the air. Copia lowered his head to silently scold his familiar with his eyes, but he ended up squeezing his eyes shut after being consistently slapped in the chin. Considering the size of Nekid’s hands, he wasn’t doing an awful lot of damage, and regardless of Copia’s actions, the imp’s jabbering continued.

“He needs a bath, Copia.” Aemelia remarked with indifference, her voice effortlessly cutting through the familiar’s strained rant.

“What you mean? He' s fiiiine. Look at him... he’s happy as sin, heh heh. I’ll wipe his mushy with a baby wipe later, then he's all good.” Copia reassured with a faint smile when he opened his eyes and regarded her, ignoring the echoing slaps of Nekid’s tiny hands, which persisted to strike his chiselled chin.

“His arms are fuckin’ orange.” she emptily argued, scowling at the sight of the imp’s flailing arms... despite her frown, stopping the consistent chin-slaps didn’t seem to be on her mind at all. “Bathe him tonight or he’ll smell like arse by tomorrow morning.”

“Ok, ok...” the anti-pope sighed out, squeezing his eyes shut again when Nekid paused to swing one of his arms back further to strike the right side of his chin with a fierce smack. “But... how am I supposed to do this? Do I fill a dish with warm water? Or a sink? I think a regular sized bath would overwhelm him, you know?”

She huffed out in dismay when Nekid tittered and continued to pepper Copia’s chin with rhythmic slaps, knowing that the anti-pope was secretly hinting that he wanted some assistance.

“Alright, you’ve got no idea what you’re doing so... I s’pose I’d better help you out.” she reluctantly stated, the defeat in her eyes plain to him. “I'll need a little while to get things ready so... have another potter around, then drop by my attic in about ten minutes. And... fuck it, bring your rats along too. Don't want to waste the bath water... or the take out.”

Nekid ceased his actions immediately, spinning around to crane his oval head over the hem of the papoose, his mismatched eyes shining with wonder, “Oooooooh! There’s t-t-takeout?! Mmmmmhh!”

“You don’t have to do all of this, Aemelia.” Copia softly murmured, his mismatched eyes glistening with gratitude. “This is my burden to take care of, I don’t want to weigh you down with all my shit. I know you’ve got other things to sort out tonight and I don’t want to - ”

“Do you want my help or not?” she snapped.

“Alright, alright! I’ll be at your place in ten. But I may be a little later than that, got a lot of little furs to gather, you know... other than this little shi – ehhh, bundle of joy, of course.”

“Fakk you, porn-stache fuck!” Nekid yelled, wiggling himself around to face his summoner, his arms reaching up to use Copia’s chin as a punching-bag again.

“He’s over-caffeinated, if you ask me.” Aemelia confessed.

“Ehhhh... maybe a little. He’s been munching for most of today, you know?” he casually replied, closing his eyes calmly like Nekid’s face-slapping wasn’t bothering him one bit.

“You’ve been with him all day?” she questioned, unable to hide the shock in her voice.

“Of course, Aemelia. The papoose only arrived this morning, and he wants to make the most of it while it’s exciting and new. Figured it was a solid idea. He can sit in there with his snacks and his console, and if he wants me... he only needs to look up, so we can have plenty of little chats when I work. I thought it would be good for him to spend some quality time with his old man, heh heh.”

The slaps paused so that Nekid could pretend to vomit and it caused an amused – and ever so slightly impressed – smirk to tug at Aemelia’s grey lips.

“How generous of you.” she responded in a deadpan tone.

Copia returned her smirk, brazenly smug that his paternal behaviour already appeared to be paying off.

By the time Copia arrived outside Aemelia’s attic, it was at least twenty minutes since they’d bumped into one another. Strips of golden light flooded from the gap beneath the attic door, and he loitered there a moment, one of his gloved hands poising over the thick wooden surface. The hushed tone of Aemelia’s voice caused him to abandon his knock and his arm dropped to drape by his side. He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, pressing his right ear to the wood of the door instead, hoping that he could decipher her muffled words, but the wood was too thick so he clicked his tongue and backed away, cautiously reaching a hand towards the door handle. Opening a door was quite a struggle with a pink papoose strapped to his front – especially now it was crammed with a bedraggled selection of his beloved rodents, as well as the unhealthy snacks and the chomping presence of his familiar – but after stooping down, he managed to carefully prise the door open, his leather-clad fingers tightly clutching at its edges to ensure it didn’t open too much.

He ensured it was subtly cracked open, and he tilted his head again, directing his ears towards the gap he’d made. Now that he was trying his utmost to listen carefully, the nibbling noises from his familiar – and presumably the rats too – suddenly seemed far louder to him and he gritted his teeth, an irritated frown appearing over his brow when he squeezed his eyes shut in slight frustration.

“Eh! Keep it down!” he scolded in a strained whisper, unaware that Nekid was too content gnawing on a congealed ball of sour strawberry laces to take notice of the complaint. “I can’t hear shit with you eating so loud!”

“Ifs seh ruttos too, you ol fachhk!” the imp managed to retort through his loud, lip-smacking chomps, his voice choked and muffled.

“Yeah, yeah, I know... but they can’t help their nibbles, Nekid. You can. So try eat quieter, ok? I’m trying to listen here.” Copia quietly explained, trying to focus on Miss Vial’s voice as much as he could when there was a loud, over-dramatic gulp that came from the recesses of his papoose.

“Ooooh! Spying on Meeees Vial... what a sneaky, senile ratto! Eheheheheheh!” the familiar excitedly whispered, ensuring that he kept his gravelly chortles to a minimum. Copia huffed but his frustration vanished when Nekid eventually stopped cackling and returned to munching... which was thankfully a lot quieter this time. He could finally hear Aemelia’s voice clearly enough to tune into her conversation, the occasional thump and floorboard-creak giving away that she was probably pacing about her room while she talked.

“Fuck no, I left on my terms. They’ve got no reason to try and contact me… yeah, honest. I resigned ‘cause I prefer freelancing to that corporate crap. You get a better feeling of achievement when you solve the spontaneous shit that shows up, and it beats making the problems. No… no, I’m still freelancing now… technically.”

Her words caused Copia to grit his teeth again and his curiosity peaked, the door-hinge quietly creaking when the tip of a polished winkle-picker gently kicked the door further open. His head peeped around the edge of the door-frame, his mismatched eyes glinting with the sharp shine of envy when they settled on her. She was slowly wandering around the circle of floor that was in the very centre of the attic space. Due to the platform being slightly lower than the rest of the floorboards, he couldn’t see her that well from his place by the door, but he could distinctly see that she was holding her cell phone up to her right ear.

“Jesus, that’s old news, Sylvester. No, really... I’m not any more. We’ve not been a thing for years. Yeah, exactly. They're long gone believe me.” she continued, halting in the dead centre of the curved platform like she was intently listening to the caller. There was a fairly long pause and Copia swallowed thickly, his heart starting to beat to an anxious rhythm.

“Fuck’s sake… alright... I s’pose I’d better update you on that, seeing as you’ve brought it up.” she sighed out, her head lowering to the floorboards to hide the small smile that had started to clutch at the sides of her grey lips. “No, it’s alright, really. I know what you’re like. You’re not the gossiping type, so I don’t why I’m suddenly nervous about telling you. It’s not like you’ll shout it from the fuckin’ rooftops…”

She let out another heavy sigh and then a breathy laugh, swiftly turning on her heels to start pacing around the circle again, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

“There is someone new on the scene. But… it’s confidential, so I can’t tell you any more than that, I’m afraid.” she confessed, her smile audible in her voice. Copia’s gloves creaked when his fingers gripped the edge of the door tighter, his breaths huffing out of him as he cautiously leaned forwards to try and get a better look at her without toppling over.

“Oi! Fuck off, definitely not. If it was someone in HR, you’d already know about it. Yeah, exactly. It's no one you know... then again, you might, I don’t know.” she murmured, her left hand instinctively reaching up to her chest so that she could thread the ends of her maroon plaits between her fingers. “I feel fuckin’ pathetic telling you about this so... let's say they’re called C for the sake of conversation.”

Copia winced and he pushed the door open further, taking a confident step inside when she unleashed an amused snort like whoever she was talking to had made a brash comment.

“Naa, they’re not like that, honest. I met them a while ago. At first, I thought they were a bit… awkward… shady, even. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever met anyone so arrogant either - ”

Copia’s mouth wavered into a crumpled smile and he carefully pushed the door behind him, so captivated by the sight of her, that he hadn’t noticed the nimble flash of blue that had managed to slip through the diminishing gap in the door before it softly closed.

“Yeah, I know I sound like I’m nattering about them, but... I do like them. I’m just saying that they’re the opposite of perfect. And I s’pose that’s what I’ve subconsciously been waiting for… for a while. I know I’m nowhere near perfect, so why should I look for that in someone else? Besides, they were the one pushing for us to be a thing, not me. And I s’pose that makes a nice change.”

Confidence surged through Copia’s form and he cautiously strode further into the attic, oblivious to the loud return of Nekid’s munches. A pleasant wave of warmth flooded through him and he couldn’t stop a silly smile from spreading across his painted features when he continued to stare at the alchemist, who had her back to him. She was still completely unaware of his quiet presence.

“Oi, fuck off!” she suddenly scoffed out in mock offense, but it was clear to Copia that she must have been wearing an amused smile. “I know I can be stubborn but that’s just fuckin’ rude, Sylvester. Anyway, I better go. They’ll be along any minute so… no, we’re not doing that. We’re bathing their familiar… who’s also a right handful. Call me back tomorrow, alright?”

She hung up before Sylvester could reply and made a point of turning her phone off before she slid it into the depths of her waistcoat. She let out a loud, relieved sigh and her smile faded but faintly lingered over her mouth when she spun around, deciding that she would continue tidying the place before Copia’s inevitable arrival.

But she hadn’t anticipated the glaring sight of the pastel pink papoose and distinctive rat paint. She stopped in her tracks and her charcoal eyes widened, her content smile becoming a mortified gawp. Copia simply responded with a wise, earnest smile despite the fact he was ecstatic after everything he’d heard. He didn’t want her to know he’d been eavesdropping, nor did he want to embarrass her with the topic of her feelings for him. He was quietly confident that there’d be plenty of time for them talk about that in the future.

“Fuckin’ hell, when did you get here?! You could’ve knocked, Copia... you didn’t have to shit me up.” she said through a couple of panicked breaths, her shoulders relaxing when her eyes settled on the top of the baby carrier... which was noticeably more packed than before.

“Ahh, well... you know me, Aemelia. I don’t like to interrupt you when you’re busy.” he softly replied, his subtle smile causing her to wince slightly as he casually strolled towards the right side of the room where her bed was situated. She immediately followed him and tried to compose herself as much as she could by focusing on their task instead.

“Have you brought the rest of your offspring along?” she questioned, cautiously slowing down before she stopped close to him. He gently slid the carrier’s straps from his arms with a relieved grunt and set it down over the centre of her mattress.

“Heh heh... of course, of course! They’re here with Nekid. It would be impossible bring all of them. So I just grabbed a handful from my place.” he explained with a proud smile, his gloved hands clutching his hips while he took a moment to peer around at their surroundings now that he was free of the hefty papoose. “You, eh... got everything we need?”

His mismatched eyes trailed over a scattered pile of record sleeves that were strewn around her record player, then once he detected the distinctive presence of cardboard take-out boxes perching over the writing desk in the centre of the room, he let out a breathy chuckle. The couple of boxes were open and had a few slices missing... at least there was still some leftovers for his rodent friends. He continued studying the rest of the space, and once he settled his gaze on the left side of the room, he noticed a familiar-looking metal vat. It was shallow and long rather than the deep tube-like ones he’d seen before, and considering the neat stack of folded towels beside it, the vat must have been serving as a bathtub for the night.

“Yeah, everything’s ready to go. The water’s still piping hot so might be best to give it another couple of minutes to cool.” Aemelia’s calm response eventually came, which caused him to glance at her over his left shoulder.

“Cool, I’m fine with waiting. You mind if my rats have a little leg-stretch?” he asked.

“Go ahead. They're welcome to the leftovers too... and so are you.”

Adoration gleamed in his eyes and he held her stare when he reached his arms in front of him, latching his gloved hands around the hems of the pink papoose to slacken the fabric. When it subtly loosened, he gently scooped up the first rat he happened to see and carefully dropped the silvery creature over the bedcovers. He continued his actions until five of them were lifted from the carrier to roam free, their feet lightly scratching the floorboards when they hopped from the bed to scurry about the place... though it was clear that most of them were already making their way to the open boxes of pizza.

“We’ll have fun catching them later.” Aemelia darkly muttered, raising an amused brow when she saw one clamber up one of the legs of her writing desk.

“Ahhh, it’ll be fine. They are very good, they obey me every time, so it’ll be fine, baby. Nekid is where my concerns lie.” he admitted, subtly grimacing when he took his gloved hands from the much emptier contents of the carrier. He peered down at the black sheets that covered the mattress like he was ensuring that all of his pets had managed to scramble away from the bed, and when he looked to the left of the mattress, he noticed that Aemelia had discarded her long, crimson overcoat over the covers, and beside it, a notepad had been left open by the mountain of various pillows at the headboard. He frowned with interest and hunched forwards to lightly grasp the edge of the page that was displayed... it was a heavily smudged pencil sketch, and from the distinctive, forceful etches, he sensed that Aemelia hadn’t drawn it.

”What, eh... what is this?” he questioned, his eyes taking in every little detail of the sketch. “You drew this?”

“Oh, no. No, I didn’t. One of the twins drew it a while back. Fairly sure they did it during a staff meeting... back when I wasn't banned or promoted. I thought it was pretty good. I like the scratchy style, I was just toying with the idea of putting up somewhere.” she explained, stepping closer to his right side to peer in front of him and acknowledge the sketch he was referring to.

“Riiight... ehhh... I don’t know about that, Aemelia. I think being around those kiddies so much is starting to go to your head.” he teased, gently snaking his right arm around her lower back.

“Fuck off. The kid has talent. Whichever one it was. And you're one to talk about things going to my head.” she snapped, hastily gesturing her pallid hand towards the pink papoose in front of them, which was now lopsided due to Nekid’s oval head popping out of the top.

“Hey! I do whatever is best for the little guy. He deserves no less than the best.” he slyly commented, which caused her to roll her eyes.

“Of course you do. Which is why we’re giving him a bath. Speaking of... grab hold of him and I’ll check the water’s cooled enough. I’ve mixed in a potion that’s both animal – and demon – friendly, don’t want them having a nasty reaction.” she remarked, already eagerly strolling away from him to attend the shallow vat, which was still subtly steaming away from its place beside her bathtub.

Copia swallowed back his retort and reached inside the papoose again, clenching his teeth together when his palms firmly clasped around the warm familiar’s rotund waist. He was glad that he was wearing gloves because he could hear the sticky smack as he pulled the pale grey imp from the dubious recesses, which conjured a choked cackle from the creature, his spindly legs excitedly thrashing side to side. His summoner grimaced when he was finally lifted from the papoose and he grinned broadly, his needle-like teeth stained with orange cheese powder, his thin lips coated in sticky pink syrup.

“Yeeesh... you kidding me?!” Copia complained, shaking his head in disapproval when he noticed that the trail of tortilla chip remnants and sugary splotches of melted candy covered most of Nekid's upper body. “I swear he wasn’t this filthy before... does he look messier to you?”

Aemelia was in the middle of swiping up a ceramic bowl from the empty contents of her bathtub but she peered over her shoulder when she heard the thumps of Copia’s footsteps as he hurriedly approached her with glaring eyes. He held Nekid out in front of him, his arms stretched out as far as they would go to ensure that none of the mess brushed off on him. His seven-inch familiar chortled and gently kicked his legs back and forth, enjoying the feel of the cool air around his slender feet. She blindly continued her actions and lifted the bath’s tap to fill the bowl with fresh cold water, her charcoal eyes squinting speculatively when Copia halted in front of her, poising his tittering spawn right in front of her face so that she could have a closer look.

“The stink’s not as bad. But that’s probably because the sugar’s sealed it all in.” she commented in a deadpan tone while he persisted to dangle Nekid before her eyes. “Its cool enough to put him in now, so there’s no need to hold him like that. Just bung him in the water.”

“Ehh... shit, Aemelia! I... I have no clue how to do this.” he reluctantly confessed over Nekid’s muffled growls of protest, swiftly shifting the little imp away from her which only caused disgruntled raspberries to emerge instead... apparently the demon wasn’t fond of Copia man-handling him. “How do I... what am I supposed to do?!”

“You’ve bathed your rats before, right? Just think of him as one of them.” she reassured, turning off the tap before she carefully stooped down to settle the filled bowl of water over the floorboards beside the shallow, steaming vat.

“No... no, this isn’t possible.” he insisted in a grave tone, wearing a repulsed grimace when he met her unimpressed stare, his familiar starting to thrash in a more assertive manner. “I’ve been trying to take care of him all day today. And he's made everything fucking impossible. The talking, the giggling, the gnawing... hell, even the button-mashing I can deal with. But... the toots, Aemelia... the toots! It is like someone cut an onion right under my fucking eyes, you know?!”

“Is this your way of asking for help... without really asking?” she questioned, her lips faintly curving into a knowing smirk.

“Noooo, noooo!” he chuckled out apprehensively... but his amusement swiftly stopped when he acknowledged her scolding irises. “Shiiiit... ok, ok! Yes. Yes, I would like you to help me with this. Very much.”

She huffed out but confidently rolled her sleeves up to her elbows, and then simply cupped her palms beneath Nekid’s armpits. Her irises softened when she continued to return Copia’s stare and he gently let go of the imp’s sticky waist, allowing his familiar to be suspended from her firm hands. Nekid’s protests quietened immediately and his mouth parted in amazement, a string of saliva trickling out from the side of it. His round, mismatched eyes were large and shiny due to his fascination, but Miss Vial ignored his reaction and assuredly sunk down to the floorboards. Once she was certain that she was comfortably sat in her preferred crossed-leg position beside the shallow bath, she lowered Nekid into its warm contents like it was something she did on a regular basis.

He unleashed a shuddering wheeze of relief and closed his eyes when her callous hands tightly held him in place, and she rolled her eyes before she sharply glanced upwards, her expression expectant when she caught sight of Copia’s hesitant expression. He swallowed thickly and fought with the black sleeves of his shirt until they were tucked up to his elbows and then slowly lowered himself onto the floorboards beside her with a strained grunt. He sprawled out his legs beside him and leaned closer to her, reluctantly tugging off each of his leather gloves to discard them over the ground behind him. She continued to gaze at him patiently and he cleared his throat when he turned his head away from her to focus on his smiling familiar instead, who was closing his eyes and tipping his mohawked head into the warm water.

“Go on, wash him off. We don’t have all night.” Aemelia murmured.

Copia draped his arms into the shallow tub and he wrinkled his nose with repulsion now that his bare hands were sodden with the unassuming warm water. He held in a revolted groan when his palms finally made contact with Nekid’s soft, sturdy chest and he began to cup the water over the sticky stains that tainted the pale grey skin.

“See? You’re coping fine.” she softly said, cautiously taking a hand from an arm-pit to stroke back the imp’s damp, deflated white mohawk. “He’s no trouble at all ‘cause he’s thankful for it.”

“I guess so.” Copia grumbled beneath his breath, gritting his teeth when he started to rub the heel of a palm against Nekid’s skin to ensure the grime started to part with it. The familiar cooed and his forked tongue poked out from his mouth when Aemelia’s grip on his arm-pits finally vanished, leaving him to float in the water.

“Oohhhh yiiiiiiiiiis! Scratch my belly, ratto!” he passionately demanded, swiping his tiny fists through the water, which caused a couple of splashes over the surface. Copia lightly growled in annoyance and squeezed his eyes shut to ensure that the water didn’t flick into them. Aemelia huffed, frustrated with how hesitant his actions were and her hands returned to Nekid’s slender form. She swiftly cupped the water over his body from all sorts of different angles, and the anti-pope beside her continued with his nonchalant, unsure tummy rubs, his head tilting so that he could send her an inquisitive stare.

He was quickly distracted by her look of concentration, her firm eyes causing him to swallow down a gasp of captivation. His conflicting irises followed the curve of her neck-tie, and then her shirt’s collar until he could trace the soft line of her pale jaw. He was suddenly very tempted to take his arms from the shallow bathtub to cup his hands around her face and lean even closer... everything about her was impeccably maternal to him in that moment, and all he could do was silently admire her from his place by her side.

“Hey! Don’t let the chick do all the work, ratto! You get those wrinkly hands back in here and pull your weight!” Nekid berated, his wide smile turning smug when Miss Vial’s thumb-pads rubbed at the orange cheese powder that was outlining his mouth. “Ohhhhh, Meeees Viiiial! It tiiiickles, eeeek! Eheheheh!”

Copia reluctantly tore his eyes away from her and focused on Nekid instead, firmly moving his hands to clean off the imp’s slender, spindly legs.

“Yiiiis! Yiiiiis! That’s more like it, ratto! You are slave to me now! Before, you were worthless, but now... serving me like this will make you priceless! Ehhhhekekek!”

“Yeah, yeeeah, whatever, little shit. I could snap your legs in two if I wanted.” Copia darkly muttered, immediately regretting voicing his thoughts when Aemelia halted her actions to firmly nudge his side with her elbow. She resumed her face-rubbing but persisted to scold him with her dark eyes and he bravely turned his face to stare at her, his mouth parting like he was contemplating excusing his behaviour.

“Yeeeesh! Your hands are waaaay weaker than Meees Vial’s! Put your back into it! Gak! You’re so pathetic, you really are becoming a senile pest, Vin - ”

Copia’s head snapped to face his familiar and he growled through gritted teeth, launching himself down towards the shallow bath of water to forcefully scoop Nekid up by his slender ankles. Aemelia abruptly leaned back due the anti-pope’s actions and the infuriated expression on his painted features, her sodden arms draping by her sides. He dangled his familiar upside down, ensuring that he held the demon high so that they could stare eye to eye. Nekid gulped and widened his eyes, spying the glimpse of infernal fury in the cold, mismatched eyes before him.

“Eh! Ehhhh! Shut your fucking mouth! Don’t you ever try saying that again, ok? That’s fucking uncalled for!” Copia yelled like he was thoroughly insulted, his ears glowing pink due to the spike of rage that coursed through him.

“But... but, ratto! It’s your - ”

“I know what it is.” he hurriedly butted in before the imp could say anything else. “So there is no need for you to say it, ok?!”

“Yeeeeesh, okaaayyyy, ratto.” Nekid quietly said, wincing when Copia slowly placed him back in the water, his butt hitting the bottom of the metal vat with an muffled slap. “I promise I won’t mention this again. But you gotta sort out your problem with it. You got a reeeeal temper for no reason! There’s no need to be so angy, rat - ”

“Don’t lie to me, Nekid.” Copia stated in a wise, quiet murmur. “You know I hate it. You can call me senile ratto all you want, but never call me this again, you got me?”

Nekid idly nodded.

From then on, Aemelia cautiously continued to assist with the familiar’s bath... only this time, it was in complete silence. Despite the icy atmosphere, Nekid ended up enjoying the remainder of his bath. After having a damp wash-cloth roughly dragged between his fingers and toes, and Aemelia’s fingertips gently scraping back his flaccid opal hair into a tasteful, sodden mullet, the two humans exchanged quiet glances and raised the demon from the water in unison, water dripping from the tips of his toes. He shimmied to shake off some of the water and tittered gratefully when Aemelia’s hands briefly disappeared, leaving Copia to awkwardly hold his damp, grinning familiar.

It was clear that the anti-pope was still angry with him, for he averted his eyes to the ground until Aemelia shuffled back in place and firmly wrapped a dry hand-towel around the imp’s form. Once he was sure she had hold of Nekid, he let go and she cradled the familiar in her arms, rubbing the fabric against his body, which caused him to giggle loudly. It didn’t take long to dry him. After a minute or so, her actions stopped and she unravelled the towel from him, stooping down to drop his unblemished form onto the floorboards beside her. He unleashed another titter when he stood on his long, slender feet and peered up at her with a toothy grin, fluttering his eyelids.

“Same time next week? Eheheh!” he exclaimed with a mischievous wink before he swiftly turned on his heels and bounded off in the direction of the writing desk, where most of Copia’s rats were congregating... he’d be lucky if there were any slices of pizza left in the take-out boxes by the time he scrambled up to the desk’s surface.

Copia sighed heavily and Aemelia winced, noticeably resisting the urge to look at him. Not wishing to draw out their task any further, she stood from the floorboards and wandered towards the centre of the room, cupping her hands like she was already preparing them to catch one of the nibbling rodents. Copia simply watched her lift up one of his pets with ease and she returned to his side with a scrawny brown rat perched over her right forearm. She wordlessly sat down on her crossed legs and gently lowered the creature into the water, softly supporting its belly to ensure it didn’t sink down too far.

Before she could open her mouth to ask for assistance, Copia’s fingertips stroked down the length of the rodent’s back and he started to tenderly rub its fur and the warm skin of its circular ears. Its eyes narrowed like it appreciated his actions and he wore a small smile, seemingly confident and calm now that he was doing something he had already done countless times.

“How's Sister Livia?” Aemelia suddenly asked, the hint of sadness in her voice plain to him. His actions slowed and he tilted his head to gaze at her in confusion.

“Ehhh... scusi? Sister who?”

“You know who I mean. The sister that teaches biology classes. She usually complains about Manon at every staff meeting.” she emptily responded, trying her best to disguise a disappointed sigh.

“Ohhhhh, riiiight. Her. Why? What's going on with her?” he questioned, his expression wary now that she was wearing a troubled wince.

“You didn't have dinner with her?”

His confusion became far more evident due to his eyes widening and he frantically shook his head, scowling like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“What the shit?! No! Noooo! Of course not!” he cried, gently stretching out one of the rat’s front legs to carefully rub the pink pad of its paw. “Where you got this idea from?”

“It’s alright if you did. I'm just asking, Copia. We're not exactly an official official thing. I'd just overheard something the other day and - ”

“Please close your ears to whatever bullshit is going around this fucking cesspit of a church, Aemelia.” he interrupted, his voice just as sincere as the expression in his eyes. He gazed at her openly and she sighed, shielding her eyes with one of her palms.

“Alright. Sorry for pissing you off. I just - ”

He swiftly drew a hand from the water and leaned forwards, tightly grasping hold of her wrist to stop her from hiding her face.

“I’m angry with whoever has said this, not you.” he affirmed, pulling her wrist down so that he could stare into her black eyes. “And I swear to you, I’m not looking elsewhere, Aemelia. You are still very much the... focus of my thoughts. I could never dismiss that and date some other... meaningless chick.”

“He would! Piece of senile shit! Heeeeehekekekek!” a distinct, croaky voice rasped from one of the open pizza boxes over the writing desk.

“Eh! Don’t ruin this for me, Nekid!” he yelled without taking his eyes from Aemelia, lowering his hand from her wrist to point towards the source of the chuckles with an accusing, extended index finger. “You’ve ruined enough of our things. Cut us a break already.”

He sighed when there was no reply and lowered his arm back to the shallow bath to lift his drenched rat from the water.

“You got a towel?”

Without taking her eyes away from him, she reached back to take a fresh hand-towel from the pile behind her and shrouded his hands in the soft material. He managed to shift it around until it was wrapped around the rodent, and cradled it over his left forearm, gently rubbing the fabric against its rotund body.

“The only times I’ve seen Sister Livia recently is... ” he began to quietly confess, trailing off to sigh heavily. “... alright, alright! I’ve been calling her to my office every few days. But it’s not like that... I don’t even like the bitch, I just.. got something big planned for her. I don’t want to ruin it but... she was one of the peoples I remember seeing that night you were taken to the catacombs. So I really need this plan to go right. You didn’t hear any of this from me, ok?”

She frowned but nodded and simply observed him dry off the brown rat, who still seemed to appreciate the attention, given its squinting eyes. There was a short, pleasant silence while she patiently watched him, both of them blissfully unaware that a glistening set of attentive, primal eyes had been watching their every move. They witnessed the couple with interest, and a muted hiss emerged once Copia cleared his throat and shuffled a little closer to Miss Vial, ensuring that their sides were brushing.

“You think... you could bathe me like this some day?” Copia cautiously questioned, one of his damp hands reaching out to softly caress the side of her face with the backs of his knuckles. She glared due to his request, but when she studied his sincere gaze, his knuckle strokes pleasantly calming her, she winced and softened her alarm.

“I don’t think you’d fit in that tub, Copia. And considering that you're a grown man, I think you take care of yourself perfectly fine... without my help.” she murmured, unable to tear her eyes away from him when he closed the space between their faces, thin chestnut strands resisting the disturbed slick of his hair to fall forwards and clutch at his temples.

“Ahhh, I can, but... I get the feeling you would be able to take care of me far better, Cipolletta.” he whispered, smirking with brazen confidence. “Mmmm, I would love to feel your hands all over me. I insist that you are firm with me, like you were with Nekid just now.”

She frowned and refrained from snorting in amusement when she realised his lips were already puckered like he was patiently awaiting the arrival of a kiss.

“This isn't happening. Ever. You're a grown-arse man for fuck’s sake. Bathe your fuckin’ self.”

15 : A Lapse of Judgement

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After a while, October's relentless department work started to take a toll. Most nights, Copia and Vial would rush off under the veil of darkness to attend some kind of emergency, and they'd eventually return to the Ministry in the small hours of the morning... sometimes they'd even witness the very top of the sun splitting over the horizon before they headed through the front entrance. And it just made them more inclined to dump themselves into their beds as swiftly as they could.

As a consequence, their nightly escapades soon began to seep into their work during the day. Aemelia had the better deal, considering she could mostly keep to herself in the apothecary without interacting with too many people. Whereas Copia had to suffer through his tedious papal duties that more often than not ended with him nodding off.

On one particular day in mid-October, it was no exception. He'd already embarrassed himself by turning up fifty minutes late to his sermon that morning, but he’d been relieved that he’d only had to fill the ten minutes before his audience departed to attend their daily duties. Though his rat paint was successful at covering up the tired bags beneath his eyes, he opted to wear a pair of smoky black aviators to ensure that nobody caught sight of his bloodshot eyes. But of course, his flock had jumped to conclusions as soon as they'd seen the thick sunglasses, and before he could do anything about it, whispers had travelled through the pews, and suddenly he was faced with the predicament of everyone believing he was hungover from partying too much. Despite their assumptions being completely incorrect, he found it cooler than his actual reason for feeling so exhausted... so he figured he'd let the rumours do the rounds. He supposed it kept the gossipers off the scent of his affectionate – and classified – relationship with Miss Vial.

His sunglasses shaded his eyes for the rest of the day, even when he retired to his office to host his private appointments. When he wasn’t busy scolding or reassuring his subordinates or in the presence of anyone other than his obedient Ghouls he managed to slouch into his ox-blood arm-chair to catch up on some well deserved sleep. He must’ve been utterly exhausted, because he managed to snooze away with the tight straps of his pink papoose – which were firmly fixed to the front of his robes – pulling down on his shoulders.

His pale grey familiar was present in the baby carrier and from the tinny sound of a handheld console’s speakers, the consistent flashes of its screen and the occasional crunches of popcorn, Nekid must have been watching a movie in his portable abode while his summoner slept. He was laid in a relaxed manner, perched on his right side as his tiny left hand tossed a couple of popcorn pieces into his mouth. He was surrounded by opened packets of snacks and other supplies, which filled the bottom of the papoose to ensure that he could sit on top of the pile and peep out over the edge of the carrier. He was never bored whenever he was in his ratto’s presence, so it hadn’t taken him long to get used to his new lifestyle of an accepted and cherished miniature Anti-Christ.

He cooed, sighed and booed between crunches, his large, round eyes fixed to the glaring screen in front of him, but he gasped in realisation when he heard the faintest little knock coming from the glass panel of the office door. He pushed the sole of a foot against one of the D-pad buttons of his console and once his movie paused, he shuffled upwards until his eyes could peer over the hem of the pink fabric. Copia continued to snore away behind him and he narrowed his eyes in protest, trying his best to study the office door in the dim light.

Another knock manifested and Nekid’s eyes widened. He could now see the dark silhouette of someone slight in the frosted glass and he wriggled around to face his summoner, little hands clawing at the pastel pink material that separated them.

“Ratto!” he yelled, hands thumping against the front of Copia’s robe-covered chest. “Get your ugly ass up! You got visitooooors!”

Copia groaned as the small imp continued to pummel his chest and he reluctantly sat up from his slouch, idly reaching up a gloved hand to push his sunglasses back up his nose to ensure the lenses covered his eyes. He cleared his throat and shuffled into a more professional position over his seat, and the door swung open, which caused Nekid to wiggle back into his previous position and resume his film and popcorn munching like he’d never said anything.

Marco Silvus – the young, ash-haired boy that had only been at the Ministry a handful of weeks – timidly shuffled into the centre of the room, nervously trailing his light brown eyes around his surroundings like he wasn’t sure where he was supposed to look. Upon noticing the strange boy’s presence, Copia sat up even straighter and snatched hold of a plastic container that was loitering over the left side of his desk, which he ended up tossing to the darkness that was lurking by his feet. He hadn’t wanted Marco to discover that he’d already scoffed his baked treats in the space of ten minutes, so he thought there was little harm in hiding the evidence.

The boy’s blue snake was perched over his shoulders like it always was, but it was far more active and curious than usual. Its head kept changing direction so that its flicking tongue could taste the room’s dim atmosphere. Copia sighed due to its presence, adjusting the shades on his face to ensure they were tight to his painted features, before he gestured a gloved hand to the pair of arm-chairs that were located by the opposite side of his bureau.

“Take a seat, Marco.” he softly said, which caused the boy to turn his head and face his superior. His brown eyes glared with apprehension but he bowed his head courteously and obliged the anti-pope, calmly occupying the seat to the right of the desk. He’d never been summoned to Papa’s office before, and it was clear from his silence and lowered head that he was too nervous to look the man in the eyes. The turquoise scales of his amicable snake companion shimmered as it cautiously stretched down his left arm to coil around his warm sleeve, and he closed his eyes like its actions gave him some comfort.

“You know why you’re here?” Copia lightly asked, frowning in slight annoyance when Nekid shifted the angle of his console slightly, its obnoxious screen glaring in the reflection of his black aviators. Marco raised his head slightly and opened his eyes, subtly surprised when his gaze rested on the sunglasses that obscured Papa’s mismatched eyes. He parted his mouth like he was about to verbally respond, but he settled with shaking his head instead, his snake resting its jaw over the back of his hand like it was getting comfortable now that he was sitting down.

“I’ve had a loooot of complaints about your friend recently.” Copia went on, briefly gesturing a leather-clad finger towards the blue snake that was curling around the boy’s forearm. “I’m cool with you having it, but I gotta at least talk to you. Just so it looks like I’m concerned about it, you know?”

Marco nodded but wore a puzzled frown, his head lowering again so that he could acknowledge the docile snake that was settling around his left arm.

“Before we go on to that, I, eh... I want to ask you about a conversation you had with Miss Vial a couple days ago.” he continued, narrowing his eyes with interest when the boy and the snake seemed to still in unison like his question had unsettled them for some reason. “You assumed Miss Vial was meeting me that same night. When I spoke with her last niiiithis morning – she seemed very annoyed and disappointed that you would think this. And she asked me to bring this up with you so... you got any reason for thinking this? Or just a hunch?”

“A hunch. Mostly.” Marco reluctantly confessed, his soft voice causing Nekid’s popcorn crunching to abruptly cease so that he could poke his mohawked head out of the pink papoose and tip it back to stare at his oblivious summoner.

Gakkkk! Rattooooo! I'm hungy!” Nekid whined, blinking his wide, hopeful eyes, and a small grin sprawled across his oval head when he started to admire his reflection in the black lenses of Copia’s aviators.

“You got plenty of snacks in there.” the anti-pope murmured, peering down at his familiar without moving his head. “You telling me you’ve eaten them all already?”

“Yiiiiiiis. I only have icky kernals left.” Nekid complained with a proud titter, which caused Copia to exhale deeply. He parted his mouth to reply to the greedy imp, but a sharp, breathy laugh caused his gaze to return to the boy across from him.

Marco was peering down at his reptile with a crumpled smile and he continued to quietly chuckle, his brown eyes settled on his pet like its presence was amusing him. Copia could tell that it wasn’t just his interaction with his familiar that had conjured a laugh out of the boy, and when his mismatched eyes studied the head of the snake – which was resting over Marco’s knuckles – he realised that its bronze eyes were glinting with mischief and piercing right into him.

“I need more snacks, ratto!” Nekid’s shrill, irritated voice came again and he huffed but didn’t pay his familiar any attention.

“Just play on your game for a little bit, ok? Papa’s working now.” Copia quietly murmured, which caused Nekid to growl through his gritted teeth, but of course, he obliged his summoner’s wishes... for now.

Though Marco’s laughter had died down, he was still wearing an amused smile and Copia leaned forwards slightly, swiping up a slim stack of paperwork from his bureau, which also happened to contain a couple of unopened letters. He set down the pair of envelopes over the right side of the desk and flicked through the paperwork until he found an interesting-looking document, and he started to idly skim read its contents, waving an apologetic gloved hand towards the young boy.

“Sorry about this, Marco. I’m kinda tied down with work at the moment. Being Papa is very taxing... in a lot of ways, heh.”

The boy’s smile faded but he nodded in understanding, and Copia cleared his throat as he squinted through his tinted lenses to attempt to make out the words on the page in front of him. While he tried his best to make sense of the first couple of sentences, Marco’s head turned to explore his surroundings again and it wasn’t long before his brown eyes settled on the intriguing black resin mirror that was hanging from the rosewood panelling to his left. His gaze lingered on it for a while. He was captivated by its style, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away once he caught sight of his own reflection.

He inhaled sharply, for his snake was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a tall, spiky shadow loomed over him, leaking inky black liquid onto him as it leaned towards the arm-chair. The silhouette seemed to morph when it realised he'd noticed its presence and it stooped down, reaching out a couple of shadowy arms to clutch its bony fingers into his shoulders. His mouth fell open and a whine grated over a heavy exhale. Sweat beaded by his temples and his fingers curled into his palms, and his blue snake hissed loudly like it was its way of hushing him, or perhaps reassuring him.

Copia paused his reading due to the sound of the snake and lifted his head to glance at the reptile with fascination. Marco tore himself away from his reflection with audible gasps and glared at his superior with brazen guilt that caused the anti-pope to wear a wise, comforting smile.

“Your snake sounds a little annoyed. You sure it’s not getting too cold?” Copia asked, swiping up another sealed envelope without taking his eyes away from the strange, hissing reptile.

“She’s fine.” Marco hastily insisted, wincing when he noticed his reflection in Papa’s murky sunglasses... it was a relief to see that his blue snake was visible.

“You sure? She sounds a little unsettled. What if she starts to rear her head and - ”

“She would never do that, Papa!” he cried, his shoulders tensing like the anti-pope's words had deeply upset him. “She is calm. She would never harm a soul. H-Here. I will prove it to you.”

The boy clenched his teeth together but carefully slipped his hands beneath the snake’s belly, and then hoisted her up from his shoulders, his eyes shimmering with concern.

“Whoooa! Whooa there! You sure you’re ok with this, Marco? You don’t even know if I can hold snekies properly.” the anti-pope exclaimed. Copia's mouth parted in astonishment when the boy stood from his seat to gently lift his companion over the bureau and gently drape her sleek, blue body around his superior’s shoulders. Then he reluctantly slumped back in his arm-chair, eyeing his snake with concern.

Copia peered down at the snake’s impossibly blue scales and ran his gloved hands over its back, his mismatched eyes narrowing with interest when he inspected its head intently. She was a vibrant, curious snake, that seemed even more curious now that she was exploring the embroidered material of his luxurious papal robe. He admired the grazing sound of his attire as she nonchalantly travelled across his shoulders to start clambering down his right arm, content simply observing her as Nekid peeped out from his papoose with wide, wary eyes.

Marco trembled violently, like the lack of his snake’s presence made him anxious but he quickly turned his head to face the enchanted mirror to his left, where he peered at his own reflection again, fearing he would see the strange, ominous shadow that had towered over him... but it was nowhere to be seen now. And unlike before, he looked completely lifeless. His body was limp and slumped back in the seat, the orifices of his face were sewn up with thin strips of twine, and the crumbling skin of his cheeks was as grey as his hair... he was nothing but a decaying corpse.

“Huh, how unusual. Snakes are not usually so energetic when I hold them. I am very cold, you know?” Copia muttered, smiling with amazement due to how pleasantly placid the venomous creature was.

“M-May I have her back now, y-your Dark Excellency? I-I do not wish to part with her for long.” Marco wheezed, stiffly standing from his arm-chair in a panicked manner.

“Ah... of course, of course!” Copia exclaimed, leaning forwards so that the boy could carefully lift the snake from his shoulders. “She is very beautiful. I apologise for speaking so shitty about her before. If she is under your care at all times, I trust you will ensure no harm befalls anyone or... her.”

“Of course not, your Dark Excellency!” the boy promised, sighing out with relief when he sat down and returned his pet to its rightful place over his shoulders.

“Good, good...” the anti-pope thoughtfully murmured, pinching at the tabs of his sealed envelope to swiftly tear it open. “... you walk around with her all you want, and if anyone bitches or complains, you tell them that you have my full blessing to do so, ok?”

“Y-Yes, Papa.”

Copia slipped out a folded document from the envelope to confidently open it up, and he had to refrain from gasping in astonishment. He was grateful that his eyes were covered by his sunglasses, because they had grown to the size of saucers and he couldn’t hide the brazen worry on his face. He’d requested for a few documents to be released that would be relevant to his church’s dwindling wealth, and it seemed that another piece of evidence had arrived. The single piece of paper was a bold declaration that appeared to display a receipt of monthly support for two-hundred-and-fifty-seven children.

A sharp wheeze huffed out of Copia and he abruptly scrunched up the document, his other gloved hand clutching at the fabric of the rotund papoose that was still snugly strapped to his front like he was trying to steady himself.

“Child support?!” he gasped out in a strained whisper of disbelief.

Marco glared at the man in confusion and his snake stopped hissing like it was suddenly listening. It tilted its head intently and rested its jaw over the boy’s right shoulder. Naturally, it didn’t take long for Copia to remember that he wasn’t alone and he clicked his tongue, tossing the scrunched receipt into the air behind his chair in a flippant manner.

“Don’t worry, they’re not my kiddies, Marco. I’m not so careless.” he quickly recovered, frowning when he realised that the boy probably had no idea what he was talking about. “They are... the late Papa II’s swimmers, apparently. And our church is dishing out serious dough... for all of them. Heh heh.”

Copia’s awkward amusement quickly faded and was replaced with blatant apprehension, but thankfully, before he could display his concern and puzzle the boy with his words any further, his office door burst open and their heads turned towards the blatant intrusion. A sister – who had presumably ran all the way there, given her puffing and panting – confidently strode into the centre of the room and pressed her palms together apologetically as she stooped into a respectful curtsey.

“Please forgive my intrusion, your Dark Excellency!” she announced through thick, unrelenting breaths. “But a delivery has arrived on our doorstep. And they’re saying that they require your signature. I would be honoured to deliver it to them without you having to leave your important appointment, of course.”

“Wha – ehhh... a delivery?” Copia softly questioned, tilting his head like her explanation didn’t quite sit right with him. “For me?!”

“Yes, Papa! I believe it is... furniture? Flat pack furniture.” she added.

“Shiiiiiiiit.” he gasped out in realisation, sinking into his seat like he was desperate to hide himself from the expectant gazes of his subordinates. He’d been so busy catching up on his work – and of course, sleep – that he'd failed to recall that he’d drunkenly – and mistakenly – ordered a bulk of discounted items from an online retailer a few moons ago. He was a sucker for flash sales when he was tipsy, and now that the goods had belatedly arrived two months later, he had to face the excruciating errors of his judgement.

“How... much furniture is there, sister? You think you'd need some Ghouls to help you carry it all inside?” he asked in a small, distant voice, like he was trapped inside his own mortifying epiphany.

“Uhhhm... I cannot say for certain. But there were at least four trucks in the parking lot when I last looked.”

“My lawyer’s going to fucking kill me.”

16 : Wise Friends

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The black sedan and its patient Ministry overseer awaited Copia's presence in the parking lot. She’d been waiting for him for the last half an hour, which was rather unusual, given that they were supposed to be attending an emergency call-out. Nevertheless, Aemelia waited, relaxing into the driver's seat now that warm air flooded from the dashboard heater. She twisted the volume dial of her cassette player until Ozzy Osbourne was at a more appropriately distracting level, and when she lowered her arm to sit back and gaze through the wind-shield, a wise smirk manifested across her lips.

Although he was completely covered by the sleek fabric of his cape, she spotted Copia a mile away. He dashed down the entrance stairs to bolt through the bustling parking lot, his hands desperately clutching his precious black cape to ensure it covered his head. Luckily, his suit pants and shoes matched the shade of his cape so he didn’t attract the attention of those around him… but his desperate attempt at being stealthy seemed wasted, considering that it was predominantly Ghouls that were loitering over the tarmac. Aemelia bit into her bottom lip to stop a laugh from seeping out of her as she watched him clumsily dodge between the large number of Ghouls – who were various shapes and sizes – and a line of hefty delivery trucks that blocked most of the parking bays at the foot of the entrance stairs.

Aemelia’s amusement only increased when he elbowed his way out of the huddle of his smartly dressed subordinates – ensuring that he avoided those that were escorting assembled pieces of furniture – and hurried towards her glossy black car, desperate to rid himself of his thick cape so that he could breathe easier. It only took him a few more strides to arrive by the sedan’s passenger door, and Aemelia immediately turned on the engine, sensing that he desired a quick getaway to make sure that no one noticed that he was setting off with her. He threw open the door and launched himself inside, hastily slamming it closed after himself once he landed over his usual seat. He grunted beneath the cape’s fabric when he shuffled himself into a more comfortable position, then waved a casual leather glove at her like he was assuring her that she could set off even though he hadn’t belted up yet. She simply shrugged and turned down the music to a quieter level before she obliged him.

The engine let out a satisfying rumble as it rolled out of its parking bay, and she kept the vehicle at a steady speed while it trickled towards the junction at the end of the church’s driveway. When the sedan swiftly swerved onto the main road, Copia finally slung off his heavy cape with a relieved sigh and tossed it over his shoulder so that it perched over the backseats. He hurriedly dragged his seat-belt in place and relaxed in his seat when it fastened with a reassuring click. He then reached up to smooth back his messy chestnut hair with his gloved hands and cautiously glanced towards the woman beside him, who was focused on the road in front of them but wearing a small smile.

He cleared his throat and reluctantly averted his gaze to the tips of his polished winkle-pickers, his gloved hands lowering so that he could pat down the front of his black tailcoat like he was attempting to feel for something without delving into his pockets. And after a few seconds, he nodded and exhaled deeply like he was relieved by whatever he’d felt, then slouched in his seat, peering through the passenger window to allow the scenery to distract him from whatever was plaguing his mind.

“Have you been splashing out again?” Aemelia’s soft voice piped up, which caused him to tense over his seat, his wide mismatched eyes brazen in her peripheral vision when he abruptly twisted around to glare at her.

“Hm?! What?!” he exclaimed in a peaked tone that caused her to briefly turn her head so that she could assess his shifty expression with her obsidian eyes.

“The four trucks that were back there weren’t invisible, Copia.” she darkly went on, lifting an amused brow when he unleashed a defeated gasp and threw up his hands like he suddenly couldn’t stop the words that were leaving his mouth.

“Ah shush! Alright, alright! I figured I wouldn’t be able keep this from you…” he paused to let out another heavy sigh and he lowered his head so that he didn’t have to stare into her intense irises. “I... accidentally threw my money at a flash sale a couple months back. I swear this was before I knew about the whole... debt thing. I was just feeling a little too optimistic, I guess. Wine tends to do that to me, heh.”

“What kind of stuff did you order? Must be some serious shit if four trucks were needed.” she casually commented, turning her head to gaze at the roofs of vehicles that lurked over the horizon.

“Yeaaaah… ahhhhm… four trucks today. They’ve been... coming and going for the past couple days.” he nervously corrected. “It’s furniture. Mostly. You, eh… want anything? Any lampshades? Cushions? Futons? O-Or cutlery? I got shiiiiit tons of cutlery.”

Aemelia’s frown replaced her amusement and she sharply turned her head to scold him with her eyes, but it was clear that she was only irritated by the presence of his apprehension.

“There’s more to this than you drunkenly ordering shitty flatpack furniture, isn’t there?” she questioned, which forced him to raise his head to stare at her openly. His painted features scrunched into a pained wince but he slowly nodded in response and she huffed.

“Out with it then.” she snapped, her attention returning to the road so that he wasn’t dismayed by her dark, ruthless eyes. He knew that her patience was already wearing thin due to how long he’d left her waiting for him in the parking lot, and he inhaled sharply, his leather gloves creaking loudly as his fingers tightly clutched at his thighs.

“I, eh… I found some information. Some… evidence, you might call it. I’ve been sat on it for a couple days and… I don’t know what to make of it. So much mula is being sucked away but… I can’t really stop it. And I don’t really want to, not when kiddies are involved, you know?”

“Kids? What do you mean?” she coldly questioned, her icy tone causing him to swallow thickly.

“Ehhh…two-hundred-and-fifty-seven kiddies to be exact.”

Her pallid hands audibly tightened around the steering wheel due to his words and the sedan’s tires shrieked when she abruptly braked to stop herself from slamming a foot down on the accelerator. Horns blared behind them but she recovered by unleashing a heavy sigh and allowed the car to steadily roll back into motion. Copia glared at her and persisted to claw his hands into his thighs as he patiently waited for her to verbally respond to him, but she never did. She just persisted to drill her eyes into the tarmac ahead of them with a troubled wince and tensed fingers.

“They aren’t… mine, Aemelia.” he calmly added, the softness of his voice giving away that he was being completely serious. “But I guess… they are technically my nieces and nephews so… I’m still kinda responsible for them, you know?”

“Which brother was it?” she sternly asked, her concern turning into a thoughtful frown.

“Ehh… considering that most of the payments go to many, maaany different women in Vegas - ” 

“The second one then.” she emptily interrupted. “Why am I not surprised? What do you plan on doing about it? These families still need to be supported. You’re not just going to take that funding away from them, are you?”

“Yeeeea- ”

Her eyes widened to drill into him more intensely.

“Noooo, nooo… of course not. I just… I need a little help with my finances, ok? You think you could… take a look?”

“Alright.” she sighed with a defeated wince. “We’ll have a look once we get back. But right now, we’ve got a serious call to see to. So it’ll have to wait until we’ve finished, alright?”

“Okie dokie.” Copia agreed in a small voice, nodding his head frantically like he was still unbelievably anxious about his underlying financial predicament.

As requested by the client, the D.D.D arrived at the caller’s location a short-while after ten in the morning. Despite the bumpy dirt track that trailed most of the way there, the black sedan raced over the uneven surface, its back tires kicking up tunnels of murky dust as it went. Copia had his arms stretched out so that he could lean forwards and grasp the dashboard to ensure that he remained sitting upright, whereas Miss Vial casually slouched in her seat as she squinted through the wind-shield. Driving off-road didn't seem to bother Aemelia or the sedan one bit, but Copia grit his teeth together and closed his eyes like the bumpy track frustrated him. Eventually, when he reluctantly unclosed his eyes, the track appeared to smooth out and he sighed with relief, allowing himself to slump back into his seat.

Spindly, leafless trees wound around each other as they slanted inwards by each side of the road. Their gnarled presence formed a convenient arch that was so thick it could have fooled anyone that drove beneath it that they were suddenly travelling through the obscurity of night.

“We're almost there.” Aemelia quietly muttered, which caused Copia to glance at her with curious eyes.

“What, eh... what is the complaint this time?” he questioned, glaring his eyes like he suddenly realised that he should have asked her that long before he'd hopped into the car with her.

“Sounded like they were describing a standard haunting. Problem is there's a butt-load of apparitions fighting for attention so it's causing this lady some serious distress. But it should be a simple capture job. Nothing too complicated for us.” she calmly explained, her charcoal eyes briefly checking the reflection in her rear-view mirror.

“Cooool, cooool. You sure you got enough jars back there?” he teased, unable to refrain from smirking when his eyes softened to study her tidy black tie and matching waistcoat.

“Yeah, 'course. I'm not you.” she quipped, the corners of her lips curling into a smile though she didn't acknowledge him, she was too focused on resting her gaze on the dirt track ahead of them. “I like to be prepared for anything.”

“Mmmm... so do I.” he purred, subtly leaning his left side towards her until he could rest an idle, gloved hand over her shoulder. “This is why we work so well together, no? We have the same... outlook when it comes to our work. And I like that very much.”

When he started to gently knead her left shoulder, she frowned but wore a crumpled smile as she turned her head to face him. His painted features were far much closer to her than she expected and it only caused her amusement to increase. She knew that he must have been dying to close the proximity between them ever since he'd entered the vehicle, for the flicker of relief in his mismatched eyes was obvious to her.

“We do work well together, yeah.” she murmured before she slowly turned her head away from him to face the wind-shield again. “So long as we don’t get distracted.”

Copia chuckled impishly and continued to gently knead her shoulder as he admired her from his place in the passenger seat. He was so captivated by her that he was unaware that they were finally nearing their destination, which had slowly risen into view out of a tangled collection of trees that conveniently surrounded its grounds. For a mansion, it was a modest size. Its white walls were chipped and covered in a thick sheet of grime and overgrown ivy, its frosted windows were blocked by ripples of dust and cobwebs, and its grand front door and window sills were painted with a peeling coat of burgundy. The ample house reminded Aemelia of all the different kinds of horror movies she’d seen over the years, so she didn’t have to stretch her imagination to envision swarms of attention-seeking spirits filling its cluttered halls or unsettling attic rooms.

As Miss Vial persisted to study the generous hideaway, it didn’t take Copia too long to trail his eyes to the source of her attention. The sight of the house caused him to sigh with disappointment, like he’d wanted their journey to last a little longer, and he gently lowered his hand from her shoulder to lean back in his seat. He frowned at the modest mansion with interest, trailing his mismatched eyes over its third story, which had windows that were obscured by thick sheets of foil and off-cuts of thick wood. The withering trees hung over its pointed roof like expectant, bony hands and the warm shades of their shredded leaves covered the ground below, littering a small creek and garden path that paved the way to the mansion’s lonely porch.

Copia was forced to tear his wide eyes away from the building due to Aemelia confidently adding a little more pressure to the accelerator, and he glared at her in confusion, his gloved hands tightly clawing around the black material that covered his thighs. Her actions caused them to arrive at a gravelled square of land much faster than he’d anticipated and the tires screeched when she sharply swung the car into a drift. Thankfully, the sedan stopped short of hitting a wall that was formed out of various stacks of thin stone, which neatly sectioned off the oblong driveway from the wild, muddled mess that was the mansion’s front garden.

When she cranked the handbrake and switched off the engine, Copia’s form instantly relaxed and he clicked off his seat-belt, observing her with fascination when she did the same so that she could hurriedly snag her crimson overcoat from the back of her seat.

“I won’t bother bringing any equipment.” she muttered, sharply leaning forwards to shrug the coat on in a hasty fashion. “Can’t be sure what we’ll need yet. And I don’t fancy turning up on their doorstep with a fuck-load of empty jars. It’d be too hard to explain.”

Copia nodded and opened his mouth to reply to her but she’d already thrown open her door to step out of the vehicle. He sighed heavily when she dipped her down to peer through the door-frame at him with a small, expectant smile and he slowly opened the passenger door to smoothly exit the sedan. They carefully closed each of the doors in unison and once Aemelia had successfully locked it with the keys, they circled around the car until they met one another at the rear bumper. When she returned the car keys to their rightful pocket, he cleared his throat and offered her his right forearm, and she responded by rolling her eyes but she allowed their arms to link.

The anti-pope wore a faint smirk as they swiftly proceeded to walk the length of winding garden path together, their sides brushing with every stride they took. Unlike Aemelia, who was staring up at the neglected house with sad curiosity, Copia’s mismatched eyes lowered to focus on the tips of their shoes once they neared the vacant porch. Although the way they walked together was undeniably intimate, he wanted to hide the affection in his eyes, for some reason he got the feeling that the house belonged to someone rather perceptive.

After a hasty walk, they arrived at the front door. It was incredibly worse for wear aside from its brass door knocker, which was polished to perfection and in the shape of crooked butterfly. Copia and Vial turned their heads to share a quizzical glance, and when they shrugged in unison, he sighed in defeat and faced the door again, reaching out his left arm to take hold of its immaculate knocker. He lifted it up and struck it against the door’s peeling surface a couple of times before his arm relaxed by his side. While they patiently waited for a response, he risked sending Miss Vial a glance and he was distracted by her neat burgundy plaits immediately. He didn’t understand why he felt unable to look away now that he’d rested his gaze on her, and unfortunately for him, the attention she was receiving certainly didn’t go unnoticed, for she sharply turned her head to narrow her eyes at him.

“Stop undressing me in that dirty mind of yours.” she emptily murmured, which caused his black lips to waver into a crumpled smile.

“Mmmmh? Nooo, nooo! I’m not – I mean… I would never do that while we’re out on a case, Aemelia. And definitely not when we’re here on a stranger’s doorstep.” he defended in an over-dramatic and completely unconvincing manner. “I-I was… I was just… admiring your hair, you know? And... thinking over a couple things.”

“Really? What things are these?” she asked, ensuring that she kept her voice soft and quiet.

“Ahhh… it’s nothing, really.” he casually replied, though she could plainly see the ghost of a smile on his lips and the distinct twinkle of mischief in his mismatched irises that caused her to suspect otherwise. “You really wanna know, don’t you?”

She remained silent and simply squinted her eyes even more like she was trying her best to scold him, but she couldn’t hide the playful curve of her lips.

“I was just thinking of altering the D.D.D’s name a little. This is all.” he slyly revealed, trailing his eyes away from her face to admire the way her coat hung by the sides of her chest. “Nothing too, eh… how you say? Too… extreme, you know?”

“Right. So you were thinking of changing things without discussing it with the head of the department, were you?” she teased, tilting her head to exaggerate her feigned annoyance. He chuckled impishly but frantically shook his head.

“Noooo! No no no no! I didn’t mean it like that, baby… I just figured that we deserve to be known as more than a couple letters. Triple Ds don’t do us justice nowadays. We should be the D.D.D plus… another D and a soft, round, extra generous pair of Double-Ds… heh.” he confidently explained without tearing his eyes away from her, his left hand gesturing down towards his crotch and her chest like his actions were supposed to help her understand his point somehow. Her amusement steeled over into unimpressed apathy and he allowed his arm to relax by his side before his gestures dug him deeper.

“If you think these are Double-Ds, you can’t have see that many b - ”

“Ah ah ah! Shhhhhh! I get why you said this but, eh… just… think it over, ok? The D.D.D.D.D.D. It has a real ring to it.” he passionately replied, his brows knitting together nervously when she shook her head at him.

“It really doesn’t.” she sharply snapped. “If you think I’m writing that down every time I have to fill in some paperwork… you can fuck off. And – oi! Why the fuck are we just stood out here like fuck-wits anyway? Knock again, will you? They can’t have heard it the first time. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve gone deaf listening to your verbal diarrhoea.”

He let out a little squeak like he was holding in a laugh and leaned forwards to confidently tap the knocker against the door again. He let out a heavy exhale when he completed his action, and leaned back into his previous position to stare at Aemelia expectantly. She reluctantly returned his amused stare for quite some time and he subtly started to sway side to side to distract himself from the fact they were still waiting.

“I don't think anyone’s home.” he murmured after a little while, leaning closer to her so that he could dip his head down and graze his nose against hers. She frowned like she hadn’t anticipated his affectionate actions and once she parted her mouth, his eyes closed and his head tilted so that he could press a kiss to her lips. But as soon as her eyes fluttered shut, his moustache tickling the sensitive skin of her upper lip, a small voice caused them both to inhale sharply and swiftly part ways.

“Don’t move a muscle! I’m almost there, pets!” a faint, rasping voice exclaimed from the other side of the front door. “I’ve got right slow these last few years. Wouldn’t be so bad if this damned hall wasn’t so long.”

Copia reluctantly let go of Aemelia’s arm whilst they shared confused glances, but they soon turned their heads to face the door once it started to open. To their surprise, the person that held it open was far shorter than they’d expected. Their eyes trailed down to settle on an old woman that couldn’t have been much taller than four foot. From her hunched posture, creased skin and grey hair – which was matted and the length of three-quarters of her body – she had likely passed eighty some time ago. She wore a faded black kaftan and had a thick patchwork shawl which was draped over her shoulders to keep her cosy, and she beamed a delighted grin when she lifted her head to gaze at the two blushing investigators that were patiently waiting on her doorstep.

“Ohhh! You’re here! It’s lovely to see you! And a relief you both made it here in one piece! I can't believe me eyes! Come in! Come in!” she eagerly insisted, leaving the door wide open as she turned around to frantically wave them inside.

Copia gestured towards the door but Aemelia refused his politeness by shaking her head. When she folded her arms in front of her chest, he knew there was no persuading her and he sighed deeply and stepped inside, his coat tails flowing behind him as he followed the old lady into her house. Aemelia cautiously tailed him and carefully closed the front door after herself, narrowing her eyes as she inspected the carved ceiling above their heads. Although the woman was excitable and welcoming, Aemelia couldn’t help feeling suspicious. She intently listened to the woman’s gentle Northumbrian accent while Copia had to soak up all the chatter and she centred her head to peer at the woman over his shoulder… a distinctly English accent had been the last thing she’d expected to hear in a rural Italian mansion.

“You didn’t have to dress up right fancy to see me, but I am honoured. Me late husband had a similar sort of flair as well. Loved his tailcoats and walking canes when he were alive.” the old lady babbled, occasionally slowing down to turn and send Copia a warm smile, which often caused him to awkwardly skid to a halt to ensure that he didn’t bump into her. “I'll get us some tea on now that I know you’re here. You like tea, don’t you?”

“Ehhhhhh…” he began in a peaked tone, sending Aemelia a cautious glance over his shoulder, but she was too busy studying the suspended light fittings above their heads to return his apprehensive stare. “… I’m more of a coffee kinda guy, heh.”

“Oh. Right. Well, I suppose I can do a pot of coffee as well.” the woman casually responded, swivelling around to shuffle herself into her parlour room. Copia slowly trailed after her and stopped dead when he peered around at his new surroundings.

The living space was broad and filled with sentimental clutter. The cream walls were faded and crumbling but littered with all kinds of picture frames of various ages. Cupboards and cabinets containing all kinds of kitsch memorabilia obscured the rest of the walls and a selection of blanket-covered sofas and arm-chairs were arranged to face a brick fireplace, which seemed to be the main feature of the room, given the fact its mantelpiece was generously painted with dashes of gold leaf.

“Come on in, don’t be shy!” the woman piped up, waddling towards an alcove in the left corner of the room that appeared to house everything needed to brew a hot drink. “Make yourselves at home. Don't want you getting cold, it's a right bitter wind this time of year. I can always stoke the fire if you’re feeling a bit nippy, just let me know.”

Aemelia gently pushed Copia’s back with a shoulder to encourage him to enter and he cleared his throat and nodded, hurriedly stepping further into the homely room.

“Y-Yes, yeees, of course, eh… Mrs…” he trailed off and narrowed his eyes in deep thought. He came to an awkward halt in the middle of the room when the woman briefly swivelled around from the alcove to send him another warm smile.

“Mrs Scarpello, pet.” she said, turning away from him to reach her stubby arms towards a set of shelves in front of her, which stored various jars of teas and coffees. “Don’t mind me standing here. You get yourselves sat down, it’ll take some time to brew.”

Copia and Aemelia glanced at one another in bewilderment, and they swiftly and silently came to the conclusion that they hadn’t been called out for a supernatural emergency at all. It was clear from the woman’s gentle demeanour and desolated, weathered house that she was yearning for some company, so they simply shrugged and decided to play along. They perched themselves over one of the couches that faced the quietly crackling fireplace. Its cushions were incredibly comfortable, and that was probably due to the fact it was covered in knitted blankets, which were formed out of all kinds of different shades of purple wool.

The clink of bone china came from the alcove as Mrs Scarpello continued to make their beverages, and from the glimpse of a smile on her face, it was clear that she was delighted to have something to keep her busy.

“What, eh... what problem you got here, Mrs Scarpello? You still have a problem, right? You called us about your… ghosties?” Copia eventually questioned, unable to put up with the silence any longer. There was an expectant pause that manifested in response, where the old woman waited for her kettle to start boiling and Copia shuffled a little closer to Aemelia, sliding a cautious arm around her lower back to ensure that she remained close to his side.

“Ghosts? What gho - oh yes! Of course! How could I forget? Me house has been creaking up a storm these past few days! Scared me half to death!” Mrs Scarpello exclaimed, carefully arranging the two lots of cups and saucers before she reached for a handful of teaspoons.

“Ah, I see. That is... very unfortunate.” Copia softly replied, briefly pausing to return Aemelia’s stare when she turned her head to openly display her wise amusement to him, which caused his mouth to waver into a smile. “We will – hehhhhh – we will have a good look around and see if we can help with this. Spirits can get very restless this time of year, so that’s why they like taking things out on buildings, you know?”

“Ohhhh. I know that more than anyone, pet. Believe me.” she chuckled out. “You like sugar in your coffee?”

“Ehhh… yeah, yeah. Three sugars.”

“Ooh, that’ll be nice and sweet.” she commented with a wide smile. “And what about you, pet? Any milk or sugar in your tea?”

Aemelia swiftly turned her head to face the old woman with a confused frown. Apparently she hadn’t realised that she was also receiving a drink, but she decided that she didn’t want to upset the woman by refusing the kind gesture, so she softened her expression and nodded.

“Yeah, sure. Just bung both in there.” Aemelia emptily said, which seemed to warm the old woman further, for she eagerly reached for her sugar pot with a pleased expression.

The couple waited for Mrs Scarpello to finish her actions before speaking again. It must have been ten minutes before she spun around to make her way towards the two of them, her hands shaking so erratically that the cups and saucers audibly rattled. Despite her wavering grasp, she never spilled a drop of hot liquid, and she acknowledged the two of them openly, wearing a proud smile as she handed each of them their respective drinks.

“How long have you lived here, Mrs Scarpello?” Aemelia asked, wincing with slight concern when the woman slowly shuffled around on the spot to waddle towards the next closest arm-chair, which was conveniently placed to the side of the flickering fireplace.

“Oh, must be… fifty, sixty years. Give or take.” she cheerfully croaked, huffing out heavy, exhausted breaths before she collapsed into the tartan upholstery. “Moved in on me and me husband’s honeymoon and never left since!”

She unleashed a hearty chuckle and the couple faintly smiled – though it was clear they were equally unsettled from the caution in their eyes – before they raised their cups and saucers to their mouths to take their first sip of their hot beverages. Aemelia narrowed her eyes and nodded, surprised that it was simply a normal cup of tea, and Copia hummed with satisfaction.

“You make a veeeery, veeery excellent coffee.” he complimented, dipping his head down to take a more confident slurp.

“I should hope so, pet. Me late husband always fussed over his coffees. Made that bloody many over the years I could probably call myself a proper barista.” the old woman chattered. “You two don’t seem that comfortable. I’m not chewing your ear off, am I?”

Copia lowered his cup from his lips and sent Aemelia a worried glance, like he was hoping she would return his stare to ease the awkwardness, but she simply gazed at the woman and shook her head.

“No, you’re fine. We’re not exactly uncomfortable. We’re just not used to people being so... accommodating or polite. People usually try their best to avoid us while we do our work, and that’s that.” she bluntly replied, her dark eyes shining with honesty when the old woman sighed deeply.

“Aye, that’s the modern world for you. They want things doing without having a word said to ‘em. It’s no wonder so many youngsters end up so distant these days.”

Copia and Aemelia quietly nodded in response before they sipped their drinks again, and Mrs Scarpello beamed a sad smile, her beady brown eyes squinting thoughtfully as she studied their smart suits with interest.

“That’s a lovely coat.” she stated, acknowledging Miss Vial’s presence more thoughtfully when the younger woman leaned forwards to place her cup and saucer onto a petite coffee table in front of her, which was cluttered with stacks of photo albums and discarded lists of scribbles. “Whoever gave you that must’ve really wanted to impress you.”

Copia choked on his coffee and Miss Vial calmly leaned back to turn and gently pat his back. She bit into her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing as he continued to cough and splutter.

“Oh, I do apologize, pet. I didn’t mean to make it so strong. Always gets powerful after a couple of sips I find. That’s why I stick to me good old tea.” Mrs Scarpello muttered, resting her hands over the bunched material that met by her stomach as she shook her head like she was disappointed with herself.

“No no no! It’s fine, Mrs Scarpello, really. It’s... it’s good coffee, hekh!” he wheezed out in a strained voice, gesturing a gloved hand towards her like he was attempting to dismiss his coughs. While he took another few sips to prove his words to the old woman, Aemelia decided that it was the opportune moment to scout around the house to see if there was any truth to the old lady’s complaint, and casually stood from the couch. Her actions caused Copia’s eyes to widen and he tucked his coffee cup into his chest, the saucer rattling fiercely when the old woman’s eyes settled on her pale face.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to have a look around this place. I’d hate to leave you with poltergeists hovering about. It shouldn’t take me long. Maybe half an hour at the most.” Aemelia explained, clutching at the lapels of her crimson overcoat in an assured manner. The old woman smiled and nodded, lifting one of her hands from her tummy to gesture towards the door.

“Of course. Look all you want, pet. I was only pulling your leg, but I appreciate your concern.” she mysteriously replied.

“I-I will go with you too!” Copia hurriedly cut in, already leaning away from the sofa to set down his coffee on the table.

“And leave Mrs Scarpello all on her own?” Miss Vial playfully scolded, which caused a little titter to rise out of the old woman. “That’s not very courteous of you, Papa.”

He gawped at Aemelia’s serious expression, shocked by the way she’d addressed him, and then glared his eyes when she stooped down to firmly prod his chest with a confident index finger, which forced him to slump back onto the sofa. He tightly clutched his coffee to his chest despite the fact his shoulders were splayed out, and his head tipped back to rest over the top of the blanket-clad sofa cushions. Mrs Scarpello continued to quietly giggle when Miss Vial eventually wandered off, regardless of Copia’s reaction, and when the alchemist finally exited the room to explore the rest of the deteriorated house, the old woman leaned forwards like she was suddenly intrigued by his presence now that he was all by himself.

“Papa? I assume you’re not the young lady’s father?” she abruptly asked, her brown eyes gleaming with earnest mischief. Her question caused him to relax his hands a little and he was relieved he hadn’t decided to drink any more coffee when she’d spoken, because he knew he would have spat it everywhere if he had.

“Noooo... no, I’m not. But I guess… I am a father to the masses.” he reluctantly replied, desperately trying to skirt around his occupation. “In a way… I have many, maaany children around the world. They look to me for support, guidance or reassurance when they need it most, you know? And I try my best to keep their spirits high too.”

There was a small pause like the woman was deeply considering his words and he grit his teeth together when he heard Aemelia’s distinctive voice split through the silence. It travelled from one of the neighbouring rooms on the same floor and he swallowed nervously.

“Two-hundred-and-fifty-seven children to be exact!” she bluntly called, which caused his mismatched eyes to widen with concern… but to his relief, the old woman didn’t smile or flinch so she clearly hadn’t noticed Miss Vial’s voice at all.

“So… you’re a preacher-type then?” Mrs Scarpello asked, wrinkling her nose like she was trying to comprehend why he was so stylish and smartly dressed if he was just an ordinary clergyman.

“Heh heh… suuuure, suuuure. Something like that.” he replied with a crumpled smile, raising the rim of his cup to his painted lips to take another sip of coffee. He could hear the thump of Miss Vial’s distant footsteps coming from the right side of the room and he exhaled deeply like it comforted him before he took another sip.

“I knew there was something different about you. It’s not often that you find a fella wandering around wearing face paint. I know Halloween’s only round the corner but… you’re not the average trick-or-treater, are you?” she chuckled out, beaming a smile when her eyes rested on his immaculately polished winkle-pickers.

“Weeeell… I don’t know about tha - ”

“You know… me husband had shoes just like that. He used to burn holes in them with walking around so much. He must’ve walked miles in this house in just the one day.” she aimlessly went on, which only left Copia to sip his coffee and silently nod in encouragement. He didn’t really wish to speak with the woman, he would have preferred to explore the rest of the house with Aemelia, but the old woman’s thirst for conversation and melancholic expression compelled him to simply sit and listen.

“Lazzaro were the name of me late husband. Spoiled me rotten until his final breath. We had a whirlwind of a life, and we were fortunate enough to purchase this place. Wasn’t a struggle for us either, what with his high-paid job and such.”

Copia continued to nod in encouragement but his mismatched eyes strayed to his surroundings like he was unsure where to look while the old woman persisted to stare at his shiny shoes in fascination.

“He served in both wars as well. Came home without a scratch on him at the end of each one. After that I always used to call him Lucky Lazzaro. He didn’t much like that.” she continued, huffing out a couple of croaky chuckles. As she persisted to giggle to herself, he narrowed his eyes in realisation and settled his gaze on her. Something about what she'd said didn’t quite add up and he leaned forwards to carefully set down his cup and saucer.

“Ehhh… sorry for interrupting, but you said… both wars? How… how old was your husband when he passed on, Mrs Scarpello?” he softly questioned, which caused her shiny brown eyes to shift to his bewildered, skull-painted features.

“Oh, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” she muttered with a sad smile, sighing deeply. “That man was a mystery. And I’m just another funny old mystery he’s left behind. Now, enough talk about me. I’ve heard all these stories before after spending all this time in me own company. Tell me about yourself, pet.”

“Eh… about me?” he questioned nervously, gesturing his gloved hands towards his chest with an uncertain expression.


“Well... I am, eh… the head of a church. And I sometimes… travel the world, singing hymns from our pornographic record to... spread the teachings of our cause. But of course… I do many, maaany other different things too. You gotta be talented in all kinda different ways when you’re a pope. Everyone expects you to have more than one pair of balls, heh.”

He cleared his throat and swiftly quietened when he noticed that the woman was wearing a wide smile as she gazed at him with wise, glinting eyes.

“Oh come off it.” Mrs Scarpello said, furrowing her brow like she was deeply considering something. “Your occupation doesn’t tell me anything about yourself. You're young, charming, smartly dressed... don’t be telling me about your work. What do you do for fun? Fun is who you really are, pet.”

“O-Oh. Well… I like to dance sometimes. Or - ”

“With the lady?” she butted in, the curve of her chapped lips stretching further across her face. His gloved hands creaked as they tensed into fists by his sides and he swallowed thickly when he frantically shook his head.

“Ehhh... no! No, of course not. She, eh… she is work. My partner, my colleague, you know?” he insisted, unable to mask the alarm in his eyes.

“There's no point hiding it. I can see it plain as day, pet. You better not be hiding it from your lady friend either. Time's precious when you feel that way.”

He opened his mouth to reply to the woman but a loud, echoing gasp cut through the room and a series of hurried footsteps told him that Miss Vial was swiftly making her way back to them. The scuff of her feet persisted until she crossed the threshold of the parlour and both Copia and the old woman shuffled over their seats to face her.

“So the good news is… I haven’t detected any spirits so far.” she began in an unusually enthusiastic tone, a small, excited smile clutching to her lips. “But I did happen to notice that you’ve basically got a meth lab in the next room and… that’s pretty dangerous to have lying about the place.”

Copia’s eyes grew to the size of saucers and he turned his head to flick his eyes between the two women and Mrs Scarpello huffed out another chuckle.

“Oh, bless your heart... it’s nothing like that, pet. Me husband was a chemist of sorts when he were alive.” she vaguely explained, her shining eyes giving away that she was probably reminiscing. “Worked for a big-wig pharmaceutical company. It was all very hush-hush back in the day. He were a very clever man, you see. And he could’ve had the world had he not chosen to stay here with me. But Lazzaro was stubborn like that. He always wanted the best for me, Satan rest his soul.”

Copia’s eyebrows raised to complete his confused expression but Aemelia wore a thoughtful frown and nodded her head like whatever she’d seen in the other room suddenly made a lot more sense.

“You’re welcome to have some of the equipment in there. If it's any use to you, of course.” the old woman added, averting her gaze to the floor like she was suddenly taken in by a distant memory.

“If it’s exactly as your husband left it… I wouldn’t want to disturb anything, Mrs Scarpello.” Aemelia softly said with a troubled wince, folding her arms in front of her chest.

“Oh, don’t be worrying about that. Take whatever you’d like, pet.” the woman insisted, closing her eyes with a warm smile. “That goes for any other time as well. If you ever need anything, don’t be shy. Come on over and collect whatever takes your fancy.”

Aemelia frowned deeply but nodded and Copia unleashed a relieved sigh, standing up from the couch like he was determined to opt out of the conversation before the old woman started speaking again.

“You want us to check the rest of your house before we leave?” he asked. It was clear from his flippant manner that he was hoping for her to refuse him and when she opened her eyes and shook her head, he exhaled deeply and wore a thankful smile.

“In this case... it's been a pleasure, Mrs Scarpello.” he politely said, pressing a gloved hand to his chest as he bowed his head. “We’re on a veeery tight schedule today, so sadly… we gotta head off right now. But if you got any other problems, or… you’re just lonely and you want a little chat, call us up and we’ll get back to you when we can, ok?”

The old woman beamed a smile and nodded enthusiastically. He lifted his head and nodded back to her before he side-stepped around the sofa to head towards Aemelia, who was loitering by the door-frame with a subtle frown.

“Good, good… you take care now. Keep yourself warm and cosy, stay well, get sleep, and I will give you a call when I can, ok?” he assured, stretching out an arm to point a leather-clad finger at the old woman to display that he was being serious. When the old woman nodded again, he smiled and lowered his arm, then turned on the spot to wrap his arm around Aemelia’s shoulders.

Her pale features scrunched into a confused wince as he confidently escorted her out of the room, and once they reached the front door, she clicked her tongue and wriggled herself away from his arm to open the door for herself. Her actions only made a wily smirk tug at his lips and he refrained from making a confident comment when they passed through the door to journey back towards the sedan. Copia held the comment in his thoughts and chuckled to himself when the door slammed shut behind him and she huffed in annoyance.

“You going to share your thoughts?” she snapped, marching down the garden path without checking that he was following… from the thumps behind her she could tell that he was effortlessly keeping up with her.

“Just… figured you’d be a little angry. We rushed out all this way for a problem that never existed, heh.” he said with an amused smirk.

“I’m not.” she sighed out, slowing her strides to glance at him over her shoulder. “How can I be? She’s cooped up in there all on her own. She was so desperate for a bit of conversation that she didn’t even ask for our fuckin’ names.”

“Well… I will make sure I inform her of them when I next speak with her, ok?”

“You’re actually going to do that?” she asked, seemingly amazed by the sincerity in his eyes.

“Of course. What’s a couple minutes here and there?” he softly said, his amused smile returning when she turned her head away from him to hide her puzzled expression from him.

“I think you’re underestimating how long she can talk for, Copia.” she darkly muttered, relaxing her arms by her sides when they split off to step towards their respective places by the black sedan. He chuckled impishly when he waited for her to unlock the car and shook his head in amused disbelief. As soon as it was unlocked, she threw her door open and slung herself inside, but he took a moment to peer over the glossy roof of the car, his mismatched eyes drawn to a bay window that was lurking by the side of the porch. Dusty netting covered the window panes but he could see the briefest flash of silvery hair, and when a small, gnarled hand lifted to give him a friendly wave, his smile lingered and he returned the gesture, bowing his head down slightly.

His smile lurked, even when he yanked open the passenger door to duck down and step inside, and once he reached over to close it, Aemelia was already midway through belting up. After gently shutting the door, his palms patted down his front like he was reminding himself of something and then his amusement faded into a thoughtful wince. It seemed like the old woman’s wise words were weighing on his mind and he sighed heavily, deciding that he had to seize the moment while he could.

Aemelia slotted the car keys into the ignition to fire up the engine, oblivious to his actions when he swivelled around in his seat to dart towards her. He stretched his arms out to her and leaned over the gearstick, his eyebrows knitting into a passionate wince as his mismatched eyes desperately searched her pallid features. An involuntary gasp shot out of her when his gloved hands creaked as they firmly cupped around her jaw to pull her face closer to his, but she simply went along with his actions out of curiosity. Her dark eyes fluttered shut when he swiftly angled his head to firmly catch her grey lips with his mouth, and he hummed into their kiss when she relaxed so much that she slouched backwards and rested the back of her head against the tinted glass of her window.

He leaned across the gap between their seats even more and scrambled his legs over the gear lever to ensure their lips remained intact, and once the slow movements of his mouth became far more firm and passionate, he stroked his hands up the sides of her face to thread his leather-clad fingers through the loose maroon strands that hung by the sides of her wincing features. She started to respond to him with quiet whimpers and before she allowed herself to get carried away with their kiss, she tipped her head back to stop him from kissing her any further. Their harsh pants filled the interior of the car and he let out a frustrated whine, closing his eyes when he relaxed his shoulders to rest his chin against the crook of her neck.

“What was that for?” she managed to ask through heavy breaths. He lifted his head a fraction to gaze at her openly and he couldn’t resist smiling when she raised her eyebrows in surprise.

“I wanted to kiss you.” he simply said, his black lips curving into a warm smile. “And… I… I just… I wanted to…”

He trailed off to sigh heavily and he backed away from her slightly so that he could slide a gloved hand into the depths of his pockets. He fished out a clear plastic box that rattled when he confidently shook it side to side and he cleared his throat like his mouth was suddenly extremely dry. He closed the space between them again before she could get a good look at the small box in his grasp, and successfully distracted her by nuzzling her nose.

“This has been... loooong overdue.” he confessed in a hoarse voice, angling his head so that he could plainly gaze into her intrigued black eyes. “Consider it a very teensy thing in return for that mixtape you made for me.”

“Fuck’s sake, Copia. You don’t have to give me anything in - ”

“I want to. And this… ah, it’s only a tape, Aemelia. It’s only a little… sliver of what I truly want to give you.” he murmured, grazing his lips against her jaw as he carefully slid the cassette case into one of her hands. He sensed her frown when she hastily raised the item up so that her eyes could study its cover and he snorted in amusement, puckering his lips to press soft kisses to her pale skin. He smiled into the kisses when he heard her tilt the case around to read the handwritten label that he’d slipped into its wide spine and she exhaled deeply, trying to keep herself composed when she realised what tape must have been contained within.

“Hunter’s Moon? Fuckin’ hell… is this a demo tape, Copia? I… I can’t take this.” she murmured in a small voice.

“Why not, Cipolletta? I addressed it to you. See? Look at the label. It’s yours.” he softly said, his smile broadening when she unleashed a defeated sigh. “You better not try handing it back to me. This song’s been following me everywhere I fucking go since its release so… I figured you should have your own copy to suffer the curse with me.”

“Wow. It’s not like you to be so modest.” she quipped, which caused him to rumble out another chuckle before he pressed a few more kisses to the side of her face. “You do realize this is just going to prolong your suffering, right?”

“Hm? What you mean, baby?”

“This will be the only thing that gets played in this fuckin’ car for the next few weeks.”

“Ah well…” he sighed out, his smile broadening into a proud smirk. “… guess I’ll just have to deal with it.”

17 : Best Served Cold

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A panicked voicemail from Copia was the last thing Aemelia expected to receive a few nights before Halloween. His voice was swift, husky and barely audible through his gasping breaths. Though his sentences were rushed, he was very particular with his words. He told her that he needed her assistance. That another horrifying – and unspecified – beast had made the Ministry’s undercroft its lair, and he was keeping to the shadows, trying his best to avoid attracting its attention. It was clear that he was hoping that she could rescue him, but before he could reveal any further details about his current predicament, he inhaled sharply, like he’d witnessed something alarming and the message abruptly cut off.

Miss Vial didn’t question the fact he’d been skulking around the undercroft at the fairly early time of seven in the evening, and instantly abandoned tidying her equipment to hastily dash from the apothecary. Knowing that she was about to come face-to-face with some sort of fearsome creature, she certainly didn’t rush around the Ministry’s corridors empty-handed… a freshly sharpened stake occupied the flash-light holster on her ridged belt, a hefty black capture-net was slackly draped over her left shoulder and her stainless steel cross-bow was snugly perched in her left hand, already loaded and aimed in front of her.

The presence of her equipment seemed to cause quite a stir amongst the moderately busy corridors, and most Siblings swiftly stepped out her way due to her determined strides and emotionless features. Her tattooed forearms swung back and forth with purpose and her dishevelled tie and waistcoat complemented her loose, messy plaits in a peculiar way that caused her to seem deranged in that moment. She was grateful that her demeanour forced the people ahead of her to swiftly step aside, because she ended up reaching the sloped stairs to the undercroft much faster.

She hurriedly descended the steps as quickly as she could and once she started nearing the bottom, slow, heavy breaths huffed out of her. She bent her arms and thrust her elbows against the rusted iron doors to push them open, and once there was a large enough gap, she bolted inside, oblivious to the fact her actions had caused a loud, echoing creak to shudder from the door-hinges. The eerie sound floated up to fill the marble-clad corridors above and it caused the consistent chatters and footsteps to fade into an unsettled silence.

“Copia?!” Aemelia confidently yelled, marching through the dark entrance hall, the rusted doors wailing pitifully until they finally clattered shut. “Copia, you in here?!”

She internally scolded herself for forgetting to grab a flash-light but she continued to aim her weapon in front of her, her head dipping down so that her shiny charcoal eyes could squint down its iron-sights. The lack of response to her question unsettled her and she slowed her strides to a more cautious pace, scouring her indistinct surroundings. She carefully traipsed by the imposing collection of intricately sculpted Satanic icons that lined each side of the slab-stone hall, and hesitated to advance any further when her eyes rested on the pedestal of the Amon effigy. Faint golden light flooded out from the back of it and her ears pricked up when she heard a quiet murmur coming from its position. She warily approached it and kept staring through her cross-bow's sights, the glossy black nail of her index finger shining ominously as she curled it around the weapon’s trigger.

She eventually grew close enough for the murmurs to grow louder but they were still far too muffled to make any sense, so she stepped into the flood of golden light that appeared to be coming from the inside of the wide pedestal… and her eyes glared with realization. The entrance to Copia’s private vault was wide open and she hurriedly darted inside, hoping that he’d managed to seek refuge from whatever had been stalking him. Sharp, apprehensive breaths pumped out of her when she slowed her strides to cautiously shuffle through the steep entrance hall. A puzzled frown etched across her brow now that she plainly recognised the sound of Copia’s quiet voice and once she reached the end of the short corridor, she peered around the right corner, her right cheek grazing the cold surface of the thick stone wall.

She simply stood there and listened to his voice for a little while, her frown deepening with every second that passed.

“Ehhh… suuuure, suure! I can do that. Halloween's in a couple days so it'd be way cooler if you could make the shoot next month instead. Ah... yes. Yes, I understand, this is not always possible... ehh... in this case, you good with calling again… sometime tomorrow morning? Cooool, coool! We can continue discussing this then, heh heh. Like I said earlier... this shit will sort itself, ok? Ok... take care – yes... yes, I will make sure I do that. Bye bye now... byeeee!”

Aemelia's confusion was instantly replaced with annoyance when he turned his phone off and coolly slipped it into his pocket. He swiftly turned on his heels to face the vault’s entrance and began to walk towards it with proud arrogance, the smug smile that tugged at his painted mouth giving away that he’d instantly spotted the alchemist’s maroon plaits and pallid face peeping around the corner. She wasn’t just suspicious about the fact there was a blatant lack of threat, she was also suspicious about the lack of the anti-pope’s papal attire. He confidently advanced towards her despite her alarming look of disgruntled realization, adorning an immaculate black shirt that was buttoned up to its collar and tucked into a slim pair of black suit pants. He was dressed smart but dubiously casual and she clenched her teeth together when he finally stopped in front of her, his mismatched eyes glaring at the shiny metal cross-bow she held in her right hand.

“Whooooa, Cipolletta! You came faster than I expected, heh heh. And, eh... I'm supposed to be the one with a loaded weapon, not you.” he teased, stooping down to confidently reach out a gloved hand to grasp hold of her left wrist. His leather-clad fingertips gently caressed her tender skin and she gritted her teeth together more firmly but allowed him to execute his actions. Her dark eyes faltered when he gently lifted her wrist up to his mouth to leave a damp, lingering kiss on the back of her hand, a hot exhale washing over her knuckles before he reluctantly let go of her arm to focus on gazing at her with licentious intention.

“Where's this fuckin’ monster you were panicking about?!” she demanded, fearing that she already knew what his answer would be. His smile was replaced with a taunting smirk and he chuckled confidently, taking one last step towards her to close the space between them. She set her jaw when the knuckles of her right hand grazed the warm fabric of his black shirt, her index finger still poised over the cross-bow's trigger… she was fully aware that the end of the loaded bolt was pressing against his abdomen.

“Right here.” he finally whispered, his close, conflicting irises amused but sincere when her annoyance was swiftly replaced with a contemplative wince. “Listen, I know you're unhappy about me tricking you down here, but I didn't think you'd come prepared for a fight, Cipolletta, heh heh. You are... very tempted to pull that trigger, no?”

“If I did, you'd be in a coma for a few weeks. So I wouldn’t tempt me, if I were you.” she snapped, tipping her head back to angle her chin towards his face in a defiant manner. “You going to tell me why you’ve lured me down here? Or do you expect me to guess? Was that fictitious voicemail really necessary?”

“Yes. Yes, it was, I, eh... could you... could you put this down for a second?” he nervously questioned, his eyes warily peering down when he gestured a gloved hand towards the cross-bow that was snugly settled between their bodies. She heavily huffed out and rolled her eyes but side-stepped away from him and firmly pushed by his shoulder, wandering to the nearest vacant surface, which happened to be the petite dresser where the red rotary phone was situated. She bluntly set down the weapon over its rosewood top and once she started to shrug off the hefty capture-net from her left shoulder, she clenched her teeth together again when she heard the subtle scuff of him approaching her.

“I didn't want you to worry so I lied, ok?” he softly explained, coming to a nonchalant stop behind her. “I heard from a contact in Rome recently, and they informed me about a couple things that might interest you. It concerns... our little Sector-related investigation.”

“Oh.” she quietly murmured, squinting her eyes when she left the heavy netting over the dresser to turn around and face him in a more amiable fashion. “You could’ve just told me, Copia. If that’s all this is about you didn’t need to deceive me into coming down here.”

“Ehh… no, that wasn’t all.” he admitted, her dark eyes widening when he abruptly reached forwards to seize hold of her waist, his arms surprisingly forceful when he pulled her into him until their fronts were firmly brushing. “I felt like we deserved another date. Last time was good, but... Nekid kinda killed the mood, you know? And unfortunately, I'm kinda strapped for cash nowadays so... I figured I'd just settle for a good old dinner date, heh heh.”

“Then why didn’t you just tell me this?” she asked, squinting at him speculatively.

“I figured you’d be reluctant to come along after the shit that went down last time. And I know your talents are in demand around here, I thought you’d be busy and… shit, our meals are already in the oven so I didn’t want the food to go to waste, you know?”

“Hang on… you’re cooking these meals?” she questioned, her face briefly mortified before he squeezed his arms around her firmly in an attempt to reassure her.

“Naaa, I got a Ghoul on it… ah ah ah!” he exclaimed, swiftly lifting an arm up from her middle to press a leather-clad finger to her grey lips. “Before you say anything, he is a very competent and reliable one, ok? Our latest addition to the crew may be a little lanky and lopsided compared to the rest, but he’s a very, veeeery established chef. I promise you, the food will be worth it, baby. And with a little more practice, you never know, he might be able to recreate some of Papa II’s classic dishes, heh heh.”

“Right.” she eventually muttered when his hand dropped away from her face. “So we're just going to hang out and have this date in here then? Not that I'm complaining. It's just a bit distracting, what with all those shelves full of fuck-knows-what. I know you’d want to us to focus on each other but I’d probably end up spending the whole night snooping through your archives.”

“Heh heh… well, we could do that later on, if you wanted. I’m always up for showing you all of my unmentionables, heh heh heh…” he purred, angling his head to the side like he was contemplating the idea of kissing her. “… don’t worry, we're only going to walk through here. I have a much more… romantic setting in mind for our meal. Come, let me show you.”

His arms fell away from her middle and he smoothly backed away from her, his smug smile still present as he wandered towards the vault’s open doorway to shift its unassuming stone door back in place. After a series of muffled grunts and loud scrapes, the entrance was eventually sealed and he swiftly turned around, striding the length of the short entrance hall to confidently capture hold of her hand as he passed her. He tugged her along with him and she obliged his actions, quietly contemplating where he could’ve been leading her.

Thankfully, he didn’t yank her too far. He pulled her through the central lobby, the carved, curved ceiling briefly attracting her attention before they approached the sprawl of bookshelves and glass cases. They halted before they could explore the intriguing archives and Copia momentarily let go of her to place his gloved hands against a marble panel that was snugly set into the stone wall. He pressed the heels of his leathery palms against the very edges of the surface and hopped backwards when it started to slide aside, the faint rumble of grazing stone causing him to snatch hold of Aemelia’s hand again.

“This is some spy shit.” she muttered.

A breathy chuckle huffed out of him and now that the door was out of the way, he eagerly leapt into its dark, narrow passage. Aemelia winced as he pulled her through, trying her best to focus on the back of him to distract herself from the tight space. It was steep, sloped and infested with shadows, but she reassured herself that Copia knew where he was going and she managed to remain composed despite the slow, heavy breaths puffing out of her.

Luckily, the passage didn’t go on for long, it abruptly came to an end by opening out into a spacious area that was a lot warmer than the freezing cold of the vault above. She unleashed a relieved breath and he stood behind her to wrap his arms around her while she simply stopped and stared at the spectacle of their new surroundings. To their sides were tall tunnels that were fashioned from drab stone. They were faintly lit with candle sconces that were fixed to their walls, and the naked flames only seemed to point out that the walls had been carved into their curvaceous forms by hand. Aemelia could plainly see the harsh swipes and chips in the rock from where she was located, and she was suddenly fascinated that people had managed to replicate the look and feel of a hollow cavern.

Copia started to gently push her forwards and she reluctantly turned her head to face the space in front of her instead. The floor was paved with eroded stone slabs, and every so often one of them would have an indistinct rune or Latin verse etched into its surface. She frowned and trailed her eyes up further. She had to refrain from inhaling sharply for the sight before her was overwhelming. The central area was circular and shaded by a curved ceiling that was embedded into the chiselled rock above their heads. The ceiling’s surface was decorated with an elaborate oil-painted mural that appeared to depict a merciless interpretation of the corruption of humanity. Though the art displayed the prevalence of sin, it astonished Aemelia due to the spectacle of its renaissance-like style, and she was so awestruck by the imposing painting that she failed to notice that Copia was leading her towards a petite ebony table that was located directly beneath it. He chuckled confidently when she began to oblige his actions, but her head was tipped back so that her charcoal eyes could remain fixed to the rounded ceiling above their heads.

“It's beautiful, no?” he murmured, his proud smile audible in his voice.

“Strangely is, yeah.” she softly agreed, her distant tone giving away that she was still in awe of their surroundings. “Never thought I'd say that about a horrifying portrayal of mankind, but I s'pose it's fairly accurate nowadays. Reminds me of that mural back at your place.”

He chuckled again but there was a tinge of wisdom to his amusement this time and she frowned, reluctantly lowering her gaze to turn her head and stare at him cautiously.

“Yes, the styles are very similar, no?” he softly said, returning her stare with his wise mismatched eyes. “You don't mind it being above our heads while we eat?”

“We're eating here?” she questioned.

He merely nodded and slowed in response, his left arm falling away from her to gesture in front of him. He pointed towards the small ebony table that was located a few steps in front of them, and her dark eyes followed the direction of his leather-clad index finger. The oval table gleamed due to the flickering light of candelabras that curved around the back of it. Pristine silverware occupied most of its polished surface, aside from a couple of stubby pillar candles that were burning away at its centre, and a glass jug of dubious dark red liquid that was accompanied by two immaculate wine glasses.

“Fuckin' hell, you've not invited the Phantom of the Opera as well, have you?” she joked, breaking away from his arms to approach the nearest edge of the table, her small smile displaying that she was truly warmed by his romantic gesture.

“Heh heh, noooo, nooo. We may be in these spooky catacombs, but I can assure you that no one else is here, Aemelia. We’re alone. Truly alone this time, I made sure of it.” he reassured, wearing a crumpled smile when she eagerly drew back the closest chair around the table to take a seat under its immaculate surface. Before he did the same, he approached the table’s edge and reached his arms over the flickering pillar candles to lift the jug of wine-like liquid. She scowled at him in confusion when he carefully angled it to pour its contents into each of the empty wine glasses and his amused smile became another smug smirk.

“You know I can’t drink, Copia.” she coldly stated.

“I know, I know... I haven’t forgotten. This stuff isn’t wine, it's... eh… juice. A mixture of berries, you know?” he explained, gently setting down the jug to push the base of one of the glasses with a confident leather-clad finger. The drink smoothly slid towards the black surface to the left of her and she tried to resist wearing an amused smile when she huffed in defeat and curled her fingers around its glass stem. Once his glass was half-filled, he repeated his actions before shuffling around the table to occupy the seat opposite her. She narrowed her eyes at him when he cleared his throat and she shuffled over the chair to get comfortable, raising the rim of the wine glass to her lips. She was reassured when she could smell the potent but pleasant scent of berries and took a cautious sip of the drink.

“Feel free to relax some more, baby. Take off your waistcoat, loosen that tie, have a smoke, if you want to.” Copia encouraged, swiping his glass of juice from the table to take a confident sip.

“A smoke? There doesn’t seem to be much ventilation in here to do that, it wouldn't go anywhere. And I wouldn't want the fumes to ruin the painting either.” she responded, placing her glass back onto the table when he unleashed a loud satisfied gasp after swallowing his drink down. When he relaxed back into his seat, his gaze returned to her immediately and he smirked victoriously when she appeared to be in the middle of loosening her tie. To his surprise, he noticed that the sides of her waistcoat were already hanging by her sides, it was clear that she must have hastily unbuttoned it when he hadn’t been looking.

“Ah, don’t worry about this. You won’t harm the ceiling, trust me. Go ahead, have a smoke.” he softly insisted, coolly resting his elbows over the ebony table to support his chin with the back of a gloved hand. She rolled her eyes due to his patient, expectant gaze and slid a hand into the pockets of her waistcoat. She drew out a pre-rolled cigarette and slid it between her lips, allowing it to perch in the side of her mouth while she frowned and patted her sides to feel for her matchbox. Copia cleared his throat again and her frown deepened when she stared at him, the movements of her hands swiftly halting by her sides.

“Allow me.” he simply said in a soft voice, grasping hold of one of the lit candles that occupied the surface between their dinner places. He lifted the pillar candle with ease and reached out until the tip of the flickering flame made contact with the end of her cigarette. It didn’t take long for it to start subtly glowing, and once it started to smoulder, a cloud of smoke puffed out and he backed into his seat with a confident smile, carefully returning the candle to the table between them.

“You really like leaving me in suspense, don’t you?” she quipped, squinting her eyes thoughtfully as she took a long drag of her cigarette. “What’s this contact informed you about?”

“Ohhhh... so you want to get straight into the business, ah? I guess it’s a good idea, then we can discuss the more personal shit later on, heh heh.” he replied, reaching for the stem of his wine glass as he slouched back in his seat. “I don’t know how they found out some much info, they’ve always had some kind of premonition bullshit going on, and they’re assumptions are usually really fucking accurate so… I guess this info will be very useful to us.”

He paused to take a sip of juice and she huffed out a tumbling cloud of smoke, which wafted up towards the elaborate rounded ceiling above.

“I notified all our high priests and cardinals around the world to look out for that logo of your, eh… previous employer, and I heard from a guy in Rome earlier today.” he eventually went on, setting his glass back down to stare at her sincerely. “He spotted a vehicle marked with that exact moth thingy, and he thinks there’s some kind of delivery going on. He saw a couple guys loading something in a huge fucking lead container or some shit.”

“Fuck’s sake. You haven’t told your contacts why they’re looking out for this kind of stuff, have you?” she grumbled before taking another thick drag.

“No no, I didn’t explain.” he assured, his affection for her plainly swimming in his eyes as he watched her smoke. “All my contacts are trustworthy, Aemelia. I don’t tolerate contacts that ask any questions. Anyways… this delivery – or whatever – it’s a real big deal. Something very valuable is involved but he wasn’t so sure about the details. He estimated that the shipment should be passing us here, sometime around nine or ten tomorrow night.”

“How the fuck would he know that?” she snapped, tilting her head like she was suddenly suspicious of him.

“Like I said, he, eh… he reads prophecies. And he is very accurate, so accurate I call him Third-Eye, heh heh.”

“He sounds like a fuckin’ movie villain. But... alright, I’ll take your word for it. You wanting us to drive out and lurk around for this marked vehicle tomorrow?” she emptily questioned, her lack of enthusiasm giving away that she was already forming a plan of action.

“If that’s ok with you. I feel bad for this coming up, you’ve already got a shit ton of stuff to do tomorrow and - ”

“Of course it’s ok with me, Copia. If Crescent Industries are still mooching about nearby, they need stopping.” she sternly interrupted, drawing her fingers away from her mouth to exhale another lot of opal smoke. “Knowing their crafty ways, this shipment won’t be a valuable relic or artefact, it’ll be some creature they can exploit in some way. Just like all the other valuable fuckin’ creatures they gathered up in that Sector. Funny how the creatures suddenly decrease in value once they’re fuckin’ dead.”

Her bitter tone was laced with spite and sadness and Copia winced when she slotted her cigarette between her lips to take in a shuddering exhale. He could tell that she was trying to stop herself from unleashing her frustration and he let out a regretful sigh.

“We’ll check it out tomorrow. Together.” he firmly said, wincing when she returned his stare to nod in response. “For now, let’s just enjoy this meal, ok? We can think about all that shit tomorrow.”

She huffed out and cigarette smoke swirled upwards when she nodded her head again. His expression softened and he rested his elbows over the table in front of him, ensuring that he avoided nudging the silverware from its precise position. While there was a brief pause in their conversation, he parted his mouth and averted his eyes to the candles between them like he was deeply contemplating what to say next, but before he could decide on anything, the echo of approaching footsteps forced him to raise his head and acknowledge the source of the noise.

A slim, smartly-dressed Ghoul emerged from the shadows of one of the adjacent tunnels, his arm bent at the elbow to carry a wide platter that appeared to support their meals for the evening. His chrome mask glistened beneath the primal glow of the candlelight, and he gracefully strode closer, his free hand pressing flat against his chest as he bowed his head in an apologetic manner. The pleasant scent of their food was obvious once he reached the edge of their table and Aemelia regarded him with relieved surprise. She allowed her cigarette to perch in the side of her mouth so that she could scramble through her pockets for her silver cigarette box. While she focused on snuffing out her cigarette without any mess, the Ghoul stooped into a bow and took hold of one of the plates from the round tray, and after cautiously reaching for the space in front of Copia, he confidently set down his superior’s meal.

Copia nodded his way and gestured towards Aemelia with a gloved hand like he was more interested in her receiving food, and the Ghoul obediently obliged his action, hurriedly shuffling nearer to the alchemist so that he could set down the plate of food in front of her. After stubbing out her cigarette, she snapped the silver tin shut and placed it beside her drink, her charcoal eyes narrowing with interest when the Ghoul bowed consistently as he backed away, and then hastily scurried off towards the tunnel he’d emerged from, the platter firmly tucked beneath his left arm-pit.

Aemelia glared in astonishment and Copia chuckled, eagerly leaning forwards to latch his gloved hands around the food on his plate. His actions attracted her attention, considering that their dishes were still steaming hot and an amused smirk lingered over his painted lips.

“Don't worry about how he got here. He used another entrance, heh heh.” he replied in his usual flippant manner, his gloved hands creaking as he tightly cupped his hands around the piping hot calzone. “I hope my choice of food is… to your taste.”

She bit into her bottom lip and averted her eyes to the plate in front of her. The sight of a neatly crumpled calzone certainly didn’t disappoint her and she shook her head like she was amused by its presence. Unlike Copia, she made use of the polished implements that had been set out and swiped up a knife and fork, eagerly cutting into its centre before he decided to speak again. It was generously stuffed with filling because as soon as she punctured its crisp skin, tomato and mozzarella oozed from its sweltering insides. She knew it was too hot to eat but she tore off a chunk from the middle with her fork and shoved it into her mouth anyway, instantly humming in approval despite its scorching temperature.

“Cool, guess I’ll take that as a “yes”…” Copia eventually muttered, taking a hefty bite out of his food without taking his eyes away from her. They exchanged glances and amused smiles while they chewed and simply sat in silence while they ate the first half of their meals. He could tell the calzone satiated her appetite and it caused him to grow far more confident, so naturally, it wasn’t long before he cleared his throat to speak again.

“You like it down here?” he asked, which prompted her to nod frantically, seeing as her mouth was still full. “Good, goood… I was… kinda worried you’d find it… creepy or, eh, messy.”

“Messy?” she questioned after swallowing her food down. “For a secret tunnel system its fuckin’ immaculate.”

“Mm, it could be a lot cleaner, baby, believe me.” he confessed with a deflated sigh, lowering his calzone to its plate now that the topic of conversation seemed to be successfully interesting her. “You only have to look at this floor to see the damage they’ve done to this fucking place.”

She tipped back in her chair and tilted her head to the side to see if she could see the mysterious damage he was talking about… and she abruptly poised her fork in front of her mouth when she did. The carved slabs beneath the dinner table followed the same curve of the roof, but they were far from pristine given the rusty stains and long streaks of scratches that tainted its stone surface.

“You can see the mess, no? These tunnels go on for two – maybe three – miles each way.” he ominously continued, his gloves mapping out a cross-like pattern in the air in front of him. “They're supposed to be empty and clean for a reliable means of escape, but also so that this unhallowed ground is preserved. Unfortunately, our problem peoples have already managed to defile these catacombs with the blood of their own church in recent months, so… me pointing out these stains below us is not me being a nit-picking Papa, heh.”

“Have you actually done anything about those fuckers yet?” she casually asked, lifting her head to gaze at him plainly before she shoved her forkful of food into her mouth.

“Ehhh… yes. Some of them have... quietly vanished, heh heh... but I understand you don't see much of the brothers and sisters, so... it wouldn't be so noticeable to you. As for the others that remain... I have something in mind, so long as Lucifer doesn't get to them first.” he said, subtly licking his bottom lip before his hands latched around the remaining half of his calzone so that he could bring it up to his mouth to take another large bite.

“Which is?” she pressed, which prompted him to chew his food as quickly as he could. She raised a brow when he dropped his calzone to raise a finger up like he was silently requesting that she waited for him to finish chewing… and eventually, his finger lowered when he loudly gulped down his food.

“C'maaan, Aemelia... I don't want to ruin the surprise.” he teased, unable to refrain from smirking.

“Fine.” she said with a slightly disappointed sigh. “You’re not going to bump them off, are you?”

“You’re expecting that, no?”

“Of course I am. You know what… fuck this, I’ve had enough of saying nothing, it's been bugging the shit out of me since you mentioned it so - ”

“Ehhh... had enough of what?” he asked, his eyes widening with concern as he cautiously picked up the remnants of his calzone again.

“You acting all fuckin’ shady.” she passionately confessed, wearing a disgruntled scowl as she sliced into another chunk of gooey dough. “I’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen you recently, brandishing some sort of weapon or you’ve got that look in your eyes, like you're plotting something. Like your thinking about someone’s demise… almost like a hit, or something.”

Copia unleashed a high-pitched giggle despite the fact his mouth was stuffed and he draped his arms by his sides so that he could slouch back in his seat and try not to choke with amusement. She shoved another lot of dough into her mouth and frowned at him when his giggles became clearer after he’d gulped back his food.

“Ahhhh, so that's what this is about. My little joke has been haunting you, no?” he asked with a wide smile, shaking a leather-clad finger at her.

“That’s putting it lightly.” she darkly muttered, setting her knife and fork down to reach for her drink.

“Well... you can rest easy, Aemelia.” he reassured, his gaze sincere as she averted her eyes from him to focus on her own actions. “Hits were just something I did for quick cash back in the day, heh... you know, maybe I should consider dipping my toes into that line of work again. Might help with my finances.”

“You must be joking. You’re hardly a subtle killer. You're the fuckin' pope now.” she quipped, tipping her head back to gulp down a generous amount of juice.

“So? You think the cops would believe someone that said they saw a pope slay some motherfucker? I don't think so.”

“Mm. S'pose that's a fair point. Where do you keep your guns or garottes or... whatever it is you use?” she teased, wearing a sarcastic smile as she firmly slammed her glass back onto the table.

“Ahhh, my methods don’t require any weapons, baby.” he casually revealed, the flirtation in his voice causing her to wear a crumpled smile. “I never saw the point in that kinda shit, it’s too loud, too hard to conceal, you know? So I'd try my best to approach my targets instead. I’d have a friendly chat with them, then after a while, I’d try luring them in… maybe offer them a drink, flirt with them a little. Then once they were comfortable with me, they’d turn their backs for a moment and... boom. I'd sprinkle a little something into their glass of Chardonnay… or whatever, heh heh.”

“You poisoned them?” she questioned with intrigue, tilting her head in fascination. “I didn't have you down for that. But I s'pose that's the sly way of doing it.”

“Sly and sneaky, yes.” he purred, his mismatched eyes gleaming with excitement now that her gaze was fixed to him. “I was like a ghost. I was in and out before anyone could notice. But I always found a way of hanging around to make sure they were dead as shit, you know? Gotta double check these things. Fortunately, my method was very reliable, so no one ever suspected a thing. If they did, I’m pretty sure my old man took care of them, heh heh. You... ah... you are not... disgusted by this?”

“Not really. Just a little surprised.” she grumbled, unleashing a heavy sigh when she backed into her seat in a relaxed manner.

“Heh, yeeeeah, I’m surprised too. If someone told me waaay back that I'd end up dating a sexy alchemist... I would've laughed in their face.” he chuckled out, stuffing the last chunk of calzone into his mouth.

“Yeah, it’s fairly ironic. I would’ve laughed too if someone had told me I'd be having a romantic dinner with a serial poisoner that also happens to be a pope, a rock-star and the fuckin' Antichrist.”

“Ooh, when you put it like that... you flatter me, Cipolletta, heh heh!” he exclaimed, his voice muffled due to the food in his cheeks.

“This date isn’t just so you can get some poisons off me for some sort of hit, is it?” she taunted, smirking mischievously before she stabbed her fork into another thick slice of dough that was topped in mozzarella.

“Nooo! Nooo! Of course not, baby! If I got back into the killing game, you'd be the first to know about it, ok? I wouldn’t just spring that shit on you.” he ensured, shaking a pointed leather-clad finger at her to display that he was being completely sincere with her. She suddenly wore a puzzled frown and lowered her head like she’d suddenly remembered something.

“Fuck, I should've probably added boyfriend to your list of titles too. Makes you sound a lot younger when I put it like that.” she muttered to herself before she raised her fork and thrust another lot of cheese into her mouth.

“Boyfr – wha – haaa - did you just say - you are... we are... ?!”

“Partners.” she sternly corrected before he could continue, propping her head up to stare at him openly. “In all senses of the word.”

Her words caused him to smile proudly but he refrained from saying anything, presumably too caught up in his thoughts as he observed her finishing her food. The conversation may have fizzled out, but the silence between them was pleasant. He persisted to gaze at her from the opposite side of the table as she chewed away, oblivious to the affection in his eyes. He adored observing the glisten of her maroon plaits and pallid skin beneath the light of a candle so he didn’t find the silence between them insufferable for once.

When she eventually cleared her plate, she licked her lips clean and slumped back in her seat, her satisfied sigh of relief reassuring him that she’d enjoyed her hearty meal. And as if on cue, the return of the Ghoul’s distinctive, echoing footsteps emerged from the darkness again. He dashed from the same tunnel and hurriedly halted by the edge of the table to collect their soiled plates, ensuring that they were placed securely on his platter before he wandered off again, headed towards the mysterious shadows he’d initially come from.

“You hungry for dessert?” Copia finally asked in a suggestive tone, already standing from his seat to casually stroll around the table. “I hear there is a very good cherry pie on offer tonight, heh heh... ehhhh, it's still my number one pick.”

He patiently arrived by the side of her chair but she refrained from standing. She tipped her head back to narrow her eyes at him and he smirked down at her, the telling creak of his leather gloves giving away that he was desperate to touch her.

“This is where you tell me you'd actually prefer mine, right?” she retorted in a deadpan tone.

“Ah... no. No, I wasn't going to say that, but... I would never refuse to taste yours, Cipolletta. Are you wanting us to do this tonight?” he murmured, his serious expression causing her brows to rise in amusement.

“No. I just wondered where you were going with this conversation, that's all.”

“Oh, riiiight… well... I'm just waiting around, stretching my legs a little before the dessert trolley arrives, heh heh.” he murmured, smoothly sinking down to crouch beside her seat... which was much harsher on his bones than he'd anticipated and a muffled whimper came from him when one of his knees audibly cracked.

“Fuckin’ hell, I heard that. You alright?” she questioned worriedly.

She frowned deeply when he clumsily stumbled the rest of the way down and his chin roughly landed on the arm of her chair. The bridge of his nose brushed the curve of her chest and his eyes glared like he was thoroughly mortified by his actions.

“Ah shit! I didn't mean to - ”

His words cut off and a choked gasp of astonishment wheezed out of him when she firmly wrapped her arms around his shoulders to embrace him tightly, his painted features buried in the dishevelled fabric that covered her chest. She smirked wisely when he let out a muffled squeak, and then rolled her eyes when he began to nuzzle his nose against her front.

“You’re careless, not cruel.” she profoundly whispered, giving him one tight squeeze before she took her arms away from him. He groaned in disappointment but reluctantly lifted his head from her dishevelled front to gaze up at her face. She bit into an amused smile, which was something he eventually wore too when he heard the familiar clatter of a trolley behind them. Aemelia tipped her head back to search for the source of the sound, and when her shoulders tensed, he knew that dessert had most certainly arrived.

The stainless steel cart was spotless and handled by two Ghoulettes, who were clad in their usual smart black attire. Copia had often mentioned to Miss Vial that the Ministry rarely saw the pair due to their feral natures and their passionate disapproval of the opposite sex, so their presence was quite a refreshing but alarming sight to her. She parted her mouth to question him about their existence, but when the cart stopped beside the table, her eyes trailed from the chrome-masked Ghoulettes and settled on the contents of the cart instead...

To her horror, the glass casing and shelves had been removed to accommodate an incapacitated man. He was tucked up into a tight foetus position and crammed into the trolley’s open frame. From his clammy skin, dishevelled black robes and the thick rope bound around his chest, she knew that the brother had been immobilized in an unpleasant manner. While she continued to gawp at the only dessert on offer, the Ghoulettes calmly waited by each end of the trolley and cocked their heads like they were confused by the woman’s reaction.

“Nevermind. You are cruel. Is this that bloke you were on about the other - ”

“No no, this is not the brother we discussed the other week, Aemelia. This is... someone else.” Copia quietly explained without taking his eyes away from her, completely aware of what she was witnessing on the adjacent side of the table. “I... wanted to give you the option of vengeance.”

“Vengeance? What? Why? What the fuck are you on about?” she whispered fiercely, still glaring at the unconscious man.

“He is one of the faces I remember seeing from that group of… troublemakers, and now he is under this shitty candlelight, I’m certain that my memory isn't playing tricks on me.” he softly said, his arms reaching up so that his gloved hands could gently stroke each of her thighs. “He’s out cold. You could get your own back right now, if you wanted.”

“Is this some sort of test?” she snapped, finally lowering her head to scold him with her dark eyes. He continued to caress her legs, regardless of her faintly hostile reaction.

“No no! I just… had plans to get rid of this sucker tonight, and I would feel terrible if I didn't offer you the chance to maybe... kick him in the cojones while he's down, you know?” he simply said, his seemingly innocent expression causing her teeth to clench.

“No. I have no interest in doing that.” she sternly responded, which prompted his thigh-stroking to become firm kneads.

“Ok, ok... that’s cool, Cipolletta.” he said in a small voice, wincing slightly when she persisted to sear her eyes into him. “I... haven't ruined our night by bringing this up, have I?”

“What? By confessing that you used to be a professional killer? Or by offering me the chance of torturing some bloke I've never seen before?” she quipped, frowning down at Copia in bewilderment. “As much as this is… really fuckin’ bizarre – and I can't believe I'm saying this – I don’t think this is the worst date I’ve been on. At least it’s intriguing.”

“You’re not... repulsed? I’ve had this guy drugged and dragged down here against his will, Aemelia.” he hurriedly responded, shuffling his weight between his feet to ensure that he remained crouched by her side.

“This is some kind of test, isn't it?”

“It isn't, I swear to you. I just... needed this guy out of the way tonight, before the Halloween preparations go ahead tomorrow. He would've gotten in the way of a couple of things I got planned.” he assured, kneading her thighs a little more firmly like he was trying to physically show her that he was sincere. “You sure you don't want to go grab your cross-bow? Or maybe... poke this guy around with a big stick?”

“I'm good, thanks. Revenge isn’t really my kind of thing.” she simply said, her dark eyes subtly amused when his grip on her eased as an airy, defeated sigh huffed out of him.

“Ah, very well.” he softly said, shooting her a warm smile before he turned his head to peer across the table in front of her. “He's all yours, ladies. I hope you have an enjoyable meal.”

Aemelia frowned in confusion when he struck an arm out in front of him to gesture towards the nearest dingy tunnel, and the two Ghoulettes bowed their heads, the rumble of the dessert trolley slowly fading away as they clattered towards the shadows that Copia had selected. When he relaxed his arm so that he could gently rest his palm on one of Aemelia’s thighs, the Ghoulettes were finally shrouded by the thick veil of darkness and the roll of the cart abruptly stopped.

It was swiftly followed by a loud cracking sound and from the gasps, tears and crunches that followed, it was clear that the pair of Ghoulettes had started to feast on the unconscious man.

“Try not to leave so much mess, ok? There’s already too many stains on the floor as it is.” Copia called out to them, subtly grimacing when alarmed, desperate wails emerged from their direction to echo from wall to wall. The man’s agonized cries and the swiping tears of his flesh were impossible to ignore, but Copia attempted to and rested his eyes on Aemelia again with a warm smile. He reached up a gloved hand to tenderly caress the side of her face and she returned his stare blankly.

“You’re uncomfortable, no?” he murmured, squinting his eyes to protest the loud, grating scream that came from the darkness behind them as another strip of skin was torn away.

To his surprise, she growled in annoyance and hastily stooped down. Her hands latched around his throat and she pulled him closer, angling her head to firmly press her mouth into his.

18 : Macabre Preparations

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“May I listen to your music, Miss Vial?”

Manon was perched over the stone floor, the skirts of her black habit splayed by her sides as her dainty hand poised over the rewind button on Copia's boom box. Her hazel eyes shined with hope and Aemelia sighed, but glanced over her shoulder to nod with a small smile.

“Yeah, feel free to play it as much as you want.” the alchemist softly said, turning her head with a much more amused smile when she heard the distinctive whir of the music player's mechanism. She was also sitting over the stone floor like the young sister, a deep bowl of vivid purple powder to her right, a shallow metal dish of fine garlic salt to her left. She leaned down to scoop up a mixture of each dry substance and began to sprinkle it in a neat line that was going to stretch the width of the marble-clad corridor.

Aemelia had found her day refreshing so far. The day before Halloween brought an interesting change to her work, and she’d abandoned her usual routine to carry out specific tasks. Her morning had mostly consisted of escorting the Ghoulettes to one of the distant, spacious lecture rooms in the modern complex. Copia had been determined to see that they were as far away from the cathedral as possible. Although the two demons had fed recently, they were still likely to be drawn to the atmosphere of the party to feed on costumed prey… so Copia had breathed an enormous sigh of relief when Aemelia texted him to confirm that everything had been taken care of without too much retaliation from the reluctant Ghoulettes.

After grabbing lunch, she’d spent most of her time setting out lines of powder down the corridors that surrounded the cathedral, which was yet another apprehensive request from Papa. The trails of alchemic resin and garlic salt would seal off the walkways to ensure that apparitions were blocked from entering the main chapel, which would politely steer any invasive spirits or pesky vampires away from the party’s location… so long as the trails remained unbroken.

Thankfully, most Siblings and Clergy were too busy putting up Halloween decorations or carving jack-o-lanterns that afternoon, so she hadn't come across anyone interfering with her tidy powder trails. Aside from Manon, of course. The young girl had been nervously – and aimlessly – wandering around the maze of vacant corridors that made up the modern complex, and once she'd happened to come across Miss Vial, she hadn't been able to pass without the woman inquiring about her anxious demeanour.

Ever since then, Aemelia had allowed her to stay with her, seeing as the girl was struggling to keep herself occupied. Manon was delighted to keep the woman company while she worked to avoid the boredom of her lessons, even though she found it difficult to display it.

She occasionally assisted Aemelia with her task by gently pushing a wooden box that was on casters – which had presumably arrived with the mortifying amount of flatpack furniture a few days prior – behind the woman. It contained all kinds of useful equipment: dustpans and brushes, hefty sacks of extra purple powder and garlic salt, match boxes, incense sticks, pastry brushes, a couple of freshly carved stakes, and in the very middle of the useful clutter, was Copia's distinctive boom box.

That very fact hadn't gone unnoticed by Manon either. She wore a thoughtful frown when the rewind button snapped into its previous place and she immediately pressed play, awaiting the catchy sound of Hunter's Moon to rumble through the speakers. When it did, the girl beamed a smile and swayed her head to the beat, her ginger hair swishing side to side.

“The song… it sounds different somehow, Miss Vial.” she murmured, closing her eyes to focus on the raw edge to the music’s layers. “Is this a different version? I have not heard it like this before.”

Aemelia huffed and scooped up another helping of purple resin, carefully pouring it onto the floor to add it to the neat line that already stretched half of the corridor's width.

“I don't think so, Manon.” she faintly replied, her distant tone giving away that she was focused on her task... or desperate to steer clear of the topic of Copia's demo tape. “It probably sounds a bit different because it’s on cassette, and that old thing’s probably not got the best speakers to be honest. They’re probably shot by now.”

She briefly thrust a thumb over her shoulder to gesture towards the black boom box and Manon giggled.

“Oh, Miss Vial! I don't think Papa would be very happy about you saying this!” she tittered out, her freckled cheeks burning red.

“Probably not.” Aemelia emptily replied with a shrug and a crumpled smile that was hidden from the girl, seeing as she was facing away from her and carrying on with her work. “But in comparison to him, it's probably not that old.”

Her cheeky comment caused Manon's laughter to echo between the marble-clad walls and Miss Vial couldn't resist glancing over her shoulder to acknowledge the girl with an amused snort.

“Oi, what's gotten into you? Is this song already getting to you?” she teased, tilting her head inquisitively.

“Haaah... no, Miss Vial! I am just... excité… excited that it's almost Halloween! I like celebrating very much!” the young girl exclaimed. “Are you going to celebrate too?”

Aemelia’s smile faded into a melancholic expression and she shrugged, turning her head away to carefully gather the powder into a neater shape that joined up with the rest of line.

“Maybe.” she muttered.

“Did Papa let you borrow this?” Manon hastily questioned, tilting her head as she studied the vibrating black boom box with interest, unable to resist nodding her head along to the music.

“Why? You think I stole it from him?”

“Oh! No! Of course not, Miss Vial! I would never think that!” the young girl cried, her hazel eyes widening when she clapped her hands over her mouth to stop herself from gasping.

“He let me borrow it, don’t worry. He’s given me a lot to get on with today. He must have been feeling guilty.” she casually added, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip to deter a smile from manifesting. “I s’pose the music makes things a little more interesting, otherwise I’d be sat here doing this in silence. Turn it up, will you?”

“Uhhhh…” Manon trailed off and peered at the corridor ahead of them with wide eyes, one of her arms reaching out to point towards something she’d spotted. “… b-but there is - ”

“C’mon, turn it up. If my eyes aren’t watering it’s not loud enough.”

The young girl obediently swivelled the volume dial and the song blasted at more obnoxious level and it caused Aemelia to grin wickedly. She nodded her head in approval and returned to her work, her pallid fingers stained with purple as she scooped up another generous helping of dried resin. She was so focused on her actions that she didn’t realise that Manon was glaring at something at the opposite end of the corridor, and the girl let out a nervous squeak.

Aemelia frowned and sent a quick glance over her shoulder to check on the girl, and when she noticed that Manon was fixed to something behind her, she sharply turned her head to see whatever the girl was staring at. To her surprise, a large group of shy – but plainly curious – pre-teens and their bewildered parents were staring back at her with large, confused eyes. They eyed her crimson coat and purple, powdery hands with concern, and once they took notice of the trails that she’d completed over the floor behind her, their confusion visibly increased. Aemelia was equally intrigued by their presence, but soon lowered her gaze to continue her actions, regardless of her distant audience.

Manon glared at the gathering of strangers, who started to murmur amongst themselves as they pointed towards the boom box – which was still eagerly blasting out Hunter’s Moon at a proud volume – until a youthful sister emerged from the huddle, her black habit and white headdress distinct compared to the expensive fashions that made up the curious crowd.

“Who are they?” the young girl asked, her small, timid voice causing Miss Vial to wince slightly.

“Papa mentioned that we might have a few newbies looking around. I doubt that any of that lot would want to enrol their kids in our teaching system, but… at least they’re having a look, I s’pose.” Aemelia softly replied, gently smoothing out some more purple powder with the pads of her pallid fingers. “Bet most of them are here out of morbid curiosity more than anything. Not that there’s anything too morbid about this place.”

“M-Morbid? What does that mean?”

“Miserable or macabre. Spooky, even.” she explained, which caused the young girl to nod her head with a troubled wince. “I wouldn’t worry about them too much. They should fuck off in a couple of minutes.”

She continued to pat down the powder with her fingertips as she lifted her head to squint at the curious eyes that were drawn to her from afar, and when she studied them a little longer, she noticed that half of the group appeared to have all three variants of Copia’s shiny black business cards and she huffed out in amusement, shaking her head before she lowered it to stop herself from gazing at the potential recruits.

Apparently, Copia’s persuasive charm was paying off for once.

The rest of Miss Vial’s day was fairly calm while she completed her various tasks, but as soon as night crawled in, it reminded her that the D.D.D still had some work to do. She’d rushed to complete her last couple of jobs before she bolted through the main entrance at half-eight – which was unusually last minute for her – and jogged towards her black sedan. She knew she must have been far later than the time she’d agreed to set off, because Copia was already loitering by the passenger side. He adorned one of his smart black suits so he was unlikely to have been spotted in the darkness, but he’d crouched down to ensure the car hid him from view. However, Aemelia had plainly noticed the shiny leather of his gloves as he clutched the side of the glossy black bonnet for purchase and she’d rolled her eyes.

Despite her lateness, they managed to reach their planned destination fifteen minutes later after Miss Vial unleashed the merciless roar of sixth gear most of the way there. The black sedan neatly tucked into a lay-by by the right side of the road, which was conveniently angled so that they could view both sides of the tarmac through the wind-shield. She turned off the vehicle’s head-lights and sighed, reluctantly switching off the engine as her dark eyes trailed over the vacant asphalt in front of them, which was thankfully flooded with the stark white light of tall street lamps. Copia cleared his throat and did the same, clicking off his seat-belt so that he could sit over his seat in a more relaxed manner… apparently, he was anticipating that they were going to be waiting for the mysterious delivery vehicle for quite some time.

“You had a busy day?” he softly asked, turning his head to face her. It was clear that he had no interest in keeping watch, unlike Miss Vial, who wore a look of deep concentration while her eyes slowly searched the road for any incoming vehicles.

“Yeah. Not that I minded.” she emptily replied, keeping her eyes fixed to the tarmac even though she’d spotted him staring at her in her peripheral vision. “It’s been nice to drop routine for a bit. Bet you’ve been busy too?”

“Ohhh, yeeees, yeees. Everyone seemed interested during my morning sermon for once, so I think the rules for tomorrow’s party went down pretty well, heh heh. Then after that, Mrs Scarpello called and said hello. She was very eager to know how the two of us are getting on, you know?” he cheerfully responded with a crumpled smile. “I was chatting to her for… shit, must’ve been nearly three hours? Then I had to rush off and do some shitty Q and A thing with some potential, eh… new recruits. After all the talking, I’m really fucking surprised my voice isn’t dying right now, heh.”

“Right. So you haven’t been sorting out stuff for tomorrow's party? I thought that would’ve been your first priority.” she murmured, her black eyes narrowing thoughtfully when a couple of small cars raced across each side of the road.

“Ahhh, I’ve been doing that too. I kept ducking my head into the cathedral every so often. But my Ghouls know what to do, you know? They are pretty good at moving shit and they loooove putting up all the decorations, so I didn’t have to worry so much. Gotta say… it’s looking really fucking good this year. I just hope I haven’t overdone it.”

“I’m sure it’s fine.” she quietly said, her empty voice softening into a warm, reassuring tone. “It’s Halloween. You can’t really go overboard.”

“True, true… true dat, true dat.” he muttered, idly nodding as he lowered his head to stare at the tops of his polished shoes. His response caused Aemelia to turn her head to face him with a confused frown like she was puzzled by his choice of words, but when she noticed that he was avoiding her stare by peering down at his feet, she sighed heavily and turned her head away to focus on the tarmac again, hoping that the vehicle they were looking for would turn up soon.

“I almost forgot about us doing this stakeout to be honest.” she confessed, subtly wincing when she noticed that he’d slowly lifted his head to listen to her intently. “S’pose it’s because I’ve been so busy but… it’s also not much of a surprise. There always used to be a rush around Halloween time, the company would insist we got more done. We’d get away with doing loads of stuff in broad daylight. No one thought twice about us turning up in our uniforms, nor did they give a fuck if they saw a creature that passed for a Halloween costume. I doubt they’ve changed how they operate if they’re going ahead with a major transport tonight.”

“May I, eh… may I ask… when you worked for them, did you ever… collect any demons?” he inquired in a small voice that was so unexpectedly sad that she turned her head to face him with a pained wince.

“Yeah. All the time. Not that I had much of a choice.” she reluctantly admitted, reaching her arms out in front of her so that her hands could tightly grasp around the steering wheel for comfort. She plainly stared into Copia’s eyes, and her dark irises faltered with so much guilt that he sighed heavily and swiftly leaned towards her. He rested his chin over her left shoulder and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Her hands simply continued to squeeze around the steering wheel but her eyes closed due to his comforting actions, heavy, relieved breaths huffing out of her. He embraced her tightly for a little while, hoping that his hold would chase away her guilt for the time being.

“You’re not upset about it?” she whispered, frowning deeply when a loud exhale left him.

“I’m upset that it’s making you feel shitty, Aemelia.” he quietly replied, angling his head so that he could press a kiss to the side of her face. “I get that you feel you’re to blame for all the things you did when you worked for them but… you know it’s not as simple as that. I mean… I know it’s not like that.”

He backed away a little when he sensed her turning her head to face him and when she saw that his expression was utterly sincere, she huffed out with relief and closed the space between their faces. Their eyes fell shut in unison when their mouths met in a soft kiss, and the arms around her tightened like he was attempting to keep her as close to him as possible.

The steering wheel creaked now that her hands had tensed even more, and before their kiss became any more deep or meaningful, the approach of a blaring horn split over the tarmac in front of them. The abrupt passing of the noise – along with the concerning screech of rubber – caused them both to swiftly part ways and Miss Vial sat up straight, glaring out of the wind-shield as she fumbled with her car keys to fire up the engine. Copia reluctantly fixed his seat-belt in place and cleared his throat, distracting himself from his disappointment by reaching a hand up to smooth back his hair, his tongue subtly rolling over his bottom lip like he was still savouring the taste of her.

The sedan erupted into life after a couple of puny splutters and she released the handbrake, the head-lights flickering on as the car swiftly rolled towards the lay-by's exit. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she revved the engine and the sedan tore across the road. She climbed her way up the gears to speed after the red tail-lights that were swaying from one side of the road to the other before their very eyes.

Copia's gloves clenched around his thighs like he was making sure his form wasn't persuaded to move with the car's sudden movements, and he squinted his eyes with interest when the sedan gained speed, his head falling back to thump against the headrest of his seat. The vehicle in front of them was rather worse for wear. It was an unassuming black delivery van, rather than the truck the two of them had envisioned, and two metallic flaps that made up its back doors were open and wildly waving back and forth.

Aemelia's eyes widened with realisation when she teased the accelerator so that the bumper of the sedan was barely touching the back of the van, and Copia's mismatched eyes widened too when they settled on the interior. The backdoors stayed open for a generous three seconds, and from the dingy, lead-lined interior and thick metal bars, it looked like it was an unpleasant prison.

While the black sedan effortlessly kept up with van, the couple persisted to try and see what was contained inside… and after a few minutes, the van began to violently swerve side to side like something was forcefully trying to veer the vehicle off-course. It went on for at least two minutes until it suddenly died down, but from the looks of the long, dexterous fingers that wrapped around one of the back doors as it flapped back into place… whatever was inside was dying to get out.

“Ehhhh… A-Aemelia?! What is that?!” Copia exclaimed, stretching out his arm to point at the gnarled fingers through the wind-shield.

She refrained from replying to him, too fascinated by what was occurring in front of them. The hand let go of the door to push it open with ease, which revealed its presence to them. It would have easily passed for a human were it not for its mirrored eyes, long braided hair and lilac skin, which was branded in occult runes. Its mouth curved into a sharp, wily grin when it peered at the glossy black bonnet of the sedan, and once it leapt from the back of the van to splay itself over the wind-shield, Miss Vial gasped and slammed her foot on the brake pedal. She and Copia shared the same look of horror, for her actions only seemed to cause the creature to press its naked form into the glass even more, and once the vehicle arrived at a slow halt in the middle of the road, the creature sent them a thankful wink and rolled itself off the bonnet to stand on its two feet.

The couple gawped at the creature in disbelief as it casually rounded the car to throw one of the rear doors open and slide itself over the backseats, and they both leaned towards the gap between the front seats to warily peer at the reflection of it in the rear-view mirror. After carefully closing the door, its pale purple arms draped across the back of the seats and it slouched back to unleash a yawn like it was suddenly incredibly comfortable.

“What the shit do we do about this?” Copia fiercely whispered, frowning with concern when the creature shuffled to spread its legs to accommodate for its generous appendage.

“Don’t know. But I do know that it’s being a right cheeky fucker.”

“Shit. So you don’t know what it is?” he asked, momentarily shifting his eyes away from the mirror to glare at her nervously.

“Of course I do. But if I told you… I think we’d have some issues.” she muttered.

“What? What you mean? Is it heavenly?!”

“No. It’s… it’s not that.” she sighed out, her frown deepening when she observed the creature close its eyes and tip its head back with a wide smile. “I just feel like you’d take advantage of it.”

“You don’t… trust me?” he squeaked out.

“Not with this, no.”

Copia’s cheeks burned red due to her response and he lowered his head like he was suddenly ashamed of himself, his gloves loudly creaking as they tensed into fists by his sides. Aemelia sighed heavily and peered at the road ahead of them to check that the van was nowhere to be seen. A blank, shadowy road reassured her that the delivery van had been oblivious to the creature’s escape and she eased her foot onto the accelerator to carefully swing the sedan into the centre of the road. When she successfully turned around, the car began to gain some speed now that it was confidently headed in the direction of the Ministry and Copia reluctantly lifted his head with a thoughtful expression.

He wanted to question Aemelia about her actions, but he was feeling a little sore after her confession, so he kept quiet and simply glanced at the strange, lilac creature in the rear-view mirror… but to his surprise, a smiling Aemelia peered straight back at him. It was identical to the impassive woman sat beside him, other than the playful smirk that tugged at her lips. His mouth parted in amazement and he couldn’t resist trailing his eyes down the front of her body, but before he could study her any further, she leaned forwards to occupy the gap between the front seats, the loose strands of wine-red hair by the sides of her face falling forwards as she tilted her head and bit her bottom lip in a tempting manner.

The strangeness of the occurrence didn’t seem to bother him, for he was too captivated by the sight of her to care for any rationality. He swivelled around in his seat and leaned towards her, his eyebrows knitting together when he made the mistake of gazing at her grey lips…

“What do you desire?” she whispered, smirking when he dipped his head down and let out a quiet, frustrated groan when their noses brushed. “You can have anything. You can do anything.”

He closed his eyes and unleashed a loud exhale, his gloved hands reaching out to gently snake around her middle.

“Fuck’s sake, Copia.”

Aemelia’s irritated voice came with a firm squeeze to his left thigh and as a consequence, his eyes flashed open and a surprised wheeze flew out of him. The real Aemelia was still sat in the driver’s seat and returned his glare, her left hand idly clutching the steering wheel while her other firmly kneaded his thigh.

“I knew you’d be susceptible to it’s sleazy tricks. It’s a genie, alright? Or a Djinn if you want to be more specific.” she confidently told him, turning her head away from him to focus on the tarmac in front of them, though her hand noticeably remained on his leg like she was set on keeping his thoughts away from the genie’s tempting illusions. “So just try to keep your mind occupied until we find something to do with it.”

“Why… why is it affecting me so much, Aemelia? It hasn’t tried to tempt you?” he murmured, briefly glancing at the rear-view mirror. The genie was still coolly sitting over the backseats with a sly smile like it had never tried to impersonate Miss Vial at all, but it lifted its head to squint its mirrored eyes straight into the mirror. Copia gritted his teeth and turned his head to rest his eyes on Aemelia instead, and a wheezy huff of amusement came from the creature, like it was immensely pleased that it had managed to trick him for a little while.

“It wants you to wish for something so that it can feed off your greed and misfortune. If you don’t shut your mind off, it’ll creep into it and start messing with you. I manage to block out its tricks by thinking of shit that irritates me.” she explained, turning her head to return his mismatched stare for a moment. “It’s no surprise that the company were transporting it tonight to be honest. They were probably hoping to make some use of its wishes over the Halloween season.”

“Wait… does that mean the wishes are unlimited?” Copia questioned.

“Of course they’re not unlimited. You can’t wish for anything once you’re dead.”

He audibly gulped but frantically nodded his head in understanding. Then he risked sending another glance to the rear-view mirror. Aemelia cautiously did the same and their gazes rested on the genie… who was far less comfortable now that a tiny, mohawked imp had somehow clambered up from the cluttered contents of the sedan’s trunk. Nekid’s presence confused the couple, but they couldn’t say they were too surprised that he was still desperate to continue his stowaway antics. Their eyes widened when the genie’s confident, collected demeanour cracked immediately when Nekid reached down to lightly pat his slender hand against the side of its branded head.

“So you’re stuck with these two fucks as well, huh?” the pale grey familiar rasped, beaming a wide, needle-tooth grin. “Heeeeey! Waiiiiit a minute! You’re butt-naked too?! Gaaaaak! Fakk you! You trying to be me or some shit?!”

Its mirrored eyes flashed vividly at the sight of the fuming familiar and it cried out as much as its lungs would allow. Its high-pitched shriek was reminiscent of a young girl screaming at the sight of a spider, and both Copia and Aemelia narrowed their eyes and gritted their teeth in protest while it persisted to grate on their ears.

“Hey! Shut the fuck up! I can’t hear shit right now!” Nekid yelled over the persistent high-pitched “eeeeeeeek!” that only seemed to repeat once the genie had paused to take in a small gulp of air. “You know what... I guess I may as well make use of you while I got your attention. Soooo… you better be prepared. I have a veeeeery long list for you! Hehhhk.”

While Nekid cleared his throat to continue speaking, the humans in the front seats winced in dismay and Copia shifted slightly to rest a hand on Aemelia’s right shoulder, hoping that his action would give her a small bit of comfort. While the familiar’s squeaky voice babbled a list of various items over the genie’s consistent whine of terror, the couple shared another wince that displayed their exasperation, that was soon cut short by the genie launching forwards. Its toned arms wrapped around the backs of their seats and its head hovered in the gap between them.

“S-Stop the car!” it fiercely demanded in a grating whisper.

Aemelia and Copia glanced at one another quizzically.

“Please! Stop the car! I-I gotta get out of here! That thing’s driving me frickin’ crazy!” it nervously insisted, its mirrored eyes squeezing shut as it reared its head back like it was suddenly feeling rather nauseous after Nekid’s overload of wishes.

The sedan’s tires screeched for the second time that evening, and once the car slowed to a gentle speed, Aemelia ensured it safely stopped by the side of the road. When she cranked the handbrake, the genie spluttered out a desperate gasp and launched itself towards one of the rear doors, which it then threw open. It hurriedly leapt out of the vehicle and slammed the door shut before it stooped down to vomit into the brush beside the tarmac.

“Yeeeeeeesh! What’s the deal with that guy?! He was soooo fucking ruuuuuude!” Nekid yelled, blowing a loud raspberry when he sunk down to sit on top of the backseats, his mismatched eyes narrowed as he shook his oval head in disapproval.

“You think we could just… leave without it?” Copia whispered, their eyes settling on the lilac creature, who was keeping its balance by pressing a hand to the sedan’s glossy frame as it vomited.

“Naaa… that would be - ”

Aemelia paused and briefly trailed her eyes around them to study their current surroundings.

“Hang on a minute. This road seems familiar. That Catholic convent’s near here, isn’t it?” she asked.

“Oh yes, it’s veeeery close, baby.” he replied in an amused tone. “I’m sure it wouldn’t be any harm if we just… left it here. It would be a good deed, no? The nuns might find its presence… handy, if you get me, heh heh.”

Aemelia snorted in amusement and trailed her gaze from the vomiting genie outside to focus on Nekid instead, who was still calmly sitting on top of the backseats. He was swinging his slender legs side to side like butter wouldn’t melt, and her black eyes widened when she realised that she could no longer see through the rear window due a large pile of items that had manifested to fill the rest of the trunk’s space. From what she could see, it mostly consisted of generous bags of tortilla chips, neon thongs, colourful tissue papers, pristine video game cases, a handful of gaming consoles, an explosion of loose sex toys and an overload of unopened matchboxes. It was clear that the genie had granted some of the mischievous imp’s wishes.

It didn’t take long for Copia’s gaze to shift to the rear-view mirror to spot the same accumulation of items, and his familiar tittered quietly, his oval face softening into a seemingly innocent expression while he nervously pressed his pale grey hands together.

“Tehehehehehekehekehek! Whaaaaat?”

Later that same night, when Copia and Vial silently returned to their respective rooms, and the rest of the Ministry's occupants soundly slept to ensure they were prepared for the excitement that was sure to come with the festive Halloween celebrations the next day, a hunched figure made its way around the church's dim, marble-clad corridors.

It didn't breathe. Nor did it move with any haste. It only managed to travel at a slow pace as it completed each of its strides with some effort. Despite its urgency – which was presumably due to the gradual deterioration of its body – it was careful to stride over the neat trails of purple powder that intermittently stretched the width of the floor, not wishing to disturb the potent, protective substance, not wishing to leave any evidence of its presence.

Bones cracked and its taut, paper-thin skin tensed when it sensed that there was another appropriate – and more intact – vessel nearby. Its sunken, collapsed eye sockets flickered like fading flash-lights and it slumped forwards, trying its best to race towards the doors that led to the courtyard.

It successfully barged its way into the biting chill outside. Though the courtyard was shrouded in a thick sheet of fog, the pitiful figure journeyed forwards like its luminous, turquoise eyes could plainly see through the cloak of opal mist.

The body was so slow that it took almost half an hour to stumble the length of the grassy courtyard, but once it paused to clumsily unlatch the gate that led to the gardens, it managed to find a bit more energy, like it was eager now that it was nearing its destination.

It clumsily staggered through the darkness of the Ministry's gardens for the next hour. Dead, discarded leaves scattered over the blades of grass like a convenient, crisp trail of crumbs, which crunched beneath the figure's bare, greying feet with every step it took.

It must have been determined, for it persisted its actions until it arrived at the graveyard, which was peaceful and calming, aside from the occasional rustle of hedge leaves whenever the breeze picked up ever so slightly.

It managed to wheeze out an elated gasp as it stumbled towards the latest addition to the area... a neat memorial garden, which contained a neat, oblong mound of soil and pristine granite epitaph. The fresh burial was driving the figure stir crazy, for when it started to approach the polite memorial, it shook profusely, like it couldn't wait to enter its new vessel.

Upon reaching the orderly patch of soil, it unleashed a heavy wheeze and fell to its knees, which caused its slack, rotting knee-caps to tumble off, the rounded cups of grey tissue audibly crisping up into a curled, withered spiral.

Its fingers tensed as they raked over the grave's surface and it choked out desperately, its neck cracking as it tipped its head back. Its weak, deteriorating jaw fell open and the glow of its turquoise eye sockets burned brightly, like it was an unpleasant alarm that signified it was about to leave its current vessel.

Its white, fog-like presence flew out of the corpse's mouth to delve into the soil below. And the body it had vacated slumped forwards, its existence hastily deflating into a depressed, shiny black goo that hissed as soon as it started to sink into the grave's soil.

It had taken every last drop of the corpse's energy, like it was determined to possess its next deceased host. But it wasn't to simply survive this time. It had far much more to achieve.


19 : Masters of Disguise

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The Ministry's annual Halloween celebration was larger than ever. The extravagance was inciting and plentiful, which showed that Papa was desperate to out-do all of the parties that had come before.

The church's corridors were lit with nothing but make-shift shrine boxes and wax candles. The edges of the walls and vaulted ceiling were decorated in paper chains that were in the shape of dramatic devilish faces, ominous overseeing eyes and neatly folded bat wings. Hundreds of flickering jack-o-lanterns – of various shapes and sizes – hugged the floor beneath the marble-clad walls, a line of evil flickering faces that only added to the dim, festive glow that swept through the hallways. Miss Vial's neat trails of resin and garlic salt had managed to remain intact since she'd set them out the day prior, and most costumed guests hopped over them in respect of the spirits it was keeping at bay.

Excitement bubbled as huddles of disguised Siblings and Clergy gathered outside the cathedral's arched entrance, their mighty hordes obstructing the path of anyone that simply wanted to pass. It was clear that their excitement wasn't strictly for the party, it was also down to their curiosity. They had no idea what to expect from their new Papa, but from his track record, they had no doubt that he would aim to throw the most impressive bash possible.

The crowd of costumed guests patiently waited for the party to begin by loudly chattering amongst themselves, and eventually, their voices quietened down to intrigued whispers when movement seemed to occur once half-eight arrived. Ghouls – who had been silently guarding the cathedral’s entrance – stepped away from the archway to signify that the party was officially commencing, and the costumed crowd surged towards the open archway. They squeezed together tightly to forcefully filter through the width of the entryway and excitedly gossiped when they trickled into their venue for the night, which was delightfully dark and pulsing with punchy synthwave.

The cathedral was completely pitch black – apart from select areas by the bar, the enclosing walls and entrance – which left the vast chequered floor to bask in hypnotic, ever-changing hues that rained down from lighting rigs that were fixed to the width of the tall ceiling. Despite the new addition of sensual mood lighting, the layout was very similar to the previous year. The speaker set-up was located beneath the pulpit but it was far more elaborate. Various subwoofers had been hidden around the vast floorspace to ensure that the bass was potent enough to tickle the taints of those that took to the dance-floor, and given the synchronized lights that were standing beside the music deck, it was clear that the dance-floor was going to be a dazzling spectacle. The pop-up bar had returned from the previous year too, but it was made up of two dubious, stainless steel tables this time... apparently Papa must have been expecting more guests to turn up this year. Muddled sprawls of chairs and tables were neatly scattered around the edges of the dance-floor, arm-chairs had even been drafted in to give the older guests a bit more comfort when they decided to rest their behinds.

Needless to say, the place was completely kitted out for an unholy night of sinful celebrations, though there was a noticeable absence of a glittering disco ball... thankfully, the guests didn’t seem to mind because they were already bolting for the bar or bobbing their heads as they casually trailed towards the immaculate chequered tiles of the dance-floor. Papa had wanted everyone to mistake the cathedral for a trendy nightclub that night, so he’d instructed his Ghouls to move the stacks of shifted pews elsewhere to make sure that there were no religious reminders to distract his audience from their celebrations, and it had made all the difference because the dance-floor was more spacious than ever.

However, the anti-pope hadn’t just considered the appearance and atmosphere of the event, he’d also accounted for the boring lulls that would always inevitably arrive at some point during the evening. It was something that had subtly frustrated him whenever he’d taken part in the festivities during previous years, and the last thing he wanted people to see was the place half-empty. He’d decided to prevent this by ensuring that the dance-floor was constantly crammed with people. He'd managed to achieve this by inviting high-priests and abbesses, budding Siblings and lucky believers from further afield to attend the event, and their excitement about simply being in the presence of like-minded individuals – and naturally, their mysterious, freshly anointed Papa – was sure to keep spirits high... then again, there was unlikely to be a shortage of high spirits, given that some sketchy-looking guests had already started to politely offer their peers cellophane bags that were filled with a questionable white powder.

For the first fifteen minutes, the party was allowed to slowly commence as people continued to trickle through the archway to join the bulk of the dance-floor, and after another ten minutes, the place was brimming with excited guests. And like the crammed church was some kind of cue, the music eventually died down to silence and was replaced with a loud screech of feedback that caused everyone to still their movements, squint their eyes in protest and reluctantly face the indistinct shadows that shrouded the pulpit, where a single white spotlight was shining expectantly. Everyone frowned in confusion, some wearing irritated scowls due to the early interruption, and once rustling and scuffing blasted through the speakers, it was clear that their Papa wasn’t quite ready to take to the stage yet... but of course, his microphone was already on and ready to go.

“Wha... no no! Just leave it there. I can’t walk up these fucking stairs with it on.” his whispering voice hummed through the speakers, which only caused the frowns of his expectant audience to deepen. “I’m taking this shit off soon anyways, so just forget the mitre, ok? What? What you mean? Ah shit! You kidding me?! Now? Fuuuuck! Ok, ok! I’ll head out there. Give me a moment – I look good right? No... stray hairs or lipstick smudges or anything? Good... good!”

His audience narrowed their eyes in bewilderment as his whispers finally ended, only to be replaced by the scrape and rustle of his papal robes as he walked instead. There was an awkward ten seconds of audible scuffs and heavy exhales as he scaled the narrow staircase that led to the pulpit – which was thankfully towards the very back of the church and obscured from view – and the crowd simply glared ahead in unison, silently waiting for the appearance of their clumsy anti-pope. When his glistening, unholy presence eventually emerged from the gloom of the pulpit’s stairs, his skull paint glowing due to the vibrant white light of the spotlight, his audience began to cheer and applaud him and he smoothly approached his podium with a wide stare. When he arrived in front of it, he clutched his microphone to his chest and peered around at the room, studying the amused, smiling faces of his costumed congregation like he was lost or astonished by their excitable response to his presence.

He wasn’t used to such an overwhelming welcome and he held up a gloved hand to request their silence, and to his relief they obliged him by quietening their cheers. He lowered his hand and cleared his throat, raising his microphone to his painted mouth as he continued to gaze around at the thousands of eyes that were settled on him.

“Sorry for interrupting the party so early, but your Papa has a couple words to say before you get stuck into the booze, heh.” he began, briefly pointing towards the bar area at the far end of the space. “First of all, I want to wish you a veery, veeery eventful Halloween. Enjoy it, but take good care of yourselves. There is many of you here tonight, look out for each other, love each other and make sure that no one goes home alone, ok? Everyone deserves their happy ending on this unholy night, you know?”

Eager yells and amused giggles roared from the crowd but he held up his free hand to silence them, and they obliged him again, patiently waiting for his next lot of words.

“Tonight we have loooots of guests visiting us from many of our churches from all over the world, but they are not our only guests this evening. Our depraved, demonic church is host to a very special guest this Halloween, who only answers to the name Sam. Now, I know what you’re thinking... why should any of you care about this Sam guy? Well, this is because he’s from... ” he trailed off and gestured a leather-clad thumb towards the floor beneath him. “... downstairs. And he is not so confident around strangers because he is veeery self-conscious. You see, ehhh... Sam is tall and likes to hide himself by wearing a pumpkin over his head so... if you happen to bump into him when he shows up later, just say ciao, make a little small talk or have a little dance with him and... try not to stare so much, or we will have trouble, ok?”

This time he was met with silence and from the wide eyes and wincing faces, he could tell that his announcement had deeply unsettled his audience.

“Ah, there is no need to worry about him so much, so long as he is treated like everyone else. Sam is a sweetheart, he just needs a little patience.” he calmly added in a flippant manner. “Now, before I shut up and let you wobble your asses in peace, I will leave you with this: You may have noticed that there is no papal throne around here this year. This is because I don’t intend sit on my ass all night. Instead, I will be walking among you, disguised and hungry to get stuck into the party... a wolf in sheep's clothing, if you will.”

Excited gasps and whispers passed through the rows of guests and he faintly smirked, his mismatched eyes glinting with mischief as they trailed over the intrigued faces and wide, curious irises that peered at him.

“So watch your backs out there.” he warned in an ominous, empty tone, his head slowly turning so that he could search the muddle of weird and wonderful costumes for a wine-haired alchemist. “And keep a good eye on your fronts too. You never know who you might come across.”

Miss Vial arrived at the party for the fashionably late time of half-nine, which was rather fitting for the costume she'd chosen to wear for the evening. She'd taken her time getting herself ready, and given the stares she was receiving, her appearance was stirring up a silent fuss amongst the party guests. She’d opted to be controversial, seeing as she’d actually decided to make the effort to dress up this year, and made use of discarded items that she’d found when she’d been diving through the messy contents of her sedan’s trunk some time ago.

One of the things she’d found was one of Copia’s forgotten black cassocks, and after doing a couple of alterations in her attic, it now snugly fitted to her form. Matched with a pair of his discarded leather gloves that she’d also found in the back of her car, it caused her to be an eerily accurate depiction of the Cardinal. Her burgundy hair was loose, combed back out of her face and tucked behind her ears, ensuring that her painted features were on display. She’d managed to replicate Copia’s black cardinal paint with ease and had even made the effort of wearing a white contact in her left eye. And of course, she’d painted on sideburns and his trademark moustache over her top lip, which was shaded in with black paint. She was secretly hoping that her appearance would surprise him.

Most guests opted to stay away from dressing as their fellow Clergy, in fear of offense or favoritism, and that’s probably why Aemelia’s presence was drawing so much attention. She calmly strolled through the crowd, the hem of her cassock swishing to-and-fro, oblivious to their wary gazes as she peered around at her festive surroundings. Deep red paper chains had been neatly cut into horned silhouettes and thin strings of glowing lightbulbs had been pinned to the stone walls to ensure that the cold surfaces were busy and vibrant. She found the abundance of darkness comforting and the colours that were spraying out of the lighting rig particularly pleasant, and she lightly smiled, heading towards the drinks tables, seeing as there appeared to be a bit more space compared to the cramped dance-floor.

As she slipped through the excitable, costumed audience, she realised that she'd probably dodged a bullet by arriving a little later. She hadn't had to witness Copia's opening speech, which was a relief because she had a feeling he wouldn't have been able to take his eyes away from her if he’d noticed that she was dressed as his previous self. That very thought caused her smile to crumple in amusement and she side-stepped through clusters of people, surprised that she was at ease around such a large number of disguised strangers.

When she arrived in a generous space to the right of the bar – which was cluttered with thirsty guests – she spun around to face the spectacle of the dance-floor. It didn’t seem too rowdy, but there hadn’t been much time for the booze to sink in yet, and the music was at a fairly moderate tempo, so the movements of the crowd were fairly sedate... she had a feeling that everything would change when the popular anthems manifested later on. Nevertheless, she appreciated the sway of guests and folded her arms in front of her chest, wearing an inquisitive expression as she watched. She could already tell that there were far more people compared to last year’s celebration and she lightly frowned, contemplating the existence of the strangers while she subtly nodded her head to the muffled beat of the music.

While she was fully distracted by the place’s unholy décor and the gentle flow of the dance-floor, Copia finally made his return. He pushed himself through large groups that were swarming the cathedral’s arched entrance, and to his surprise, their stubborn, unmoving presence reassured him that he’d managed to infiltrate the party in a stealthy manner. When he’d finished his initial speech earlier, he’d bolted from the church to hurry to his quarters. He’d stripped off his papal get-up and hurled himself into a hot shower to wash off any traces of his distinctive paint, and once he’d dried, it hadn’t taken him long to throw on his guise for the rest of the night.

Given the fact people were completely oblivious to his existence and very reluctant to move to allow him to pass, he figured that his disguise was successful and persisted to shuffle his way out of the mob that surrounded the entrance. He was surprised they were unaware of his presence, considering that he hadn’t hidden his distinctive facial hair, but he decided to continue his actions before they had time to notice.

As much as it had been a gamble, he’d taken on board Miss Vial’s suggestion from a couple of weeks ago. He’d neatly slicked his hair back, thrown on some tall boots, tight pants and a snakeskin trench coat – which were all fashioned out of shiny black leather – and had completed his look by perching a pair of rectangular black sunglasses over his nose to hide his unique mismatched eyes. For someone who had simply looked up a picture of the character that Aemelia had named without doing any other research, he certainly pulled off a mature, rugged version of Albert Wesker.

He eventually emerged from the busy congregation that blocked the archway and confidently wandered around the edge of the dance-floor, surveying his surroundings like he was already searching for Miss Vial. He hoped she hadn’t avoided the party by lounging around her attic like she’d been very tempted to do the Halloween prior... but he reassured himself by reminding himself that she’d seemed a little more in tune with the festivities this year, and persisted to slowly turn his head to search the endless colourful costumes for her. After prowling around the edges of the dance-floor for a few minutes, he eventually clicked his tongue to decide that she wasn’t there and spun around, confidently heading towards the bar area instead.

His strides slowed and his entire form creaked as he slid through the huddles of chattering guests that surrounded the drinks tables, his head slowly moving so that he could glance around him to see if there was any sign of his beloved alchemist. He continued to search as he meandered through guests, and after a little while, his actions eventually paid off when he spotted a glaring flash of maroon hair beneath the evolving hues of light, and he slowed to a cautious pace. His gaze remained fixed to her presence as he carefully approached her. He ensured that his movements were slow and casual so that he didn’t give away his enthusiasm to the guests that he happened to pass.

When he neared her, he could see her distinct, subdued form through the smoky lenses of his sunglasses, and he had to refrain from exhaling deeply when he realised that she was reminiscent of his former self. His heart pounded in astonishment and his strides quickened. He elbowed his way through the last of the crowd to reach a small patch of cleared floor-space beside her, and once he arrived there, he simply stared at her in fascination.

The black vestment clutched to the shape of her form modestly and once he gazed upon the familiar black paint that coated her pale features, the opal shade of her left eye slicing through the blackness, her presence suddenly turned him on immensely. The fact she was dressed as him undeniably flattered him, and it gave a pleasant pinch to his ego that he’d never felt before.

He simply gawped at her, so pleasantly dumbfounded by her uncanny appearance that he didn’t notice that she was utterly unaware that he’d arrived by her side. Her back rested against the end of the stainless steel drinks table, and she clutched a glass of cold diet coke to her chest, her indifferent features lightly frowning as she intently observed the clusters of rhythmic bodies that made up the dance-floor. His leather boots creaked as he shuffled close to her right side, so much so that their elbows brushed. Despite his careless actions, she didn’t appear to have felt anything, because she continued to stare dead ahead, the unusual sight of her mismatched eyes studying the masked and painted faces of those that had taken to the dance-floor.

Copia gently nudged her right sleeve with his elbow and cleared his throat, hoping that he would draw her attention, but he only caused her frown to deepen, and unfortunately, she didn’t turn her head to face him like he’d anticipated. He shuffled even closer to her and dipped his head down to crane his neck towards the side of her face, where his mouth lingered beside her ear so that he could ensure that she was the only recipient of his warm whispers.

“You wear a moustache so well, Cipolletta... but that cassock, it has to be removed. This instant. I demand it. I need to make sure you are wearing it properly... if you are wearing nothing underneath, you have grasped the Cardinal very well... and if I am lucky, maybe I will too, ah?” he purred, unable to refrain from wearing a smug smirk.

To his confusion, she didn’t respond at all. He shrugged and reluctantly drew himself away from her, a concerned frown replacing his amusement. He leaned back and cleared his throat, confidently tapping the cluttered surface of the bar to their left. His actions attracted the attention of the bar tender – who was dressed in a rabid bunny onesie – and he raised his other hand up to the middle of his sunglasses to ensure they were still obscuring his eyes.

“Glass of red.” he muttered as casually as possible, trying his best to disguise his distinctive voice with a strange, muddled European accent that he definitely didn't pull off that well. Nevertheless, the bar tender nodded in acknowledgement and he nodded in approval, calmly returning to his previous position to study the silent and oblivious Cardinal Vial, who was now half-way through a sip of her drink. He closed the space between their sides and dipped his head to whisper into her right ear again.

“I'm sorry... that was very inappropriate of me, your Dark Excellency. I did not even say hello, ah?” he murmured with another wily smirk. “My mouth just ran away before I could think about it. I just... didn't expect you to be dressed as me. Well... the old me. It is quite, eh... sexy, heh heh.”

Again, he didn’t receive a response from her.

“Eh... are you feeling ok, Cardinal? You are... very quiet.” he quietly asked, frowning as he trailed his eyes to the side of her vacant, painted features. He sighed in defeat and wore a worried wince.

“Shit, Aemelia. Have I... done something wrong?” he questioned. “ Please tell me what it is, I am... I am so stupid with these fucking things sometimes. Is it the costume? I... I haven't got it right, have I? I knew these sunglasses were the wrong fucking shape.”

Yet again, she continued to calmly sip her drink like he wasn’t present.

“Baby... I.... I’m sorry for making you mad. I promise that I make up for it.”

When she persisted her silent treatment, he huffed out and tensed his shoulders, confidently taking a step in front of her so that he could stare at her directly and latch his gloved hands around her shoulders. Now that he’d forced her to focus on him, her mismatched eyes glared and she blinked in astonishment, staring into a vivid, skewed reflection of herself that was present in his shiny black sunglasses. He began to talk to her with a sincere expression, and though she could see his mouth moving, his voice was so muffled that he was barely audible to her. She scowled in bewilderment and tilted her head, her conflicting irises widening when he gently shook her to show that he was deadly serious about whatever he was telling her.

“I know we promised to avoid each other in public tonight, but... I can't do it, ok? I can't leave you on your own on a huge night like this. This is why I’m in this disguise. No one knows it’s me... for sure. So... fuck it. I'm spending the entire night with you, and if anyone finds out... whatever, you know?”

Her eyes widened further when he suddenly leaned towards her and stroked his arms away from her shoulders to assuredly slide them around her waist. She barely had time to exhale in realization before his mouth smothered her gaping mouth, and her eyes fluttered shut in pleasant astonishment. She winced and tightly clutched her glass to her chest as he pressed against her, the clinical table behind them clinking as she abruptly leaned against its edge. Bottles and glasses clinked together due to the firm motion of their kiss and he continued to kiss her deeply, taking advantage of the fact she was fixed in place.

If she hadn’t been sure that it was Copia before, she was certain that it was him then due the tightness of the arms that were wrapped around her middle, the firm feel of his lips and the reassuring tickle of his thin moustache as it feathered over the skin around her mouth.

At the sound of glass scraping over the surface of the bar behind them, he reluctantly ceased his actions by backing away from her. He sensed that his kiss had caused a number of curious eyes to settle upon them – brazen kissing so early on in the evening was an unusual sight apparently – and he cleared his throat, lowering an arm from her waist to swipe up the glass of red wine that had been left over the table behind her.

She searched his face when he raised the rim of the glass to his lips. She could tell he was studying her intently and just as he was about to take his first sip of wine, he tilted his head and a wide amused smile spread across his weathered face. His gaze rested on one of her ears, and he could plainly see that it was blocked by a skin-coloured ear plug. His amusement became relieved chuckles and he raised his other hand from her waist to idly point a leather-clad finger to each of her pallid ears.

At first, her frown deepened, but after a few seconds, realization suddenly dawned on her.

“Fuck!” she exclaimed, her free hand frantically reaching up to the sides of her head to uncork her ears. Copia wore a crumpled smile to stop himself from laughing while he calmly sipped his beverage and Aemelia sighed with relief when her ears were finally free of their plugs. She slipped her hand beneath the collar of her cassock and tucked them under the material that covered her shoulders – seeing as she didn’t have any pockets handy – and shook her head like she was mentally chastising herself.

“Fuck’s sake. I must’ve had these in for hours. You haven't been trying to talk with me all this time, have you?” she asked with a worried wince, the genuine horror in her eyes causing him to swallow his wine down so that he could unleash an impish chuckle.

“Ehhhh....” he squeaked out, his free hand casually pulling up the right sleeve of his trench coat so that he could pretend to check his wrist-watch.“... I must have been stood here for maybe... half an hour. Maybe a little less. I’ve kinda... lost track of time, heh.”

“But you've been talking the entire time?” she questioned, raising her hand to her forehead like she was attempting to shade her eyes from embarrassment.

“Yeeeah, pretty much.” he confessed, wearing a silly smile when he took another sip of his drink. “How long you been here? You saw my little speech, right?”

“No. I got here after that.” she said, lowering her hand now that pink had started to tinge her cheeks... she thought there wasn’t much point in trying to hide her embarrassment anymore.

“Oh. That’s a real shame. I wanted to know how everything came across. But it’s cool, it’s no biggie. At least it’s over and done with , heh heh.” he added, his smile lingering now that he could witness her features without the obstruction of her hand.

“Sorry I wasn’t here to witness it. Everything’s been a rush today. I finished work early to take Manon trick-or-treating and I got back later than I expected. And then it seemed to take a fuckin’ life-time to get ready. I even had to do some last minute adjustments to this old thing before I got here.” she replied, nodding down towards her black vestment.

“Well, I cannot tell. You look perfect, Aemelia.” he softly complimented in a reassuring tone. “Really. You are... you... you make me speechless.”

She averted her gaze to the chequered floor before her feet to try and hide the smile that found its way across her mouth and he casually rested his free arm around her waist again.

“I thought you’d be annoyed.” she murmured, her eyes glinting with mischief when she casually raised the rim of her glass to her lips.

“Noooo, nooo... how could I be annoyed , baby?” he quietly responded, gently tugging her closer to his front. “It’s all part of the Halloween spirit, no?”

She lifted her head a fraction and once she noticed the proud smirk on his mouth, she snorted in amusement.

“I never thought you’d actually go along with my suggestion.” she admitted, her mismatched eyes trailing down the smart black shirt that lurked beneath his snakeskin trench coat like she was silently impressed. “But I’m glad you did.”

“Well... you were very convincing.” he reasoned, lowering his glass to clutch it to his chest. “It's cool to finally have an excuse to get these pants back out. And I... kinda like being covered in leather, you know? Reminds me of the good old Judas Priest days, heh. You, eh... just happened to have a cassock lying around for your costume too, yeah?”

“Something like that.” she muttered, returning his smirk when her gaze settled on his face again. “Have to say... it's really fuckin' comfy. I can see why you used to wear them so much.”

“Mmmmm... yes.” he purred, leaning closer so that their noses were almost brushing. ”This is why I used to fall asleep so much, it was like wearing a blanket everywhere I went. Now I’m Papa, my robes are kinda bright so... it doesn't happen so much these days. You, eh... think I pull this costume off ok?”

“Yeah, 'course. You look dapper as fuck.” she confidently replied, staring into his smoky lenses with shiny, curious eyes.

“Heh heh heh... goooood, goood.”

“You think I do Cardinal Copia justice?” she asked, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip like she was trying to refrain from smiling so much.

“Ohhhh yeees! Yes yes yes! Absolutely!” he passionately exclaimed, the arm around her waist tightening to show her that he meant every word. “You look stunning, Cipolletta. You are like... temptation wrapped in a cosy cassock to me right now. So... yes, you... you definitely do me justice. I would even say... you out-do me. In many, maaany ways.”

“Oi, don't be so harsh on yourself. We haven't exactly done each other yet.” she teased.

“Ehhhh... that wasn't where I was – shit. You wanna show me now, or?” he murmured hopefully, lowering his head some more so that he could peer at her with his wide, mismatched eyes, which were peeping over the oblong frames of his sunglasses.

“You've only just got here, and you already want us to do that?” she asked in feigned annoyance, her long strands of burgundy hair subtly shifting when she tilted her head inquisitively.

Yeeeah, true... true dat. I just... I don't know.” he replied with a heavy sigh. “Everything about this party seems very different this year. Even though everything is going well. The peoples are having a good time and... and the atmosphere is exactly how I wanted but... I just feel like there is something missing. Or... coming. Either way... it’s bad, you know?”

Her smile faded and she winced, reaching her free arm up to rest a reassuring hand on his right shoulder.

“Don’t be so miserable.” she softly said with a small smile. “It's impossible to capture the craziness that was last year's Halloween. You had less responsibilities last time. Now you're in charge, you have other things to worry about.”

“Mm... yeah, I guess you're right, baby.” he quietly agreed, closing his eyes when she raised her hand to brush her gloved fingertips along his jaw. “Maybe I should just loosen up a little and get my head out of the gutter. I just... want this night to be perfect for everyone, you know?”

“What you worrying over? They're having a whale of a time over there.” she reassured, nodding her head towards the bustling dance-floor behind him. “Give it another hour and this place will be buzzing, alright? Don't get down about it.”

“What about you, Cipolletta? You are... having a good time too?” he whispered, his expression unreadable now that his smile had disappeared.

“It's been alright. But it's a lot better now that you're here.” she confessed, which caused the corners of his lips to curl into a relieved smile. He opened his mouth to reply to her but her eyes caught sight of something glistening in the distance and they shifted away from him to narrow in suspicion.

“What is it, baby? What’s wrong?” he quietly asked.

“I think it’s happening again.” she simply stated in a cold, empty tone.

“What you mean? What’s happening again?”

He turned his head to face whatever she was looking at without moving his body, and his mouth parted in realization when he spotted the distinctive shimmer of his enchanted blade cutting through the murky mass of guests that formed the dance-floor. Its existence didn’t seem to concern anyone else, they just assumed it was a stylish prop from the proud way the figure wielded it in their small left hand. Their knuckles were white from how tightly they held onto it, and their black cloak elegantly flowed behind them as they broke free from the clusters of guests to dash towards the exit, seemingly desperate to leave the scene.

And both Copia and Vial had the same disconcerting suspicion that the figure was eagerly headed towards the Ministry’s graveyard...

20 : An Inevitable End

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Copia was the first to follow the mysterious, blade-wielding figure. His eyes were fixed to the elegant cloak that occasionally draped behind them whenever there was space for them to pick up speed. The stranger shoved guests aside with their elbows like they were desperate to get through the groups that loitered by the archway, and it only caused Copia to speed up his strides.

By the time he delved into the same mass of chattering guests, gritting his teeth to stop himself from growling in annoyance, Miss Vial finally left her spot at the bar. Her belated actions were purposeful, and disguises aside, they didn't want to draw attention to themselves by being seen together. Nevertheless, she made good time, for when Copia finally emerged from the clusters that swamped the entrance, the thick soles of his leather boots shrieking as he skidded over the chequered floor, she was already hurriedly sliding her way through the costumed horde.

Now that her ears were free of plugs, the crowd’s excitable chatter and obnoxious giggles grated on her ear drums and she set her jaw, her mouth pressing into a stern line as she continued to push her way through them, her mismatched stare lingering on the archway, where she only just witnessed Copia's leather-clad presence finally departing for the gloomy, marble-clad hallways outside.

Aemelia raised her pace and her actions became more forceful. She spun around and side-stepped the rest of the way there, trying her best to disguise her clenched teeth whenever the material of her cassock happened to brush against any guests that were a little too close for comfort.

Eventually, she ended her frustration by leaving the hellish, costumed ocean of oblivious, elated guests and bolted through the cathedral’s elaborate carved archway, her conflicting irises shining with concern when she finally reached the unnervingly vacant corridor outside. Due to the dim, candle-lit atmosphere, she couldn't tell whether Copia was visibly ahead of her, but she confidently pressed on, her black oxfords lightly clacking as she headed in the direction of the courtyard. She was careful to hop over the trails of purple powder and garlic salt that she'd set out the day prior. If the trails were smeared or kicked around, it would weaken to the point that it would no longer deter the spirits, and she really didn't want their night to become any more complicated than it already was.

She navigated the halls, which were thankfully empty – presumably everyone was present at the party by now – and she wandered towards her destination with hasty ease. When she passed through a couple of corridors that surrounded the doors to the courtyard, a frown etched across her brow and her strides became far more hesitant. The party's music had abruptly faded away and she sharply exhaled when it was swiftly replaced with a haunting tune that echoed between the thick marble-clad walls. It was softly hummed and high-pitched, reminiscent of a child's voice and she swiftly glanced around herself, searching for the source of such an unnerving, innocent sound. But her actions were futile.

For she closed in on her destination, and the eerie, folkish song persisted to grow louder, and as she cut through the uncertainty of the shadows with a troubled frown, only to come across a thick, shiny black shadow that obstructed her path to the courtyard doors, she gasped out harshly and winced when she firmly bumped into them.

Copia's entire leather-clad form creaked as he confidently turned around to snatch hold of one of her gloved hands, oblivious to the alarm on her features as he tugged her towards the doors with a faintly proud smirk. He hurriedly darted into them and she widened her eyes, surprised when his hand let go of her to snake around her waist. His smirk became more prominent once he scooped her into the cold chill of the courtyard and he inhaled deeply, peering up at the ominous, murky blanket of night sky like it was a fresh, early morning sunrise.

When the doors clattered shut behind them, he guided them across the dry patch of grass, the distinct rustle of her cassock’s fabric causing him to slacken his hold on her waist so that he could subtly brush his leathery fingertips over the curve of her behind. She narrowed her mismatched eyes, and when he gently squeezed her buttock, she sharply turned her head to face him. He confidently returned her stare, his smirk broadening when his hand idly slid away from her to continue to hold her waist.

“You heard what they said?” he murmured, leading them towards the gates of the Ministry’s gardens at a nonchalant pace. His voice caused her frown to deepen and she shook her head, staring into the shiny lenses that shrouded his gaze from her.

“Ah... nevermind. I just... I thought you’d heard them too.” he casually added, briefly glancing in front of them. When he was certain they were heading in the right direction, he turned his head to gaze at her again, like he was suddenly unable to focus on their task.

“I just overheard something a little worrying before we left but... I’m sure it’s cool. It’s probably just a couple Siblings playing a prank. But if what they said is true then... they will have to deal with it, heh.” he cheerfully went on, seemingly amused by her bewildered expression.

“I thought we were tailing someone?” Aemelia sternly questioned, her left eye glinting vividly due to the sparse sources of light.

“Yeees, yeeeees... we are, baby.” he whispered, seizing the opportunity of her patient anticipation to tilt his head so that he could continue to whisper his response into her ear. “But what’s the rush? We know what they’re trying to do, and where... and whatever. You remember last year, yeah? We need to give them some more time to... make their little mistake. I don’t wanna get there too early. Anyways... it’s kinda romantic out here, no?”

He gestured his free hand towards their surroundings in an enthusiastic manner, and she reluctantly trailed her eyes away from them. The courtyard’s vast expanse of grass was vacant and partially hidden by a thick cloud of fog that had started to roll in. Its ominous, opal presence was majestic but unsettling as it hung close to the ground, spreading out further and further so that it could seep into the gaps in the gates they were heading towards. She subtly winced when she felt his moustache tickle her ear lobe but focused on their destination, trying her best to understand the situation they were about to get into.

The couple remained silent until they had to pause for Copia to unlatch the gates to the garden, and once he’d completed his action, he tugged her through the gap, his lips still grazing against the skin of her ear. He paid no attention to the gates when they loudly shrieked closed behind them, he was seemingly too captivated by Miss Vial’s presence. It was clear that he was enjoying the fact they were finally away from an audience of watchful eyes, and not remotely concerned that they were about to pick up another corpse of an impulsive – and irresponsible – follower.

Aemelia continued to gaze ahead of them as they trailed the unruly grass of the gardens, her frown lingering due to the fact his mouth with still hovering beside her face. She wasn’t sure whether he was expecting her to kiss him or simply face him, but she was fairly set on ignoring him, much to his disappointment.

The arched trellis towered above them, shading them with a canopy of dried, curling leaves. Strings of caged fire-torches lined the width of its frame like they were encouraging them to follow the illumination, and a dim golden glow fell over the two of them now that they walked beneath the withering arch of leaves. Copia was thankful for the light because he could see her far more clearly, and he exhaled deeply as he peered up to rest his chin over the top of her head. His arm squeezed her to him tightly when he angled his head to breathe in the scent of her burgundy hair, and his slowing steps caused her to match his nonchalant pace.

The strange, haunting tune swept through the air again. It was distant this time but they could plainly hear that it was coming from the location they were headed, and the fog by their feet seemed to tumble towards it in approval. Despite the return of its presence, it didn’t appear to worry Copia at all, for he was still mesmerized by Aemelia’s proximity.

“What’s with the singing?” she softly asked, turning her head so that she could stare at him directly. Her actions caused him to slow to a gentle halt and she did the same. Although she couldn’t see his eyes, she could tell that he was holding back his words for a moment from the way his shoulders subtly tensed.

“At least it’s in tune, heh.” he eventually responded in his usual flippant manner, his mouth curling into an amused smile. “I guess they’re being serenaded to their death this year. Lucky them.”

Before she could open her mouth to reply, he lowered his other arm towards her waist to trap her in a tight embrace and he yanked her close to him, ensuring that the tips of their noses brushed. She glared at him in confusion but he unleashed a deep sigh and nuzzled her nose.

“Mmmm... I’ve wanted to hold you like this since I first saw you tonight, Aemelia.” he confessed with a passionate wince, his sunglasses slipping down his nose slightly so that his mismatched eyes could gleam over the top of their frames.

“This moustache doesn't put you off?” she murmured, deciding that she would give up on worrying about the strange humming now that she was sure that he must have known its source.

“Noooo, nooo... of course not. In fact, I think it suits you very much.” he admitted in a quiet, suggestive tone, firmly squeezing his arms around her one last time before he stroked his hands down the familiar material that clutched at her sides. “You wear me so well, Cipolletta. I insist you dress like this more often, ah?”

She shook her head in amusement and allowed his gloved hands to stroke down her forearms so that they could take hold of her wrists. As their gazes continued to meet, he moved off and gently tugged her along with him, swallowing hard when her conflicting irises started to trail down his front.

“I-I must thank you for helping me with this, Aemelia.” he suddenly blurted out, like he was trying to distract himself from being aroused by her so soon. “Sadly I can’t get out of doing this, even as Papa. These things are bound to happen, this Halloween is no different. Whoever this sucker is... they will still need disposing of, and other than you, I trust no one to assist me. Not even my Ghouls... they are half the reason these things happen in the first place.”

She frowned at him when he paused to sigh and he lowered his head like he was trying to deter himself from saying whatever was on his mind... but words tumbled out of him regardless.

“But then... they were only following orders, I guess.”

Her frown deepened and her eyes gleamed as they frantically searched the shiny lenses that covered his gaze.

“Orders from you?” she calmly asked, her frown softening into an expectant wince.

He responded with silence. It was painfully obvious that he was reluctant to agree with her, but from the sincere expression on his face, she knew that she must have been correct. Before he found the courage to reply to her, his head shifted like he’d spotted something in the corner of his eye and he slowed to a cautious stop. Aemelia continued to stare at him but obliged his actions by pausing too.

Naturally her eyes were drawn towards the subject of his gaze, and he gently squeezed her wrists to tug her close to his front. Two figures lurked ahead of them. One had the other pressed to the trellis, and from the looks of their tall height, it was no wonder they’d wandered away from the party to rendezvous with a lover in the eerie, autumnal chill. Their head was low so that they could press their lips to the other’s neck and their long arms securely held their dishevelled companion in place.

Copia kept his suspicious eyes on the busy couple as he warily started to step forwards, tightly keeping hold of Aemelia like he was silently ensuring that she was close to him. They remained silent as they passed the oblivious pair and Copia wore a faint smirk when he noticed the brazen sounds of whimpering and suckling that they were leaving behind. He dipped his head down so that he could whisper into Aemelia’s ear again and she reluctantly averted her stare to the frosty ground in front of them like she was suddenly trying to keep herself distracted.

“Yeesh, Father Ramio’s, eh... really getting stuck in there. That is the last thing I expected to see tonight. Guess it's the festive mood, it must be really hotting everyone up this year, ah?” he murmured, his sly smile audible in his whispery voice.

“I wouldn’t know.” she teased in a seemingly disinterested tone, though she tilted her head to confidently return his stare. “Maybe you could show me later?”

“Mmmm... I would be delighted to, Cipolletta, heh heh.” he assured her with a wide, proud smile. “We’ll get this done first and then... who knows where the night will take us.”

She reluctantly nodded in agreement and he turned his head away from her to focus on the path ahead of them, a proud smirk lurking over his mouth. They remained content and silent as they continued to walk together, even when they advanced towards the entrance to the graveyard, which was conveniently shaded by a twisted sprawl of overhanging ivy. It consisted of two iron gates that were worryingly parted like it hadn’t been long since someone had entered.

“It gets kinda slippy around Nihil’s memorial so... keep close, ok?” Copia murmured as they stepped through the gates, staring ahead of them like he was already assessing their surroundings to find the mysterious caped stranger.

“You’ve already visited here tonight then?” she questioned in a blunt manner, glancing at the frosted patches of grass and soil around them.

“Ehhh... yeaahh... I needed to make sure everything was in order, heh.” he responded in a nervous tone, the crisp ground beneath their feet crunching with every step they took.

The lopsided trees and hedges that boxed around them seemed taller than the previous year and Aemelia’s eyes narrowed in interest as she tried to distinguish what lurked in the shadows now that there was a noticeable absence of light. Copia continued to hold her tightly to him and his grip on her tightened once they passed Nihil’s memorial, which took up a large chunk of the uneven soil, and appeared to be located at the opposite end of the graveyard to his sons. From what Aemelia could make out, thriving wild grass framed the late anti-pope’s oblong grave, and she could just spot the glimmer of the gold lettering that took up most of its wide granite epitaph.

“That’s how you spell it?” she asked, squinting her eyes even more to check that she was reading the large gold letters properly. “I’ve always thought it was spelled differently.”

“Hm? What you mean?” Copia murmured in confusion, reluctantly trailing his eyes towards Nihil’s pleasant, grassy grave.

“I swear that says Papa Neil. Not Nihil.”

Copia’s mismatched eyes glared in realisation when they rested on the rectangular mound of soil that Nihil was – supposedly – buried beneath. It was bunched up into messy clumps and not nearly the flat surface he’d remembered it being. It was clear from the spread of the soil that there had been recent movement and he tore his eyes away, his pace increasing like apprehension was suddenly powering him. Having missed the sight of Nihil’s disturbed grave, Aemelia frowned at Copia’s sudden actions but went along with him, regardless of his strange change of pace.

As he insistently yanked her along the crisp, frosted soil, headed towards the three graves of his late brothers, Aemelia frowned deeply as her gaze searched the darkness in front of them. A single, slender shadow bounded across the width of the graveyard at an inhuman rate. It didn’t quite blend in with the darkness due to its unusually tall frame, and given the strange fluctuation of the haunting humming – which was still going without any hesitation – Aemelia knew that the shadow must have been the source of the sound, for once it started to hop towards the nearest hedge to scale it, the tune began to fade away.

“What... what was that?” she whispered, the sound of her soft words causing Copia’s leathery hands to tighten around her wrists. He didn’t answer her and simply kept pushing forwards, ensuring that her attention remained on their task.

It wasn’t long before they arrived at their destination. And unfortunately, they were far later than either of them expected. From the looks on both of their startled faces, it was clear that they hadn't been prepared for the mess that awaited them. The graves of the late popes were completely immaculate, apart from a thin sprinkling of wet blood. Stray arms and legs – which had ripped black fabric clutching to their pale skin – were strewn over the dry soil that filled the gaps between graves, and from the spray of crimson that had bled out towards the hedge in the distance, the main bulk of a torso had been slung a good few yards from the graveside.

Despite his shock, Copia’s arms fell away from Aemelia’s waist. He sighed heavily and clicked his tongue, gesturing a leather-clad hand towards the scattered remains of the cloaked stranger.

“Gah! Did Sam really have to be this messy?” he muttered in slight annoyance, already cautiously stepping around the central grave to scoop up the closest bit of severed flesh. “This, eh... this wasn’t supposed to go down like this but... I guess they must’ve looked at him funny, you know? Ah well. So long as they’re gone, I’m cool with it, heh heh heh. You, eh... going to help?”

He glanced over his shoulder at her expectantly and she rolled her eyes, striding the width of the middle grave to head towards the large chunk of torso that was slightly further afield. He observed her retrieve the hefty body part – which was thankfully covered in thick black fabric and a generous helping of dry soil – with a sly smirk and continued to collect a couple of loose fingers. He briefly lowered his gaze from her once the thick tips of his leather boots collided with something dense but flexible. He hurriedly tucked a severed limb beneath his armpit and shoved the stray fingers into his nearest trench coat pocket before he stooped down with a strained grunt, his arms reaching down so that his gloved hands could latch around a decapitated head that was still conveniently wearing a nun’s white headdress and black hood.

“Shiiiit. This thing is going to be real hard to explain. Ah well, we can always say it’s a very authentic movie prop, no?” he cheerfully suggested as he clutched the lifeless sister’s head to his chest like it was simply a bowling ball. Aemelia spun around with the torso tucked under her left arm and cautiously began to wander towards him with a bewildered expression. Even in the darkness, she could plainly see the gleam of droplets as blood nonchalantly dripped from the sister’s severed neck and her eyes glared with concern.

“Is that Sister Livia?” she asked, unable to hide the shock in her voice as she eyed the head’s lifeless, blood-smeared features. As she walked closer to him, she gritted her teeth together when something sharp poked into her left side and she lowered her gaze to inspect the torso beneath her arm.

“Ehhh... yep, heh heh. I mean, it’s another problem out of my hair so... don’t worry about it.” Copia replied in a flippant manner, his smile fading when she let out a hiss of irritation and pulled something out of the thick black fabric that covered the late sister’s chest. The sharp blade gleamed vividly, even through the thick darkness and he swallowed thickly like it unsettled him now that Aemelia had found his precious, enchanted letter-opener.

“You’ve planned all this.” she quietly muttered, briefly raising the blade to her eyes to inspect it closely before she stretched her arm out to offer it to him.

“Naaaa, not quite.” he replied with a faint smile, tucking Sister Livia’s severed head beneath his left arm so that he could take the small blade from her. “I planned her demise... suuure. But I, eh... I didn’t plan on Sam getting to her before I did so... we have the little problem of all the mess, but it’s cool. I’ll get a Ghoul to come clean up, nothing a leaf-blower can’t fix, you know? Heh!”

“Who the fuck’s Sam?”

His smile grew wider and he snorted in amusement when he slid his blade beneath his right sleeve for safekeeping.

“It’s a loooong, loooong story, baby. But let’s just say... it would be rude to leave out a cousin of mine when we got this banger of a Halloween party, no?” he said with a crumpled smile, his hand returning to the deceased woman’s head to twist the thick headdress around to cover Sister’s Livia’s distinctive features. “I know you’re probably a little confuzzled, and that’s completely understandable. I promise I’ll explain a little more on the way to my place, ok? Right now, we gotta get this bitch out of here before she starts getting all icky, you know?”

Aemelia clicked her tongue but reluctantly nodded. He could tell she was unhappy about assisting him with escorting a dead body again, but unlike the previous year, there wasn’t an ounce of concern on her face. She’d seemingly accepted that the death of a Sibling was an inevitable event, even if she did strongly suspect that Copia had far more involvement with Sister Livia’s demise than he was willing to admit. She supposed that it was only a chilling reminder that he certainly was the malevolent, scheming spawn of Satan.

21 : The Somber, the Starved, and the Suspended

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The dismembered remains of Sister Livia had burned quickly. The costumed couple had simply watched her dried remnants shrivel into small piles of ash in Copia's fireplace, and then they'd left his quarters, deciding that they would return to the party to take their minds off their actions, and of course, the murderous predicament of Sam prowling around the Ministry. The two of them split up when they neared the main chapel. Copia dropped back to make sure Aemelia had a head start, and she focused on following the pulsing beat of the party's music, unsure how she was supposed to enjoy the festive celebrations when she knew that a lethal demon was freely stalking around the place.

Copia trailed behind her, ensuring that he left a large gap between them. He admired the tight fit of her cassock while she walked, his mismatched eyes trailing down her back when a small smile appeared over his lips. His brazen attraction disappeared once they closed in on the marble-clad corridor outside of the cathedral, seeing as the walls adjacent to the archway were littered with people in all sorts of weird and wonderful get-ups. Aemelia slowed to stop short of the line of party guests, and tucked herself into a vacant space that was situated a small distance away from the bustle.

When Copia noticed that she was casually leaning against the wall like she was taking a breather, his strides stuttered like he was unsure whether to approach her, given the large number of watchful subordinates lurking around the corridor. Not wishing to cause a scene, he turned his head towards her and cleared his throat apologetically as he passed. She folded her arms in front of her chest and frowned thoughtfully, but closed her eyes in acceptance, a deep sigh escaping her when he continued to stride towards the cathedral's entrance.

Although Sister Livia's demise hadn't really affected her, Aemelia was suddenly feeling the weight of responsibility on her shoulders and she rested the back of her head against the wall, the muffled thump of the music vibrating through her form. She didn't understand why she was so willing to accept Copia's scheming actions that night, but she supposed it was because she'd expected them. And unlike the previous year, she had nothing to worry about now that she knew that he was meticulous when it came to disposing of a body... but there was still something else that was unsettling her.

While she reflected on the recent events of the evening – and if she was honest, the time that she'd spent with Copia over recent months – the warmth he'd made her feel was immense, and it only seemed to increase the longer she was in his presence. She wasn't sure whether she was simply descending into another foolish pit of affection like she'd often found in previous relationships, or whether it was something far much more than that.

Her eyes remained closed while she leaned against the wall for comfort, and she simply contemplated, trying her best to block out the chatter of the guests to her left. Copia sent her a yearning glance over his shoulder to check whether she was waiting for a large enough gap to start following him inside, but he frowned when he realized that she seemed to be settled where she was for now. He quietly huffed in disappointment but carried on his actions, lowering his head to focus on the cathedral's carved archway. However, in doing so, he caught sight of something distinctly turquoise in the corner of his eye. His strides slowed immediately so that he could focus on the blur of the creature’s subtle movement, and once he studied its distinctive, glistening scales, he halted, overlooking the fact he was about to willingly drop his stealthy disguise.

Two young Siblings – who were dressed in matching skeleton outfits that were subtly glowing a shade of emerald – were loitering by the closest bit of wall to the entrance like they were fully expecting to simply slip into the main chapel at any moment. But from the shiny blue snake around one of their shoulders, Marco really couldn’t disguise himself from Copia’s authoritative stare.

The anti-pope’s expression hardened into a stern, irritated expression and he made a point of bolting towards the kids to ensure that he had their attention. Their excitable chatter died down as soon as he arrived in front of them, and when he stooped down to look between their faces closely, their heads lowered like they were attempting to hide their features from him. They were painted with black and white skulls which accompanied their luminous skeleton suits fairly well, and though their hair was combed back, he could tell from their anxious postures that he was most definitely in the presence of Marco and Cirice.

The Ministry often overlooked the presence of the new, mysterious Siblings, and it seemed like they were hoping to take advantage of that by blending in with the costumed crowd to sneak into the party. The two of them nervously shifted their gazes to the ground and audibly swallowed when Copia exhaled deeply and shook his head in disappointment. It was clear they weren't sure who had approached them, but their bodies tensed and their eyes widened when he began to speak in a scolding tone.

“You kiddies know what time it is?” he questioned in an unusually subdued tone, his leather coat creaking as he patted his left sleeve like he was over-dramatically reading a wrist-watch. The pair glared in unison and shook their heads frantically, and Marco’s snake simply hissed as it slowly stretched down his right arm to taste the air that surrounded Copia, which was ever so slightly coated with the distinctive scent of grave soil.

“N-No, Papa.” Marco eventually found the courage to reply, gently steering his pet away from his superior before it became too curious... his actions were rather futile because it managed to scramble away from him and persist its actions.

“And you?” Copia sternly continued, gesturing to the other skeleton who had her shoulders nervously hunched. “You really think you can deal with a party? You are not overwhelmed?”

The girl lowered her head even more and she blushed profusely, and Marco’s snake jittered downwards like it was amazed by the scent of Copia’s tall leather boots.

“Go. Now. Before I lose my shit.” Copia quietly ordered, taking a couple of steps back to gesture an arm in the general direction of their dormitories. “I get that you feel like you’re missing out... but you’ll get to experience these parties once you’re old enough, ok? I don't care why you’re here... but I do care about your welfare. If you’re here for the booze, the coke, pot... whatever – I don’t give a shit, ok?! You shouldn't be here. You got classes and sermons to attend tomorrow, and a shit-load of growing up to do, so get out of my sight now before I have to have serious words with the two of you.”

“B-But... but...” Cirice quietly stuttered, ensuring that she kept her head lowered to avoid the anti-pope’s intense gaze.

“No no no no. Don’t even try excusing this, Cirice. You might think you’re all grown up at sixteen but - ”

“Seventeen, your Dark Excellency.” the girl emptily corrected, which prompted Marco to shuffle back so that he could successfully guide his snake away from Papa’s soil-covered boots.

“Whatever. You are still kiddies either way. And this party is no place for you. So shift your asses. Make sure you get to your rooms safely, ok? I don't wanna hear that I have to scrape your kidneys from the floor because you didn't listen to me.” he passionately scolded, continuing to drape his arm in the direction of their rooms. “C’mon, what you waiting for?”

He waited expectantly and they eventually exchanged nervous glances before they sighed in defeat and hurriedly stepped away from the marble cladding. The blue snake writhed over Marco’s left shoulder like it wanted to remain in Copia’s presence but the boy kept firm hold of it as he swiftly wandered off. Cirice stayed close to his side but sent Papa a dismayed sulk over her shoulder, which prompted the anti-pope to toss up an arm in frustration.

“Kids.” he complained beneath his breath, shaking his head in disbelief as he watched the couple of luminous skeletons skulk off into the gloom of the candle-lit corridor. He relaxed his arms by his sides with a sigh and reluctantly turned his head to search the rest of the hallway, just in case there were any other sneaky youngsters amongst the costumed guests. Thankfully, everyone appeared to be appropriate ages, but unfortunately, his blatant disciplining session must have caused quite a stir, because every set of gleaming eyes peered back at him.

He cleared his throat and lowered his head, ensuring that his thick sunglasses were snug to his face, and then he began to casually stroll the length of the intrigued line of guests, deciding against entering the cathedral for the time being. He received quiet greetings as he went but he ignored them like he’d never heard them, too determined to reach Miss Vial despite his unwanted audience. But eventually, the polite voices were too much and he gritted his teeth, waving a gloved hand their way in the hopes it would be enough to stop them from bothering him. Thankfully, it appeared to be, because the greetings were swiftly replaced with subdued chatter, and he unleashed a heavy sigh of relief when he was nearing Miss Vial, who was enjoying the vacant walls around her, though her head was dipped down like she was still in deep thought. He was grateful that she’d picked out a quiet spot away from his nosy subordinates, because he was desperate for her company again, and desperate to embrace her tightly.

When he arrived in front of her, he casually draped his arm out to coolly press a leathery-palm to the marble cladding beside her head and she lightly frowned, reaching a hand up to hastily tuck some stray strands of maroon hair behind her ear. She slowly lifted her head but refrained from returning his patient, hopeful stare. Instead, she acknowledged the distinct movement of heads that were occasionally turning their way from the line of guests he’d passed a short-while ago.

“Think your cover might be blown. They keep looking at you.” Aemelia stated in a soft murmur. He quietly gasped in realization and she turned her head to face him with an impassive expression and mirthful, mismatched eyes. He continued to hold himself coolly against the wall, but his other glove reached up to his top lip, where he nervously stroked each smooth tendril of his facial hair with the tip of his leather-clad finger.

“Shit! You think my… my moustache gave it away?” he fiercely whispered, his entire form creaking as his shoulders tensed with apprehension.

“I don’t think so. It was definitely the way you held yourself when you told those two skeletons to sling their hooks. The 'tache was just further proof it was you, I s'pose.” she calmly reasoned, tilting her head inquisitively when he nodded in agreement. He cleared his throat and his body noticeably relaxed like he was suddenly completely focused on her, regardless of whether they had an audience or not.

“You know... this reminds me, I've been having a little think these days, and, eh... you think I'd suit it if I just... shaved it all off?” he asked in a small, thoughtful voice that caused her frown to return.

“What? Your whole body?!” she firmly questioned, her wide eyes glaring like she was trying to picture his appearance in her head.

Nooo! Nooo! Not my luscious locks. Just my... facial hair.” he explained, gesturing his gloved hand like he was physically attempting to correct his words.

“Fuck no.” she confidently said, her curious, conflicting irises shining vividly as they trailed over the neat fluff of his sideburns, and they noticeably lingered when they arrived at his thin moustache. “But don’t let what I think stop you. If you fancy giving it a go... do it.”

“Whooooooa! Whoa! Wait a minute, Cardinal Vial... am I hearing this right? You are saying... you like me like this?” he teased with the slightest hint of a smug smirk. He dipped his head down to inspect her eyes closely and he raised an eyebrow when she hastily responded by stretching her arms out towards him.

“Of course I do.” she firmly assured, gently hooking her arms around his neck so that she could stare into his shiny black shades closely. “I'd be lost if I couldn't see that 'tache anymore. What's brought this idea on anyway? Nekid's insults aren't getting to you, are they?”

“Nooo, nooo. I just... feel it might not fit so well, what with the promotional shit for the tour coming up and me being Papa now - ”

“It's fine. Honestly.” she softly reassured, wincing like she was troubled that he was even considering erasing such a distinctive part of him.

“You sure?”

She angled her head and closed her eyes, confidently closing the gap between them to gently press her mouth into his. Her actions caused his outstretched arm to relax and once his eyes closed, he heavily slumped towards her with a relieved groan. He eagerly succumbed to her kiss and fumbled his arms around until his gloved hands found the sides of her waist to tug her closer to him. He reacted to her passionately and lightly frowned when she began to guide them around so that she could press him into the marble cladding instead, and he gladly relaxed his grip on her so that the arms around his neck could hold him firmly in place. He was unsure what had awakened her impulsive, fiery actions but he certainly wasn’t going to ask, nor was he going to complain about the fact she was openly kissing him in the corridors of his own church.

With only their thin guises to hide them from the distant party guests, Aemelia continued to kiss him into the marble-clad wall, and thankfully, the distance, the dim candlelight and the black cassock successfully shielded her identity from view. Most guests briefly noticed the couple in their peripheral vision and simply thought it was amusing now that they knew that their Papa was one of the participants. There wasn’t much more to their assumptions – it was an expected sight during the course of the Halloween celebrations – so it wasn’t too long before the guests swiftly lost interest and began to gossip about something else.

“Aemelia...” Copia quietly whispered when she eventually drew her face away from him to catch her breath, her nose nuzzling the bridge of his while she rested. “... do we have to head back in there? I want you for myself.”

“I thought you loved parties?” she asked, lightly frowning when she backed away to reluctantly open her eyes and study his wincing features.

“I do. I just... think the party can wait. I'd rather spend a little time with you instead.” he mumbled, his eyelids heavy when he smoothly leaned forwards some more to dip down and rest his forehead against her clerical collar. “I want to taste you, Cipolletta. I promise there will be no biting. Please... let me drink from your cup tonight. I promise you, you will only experience the most potent of pleasures.”

“Maybe later.” she whispered, sliding a hand away from his neck to tenderly stroke his slicked chestnut hair. “Let’s just unwind for a bit. I need to chill out after we had such a frustrating time inspecting your fireplace.”

He groaned and winced with disappointment, but sighed when her leather-clad fingertips started to thread through his hair to gently knead his scalp.

“Ah. Very well.” he eventually accepted, humming out in approval when her scalp massaging was soon accompanied by her mouth softly kissing the skin of his temple. “But my offer will still stand for later, ok? You already got me drooling, baby... I promise you won't be disappointed.”

She backed away to stare at him with mirthful, mismatched eyes and he simply smirked in response, proud that his offer had only seemed to amuse her. Before she could open her mouth to reply, they were quickly distracted by a series of eager gasps and giggles that came from the cathedral’s archway. The party was suddenly alight with echoing cheers and foot-stomps, and the line of guests outside surged towards the entrance, desperate to barge their way onto the dance-floor now that Hunter’s Moon had been turned up so loud that the light fittings in the corridor outside were precariously quaking. Aemelia's arms tightened slightly when Copia tilted his head to study the actions of his subordinates, who were all swaying or nodding their heads to the beat... and it only caused his smirk to widen.

“You don't want to head inside now?” Aemelia asked, which caused him to sharply turn his head to face her, the sound of the party's crowd roaring along to the lyrics causing them both to wear wise smirks.

“Ahhh... sure I do.” he murmured, lowering his head until the tips of their noses brushed. “But I feel like... if we did, it would be very dangerous, you know? If we go in there right now, I know we’d end up dancing together.”

“Was my dancing really that bad last year?” she questioned, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

“Nooo, nooo. I didn't mean it that way, baby. You dance perfectly well!” he passionately exclaimed, wriggling his arms until they firmly wrapped around her middle. “I just meant... if we danced together in the way I wanted, our cover would be blown... forever. There would be no hiding our thing because... my... my hands would get carried away and – fuck. If you want us to do that, we go somewhere more... private, ok? With far, faaaar less layers on too. I get the feeling that the two of us would kinda... overheat, heh heh.”

“Well... no one's out here now. It’s not like anyone would notice us having a little sway.” she softly reasoned, the sight of his subtle frown giving away that he was rather surprised by her suggestion.

“I, eh... I wouldn't be able to control myself.” he confessed, gently sliding his gloves down her sides so that he could cautiously cup her behind with each of his leathery palms. “You already drive me crazy dressed like this, Cipolletta. If you let me hold you how I want in there then - ”

“How you want? You're already doing that out here as far as I’m concerned.” she quipped with a stern expression, though her lips soon curved into a subtle smile, brazen amusement shining in her conflicting irises. He winced apologetically and his gloved hands began to shift away from her behind.

“Shit! Shit. Sorry, baby! I didn't mean to - ”

“I never said you should stop, Copia.” she teased, staring into his eyes directly now that his shades had slowly started to slide down his nose. A loud, amazed exhale escaped him and his eyebrows knitted together when his gloved palms returned to her backside, and her expression was expectant when he studied her wise eyes with unbridled enthusiasm, his tongue clicking in feigned annoyance.

“Why you gotta tease me like this, your Unholiness?” he whined beneath his breath. She snorted in amusement and he began to gently thrust his hips into hers, his gloves creaking when he found the courage to firmly squeeze her behind. While he continued to touch her, a breathy laugh huffed out of her mouth and it only increased his confidence. He carefully dipped his head down, the tip of his nose grazing the pallid skin of her jaw as his pelvic thrusts became a little more firm, though he ensured that they remained slow and cautious in case she found herself disinterested in his affectionate actions.

“This is feeding your ego, isn't it?” she suddenly muttered, trying her best to hide the shallow breaths that were occasionally escaping her parted lips.

“Mm? How you mean?” he replied in a distant tone, seemingly too captivated by her presence to contemplate her words.

“Well, considering I’m dressed like this... and you now have me all to yourself while everyone else dances to your latest single... that has to go to your head a little bit.” she reasoned, which caused his thrusts to slow so that he could brush against far more firmly. From his smirk, she knew that she must have been correct and she huffed out another amused laugh.

“Mmmm. I guess so. But this depends on which head you are meaning... but you are doing plenty of things to both, heh heh.”

“With or without the help of your white stuff?” she calmly asked, her gloved fingertips gently stroking the sides of his neck like she was trying to reassure him into giving an honest answer. Her question caused him to still against her and he peered over the top of his sunglasses, his expression suddenly completely sincere.

“Without, of course.” he whispered, his hands squeezing her behind again like he was desperate to display his honesty to her. “You really think I need that shit to enjoy tonight’s party? I’m having a real good time without it. ‘Cause I got everything I need right here.”

He confidently closed the space between them so that he could smother her mouth with another kiss, but her arms slid down his neck so that she could press her palms to the leather layers that covered his chest. She forcefully pushed him towards the wall and he let out a sharp gasp of surprise when his back collided with the cold marble cladding.

“Let's get inside before the song ends.” she calmly suggested, her head turning to face the vacant archway, though her gloved hand lingered over his chest to ensure that he remained in place.

“Wha –   you want to head back now? But... but why, baby? You don't want us to have a little smooch while we’re out here, all alone?” he questioned with a disappointed wince, unable to suppress the desperate whine of his voice.

“If you smooch me any more, you'll smudge my moustache off and I'd never forgive you.” she playfully scolded, turning her head back to send him an amused, expectant smile. He chuckled mischievously and nodded, which caused her hand to fall away from him and he took that as his cue to gently release her waist from his leathery clutches too.

“Alrighty then.” he accepted in a defeated sigh, unable to resist her look of content, which was a rare sight and appeared even more fascinating due to her painted features. “Let’s head back in there. But there will only be mingling. And when I say mingling, I mean for us to... stay together, ok? I don’t want you wandering off without me. A Papa always needs their right-hand cardinal, you know? Heh heh!”

“So you won't be tempted to dance with me then?” she poked, already backing away from him to step towards the cathedral’s entrance.

“Ehhh... we'll see.” he replied in a peaked tone, unconsciously going along with her actions because her persuasive, mismatched gaze was still fixed to him. “My mind is a little too... muddled to think about dancing right now. My feet would be all over the fucking place, heh. Let's just go enjoy the atmosphere, ah?”

By the time they returned to the bustling cathedral, their shoulders brushing as they entered the lively church side by side, the last thundering bars of Hunter’s Moon swept through the packed place. Feet stamped in unison, arms flailed, heads flung to-and-fro and voices erupted out when the end of the song finally arrived. Most guests cheered or applauded, but a noticeable amount groaned in disappointment when the playlist swiftly moved onto the next track, which had sampled melodies, over-edited pulse synths and a punchy beat.

Considering that the place was packed from wall to wall, Copia took the opportunity of the short lull in the dancing to gently hook his arm around one of Aemelia’s sleeved forearms to gently to tug her away from the entrance. She allowed him to carefully guide them around the outskirts of the costumed huddle – who were mostly cheering and giggling as they swayed to the music, and therefore oblivious to their presence – until he found a quieter bit of floorspace, which happened to be a short stretch from the archway. It took them a little while to get there due to the amount of excitable individuals that happened to occasionally stride into their path, but they breathed unanimous sighs of relief once they arrived in the generous space, their backs leaning against the stone wall behind them when they turned to face the thriving party in unison.

They simply admired the indistinct, shimmering shadows as they moved beneath the evolving hues, and Aemelia soon found herself subtly swaying from side to side like she was unable to resist the catchy pop song. It wasn’t much longer before Copia caught sight of her subtle movements in the corner of his eye, and he cleared his throat with a crumpled smile, shuffling closer to her side so that he could slide a hand around her middle to gently press his leather-clad fingers to the small of her back. When he began to knead her there, her body stilled immediately and they turned their heads to gaze at one another, his shiny black sunglasses sliding down his nose again so that his mischievous, mismatched eyes could peer over their frames.

“I didn't know you liked Madonna.” he murmured in a soft, teasing tone, dipping his head down to hover his mouth by her ear so that he could ensure that she heard him over the thump of the music.

“Well, I didn't know you liked Depeche Mode, but I didn’t bring it up in public.” she hastily defended with a stubborn, half-amused pout that caused him to chuckle deeply. She tipped her head back so that her mirthful, mismatched eyes could scold him more dramatically, and he lowered his head from her ear, his mouth grazing the tender, tattooed skin of her nape.

“Don't.” she whispered with a wistful smile, her eyes fluttering shut when he shifted to ensure that his front grazed against her side. “Someone’s bound to notice.”

“Mmm... I guess you're right about that, Cipolletta.” he responded, flirtation thickly coating his vocal chords. “Maybe they will notice less if I just... got down on my knees? I want to kiss you so fucking bad. They wouldn’t notice if I kissed your other lips, ah?”

She shook her head but snorted in amusement, swiftly shifting her arm towards him to playfully nudge his front with her elbow.

“Oi. Stop being so greedy. I bet you wouldn't feel so hungry if you'd actually bothered to put out a buffet table this year.” she emptily quipped, rolling her eyes when he sighed and nodded in reluctant agreement.

“True, true... true dat, true dat. But I couldn't risk the little guy fucking everything up again.” he reasoned, casually tossing up a gloved hand.

“You are still talking about the buffet table, right?” she questioned with a puzzled frown, which conjured another impish chuckle out of him.

“Ohhhh, baby!” he exclaimed with a crumpled smile, playfully knocking her shoulder with his leather-clad knuckles. “Why you thinking so dirty all of a sudden? Not that I’m complaining. It turns me on very much, heh heh heh. I hope it... does the same for you?”

“Not really.” she sighed out, turning her head away from him to acknowledge the dance-floor with empty, unimpressed eyes. “Not when that's going on over there.”

“Mm? What? What you mean?” he softly asked. He wore a confused frown when he reluctantly trailed his eyes away from her to witness the swaying shadows of the dance-floor... and that’s when he realized that Aemelia had noticed that something was a little off.

The guests had tightly bunched together to avoid the left side of the pulpit, which left half of the chequered dance-floor completely vacant of anyone. At first, their actions caused Copia and Vial to frown in bewilderment, but it didn't take long for them to notice the guest everyone appeared to be avoiding.

He was inhumanly tall and slender, and he towered above the crowd even though he was currently sat over the tiles beside the music deck, his head and shoulders stooping in a depressed manner. The plump, carved pumpkin on his head masked his features perfectly, though his luminous, ruby red eyes spewed out tunnels of ominous crimson light through each of its triangular eye holes. His spindly arms were bent so that his cracked, branch-like palms could support the weight of his chin. His thin, rake-like body was bound in thin bandages and stained hessian, which was tethered in place with rope to keep the twists of mismatched fabric in place. It was painfully obvious that he was trying his best to pass for a friendly scarecrow, rather than an all-powerful, fearsome demon... but the audience found nothing particularly friendly about him, given the splotches of blood that peppered his form from head to toe.

“Is that - ?”

“That's Sam, yes.” Copia quietly confirmed, knitting his eyebrows together while he continued to gently knead Aemelia’s lower back like it was his subtle way of calming her. “I guess he is not so proud of himself tonight. He may be a demon but he is like a little kiddie in many ways. He just wanted to enjoy the party without hurting anyone tonight, you know?”

“Yeah, and look how that worked out.” she darkly muttered, narrowing her eyes in contemplation. “Hang on... Sam wouldn’t happen to be short for Samhain, would it?”

“Yeah, yeah, of course it is.” he casually responded, pausing to unleash a subtly disappointed sigh. “But he is no relation to the festival. It's more of a nickname. Mostly because he's never seen without a pumpkin on his head. He’s a little shy, heh.”

“Right.” she murmured, nodding her head in quiet understanding. “I never thought I'd pity a demon, but he does look pretty sad. You think he wants to leave?”

“Naa, I don't think so. I left his portal wiiiiide open, so he knows he can head back downstairs any time. I guess he's just having a little moment to himself, you know? A moment of self-reflection, or whatever. Then again, there's no telling with him sometimes. He is, eh... how you say? The... the brooding type.”

“Yeah, I get that.” she softly said, sharply turning her head to face him with curious, narrowed eyes. “What do you plan on doing about him? You're not just going to leave him sitting there after his dance in the gardens, are you?”

“Sure I am!” Copia chirped with a wide, confident smile. “He'll be fiiiiine. This party is the best thing for him. When everyone realizes he just wants to be part of something, they will warm to him. His reasons for being here are the same as everyone else’s. So he'll pep up real soon, trust me, heh heh.”

Although Aemelia disagreed with him, she sighed and refrained from saying a word, turning her head to face the dance-floor again in the hopes it would distract her from their conversation. Thankfully, it did, for beneath the changing hues of the lights, one particular individual stood out in the sea of colourful costumes, and their presence caused Aemelia to huff out in amusement. Their unholy robes were tarnished with mucky stains and open holes, but the golden embroidery glistened vividly along with the mitre that was only just clutching to their lopsided head. Their posture was idle and they practically slouched their way through the mass of dancing guests. It seemed like they were unable to move much faster, especially when their giggling peers – who were no doubt highly amused by their choice of costume – playfully jumped around them, each of them eager to spend a moment with such a daring cosplayer.

Most of the guests were so entertained by the presence of an authentic, undead Nihil that they failed to notice the subtle turquoise glow that tainted his cloudy white eyes. He tried his best to scramble away from the dance-floor, his crumbling vocal chords whistling pitifully as he fought against the sway of the crowd, but his body lacked in substance so he was far too weak to protest, and he only found himself as the centre of attention again, swarms of amused guests trapping him in the shadowy, kaleidoscopic prison of the dance-floor. His reasons for desperately escaping the heart of the party were a mystery, but he was certainly determined, for he continued to move against the crowd, his arms cracking as he raised them in front of himself to try and display that he wanted to leave... but to his dismay, his actions only caused his peers to grow more playful.

“That’s probably the best costume I’ve seen this year.” Aemelia confessed, shaking her head with an amused smile.

Copia, however, wasn’t quite so amused. His hands tensed and he tightly grasped her back with his anxious fingertips. She winced and instantly turned her head to face him, her mismatched eyes searching his weathered features. She could tell that his skin had paled, even under the dim light. His mouth was pressed into a stern line and his gaze was still glued to the clumsy Nihil that was stumbling amongst the cramped crowd.

“Yeah.” he whispered in a distant tone, his expression utterly unreadable. “It would drive my mother fucking crazy.”

She snorted and rested a hand on his closest shoulder, which seemed to distract him from whatever troubling thoughts had been occupying his mind.

“Speaking of Sister... you seen her tonight?” he added, unable to stop himself from smiling when Aemelia wrinkled her nose like the sound of the woman’s name repulsed her.

“Fuck no. She’s probably making use of the quiet to write out everyone’s sanctions.”

“Heh heh... yeah, yeeeah. I guess so. With the real Nihil out of the picture, I guess she’s got no real reason to attend these celebrations anymore.” he reasoned, still nodding his head in approval of her joke. “Which... I am really thankful for. She could be a real kill-joy, you know?”

His comment caused her amusement to swiftly fade and her expression fell into indifference. His smile vanished when he noticed that she was staring at him with brazen sadness, and he shifted his arms to firmly grasp her waist. He frowned in confusion and pulled her in close so that he could embrace her tightly, and he huffed out in relief when she managed to reach her hands up to tightly clutch at his chest.

While he continued to hold her, hoping that his embrace was some comfort to her, he saw a distinctive flash of silver dart through the archway and his frown deepened, his chin resting on top of Aemelia’s head when his eyes started to search the crowd for the source of the flash. His hands gently stroked her sides and he couldn’t hide that something had distracted him when she backed away from him to stare at his face. Naturally, she glanced over her shoulder to follow his line of sight, and as soon as she did, he must have finally found whatever he’d initially seen because he sighed out in exasperation.

“You gotta be fucking kidding me.” he grumbled, shaking his head in disapproval. “Where the shit did they find a step-ladder that tall?!”

Aemelia’s face cracked into an amused smile when she spotted a slim, chrome-masked Ghoul cutting through the bustle of the dance-floor. He had an extendable step-ladder beneath his left arm-pit, and a shiny silver figure sat over his right shoulder... and when Aemelia squinted a little more, she realized that the figure had a unique opal mohawk and a distinctly oval-shaped head.

Nekid’s small form was thickly wrapped in a suit of mirrored tinfoil. His shiny outfit was sleek and streamline, and eye-catching no matter how far the Ghoul elbowed his way into the dance-floor. His tiny mitts were clutching onto something, but Aemelia was too far away to make out what it was and she tilted her head in confusion once the Ghoul finally set out the step-ladder. It popped up out of the swaying mass of dancing guests and the Ghoul motioned his hands like he was trying to usher everyone away from it, and once there was enough room, he scaled the tall steps, confidently headed for the thick scaffolding of the lighting rig above.

Aemelia knew that Copia’s quietness meant that he was patiently expectant but she refrained from questioning him, her eyes widening when the Ghoul eventually reached his destination. He carefully lifted the excited familiar from his right shoulder and with some effort – given Nekid’s excited wriggles – he attached a thick, cable harness to the familiar by hooking it under his armpits. Once it was fixed in place, the Ghoul nodded and Nekid tittered excitedly, angling the laser pointer in his arms like it was a lethal rifle. After ensuring that the tiny imp was securely suspended from the lighting rig, the Ghoul swivelled around, his hand shielding over his eyes like he was surveying his surroundings... and once he spotted Copia’s leather-clad presence in the distance, he confidently shot him a thumbs up and blindly administered a firm shove to the pale grey familiar.

Then the Ghoul hurriedly descended the step-ladder, leaving Nekid to erratically spiral around to the beat of Hung Up like he was an overcharged spinning top. The flickering beam of his laser pointer dazzled those below and the crowd cheered with amazement when the spotlights swiftly changed direction so that their rays hit Nekid’s foil suit. Colours bounced around the chapel, his elated screeches and cackles grating over the catchy synth-lines. His dazzling presence could be seen from every corner of the church and it caused more cheers to erupt from the guests. Even Sam reluctantly raised his head to stare at the source of the spectacle, and once he spotted the shine of the seven-inch imp, his shoulders wobbled like he was thoroughly amused by Nekid’s erratic aerial acrobatics.

“What the fuck is going on?” Aemelia whispered beneath her breath, lightly biting her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing.

“Eh! C’maaan, don’t be like that. He likes it, baby.” Copia insisted, playfully elbowing her side. “He’s always dreamed of being a disco ball, so I figured I’d make that happen tonight. And, I know, I know... I know what you’re thinking. It might seem cruel – or whatever – but... he was fully down with this, ok? I didn’t force him into it. He was determined to do this. Manon even did her bit to help him out, she made that spacesuit for him so he could be a shiny little mirror ball, heh heh. It’s very cute, no?”

She snorted and lowered her head like she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but she quickly lifted it again when she heard Copia unleash a hearty chuckle. He leaned forwards to confidently press a kiss to her nearest cheek and she frowned like she was trying to make sense of the surreal situation.

“You’re looking a little lost there, Cardinal.” he teased, his voice wobbling due to his amusement. “You wanna bounce before it gets any weirder?”

Though he was wearing a silly smile, she could tell his offer was completely sincere. She wore a puzzled frown and warily shook her head in response.

“Everyone’s going to notice that we’re missing.” she simply said with a subtle smile, searching the black lenses that covered his eyes. He tilted his head playfully and clicked his tongue like her reply disappointed him.

“C’maaaan, Aemelia... they’re already too shit-faced to notice. And now we’ve got the perfect distraction... let’s make the most of it and go talk in private, ah?”

22 : Always a Catch

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Seeing as the two of them made a point of leaving the party at different times, the guests were oblivious to the fact their disguised Papa and resident alchemist were slinking off to the department’s office to enjoy each other’s company away from the spirited celebrations.

Copia had insisted that the office be their meeting place. Although the Clergy no longer followed his every move, he wouldn’t have put it past them to use the time he spent enjoying the festivities to snoop around his things, so the department’s headquarters seemed like the perfect place for him to entertain Aemelia for the rest of the night.

And for that reason, he’d been the first to leave the party in an unremarkable fashion. He’d hovered his head over her left shoulder to whisper a short, desirous goodbye, his mouth lingering by the pale skin of her ear. His lips were poised there a good while after his whispery words left him like he was toying with the idea of leaving a kiss over her pallid skin... but he resisted the temptation and drew himself away from her with a reluctant sigh, smoothly spinning on the soles of his shoes until he faced the archway. She emptily watched him as he slipped through the outskirts of the bustling crowd that obstructed the cathedral’s elaborate exit, and she rolled her eyes, folding her arms over the front of her cassock.

Aemelia waited a little over ten minutes, just like they’d planned, and when the music shifted to something softer, the clusters of people on the dance-floor started to head for the drinks tables and she finally decided to make her move. She merged with the wave of panting dancers, surrounded by their unpleasant heat and perspiration, until she could shuffle out from their colourful, costumed stampede to fight her way towards the chapel’s carved archway. She scowled due the fact they were oblivious to her urgency, but ensured she kept her mouth shut by gritting her teeth together. Elbowing her way through the last of the chattering guests, she unleashed a relieved breath once she stepped beneath the archway, and when she found herself outside the cathedral, the marble-clad walls were a rather reassuring sight. The neat lines of purple powder and garlic salt she’d placed out the previous day were now well and truly scattered about the stone slabs, and she huffed in annoyance, raising her pace to reach the department’s office as quickly as she could.

The candlelit corridors felt monotonous to her at that moment, as did the over the top Halloween decorations and broken powder trails. Then again, she’d seen an awful lot of those marble-clad walls recently, so the festive spark had probably worn off on her. Nevertheless, she was grateful for the party’s ambience, the flood of noisy chatter and music obnoxiously echoed from wall to wall, filling the vast void of fading shadows in front of her. It was much louder than she recalled it being earlier but she supposed the party was just reaching its peak now that she’d left. If she was honest, she was quite thankful she’d had a reason to leave, the cathedral was far too crammed for her liking.

The slow melody of the music kept her pleasantly distracted as she wandered the densely decorated hallways, her leather-clad hands clutching at the black fabric of her cassock as she hugged herself for warmth now that she was nearing the chilly threshold of the old complex. To her surprise, even when she stepped into the long, winding corridors, the music was still as clear as it had been in the modern complex. The stone-clad walls echoed each note perfectly and the candle-sconces flickered frantically as she raised her pace. Her mismatched eyes searched the left side of the wall for the distinctive shimmer of gold lettering amongst the blackness, and once its telling glimmer appeared a few yards in front of her, she eagerly jogged the rest of the way there, her echoing footsteps overwriting the vanishing sounds of the slow, haunting melodies.

Now that she was nearing the office door, she slowed to a casual stop and unleashed a couple of deep breaths to gather herself. Her gloved hands reached up to her head and she pushed back her long burgundy hair, her fingertips tucking a couple of unruly strands behind her ears. Another couple of breaths escaped her as she reached her right arm forwards to administer a knock to the door... but the brazen return of heavily echoing music caused her to pause. The presence of a distinctive disco beat caused her to snort but she tried her best to refrain from wearing a crumpled smile, and once she let out a loud huff to compose herself, she firmly elbowed the door a couple of times seeing as the gloves she was wearing seemed far too cushioned for her to give the surface an audible knock.

There was an unbelievably short pause when she retracted her arm to casually drape it by her side before frantic shuffles seeped through the wood of the door. She took a step back in preparation of it opening and bit her lip to stop herself from smirking at the loud lock rattles, and after a considerably long ten seconds of them being released, the door eventually shrieked open, leather-clad fingers creaking loudly as they wrapped around the thick edge of the door-frame.

Aemelia raised an eyebrow when Copia’s shaded eyes appeared, his head tilting into an uncomfortable-looking position so that he could peer through the small gap in the door-frame. The glisten of the smoky lenses that shrouded his gaze was obvious to her – even in the indistinct darkness – and she inhaled to stop herself from chuckling when he awkwardly cleared his throat, unsure what to say to invite her inside.

“Daddy Cool's on. I’m surprised you were fine with us leaving before the annual mosh-pit.” Aemelia simply stated before he could utter a word. He parted his mouth in consideration and backed away from the door to open it wider, and before she could casually glance at the office’s interior over his shoulder, he confidently reached forwards and seized hold of one of her sleeved arms to yank her inside. His free arm hurriedly closed the door behind her and he tugged her into his chest, the creak of his leather trench coat causing her to scrunch her face in playful protest.

“The mosh-pit? Eh, it’s whatever. Who cares? I went all out with it last year so I don’t need to do it again this year, you know? Plus... I have you all to myself. Which doesn’t compare at all.” he responded, keeping his voice quiet as he gently tugged her further into the room. She scowled at him in suspicion but allowed him to execute his actions, her mismatched eyes narrowed in accusation.

“Well, that's not very you to say that.” she snapped, tilting her head when he slowed his movements to reach up his free hand and gently caress the right side of her jaw with his leathery palm. “What happened to the soul of the party Copia that wouldn’t take no for an answer?”

“He’s still here! I just, I, eh... I have some things I... wanted to discuss, so... the party can wait. These things, they are very important to me so... sorry if I am not so peppy. I am just – shit. I’m a little nervous, you know?” he confessed, swallowing thickly when his back bumped into the heavy leather arm-chair that was situated before the bureau. Its feet quietly squeaked over the floor when Aemelia leaned into him, her gloved hands wrapping around his forearms to rub them reassuringly.

“Of all the fuckin’ things that’ve happened tonight... this is what makes you nervous?” she asked, wincing when he gladly succumbed to her gentle touch by lowering his hands from her.

“Absolutely.” he began in a passionate, grating whisper, his wincing eyebrows barely noticeable due to the frames of his black sunglasses. “I think the spirits are finally getting to me this year, you know? And I am not meaning the drinks I had back at the bar, heh heh. I mean... the ghosties in this place. I feel like they are pushing me towards you. A-And believe me, I am very grateful for it, I very much want you... but I just feel like there is pressure tonight, if that makes sense?”

“Come off it, ghosts aren’t bothered about us, Copia.” she emptily replied, which caused him to part his mouth to unleash a heavy shuddered breath. “Halloween is the only night they have the option to fuck off and do whatever they like. If you think your brothers are still loitering around this place, I think you underestimate how bored they get around here. If they have any sense, they’ll already be rat-arsed and on their way to Vegas.”

“Heh heh, yeah... yeeeeah... I guess so. But, eh... what about Nihil? You saw that shit just now... someone has a very, veeery good Nihil costume. I fail to believe it.” he responded in a grave tone, dipping his head until he could nestle the tip of his nose into the thick maroon hair that covered the top of her head.

“Right... so you’re worried that he’s pressuring you from the grave or what?” she murmured in contemplation, a thoughtful frown manifesting over her brow when his arms relaxed by his sides and his warm breath puffed across her scalp.

“Sure, I’m little uneasy. He always pushed me to do things when he was alive. It’s not really a stretch to assume he’s resurrected to do the same now he’s a stiff, no?” he explained, raising his head from her when she tipped hers back to face him earnestly.

“I think you’re being overly paranoid. And even if you’re not... I s’pose – in a way – Nihil’s only telling you that he approves.”

“Mm... I guess so.” he said in a distant tone, presumably lost in her mismatched eyes, it was rather difficult to tell due to the smoky lenses that obscured his gaze. “The old fuck was pretty keen on having me date you when he was still kicking.”

“He what?!” she cried, glaring at him when the corners of his lips curled upwards. “You’re not just going to leave that there, are you? Fuckin’ hell.”

A loud, impish chuckle rumbled out of him and his arms snaked upwards until his hands firmly grasped each side of her waist. His leather clothes creaked as he gently pulled her towards him and he cautiously lowered his head again, his tongue subtly licking his bottom lip when she stuck her chin out like her mouth was patiently awaiting his kiss. He puckered his lips slightly but couldn’t resist the curl of a conniving smirk.

“Ah, well... of course. I cannot just bring this up for us both to forget about it, that would be veeery cruel and inconsiderate of me, heh heh. But let’s make ourselves comfortable before we talk about this some more, ah?”

The hands on her waist loosened and he side-stepped away from her to turn and gesture towards the arm-chair in front of her, his trench coat swishing as he calmly rounded the bureau to draw out the seat on the opposite side. Aemelia narrowed her eyes now that he wasn’t blocking her view of the office and she shook her head in amusement. During his short head-start of ten minutes, he must have rushed to set the mood of the place.

The office’s dim atmosphere was strangely pleasant. The pillar candles that were dotted about its many paperwork stacks were flickering with golden flames, shadows retreated to the darkest corners of the room due to subdued silvery rays that came from the bureau’s green bankers lamp, and now that Copia had coolly lounged back in the ox-blood arm-chair, its light illuminated his skin, causing the lines of his face to seem harsher and deeper. One of his gloves gently gestured towards the seat in front of her again and she cautiously obliged him, her mismatched eyes flicking between a couple of bottles and immaculate wine glasses that were set out over the desk in front of him. One bottle was uncorked and contained red wine, the other was missing its cap and much smaller, the presence of bubbling diet coke causing her to unleash an amused huff.

She finally sat down over the leather upholstery and he coolly slouched back in his seat as he intently watched her shuffle to get comfortable, confidently raking his eyes down the front buttons of her black cassock while he was certain that his gaze was hidden from her.

“Bleedin’ hell, wine and diet coke? What's the occasion?” she softly poked, leaning forwards to settle her sleeved elbows over the edge of the bureau, her white eye vividly shining due to the stark light of the desk lamp. A smug smirk spread across his face and he casually draped his arms over the arm-rests beside him, tipping his head forwards so that his curious, mismatched eyes could gleam at her without the obstruction of his black sunglasses.

“Ahhh... the occasion? Nothing in particular. It’s not Halloween at all, Cipolletta. And it's absolutely not because I have a little surprise for you.” he teased with such a large amount of cynicism that it caused her to snort in amazed amusement... apparently her sense of humour was finally starting to infect him.

“With your track record, a surprise doesn't sound very positive.” she said impassively, crossing her arms over her stomach when he idly sat up to draw the empty wine glasses closer to him.

“Ahh, don’t worry, baby. It will aaall become clear to you very soon, ok? Just keep yourself comfortable while I pour you a drink.” he murmured, keeping hold of a thin wine glass stem to angle it towards himself. She observed his actions closely as he swiped up the bottle of diet coke with his other hand to carefully tip its fizzing contents into the pristine glass, and once it was half-full, he cautiously set down each item over the bureau’s surface before he smoothly slid the glass towards her, a firm leather-clad finger pushing against its wide, glistening base. She rolled her eyes and took hold of her drink, which prompted him to wear a grateful smile as he sat up a little straighter to coolly pour out a generous helping of red liquid from the wine bottle.

“Why did Nihil want you to date me?” she bluntly questioned while she raised the rim of her glass to her lips. She ensured she parted her mouth wide so that her painted moustache didn’t smudge and took a long sip when he abruptly set down the wine bottle to scrape his glass from the desk’s surface.

“No fucking clue.” he confessed, pausing to take his first generous sip of red wine. “I guess he could see that I liked you. Kinda funny when you think about it. He was unaware of everything else but he could see that I liked you so clearly, huh... weird old fuck – ah shit! His ghostie might be around here, I forgot!”

She sighed with amusement as he placed his drink down to press his hands together in apologetic prayer, his head slowly trailing from left to right like he had the feeling Nihil’s apparition might have been present with them at that very moment.

“Sorry, man. There are no hard feelings, alright? I may have got your job when your heart exploded but... I took your advice. Me and her... we’ve already been on a couple dates now, ok?! And we are going well. At least... I think so.”

Once he finished with a heavy sigh, his words were simply met with silence and another slurp from Aemelia. He unleashed a relieved huff at the lack of response and relaxed over his seat, reaching up a gloved hand to finally swipe off his black shades. Once he’d placed the pair of glasses beside his drink, he instinctively used a leathery palm to smooth back his mousy brown hair, and he cleared his throat, his mismatched eyes staring at her hopefully.

“We’re going well, right?” he softly asked, his eyebrows subtly wincing when she plainly returned his gaze.

“Well... I’m not thinking of dumping you, if that’s what you’re worried about. We’re in too deep now.” she admitted, her mismatched eyes stark amongst the thick black paint that surrounded them as they strayed away from his face to glance at the various wavering candles that were scattered around the room. “You trust me, and I trust you. To some degree. And we work well together, in most ways.”

“Only most? Not all?” he teased, tilting his head slightly before he closed his eyes to focus on the taste of his next gulp of wine.

“Yeah, most. We disagree on a lot of things, and... we’ve not exactly had time to... ” she trailed off and his eyes immediately flashed open to glare at her. “... we haven’t had much time for each other, what with all these fuckin’ cases coming up left, right and centre. It brings us together, I s’pose. Just... not how we’d like.”

“Heeeey, if you are raring to go and we’re on our way to an investigation... just say, ok? The back of that sedan is veeeery spacious, heh heh.” he purred with a faint smirk, his mischievous irises gleaming with sincerity.

“Yeah, if we’ve managed to fit a genie and twenty-seven imps in the back of there, I’m sure there’d be plenty of room for us to... ” she trailed off again and closed her eyes when an amused snort escaped her. “... who am I kidding? I’d probably need to shift the front seats, then I’d have to move them back after... doing whatever, and they’d be all uncomfortable because they were in the perfect place before and – fuck. Sorry, this is so picky, it just took months to find that fuckin’ sweet spot. I can’t risk losing it again.”

Copia impishly chuckled and reached a gloved hand across the desk, gently catching hold of her relaxed hand. She carefully set down her drink with her other hand and focused on his movements, parting her lips when he carefully tugged at the bottom of her leather glove. He gently slid it from her skin and her fingers wavered when he dropped it onto the bureau beside her glass. Lightly grasping her wrist, he raised her hand towards him until her arm stretched out in front of her.

“Ah... we wouldn’t need so much room, Aemelia.” he murmured, dipping his head down until his warm mouth poised over the back of her hand. “We would be very close to each other, no? If it’s a little too cosy for you, you could always sit on top of me.”

“Sit on you? I’d probably snap your creaky knees.” she quipped darkly when he pressed a kiss into her skin, her expression completely deadpan when a high-pitched titter left him. He masked the rest of his amusement with a wavering smile instead and immediately let go of her hand. Once her arm draped down so that her fingertips rested over the desk, he shook his gloved hand, a leather-clad finger pointing out at her like he was pretending to be insulted by her playful joke.

“Eh! I could take it, baby.” he insisted, relaxing his hands to loosely settle one of them around his glass of wine. “And how do you know about my creaky knees? You been snooping through my medical records?”

“Wha – medical records? Fuck no. I was just hinting that you’re not getting any younger. Crumbling bones and all that.” she replied, tipping her glass slightly so that she could take another sip of diet coke.

“Heh heh... I know, I know... I was just kidding with you. How, eh... how old do you think I am?” he lightly asked, their mismatched gazes meeting, his eyes gleaming with curiosity, her eyes wide with astonishment.

“I'm not going to answer that. That shit's dangerous waters.” she simply responded, stubbornly holding his stare.

“Ah, c'maaan, take a guess. I’m curious.”

“Well, don't blame me if you end up getting your trench coat in a twist.” she huffed out, shrugging off all responsibility of what she was soon to admit.

“Hmmm, I would love to get that cassock in a twist, heh heh.” he muttered, smoothly pincering the stem of his wine glass to coolly lift it up to his mouth. He took a loud, lingering slurp this time, his wild eyes filled with patient anticipation as they peered at her over the pristine rim of the glass.

“I reckon that you look ten years older than you actually are.” she bluntly replied, regardless of his suggestive comment, and it caused him to choke down his drink. His free hand thumped against his chest as he wheezed out in astonishment, his empty wine glass wobbling after he abruptly dropped it onto the bureau’s surface.

“What?! Then... then how old do I look?!” he cried, his voice harsh and raspy from his grating wheeze.

“Oh, I’d say about... sixty-ish.” she casually said, beaming him a mischievous smirk when he glared at her in horror. She confidently returned his wide-eyed stare and took another sip of her drink, subtly shrugging like her reply had just been a natural admission. His mouth parted slightly and he gawped at her when a pause manifested between them, and her amusement vanished with a heavy sigh and roll of her eyes.

“Oi, don’t look at me like that. You asked for it.” she snapped, her eyes narrowing when he leaned forwards to rest his elbows in the desk space between them. His eyebrows knitted together in a pained wince and he tilted his head slightly, the genuine sadness in his eyes causing her teeth to sink into her bottom lip to stop a smile from appearing.

“You really think I look like an old guy?” he whispered, the melancholy in his gaze replaced by glistening hope when she sighed in defeat and reached her glove-less hand towards him. Her mismatched eyes trailed over his features as her fingers lightly caressed his left cheek.

“Naa, you just seem a little more... weathered. Kind of like a metal sculpture that’s been out in the sun too long.” she softly said, her fingertips gently grazing through the fluff of a sideburn. He cleared his throat as pink started to flood to his cheeks and he subtly sat up straighter like he was attempting to defy her words.

“Well - ahem - just so you know... I'm only half a century old... and a year, ok? Not as old as you thought.” he defended in a peaking voice, his nervous eyes hurriedly searching the soft expression in her irises.

“That's exactly how old I thought you were, Copia. Like I said, you look a decade older than you actually - ”

“Ok, ok! You do not have to rub it in, Miss Vial.” he grumbled in feigned irritation, her breathy laugh causing him to wear a faint smile.

“You really shouldn't have pressed for an answer. You're all offended now, aren't you?” she calmly said, subtly shaking her head in amusement when her fingers reluctantly lowered from the side of his face.

“Mm-hm. Maybe just a little. You feel, eh... kinda uncomfortable with how old I look?” he asked in a small, wary voice.

“Fuck no. I was only messing. I couldn't give a toss... why are you even asking that?”

“Because you are so... youthful in comparison.”

“Not my fault you've had a hard paper-round and I haven't.” she quipped, the distinctive roll of her eyes causing him to unleash a couple of thankful chuckles. “But seriously, I couldn't care about that, Copia. You make me feel comfortable and that’s a fuckin’ rarity nowadays.”

“I do?”

“Yep.” she replied with a confident nod of her head. “And honestly, I'm not that far behind you. I already feel like I've passed the fifty mark sometimes.”

“If you have its a fucking miracle... heh heh... you haven't, right?” he questioned, narrowing his eyes in playful suspicion as he tilted his head inquisitively.

“No, I haven't.” she murmured, lowering her gaze from him to focus on taking another sip of her drink.

“Then... what age - ?”

“It's no fun if I tell you. You can try working that one out for yourself. Without cheating, of course.” she remarked, returning her glass to the desk in front of her. “And before you even think about it, my passport’s well under lock and key.”

“Heh heh heh... okie dokie.” he chuckled out, resting his elbows over the bureau so that he could support his chin with his leathery palms to ensure his gaze didn’t move from her. “So you, ah... you cool with an old guy like me trying to get with you?”

“Fuck’s sake, you're not that old. And of course I’m cool with it, or I would’ve told you to fuck off a long time ago. And I certainly wouldn’t have turned up here, would I?” she reassured in her usual impassive manner, which caused his eyes to widen into surprised saucers.

“Why? You are... expecting something to happen?” he squeaked, the hope in his irises plain to her.

“Not exactly.” she huffed out, reluctantly meeting his gaze with a curious frown. “Are you going to tell me about that surprise you mentioned? Or do I have to suffer you stalling me for a fuckin’ eternity?”

“Ahhhh, it has peaked your interest, no?” he commented in a flirtatious tone, his mismatched eyes unwavering as a wily smirk tugged at the side of his mouth. “I was going to wait a little longer but... nevermind, you have persuaded me otherwise, heh heh. I am very surprised you haven’t noticed what it is. In fact, I’ve been waiting for you to ask me about it but... I will tell you and put you out of your misery. I figure it will come in very useful for the two of us.”

She scowled at him and he sighed lightly when his irises began to search her intense, hardened eyes. He could already see the blazing impatience in her mismatched stare and he wore a small smile like her irritation had conjured his affection for her.

“I know you were very disappointed with this office at first, and that was completely my fault.” he continued, his voice low and sincere as he admired her softening eyes. “I let slip that... I had a couple renovations done to this old place, but I was not meaning this room. I meant... eh, the other one. The one that was looking very sad. The ceiling had caved in, you remember?”

She sat up straighter and parted her mouth in realisation. She nodded her head in response but kept quiet to allow him to carry on.

“You never noticed that... you don’t need to step around it anymore? Or that the wall there has been rebuilt?” he asked, his voice wobbling with amusement. “I had it all fixed up and figured you could use the room for more storage. I know you can’t fit all your ingredients in the apothecary so - ”

“What’s the catch?” she cut in, leaning back in her seat to fold her arms in front of her chest.

“Catch? Ehhh... there is no catch, baby. Unless... you are meaning what I get out of this?”

“That’s obviously what I meant, Copia.” she snapped, wearing an unimpressed scowl that caused him to swallow back an amused chuckle.

“Right... right, eh... weeeell, you know that my rattos are growing in size and number. I can only keep so many at my place during the night, so I thought it would make a cool pit stop for them. And at least we would have a good excuse to be in the same room together... alone. No one would think anything of it, ah?” he explained, the wise yet mischievous glint in his eyes causing a soft smile to crack across her face.

“You’ve already figured this out, haven’t you? How long has it been like that?” she asked, tilting her head slightly when he unleashed a breathy chuckle.

“Ehhh... only a couple months. I didn’t rush to tell you because I wanted it to be fully equipped for you. There are plenty of cupboards, shelves, that kind of thing... I remembered seeing those little capture-box thingies you had in the back of the car, so there is a wall of safe-boxes for you to use as well, and some cages for the more lively stuff too, heh heh.”

She peered at him with unbridled admiration, too stunned by his consideration for her practicality to speak. Instead of replying to him, she abruptly leaned forwards and upon her reaching her hands out towards him, his gloves lowered from his chin to allow her firm hands to squeeze around his wrists. She pulled him across the desk and each wine glass precariously toppled side to side as a consequence. He was forced to stand from his seat to reach her and she abruptly dropped hold of his arms when his head hovered in front of hers to wrap her arms around him in a tight embrace. He winced and melted into her firm hold, his chin resting over her right shoulder when he hurriedly reached his gloves up to return the firm embrace.

“You feeling ok?” he whispered, wincing deeply when her hands balled into fists, the creaking leather of his trench coat obvious now that her fingers were scrunching bunches of it into her tight palms.

“Thanks for being thoughtful.” she murmured, squeezing him to her tightly. “I didn’t expect this.”

“Heeey, you don’t have to thank me, Aemelia. For someone who has very little room to work with, you’ve managed to make a massive fucking difference to the Ministry... more than any other person in this place, ah? Everyone else gets everything they need without being so, eh... supportive, just because they are welcome to be part of this church. So it’s only fair that you get something too... I mean, you will be getting shit tons more, trust me, heh heh...”

“I don’t want anything. I don’t need anything.” she whispered when she loosened her grip, which caused him to gently back away from her. Their eyes met and he studied her gaze intently, his adoration plainly on display as they simply held onto one another.

“But... you deserve everything.” he breathed out, dipping his head until their noses brushed. “And this renovation thing... it is only a small surprise, Aemelia. It’s something for your work, so it’s no big deal, ok? I’m not spoiling you how I really want to.”

To his disappointment, she huffed in defeat and dropped her arms from him. He stood wearing a rejected wince and she held his stare as she slumped back into her seat, a faint smile manifesting over her lips.

“I know. I’m just surprised you thought practically, for once.” she confessed, which prompted him to slowly sit back down, his eyes searching her pallid features in fascination. “I thought you’d go all dramatic with a renovation, but you’ve actually thought about it.”

“Suuuure, suuuure, of course.” he responded in a flippant, peaking tone, casually gesturing his gloved hands at her. “Now I have my – ahem – little money issue, I have to be very careful with what I fund, but I was certain this was worth doing. You know, I think the last time I really splashed out on something was when I had my business cards printed... but even then, they are practical, no?”

“Not really.” she calmly disagreed, her blank expression an obvious mask due to the mirth in her eyes. “When you’re out and about, everyone’s already looking at you, you’re a walking advert. And if they don’t know you, they’ll be trying to figure out who you are, especially if they don’t have the balls to approach you. So there’s no real need for the cards.”

“Heh heh heh... good point, Cipolletta. But this does not change anything. I’m still stuck with three crates of them. Ah well, guess I will just have to persist and hope I get rid of them.”

“You will... eventually.” she said, raising her brows when their eyes met again, an amused smile managing to find its way onto her lips. Another breathy laugh escaped her when he sent her a playful wink and she shook her head, swiping up her wine glass to neck down the last of its fizzy contents. He simply watched her for a moment, his eyes trailing over the black clerical collar that tightly clutched to her throat. The fact that the same material had once clutched to his skin in the same manner caused him to swallow thickly and sigh deeply. He shuffled over his seat to part his legs slightly and Aemelia suddenly tilted her head and narrowed her eyes in subdued realisation, her glass quietly tinkling as she rested it over the surface between them.

He glared at her when he nervously trailed his eyes up to her face again, fearing that she’d noticed his restless, creaking legs now that he was somewhat aroused by her. But now that there was a thin silence between them, he realised she was likely listening to the presence of the party’s music, which was plain to their ears now that it had considerably increased in volume. The echoes from the corridors outside masked the tune well, but the sound of Lay All Your Love On Me was still far too recognisable.

“I swear they’ve just shuffled the same playlist from last year.” Aemelia stated in a distant tone, the sides of her mouth twitching as she became subtly lost in Copia’s mismatched eyes.

“Hm? What you mean?” he whispered, quietly amazed by the emotion in her conflicting irises.

“Almost every song played at last year’s party, just not in this order.”

“Son of a bitch. I will have words with that fucking disc jockey. See if I can get a discount for his laziness.” he muttered with a disappointed sigh, confidently leaning back into the leathery cushions behind him as he calmly draped each of his arms over the arm-rests.

“At least this song is good, no?” he added, wearing a subtle wince when she relaxed her hands over the opposite side of the desk . “It’s aged reeeally fucking well after last year. Whenever I hear this, I always think of us dancing together.”

“I wouldn’t call it dancing, you could barely stand up.” she retorted, raising an eyebrow when his mouth wavered into a crumpled smile.

“Heh heh heh, true. True dat, heh... you wanna dance?”

“What? In here? You must be joking.” she snapped, the mirth still present in her eyes when he lifted his gloved hands from the arm-rests momentarily in an apologetic manner.

“No no! Really, I mean it.” he assured, her expression softening now that he was keen on explaining himself. “We are here in private, so I just figured if you wanted to dance all close and sexy, it would be better to do that here, you know?”

“Right... and what happens when you start twirling me about all over the bloody place and one of those falls over?” she said, motioning her gloved hand towards the nearest flickering pillar candle. “With all this fuckin’ paper, this place would fry in seconds.”

“I mean... you have a good point about this, Aemelia, but... it’s just another excuse.” he responded with a wily smirk, pointing a knowing leather-clad finger towards her. “You are trying to get out of having fun this year.”

“Oi! I got in the spirit and dressed up this year, you fuck-wit. What more do you want?” she barked defensively. “Anyway... maybe I just want to chill this Halloween. I don’t want to have to go back to that fuckin’ party, there’s too many people this time round. It was getting overwhelming after you left and I’m not particularly fond of tight spaces.”

“Mm... I see.” he murmured, concern evident on his face as he leaned forwards slightly. “So... you just want to chill here for the rest of tonight? Or we could head back to my place?”

“I think it’d be wise for us to stay here for a while. At least... until the party’s over. Once everyone’s gone back to their rooms, we can decide from there.” she suggested, lowering her head so that she could stare at the shiny surface of the desk like she was suddenly avoiding his stare.

“Sure, we can do that. You’re comfortable here, right?”

“Yeah, ‘course. I mean... it’s a bit chilly but that’s nothing new.” she grumbled, frowning at the distinctive creak of his leather gloves. He was suddenly gripping the chair with a lot more force and he swallowed thickly, his gaze trailing over her neat face-paint.

“You... ah... might feel a little cosier if you sat on my lap.” he quietly murmured, his eyes suddenly widening when he realised he’d actually voiced something he’d been thinking.

“Oh... definitely.” she confidently replied, pushing her glass away from the side of the bureau before she lifted her head to stare him square in the eyes and assuredly stand from her seat. “Your lap’s your only source of body heat.”

He chuckled impishly but his amusement swiftly cut off when she rounded the end of the desk like she was abruptly accepting his offer. He parted his mouth in amazement when she slipped her second glove from her hand, then he tipped his head back when she finally reached him, her warm hands firmly clamping around his tense shoulders. The creak of his coat was satisfying in that moment and he closed his eyes, unleashing a deep breath when he felt her weight on his leather-clad thighs. He angled his chin upwards in surrender and parted his relaxed legs to support her behind more successfully, an involuntary whimper whining out of him when he felt her warm breath puff into his face.

“You know, now you are sat like this... you are making things a lot harder for me, baby.” he murmured, gritting his teeth together to stop himself from groaning in appreciation.

“That was kind of the idea, yeah.” she simply said, her hands firmly kneading the snakeskin leather that covered his shoulders.

“O-Oh.” he squeaked, persisting to keep his eyes closed when he felt her smooth lips graze the right side of his jaw. “Cool, cool! Just... making sure you are down, heh heh... well, not literally. U-Unless... you want to do that. Because that would be reeeally cool with me so - ”

“Shhh...” she hushed, pressing a warm index finger to his lips. “... stop talking so much and kiss me, will you?”

“Ah! Yes! Yes! Of course, of course! I - fuck.”

He clumsily centred his head and carefully leaned forwards, swallowing as he slowly began to open his eyes... but before he could complete his action, her hands slid down his front to claw a bunch of his coat’s leather to pull him closer. When she angled her head and abruptly closed the space between their faces, a choked gasp escaped him and he squeezed his eyes shut, his mouth immediately reacting to her firm kiss.

“I knew Abba would get you all hot and bothered.” she whispered against his mouth as she briefly paused to catch her breath.

“Mmm... the music, along with the wine and your presence... it is... fucking irresistible.” he confessed, his gloved hands trembling as he raised them from the arm-chair to slide them around her middle until they were resting over her lower back, the subtle scratch of the cassock’s material as she brushed against him causing him to swallow back an aroused groan. “You know, I’ve never screwed myself before. Or at least... someone dressed as me, heh heh.”

“Screwed?” she teased, her mouth curling into an amused smile against his lips. “I thought you made it clear it wouldn’t just be screwing? What happened to the whole “making love” thing?”

“Ah... shit. You know what I meant, Cipolletta. I was just... fuck! I cannot think straight to form sentences right now, I am... shit, you got me all flustered, you know? I am thinking in like... five million fucking languages here.”

She huffed in defeat and pressed her mouth into his again before he could explain himself any further, the hands on his shoulders stroking up to his neck. He quietly growled, like he was frustrated that he couldn’t feel enough of her this time, and reacted to her kisses more passionately. He leaned towards her and slid his hands away from her back to firmly pull at the sides of his trench coat.

Realizing he was frantically trying to shrug it off, Aemelia backed away from his lips. Her actions caused his eyes to flash open and he panted out harshly, stripping the thick clothing from his person. His hands were frantic as he discarded the heavy coat to the floor beside the chair, and he sent her a grateful glance, his mismatched eyes wide with amazement when that mysterious, unknown emotion swam in her eyes once again.

Aemelia parted her lips like she was attempting to say something but he was far too eager to make love to her to care for words, and he closed the gap between them, their eyes falling shut in unison. As their mouths worked together, he wrapped his arms around her middle and grunted into their kiss when he hoisted her upwards, his leather-clad thighs audibly tensing as he awkwardly shuffled forwards to set her down on the sturdy surface of the bureau. Once he’d pulled himself out of the arm-chair, it thumped over the floor as it rocked side to side, and when he was certain that she was safely settled over the desk, he reluctantly let go of her to hurriedly swipe his arms out at any items that happened to be beside them. A couple of papers and pens were tossed into the air, his black sunglasses – along with one of her stray leather gloves – landed over the floor behind him, the green desk-lamp briefly shifted an inch and their beverage bottles and empty glasses clinked together as they slid down to the opposite end of the bureau.

Some more paperwork slid from its surface as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around her waist to press their chests together, but they persisted to kiss, regardless of the mess they were causing. He squeezed her firmly when she reacted to his passionate mouth movements with the odd flick of her tongue and an aroused groan rumbled out of him, her arms snaking between their bodies until she settled her wrists around his neck. Now that he was certain she was securely in place and pressing against him, he hurriedly let go of her and blindly pulled each of his gloves off, discarding them over the cleared desk-space beside him.

Returning his hands to her middle, he groaned into their kisses, his bare hands desperately clutching at the black fabric that covered her body. The cassock’s familiar texture comforted him and his palms firmly stroked up her sides, hot breaths escaping his nose when her fingertips gently tickled the gathered skin of his nape. He reluctantly drew away from her when his collar loosened, heavy, relieved gasps pumping out of him. He leaned back and opened his eyes when her warm hands settled over the black fabric that covered his heaving chest, his mismatched irises trailing over the hopeful wince that clutched to her pallid features.

Her neatly painted moustache had been smudged into nothing after their zealous kissing, but the thin black paint that coated her top lip was still somewhat present and he chuckled deeply, confidently drawing his bare hands up her front to settle them over the buttons of her black vestment. He simply poised his fingers over a couple of buttons and gently tugged them like he was silently hinting that he wanted to go further, and her mismatched eyes immediately opened, her mouth parting in realisation when she instantly met his hungry, wishful eyes. Her eyebrows knitted slightly but she tipped her head back and nodded in surrender, which prompted him to sink back down and press his mouth into hers, gasps escaping their noses as his hands frantically pulled at the buttons between their bodies.

They could feel the thumps of their heartbeats as his fingers moved up the cassock’s middle, and once he’d freed a decent amount of buttons, the fabric parted and his unusually warm hands slid beneath it, the feel of her black work shirt causing his kisses to become slower and firmer. He didn’t hesitate and began to pick at her shirt’s buttons and her fingers tightly grasped onto his loose collar to ensure he kept kissing her, but he parted with her mouth again for a moment to catch his breath, his hands still undoing her buttons.

“I've longed for this for too fucking long.” he confessed in a string of strained whispers before he dipped his head back down to continue their deep kisses. She responded with a muffled moan and a loud groan rumbled out of him when her shirt finally fell to her sides, revealing the pallid skin of her form. Even though he was curious to study her body, he was too overwhelmed by their actions to back away to do so and slid his palms over her warm skin instead. He stroked across her abdomen and rounded her ribs until he could stroke his palms over the length of her back. His fingertips lingered over the clasps of her bra but he was too amazed by the feel of her to consider freeing it. Instead, he continued to caress her, and she reacted to his touches by kissing him harder, sharp breaths puffing out of his nose now that her mouth’s movements were strong and lustful.

Though he was enjoying everything immensely, he winced and reluctantly parted with her mouth again, desperate to at least see a glimpse of her pale skin. Kneading his palms into her back, he backed away from her slightly and trailed his eyes over her, deep breaths escaping his parted lips as he studied her pale abdomen. His stare lingered on the deep scarlet bra she was wearing and he unleashed a relieved groan as he stooped back down. His actions caused her to abruptly shift backwards and she sent some more of the desk’s clutter clattering to the floor. She closed her eyes and winced as his bare palms stroked around her lower back to gently rub her tummy instead, his nose nestling into the scarlet cups that obscured the rest of her from him.

“You’re so fucking soft, Cipolletta.” he murmured in astonishment, nuzzling the tip of his nose upwards until he grazed the pallid skin of her cleavage. “And so warm... mmmh... I’ve wanted to hold you like this for so fucking long.”

When she replied with a breathy laugh, he growled against her skin and kissed her passionately, his mouth’s actions fierce and desperate, like he was excited that she’d finally become comfortable enough to allow him to feel her so intimately. The graze of his moustache pleasantly stung her as he firmly and hurriedly kissed his way from her chest to her lips, and all the while, his scorching hands slid around her waist to knead into the sweltering skin of her lower back. His arms squeezed around her like he was attempting to physically show his passion for her, and he confidently pressed against her until her back was finally resting against the bureau, the last bit of desk clutter – a stationary pot and precarious pile of reference books – loudly slumping to the floor.

His persistent kisses were forceful and unrelenting when his mouth finally found her lips again, and all she could do was react with just as much force and vigour, which only seemed to arouse him even more. Harsh gasps escaped her when he left her lips for a moment, his hands briefly sliding away from her so that he could reach for her sturdy legs – which were clutching around his sides – and stroke down their shins until he could grasp hold of her black oxfords to pull them off her feet. She frowned once he'd completed his actions, and before she could question him, he tossed her shoes to the floor and swiftly leaned forwards to return to his previous position, his sweltering hands cupping around her jaw as his nose gently nuzzled against hers.

“I want you to feel everything I'm doing to you, Aemelia. I want your whole body to feel it. The goodness you will feel...” he paused to unleash a frustrated growl, resting a bent knee over the desk to support himself as he pushed his bottom half forwards to graze his crotch against hers. His moustache tickled her lips as his mouth hovered over them, a few defiant strands of his slicked chestnut hair falling down to loosely clutch at his perspiring temples when he persisted to gently grind against her.

“... wherever I leave it, it will sink into your skin... your blood. Then it will travel aaall through you, until it will reach your tippy toes. Then that goodness will intensify, and then, you will know the beginning of true pleasure.”

His mismatched stare was intense as he peered down at her closely. He was so hungry and determined to pleasure her that he looked pleasantly deranged to her in that moment, and she couldn’t refrain from snorting out in amusement.

“You're still talking too much, you fuck-wit.” she simply replied, her voice unusually low due to the brazen desire that swam in her conflicting irises. He growled through clenched teeth and impatiently took his hands away from her face to slam them over the desk-space either side of her head. The entire bureau shifted as he hungrily kissed her into its surface, her hands sliding down from his neck so that her glossy black fingernails could pick at the buttons of his shirt, and considering he brushed his crotch against her more firmly, she got the feeling he approved of her actions. They panted into each others mouths as her hands pulled at the material between them and he lifted a hand up to thread his fingers through her long maroon hair, his fingertips grazing the warmth of her scalp as he clutched bunches of it into his palms.

They were completely captured by one another in that moment, desperate to succumb to the lust and affection they felt for one another... but as soon as the familiar, obnoxious ring of the black rotary phone emerged from the left side of the desk, splitting through the echoing music and their heavy, aroused breaths, they shared the irritating feeling of déjà vu. They winced in frustration and groaned into each other’s mouths in annoyance, her hands still frantically clawing at the fabric of his shirt, his hand still kneading into her scalp.

They continued to kiss while the phone persisted to ring and eventually, Aemelia growled in stubborn annoyance and reluctantly snatched a hand away from him to snake her arm through their brushing bodies so that she could reach for the trembling telephone at the opposite end of the desk. Copia briefly backed his head away from her and his eyes flashed open in concern, a deep frown settling over his brow. Their distinctive mismatched gazes met instantly and saddened disappointment filled his eyes when her hand poised over the phone.

“No no! Don't answer, baby... please. I want to do you this time... I mean it. I really, reeeally want to do you.” he whined, his low register giving away that he was completely intoxicated by her in every way possible.

“Keep your moustache on, I was just going to unhook it. It’ll just go through to answerphone now.” she casually explained in a quiet voice, which prompted a relieved chuckle to rumble out of him. She snatched up the phone from its base and dumped it over the vacant desk-space beside them, and when it landed with a loud thud, the startling ring finally stopped. Copia swiftly took that as his cue to continue their intimacy and greedily pressed his mouth into the warm skin of her neck, his hand continuing to thread through her burgundy tresses, his other reaching up to roam the bare skin of her tummy.

She knitted her eyebrows together and closed her eyes, tipping her head back to make sure he had plenty of room to continue his actions, but her eyes soon flashed open again when the high-pitched beep of the voice-mail recorder cut through the room... and she winced deeply, preparing herself for the grating sound of a caller’s voice, which would inevitably interrupt their interaction once again. Copia’s mouth stilled over her neck due to her actions and he backed away from her to peer at her grimacing brace.

“What’s wrong, Aemelia?” he softly asked, gently taking his hand from her hair to gently brush his knuckles against her right cheek. The tape recorder began to whir but it clicked off after a few seconds and her wince suddenly turned into a concerned scowl, her head lowering so that she could stare at him directly.

“The tapes must be full.” she said, mismatched eyes searching his wide, confused irises. “We should be hearing the call right now, even if it’s recording.”

“Ah! No no! Don’t worry about it!” he hurriedly insisted as she leaned towards him to sit up and reach over the ugly accumulation of black wires by the unhooked telephone, when she was successful, she pressed one of the buttons on the tape recorder to see if it was working. “C’maan, baby, leave it alone. It’s just... malfunctioned or some shit. We can check it out later. Let’s just seize this fucking moment while we can... and yes, I mean this literally, heh heh.”

He leaned forwards to kiss her again but she turned her head before he could reach her lips. His mouth landed on the skin by the corner of her mouth and her mouth wavered into a crumpled smile as he pressed wet kisses into her, regardless of where his lips had found themselves. His hands slid their way to the sides of her waist and he continued to kiss her, unaware that her eyes had spotted the distinctive flash of red coming from the answer-machine. She managed to swipe her thumb over the play button and it snapped in place, the crackle of the cassette tape muffled as it played through its hollow speaker.

The first voice was grating and cut through them due to its shrill, panicked tone but the next caller abruptly cut in before any comprehensible message was conveyed. The new voice was calmer and distinctly English, but before the caller could get to the reason they were calling, another new voice cut in again... and this time, Aemelia noticed that the accents were all eerily familiar. The man’s voice was rather quiet but she could just make out a few loud, exaggerated words like chaos, underground, screaming and shouting... and she knew that it was enough – along with the broad London drawl of their accent and the filled cassette tapes – to assume that a major paranormal event was occurring in her hometown at that very moment.

She stilled and glared at the answer-machine, which was still spewing out overwritten voice-mail that hardly helped her figure out what was happening at all. And when Copia presumably recognised that all the callers shared a vaguely similar accent, he noticed that she’d tensed her entire body and gently rubbed the sides of her waist, drawing his face away from hers to nuzzle the tip of her nose in reassurance.

“I really don’t want to go there.” she muttered, closing her eyes like she was secretly hoping that what she was hearing was only some warped dream... but the tape skipped again, and a new, unfamiliar voice proved that it certainly was happening.

“Eh... I don’t know, Aemelia. There are a looot of calls here, and... they all sound very scared, no?” he softly reasoned, wincing when she grazed his nose with the tip of hers to show that she was grateful for his words. “Sadly... I don’t think we’re going to be able to just sit here and talk everyone through their problems. Something serious is going down, you know?”

“They’ve fucked with something.” she whispered, Copia’s grip around her waist suddenly tightening when he realised that she must have been referring to her previous employer. “What else would cause this much havoc in one place? We know they’ve easily managed to do that before.”

“We can’t jump to conclusions, Cipolletta... but... yes, I got that same little inkling.” he murmured, angling his head so that he could press a kiss to the tip of her nose. “We will only know for sure if we head there... and by the sound of it, the sooner we do, the better, no?”

She backed her head away from him to stare at him plainly and winced with concern.

“We can’t. I might be able to, but... you... you’ve got this place to run, a fuckin’ tour to plan out, an album to record... you can’t just drop everything because - ”

“Ah, of course I can.” he simply said, adoration swimming in his eyes as a wily smirk curled across his lips, which were now tainted by black smudges. “This is too much shit to ignore. It is beyond an emergency... it sounds like it’s a fucking outbreak or... hot-spot... and you really think that the Anti-Christ wants to miss that?”

She sighed heavily and he raised his brows, hopeful amusement shining in his eyes. She already knew that he was about to try and persuade her that going was a good idea, and she also already knew that she didn’t have the heart to refuse him.

“Just hear me out a moment, ok? Even if we get there, we might not be able to help with everything. But that’s ok, because if we didn’t go, we’d feel fucking terrible. At least if we go, we’d be able to try and help... if we can’t, at least we’d get a good view of the action and have an excuse to break out the popcorn, heh heh.”

“I don’t really think that’s the way to - ”

“C’maaan, even with all the problems, it could be real fun for us. It would be the perfect excuse for us to spend some quality time together, no? I will make sure to arrange us a good hotel and we can head there as soon as possible.” he assured, pressing a kiss to her mouth, which was parted in confusion.

“There’s no need for a hotel.” she stated, which caused him to glare at her in wonder, her sincere expression no longer showing an ounce of disagreement. “I still have a place in London. It might not be a five-star hotel but... it's something. And at least we'd be able to stay somewhere that’s out of the public eye.”

“Ah, yes... that would probably be for the best. For both of us. So long as you have enough space for me in your... little bed, it will be fine.” he murmured, unable to resist pressing another couple of kisses to her mouth.

“Are you assuming my place is small? Or that I've been alone so long that I haven't needed a double-bed?” she quipped with feigned irritation, her raised brow giving away that she was amused by him. He stilled and his moustache tickled her bottom lip as he reluctantly pulled himself away from her, a potent flood of pink surging to his cheeks.

“I, eh... no. I - ”

“There'll be plenty of room for you on the sofa, don't worry.” she teased with mirth-filled eyes, her hands firmly clenching around his taut thighs. “Now that we know we’re definitely going, how are you going to blag your way out of here? The Clergy are bound to catch on. And by the sounds of it, we could be investigating for more than a week. They’ll be pissed that you’re gone for so long, especially without giving them any notice. They’re already irate about you going missing for a couple of days as it is.”

“Shit!” he hissed, his eyes frantically searching her gaze like he was hoping to find some kind of resolution. ”I don't know, I don't know... but don’t worry, I will come up with something, ok? I could always call up a cardinal, maybe intimidate him into being my excuse, you know? Then again... Nekid could quite easily impersonate me around here while I’m gone, no?”

“Absolutely fucking not.” she snapped, her hands stilling over his thighs as she glared at him in horror.

“Ahhh... nevermind, Cipolletta. You answered too late. My mind reaaally likes this idea now. It will be fool-proof, no?”

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